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Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Tags: #The Allure Chronicles, #Book 2

Lust (2 page)

BOOK: Lust
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hands and lips made my

disappointment melt away.

“I need you,” he whispered

against my ear.

“You have me.” That much was

true. It would always be true.

“Here?” He pulled away enough

to lock eyes with me.

“Anywhere.” To let him know I

wasn’t kidding, I unbuttoned his


He chuckled. “Glad I’m not the

only one.”

“This has never been one

sided.” I returned my lips to his,

needing more.

He stepped out of his jeans and

boxers all the while removing my


He unclasped and discarded my

bra and his lips immediately went

to my breast. I closed my eyes and

focused on the sensation. I

moaned, surprised when he pulled

us both to the ground.

I lay on top of him with only my

underwear separating me from

what I wanted. What I needed.

“Thanks for taking the brunt of the


“You like my excuse to get you

on top?” He grinned. “We’ll make

the next time romantic.” He put his

hand underneath the waist band of

my underwear.

I took a condom from my bag

and handed it to him. He’d be

faster. “You didn’t need an excuse.”

He watched me expectedly as I

slowly eased him inside of me.

He groaned. “Daisy.”

I continued to move on top of

him, letting all of my worries and

fears disappear. This was real. This

was feeling. It wasn’t just physical,

it was emotional and mental. It was


“You feel that?” he said between

heavy breaths.

“Yes.” I felt everything.

“Remember this.” His eyes

locked on mine, relaying the same

message as his words.

I nodded, unable to speak as I

struggled to hold myself together.

With no warning he flipped us

over so I was underneath. He took

control, moving in hard and deep

thrusts. I closed my eyes, soaking

up every feeling and sensation I

could. The feel of his skin, his lips,

and the way he made me feel


“Remember this. Remember

what it feels like to be with me.”

“I will.” I promised, even though

I knew I shouldn’t. In that moment

I believed it though. I believed I

was still in control of my destiny.

“I promise to never let you


I opened my eyes, wanting to

watch his pleasure as I experienced

my own. Our bodies moved in

perfect sync, as he made it harder

and harder for me to stay in control.

I bit down on my lip to stay quiet.

“We’re alone, Daisy. You don’t

have to hold back.” He ran his lips

down my neck.

I listened, calling out his name

as he rocked me to my core and

brought me to a level of pleasure

I’d never been before. The first few

times had been great, but this was

different. There was an intensity

and connection I’d have never

believed could exist.

“Daisy,” he groaned, as he sped

up his movements. I was getting

close, and I urged him on, wrapping

my legs up around his body.

“Owen!” I called out his name as

he pushed me over the edge. My

eyes closed without conscious

thought, it was the only way to

handle the incredible sensations

running through my body.

He shuddered and lay down on

top of me. Neither of us said

anything for a moment. We were

both sweaty and out of breath, and

perfect. The moment was perfect.

“Hope your back is okay.” He

picked his head up to look at me.

I ignored the dull ache in my

back. “Totally worth it.”

He smiled before brushing his

lips against mine. “You are


“So are you.” I ran my hand

down his back.

“You make me reckless.” He

cupped my face with his hand.

“You make me desperate.”

“Desperate in a good way I


“Desperate in the best way.” I

pulled his lips to mine again.

He laughed against my lips. “I

want to lie here with you forever.”

“I may have downplayed the

whole back in the dirt thing.” It felt

fine in the heat of the passion, but

now it was starting to get old.

He slipped his arms under me.

“I’ll make it up to you.”

“It’s already made up.”

“Are you up for flying the rest of

the way there?” He played with a

few tendrils of my hair.

“Once I get dressed.” I kissed

his shoulder. I wanted to get in

every kiss I could.

“You mean you don’t want to fly

naked with me?” he teased.

“If we were landing in a place as

secluded as this sure, but

something tells me someone might

see us when we land in New


“That something is right.”

“You’ll stay with me?” I didn’t

want to sound needy, but that’s

exactly how I felt. For the first time

all day my emotions legitimately

felt like mine. I felt euphoric yet

terrified. The warring emotions

were real and true, and that made

the terror worth it.

“I’m never leaving your side.”

He looked deep into my eyes.


I nodded. “Good.”

He kissed me lightly. “You

better get used to me, Daisy. I’m

not going anywhere.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” I

pulled him down against me again.

We could stand to wait another

minute before getting dressed.



Inever expected to return to New

Orleans with a girlfriend, especially

not one like Daisy, but as I closed

in on my hometown, holding Daisy’s

body firmly in my arms, there was

no question that I was doing

exactly that.

She was silent during the flight,

but that wasn’t surprising

considering how high we were in

the air and the strong wind. She

wasn’t screaming, so I took that as

a win.

“We’re almost there.” I broke

the silence in order to give her

warning. I was using the last

airborne minutes to prepare for the

craziness. She deserved to have the

same opportunity.

“I’m going to be sick,” she

mumbled. Even over the wind my

hearing was good enough to pick it


“Because of the altitude?” She’d

never had a problem flying with me


“Not at all.”

“It’s going to be fine. I’ll be with

you the whole time.”


“Promise.” I didn’t plan to ever

break a promise to her.

“I’m holding you to it.”

“I know.” I adjusted her slightly

as I began our descent.

It was dark, but early enough in

the evening I needed to be careful

not to be spotted. Occasionally it

happened, but you couldn’t take

chances too often. I landed in the

shadows around back of the

Crescent City Hotel. I hoped Levi

was still at work. The alternative

was to show up at his house, and

although I was sure he and Allie

wouldn’t care, it might make the

situation even more awkward for

Daisy. The Society chambers were

intimidating, but I hoped it would

be easier for her. She seemed

better at focusing on the less

personal side of things. Either way,

we needed answers, and Levi was

the only place to start.

I landed, and Daisy stumbled

out of my arms. She straightened

out her clothes and ran a hand

through her windblown hair. She

pulled a stick out of it. That wasn’t

from the wind. I pulled out a leaf

and laughed.

“You think this is funny?” She

put a hand on her hip.

“Yes, it’s funny only because I

still can’t really believe we did


“You started it.”

“I’m quite aware of that.” I took

her hand in mine.

“Not that I’m complaining.”

“Good. I hope to never hear

complaints about that.” I pulled her

against me.

“I wouldn’t worry.”

I tensed when I heard footsteps.

It was only a couple of tourists.

They were staring at us. What was

their problem?

“You should probably put your

shirt on.” She nudged me.

“I suppose that would make us

look less conspicuous.”

“Or at least put it in on if we’re

going to spend more time in this

alley. Otherwise it looks like we’re

about to do unsavory things.”

“Unsavory? I thought we already

did those. Unless you want a

repeat.” I raised an eyebrow.

“As much as I want to put off

talking to Levi, we need to do this.”

“We do.” I pulled on my t-shirt.


“I don’t have another choice.”

“No, you don’t.”

She seemed slightly surprised by

my candor. I always wanted to be

open and honest with her, which

meant being realistic about what

was happening.

I led her around to the front of

the building, keeping her hand

firmly covered by mine. She

squeezed my hand as we walked

through the doors. I squeezed back.

“Good evening and welcome to

the Crescent City Hotel.” A bellboy

I’d never seen before greeted us as

we stepped into the air-conditioned


“Thanks,” Daisy mumbled.

He grinned at her. “If there is

anything I can do to make your visit

more pleasurable, please let me


“Thanks.” She looked away.

“Really, I would be happy to

help you with any of your needs.”

He leaned toward her.

“I’m fine.”

“How about a tour of the

Quarter? I get off in an hour.”

“Sorry, not interested.”

“Come on, I don’t bite.”

She recoiled, and I knew she

had to be thinking about the


I put an arm around her. “You

won’t be speaking to her again.”

“Can I at least get your

number?” He ignored me.

“What part of ‘you won’t be

speaking to her’ don’t you

understand?” I stepped toward him.

He moved back. “Whoa, man.

It’s a free country. You don’t own


“He doesn’t own me, but we’re

together. That means I’m not

interested.” She turned and started

walking away. I led us toward the

elevator. I looked over my shoulder

and glared at the bellboy one last

time to make sure he got the


“Thanks for the help back

there.” Daisy leaned back against

the wall of the elevator. “I like the

whole jealous thing on you.”

“How can you stand that

attention?” I moved next to her.

“I ignore it mostly. It wasn’t as

bad before I returned to New

Orleans, and then I was only

focused on one thing, finding you.”

My heart soared yet again, as it

did every time she mentioned how

hard she’d searched for me. It

meant nothing was one sided. She’d

been as affected by the long ago

kiss as I was.

I led us onto the elevator as

soon as it arrived. After inserting

my key, we started moving toward

the basement floor of the hotel that

shouldn’t have even existed.

The elevator doors opened into

darkness. There was enough light

that my night vision worked, but I

doubted Daisy’s had gotten that


“Don’t let go of me.” She leaned

heavily into my side.

“Not planning on it. I’m jealous,


She laughed. “See, I knew the

Allure would be good for


“We’re getting rid of it.”


I led us right to Levi’s office, the

same office that had once been his

father’s. I knocked.

“Yes?” His familiar voice called


I opened the door a crack. “Got

a minute?”

The door flew open. “You never

called me back.”

“We decided to drop by

unannounced.” Daisy surprised me

by talking.

Levi laughed. “And I see you

two found each other.”

“Yes.” I tightened my hold on

her. “Which is why we need your


“My help?” His eyes widened. “I

don’t believe you’ve ever asked for

my help, Owen.”

“And I hope I don’t have to

again, but we need it now.”

“Come in.” He gestured for us to

enter his office.

Nothing had changed inside the

surprisingly small space. The same

massive wood desk took up most of

the room, with two visitor chairs set

in front of it. Despite his position as

king, Levi’s office was one of the

smallest. Still, the room was

comfortable, and he’d managed to

put his mark on it. The biggest ones

were the pictures of his family.

Daisy pointed to the photo of

Allie. “Does she mind that you work


He nodded. “Yes.”

BOOK: Lust
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