Lustful Cravings (The Seven Sin Sisters) (13 page)

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Authors: Paloma Beck

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance

BOOK: Lustful Cravings (The Seven Sin Sisters)
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“That is something,” Valentino responded, still appearing less than pleased with his son’s actions.

“That is all that will be done. I cannot be away and I will not send others charging into a situation with so many unknowns.” Madden’s anger was only escalating. Layla grew more uncomfortable, shifting in her seat and staring down at her hands.

A thud resounded through the room. Looking up, Layla realized Valentino had pounded the table. “It is as I always say, my son, better one day as a lion than a hundred as a sheep. You want to be a wooly sheep
. T
hat is no way for a Santucci to respond. We are lions. We protect our family.”

The lights flickered and a few bulbs burst. No one seemed alarmed. Adelina simply looked around and shook her head. “
Not again. You must co
ntrol yourself. We will not be uncivilized.”

Anton leaned in to Layla again to explain, “Adelina prefers their powers not be used unless necessary
but when Valentino’s temper flares, he tends to open up his powers.”

Layla simply nodded, waiting in silence and watching. It was Lucas who broke the quiet. “Papa, I am stepping into my duties as Madden’s Assistant Director with more exuberance now that he has found his mate. I assure you that between us, all is taken care of. You need not leave your retirement and join the forces.” Okay, that left her with a bunch of questions.

“I am protecting my family. Maybe not as you would,
, but no harm will come si
mply because I do not attack
,” Madden’s anger could be felt through the clenched jaw he used to
speak. Layla was certain he was using all his power to restrain himself,

There are rules in the world in which we live. I will not break them and risk the fallout.
I will not risk greater discovery by mortals.

Madden rose from the table and pulled Layla’s chair out, extending his hand to walk her out.

“Good night
. It was good to meet
each of you
,” Layla extended the
quietly as she followed Madden from the room. Anton was silent behind them as together they walked out the front door and
made their wa
y across the courtyard in the direction of their




Chapter Five



“Are you all right?” Layla broke the silence.

Without turning his attention from the direction they were headed, Madden
kissed her
palm before placing
it into Anton’s hand.
“Anton, help Layla to bed. I need to sp
end some time in my office.”

“No. We need to talk.”
Layla cringed at the
in her voice.
She didn’t mean to be so uptight but e
verything was moving so fast.
Madden, the man she thought to be her rock, was pulling away. Confusion swirled around her. Overwhelmed more than ever,
and still not understanding most of what
discussed a
t dinner,
and softened her voice


stopped to face her then
, eyes still vacant, but his finger gently swiped at the single tear trailing down her cheek.
“Later. We will talk later.”
She felt his words more than heard them, nearly an inner dialogue, and was shocked into silent obedience as she watched his stride eat up the distance towards the building across the courtyard.

Not looking away, Layla called to Anton who was just beside her

“Let me take you up to your room
” Anton’s voice was gentle and soft, soothing the tension from Layla as she struggled to grasp this new reality.
She’d not seen Madden angry and it terrified her.
His emotions radiated through their bond.

understand, Anton.”

“There is so much
for which
Madden feels responsible.
He feels even m
now that he has you in his life
. Once he puts all safeguards into place, I am certain he will relax.”

“I hope.”
She remained staring at Madden as he stomped toward the building that held his office. She’d not been to the building yet
but Anton had pointed it out earlier in the day. She
about a dozen
others worked there
, and they did private security consulting for the government
but this is all Anton had told her. The discussion over dinner began to paint more dangerous tones to Madden’s life, and therefore to her own. She was certain of nothing in this mome

You may hope but this
I know
. Madden needs to protect you
,” Anton countered as he led her through their front door. It was still hard for Layla to call this home her own, as different as it was from her own country cottage-style house she
shared with her sisters.

“Let me show you something I took care of this evening before I joined you at dinner,” Anton coaxed her down the hall towards a large doorway she hadn’t noticed on her first tour
through this enormous house
. “Go ahead,
little one
Open the door.”

Layla moved forward and pushed the door gently inward. Her gasp
urged a smile onto Anton’s usual
stoic face.
“So you are pleased?” he asked as he stood back just out of her reach and waited.

Layla was more than pleased. As she circled, she saw every book from her home librar
, her office,
here in this room. Needing
touch to make it reality, Layla stroked her hand along several of her favorite books and found he
r way to the window seat delicately trimmed with a beautiful fabric pillow so similar to her own home. Everything in this room was perfect. This room felt like a piece of her was now home.

“You did this for me?” Layla continued to look around as she spoke
to Anton.

“I wanted you to feel settled. Madden mentioned your library was quite dear to you
so with a
little help from your sisters, I was able to get it taken care of quickly.”

Layla laughed

m sure they were more than happy to help.” Anton joined in her amusement
, his butterscotch eyes flaring to life
as he shared the antics he endured while employing her sisters’ help.
They sat together in her new library enjoying one another’s company for quite some time. Layla told
childhood stories
all the trouble her sisters could conjure.

“Needless to say, your sisters are quite a handful

Turning serious, Layla moved to Anton
’s lap
, pressing her forehead against his chest and breathing in his light ginger fragrance she was coming to crave

ut you, Anton, are wonderful. To do this for me, to be here for me like this
I don’t think I could do all this without you. I am so lucky.”

Anton looked
Layla with
“Sweet, sweet Layla, you have
no idea who the lucky one
. I have waited
centuries to fulfill my
Tre Adoro
When I discovered I didn’t have the same attributes of the average Valendite Breed, my parents wondered if I could be this one spoken of in the old legends about our people. But it wasn’t until I met you that I knew it for certain.

“Where are your parents now?”

“They passed on a long time ago. The Santuccis took me in as family and I have worked within their compound since Madden was just a young boy.”

“What do you do here?” Layla asked.

“I have served as a personal assistant to the family. I organize schedules, coordinate staff and assure that all personal matters of the compound are taken care of,” Anton explained. Then he kissed the top of her head and continued; “Now I believe I shall also take care of you.”

Anton called upon his po
wers to embrace her, wrapping
her in
his assurances for their future like a blanket that cocooned her from all her worries. Though Anton’s powers were only of the mind, he could do this simple thing for her. He could comfort her and allow her to feel safe
in his arms.

“Allow me to bathe you, Layla.” It may have been wrong for him
to continue using his powers but his intentions were good. He wanted only to soothe her, to prepare her for Madden. He knew his friend
well enough
to know
that he wouldn’t stay away for long.

“Yes,” Layla spoke softly as she wove her fingers through his and ascended the stairs behind him. He was near
she could overcome his powers
if she wished
This thought made him feel better about his intentions. If she did not want to
follow him, her own powers could’ve overthrown his
ut she was willing
Anton took solace
in that knowledge.

The suite was alight with candles when they entered. “I can control the
Since air breeds fire, I learned early on to control fire as well. I so enjoy the
flicker of the flames.
There’s a
n undeniable
beauty in its heat,” Layla explained when she saw the curiosity in his eyes.

Anton was struck again as she began removing her clothing. Far from the shy woman he
met this very morning, she worked the buttons on her dress as he watched.
The Acclimation pro
cess was guiding her along swiftly into this new life.
Her eyes connected to his own, she
fearful of him.
Anton wondered if
his powers causing
the connection

Her dress fell to the floor. He swallowed back his curse. Underneath was only a sheer demi-bra that allowed her rosebud nipples to peak out and the tiniest scrap of material covering her most precious center.
The little sign of her soul sin sat against her skin just above her right breast and stood in contrast in the lighting of the candles.
There were no word
s to describe the beauty of her body
draped only in a few pieces of lace
in the candlelight

She dipped forward, slinking a finger in each side of her pant
to slowly pull the fabric down her long legs and off onto the floor to join her dress.
And with a simple click, she freed her breasts from their confines and gave them a gentle massage. His knees grew weak.

“I’ll draw your bath,” Anton’s voice was rough with desire as he forced himself to turn from her beauty and begin preparing for her bath. Settled on the side of the large soaking tub, Anton drew in deep breath
s to steady himself. Never before had
a woman moved him
much as this little one
. The overwhelming feeling set him off-balance and he hoped Madden would join them sooner
than later. He needed his friend’s guidance in this.

Layla stroked his shoulder when she came to stand behind him, watching bubbles brew in the oversized tub. “Will you join me, Anton?”

“I will bathe you from here, Layla. Without Madden, it is the way it should be.”

“I understand.” Layla used his shoulder for balance as she p
laced one perfectly sculpted leg
into the water, dipping her toe first to test the temperature and following with the gentle placement of her foot. Once she shifted her weight, he offered his hand and guided her in. The
water settled around her, bubbles caressing her and Anton watched quietly as Layla laid her body back and closed her eyes.

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