LycanPrince (2 page)

Read LycanPrince Online

Authors: Anastasia Maltezos

Tags: #paranormal, romance, shapeshifter, werewolves, Lycans

BOOK: LycanPrince
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What was the matter with them? They acted as if they had never seen a woman before in their lives, he thought angrily. This woman was affecting his men, making them lose their concentration. Damnation! He needed to get things under control.

"Let me pass," he growled.

Malek shot him an unmoving look. "No. You will be an open target, Your Highness."

"That is a direct order, my friend."

His men parted and he rode in front of them. He stared at the woman poised and ready to shoot another arrow. He got a better look at her and from this distance, he could see the lush curves along her hips, her long, steady legs, her waist so tiny he could probably span it with his hands. For a moment, he felt mesmerized by her and stared at her imposing stance. He cursed. This woman was making his loins tighten again with uncontrollable lust. At that moment, he didn't know what was worse--how she was affecting his men, or how she was affecting him.

"Lower your bow. Now," he roared.


Insolence! His anger rose to a dangerous boil. "The men hiding behind you are no match for my guards. Surrender, wench."

surrender, warrior. Leave now or you'll be sorry."

He kept his gaze fastened on her and slowly lifted the bow attached to his harness. He brought it to his shoulders. Without taking his eyes off her, he removed an arrow from his pouch beside his left leg. He was going to aim for her arrow.

"Lower your bow," he commanded.

Instantly, her arrow careened through the air and knocked
arrow out of

Then all hell broke loose. Malek shouted out orders, Krako and Ortega aimed their arrows at her, prepared to shoot, while the rest of the guards surrounded Vasilis.

Vasilis stared at her, stunned. Instinctively he knew she had aimed specifically for his arrow and was astounded at her precise marksmanship. This woman was magnificent and for the first time in his life, he felt nothing short of amazement for a member of the fair sex.

It was when he saw her that his body went cold. A little, dark haired girl in a bedraggled dress who climbed up from behind the boulder and darted in between the woman's legs. The woman looked down quickly and motioned to the little girl to go back behind the rock when his men released their arrows.

"No!" Vasilis roared, but it was too late.

One arrow grazed her leg and the other one whizzed by her head. Vasilis spurred his horse into a thunderous gallop as the little girl screamed in terror, watching the woman collapse to her knees.

Vasilis reached the woman's side as she placed a trembling hand up to her grazed head while her other one gathered the little girl protectively to her side.

"You're bleeding," the little girl cried.

"Shh. It's all right," the woman cooed gently.

Vasilis felt his stomach clench with guilt. The woman stared at her bloody hand and grimaced before she looked up at Vasilis. Their gaze locked, hers furious, his concerned and he sprung off his horse before sinking to his knees in front of her. He saw her flinch when he brought his hand gently to her hair and moved it to the side. Relief flowed through his veins. It was little more than a scratch. Thank the gods!

The little girl flung her tiny body onto his chest and pounded her little fists on him. "Get away from her! Don't touch her!"

Vasilis grimaced as he gently picked up the little girl and placed her in Malek's arms. "We're going to help her, little one," he said, his tone thick with remorse.

The little girl sobbed as she redirected her fear toward Malek and began hitting him. Malek held her gently and gave Vasilis a dark look tinged with deep regret. Vasilis's mouth thinned into a grim line as he looked back at the woman. Her eyes were as black as night and all he could see in them was fury.

"If you harm her, I will kill you," she said huskily and fell to the ground in a dead faint.

Chapter Two

The throbbing pain in her leg woke her up. Alex groaned as she opened her eyes and stared at the afternoon sky. It took her a few moments to realise she was lying in a wagon being pulled by a horse. She heard the sound of trotting hoof beats all around her and the sporadic murmur of deep male voices.

She started to rise, but a wave of nausea overwhelmed her and she slumped back down on the makeshift cot. God she felt like hell. She brought her hand up to her head and felt the gauze over her forehead. Someone had taken the time to tend to her wound. She felt her leg beneath the tarp covering her. Another piece of gauze covered her thigh.

"I am assuming that bruise on your cheek is the mark of one of the bandits who attacked you," said a deep, male voice.

She gasped in surprise and slid her gaze to the man sitting in the far corner of the wagon. Alex stiffened. He was the man she had threatened with murder just before she…just before she…oh my God, she had fainted! Alex had never so much as felt dizzy in her life and in a startling flash, all the events that led her here swam before her eyes. Her last, horrible encounter with her stepmother, the royal parchment, the bandits she'd fought and the small fleet of warriors who--she went cold with dread and fear. Ariel!

Panicked, Alex tried to move again and grimaced in pain. "Where is Ariel?"

"Your daughter is safe. She has taken a liking to Malek and is up ahead on horseback with him."

A relief so profound overcame her, she slumped back down on her makeshift bed and closed her eyes. "Bring her here," she said hoarsely. "I want her with me."

"You need to rest. Ariel is safe with Malek. He is entertaining her with stories and games as we speak."

not speaking. I'm in pain." She moaned, giving the warrior a dry look. She caught the glimmer of a smile on his mouth and took a better look at him.

He was sitting, leaning back against the wooden enclosure, staring at her with a dark, fathomless gaze. The first thing she noticed about him was his size. Even sitting down, he looked huge. He was a mass of hulk, his long, muscular legs stretched out before him, his immense shoulders straining against his warrior garb. Alex tore her gaze away from his bulging biceps and stared at his handsome face. His intense gaze brought an involuntary jolt in her stomach.

"How were you able to defeat four bandits?" he asked.

The question didn't take her by surprise. She stared at his face. It was a beautiful face, fierce looking and ruthless, with coal black eyes and thick, black hair that fell past his shoulders. Alex almost forgot his question as she dropped her gaze and stared at his mouth. She laid her head back and closed her eyes. "Where are my horses?"

"Behind us. They're tethered to the wagon following us. How did you defeat four bandits?" he repeated.

Alex sighed and opened her eyes. She gave him pointed look. "Would you be asking me that question if I were a man?"

His mouth quirked. "Probably not."

"Then pretend I'm a man and I don't have to answer any questions for you." How she learned the art of combat and the use of weapons was a story too long to tell and she didn't have the desire nor the inclination to go over the long affair.

The warrior's face darkened. "Very well," he said and rose.

Alex stifled a sharp breath. The man was a giant, she thought as she looked up at him. "Bring me my--bring me Ariel," she stated, her voice growing fainter. She started to feel weak. "Thank Malek for looking after her, but I want her near me."

The warrior nodded and swung his big body over the side of the wagon. She could hear him land on the ground--no doubt on his feet--and closed her eyes again.

The only two things on her mind right now were getting some rest and holding Ariel. Everything had its place and time and she'd wonder about this warrior and how she was going to reach King Drago's land after she recovered.

Alex was almost asleep when Ariel's little body snuggled against her side. With her eyes still closed, Alex brought her arm around her little sister, sighed contentedly and fell asleep.

* * * *

Vasilis watched the woman sleep with her daughter at her side and a curious warmth filled his gut. All he'd learned from Malek who had tried to gain some information from the little girl was that her mother's name was Alexandra.

Vasilis smiled, recalling how the little girl had mutinously stared up at Malek as he had tried to glean more information from her, but the little one had not budged. Only when Malek had changed tactics and began to play games with her had she cracked a smile.

Alexandra moaned softly in her sleep, Ariel fast asleep at her side and Vasilis knotted his brow into a frown. There was something haunting about this woman, something heavy that hung in the air around her.

The obvious about her intrigued him, as in how she had learned to fight and use an arrow most men would dream of being able to use. There was her beauty as well, he reflected, skimming his gaze over her captivating curves.

But it was more than that. This woman was a fighter. Vasilis always felt it in his bones when he was facing an equal, another warrior.

His question was how could a woman be so maternal, realising she loved her daughter very much, kill four men with only a bruised cheek to show for it? The only scratches and cuts on her were the ones inflicted by his own men, he thought grimly.

Well, he had ample time to find out who she was because she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. A dark notion entered his head. What if she was a spy? What if his evil brethren sent her? A genius weapon at that, since he was all too aware of his reputation for beautiful wenches.

Grim-faced, he vaulted over the side of the wagon. His horse trotted alongside it and Vasilis landed squarely on its saddle. He grabbed the reins and moved ahead to Malek.

"She told me nothing," he said once he reached his friend.

"I, too, nothing from her daughter."

"Do you think they sent her?"

"I doubt it. Why would she travel with her child?" Malek's face darkened. "But I wouldn't put it past those monsters to devise a plan as diabolical as this."

"That's exactly what I thought." Vasilis tensed his mouth. "Well, like it or not, we have two visitors and there's nothing we can do about it."

"We could always toss them over the side and leave them to fend for themselves," Malek offered dryly.

Vasilis raised a brow. "Admit it, my friend. You are as intrigued and mystified by her as I am."

"Your Highness, I am impressed by her use of the bow and arrow. Even with their Lycan strength and speed, she could still teach your men a few things. "

Vasilis narrowed his eyes. "Yes, she can," he murmured deeply.

"Perhaps, she can also show you that not all women are weak," Malek offered all too casually.

Vasilis shot him a look. "Easy, my friend. The woman knows how to defend herself, nothing more nothing less."

"She is quite beautiful, too," Malek added innocently.

Vasilis wasn't buying any of it. "Yes. A blind man can see that and a deaf man can hear what you're suggesting."

Malek shrugged. "Do you blame me?"

Vasilis thought about the woman sleeping thirty strides behind him. Yes, he conceded. She did possess qualities he told Malek would make her his ideal woman, but Malek was forgetting one thing.

Alexandra had a daughter and that meant she had a husband somewhere and husbands were an attribute Vasilis did not find appealing in any woman.

* * * *

Alex opened her eyes and stared up at an old woman applying a cool solvent on her cheek. Her body was stiff all over and she wished she remained in the oblivion of sleep. She tried to move, but the pain in her leg made her groan.

"Be still," the old woman hovering over her said. "We have to remove your garments so I can see if you have any other bruises."

will do nothing of the kind. Who are you?"

"I am Hesta, the healer. I have been ordered to take care of you."

Alex didn't doubt by whom. She recalled the warrior with the dark frown who was in her wagon when a thought struck her. "Where's Ariel? Where's my--"

"Your daughter is safe, Milady. She is having lunch with Malek."

Alex relaxed. Malek was the man the ruthless looking warrior had told her looked after her sister. She wondered how long she'd slept, if she could call it sleep. She had been plagued with nightmares, pain and discomfort the whole time. The pain and discomfort she could live with. Lord knew she had plenty of practice living with her stepmother. Alex scowled, her lips tensing into a thin line. Her hand automatically went for her dagger, but it wasn't on her waistband where she usually kept it tucked safely from sight.

"Aye, Milady. Gone. All your weapons are. The master said it was best to keep all sharp objects away from you," the old woman offered, cackling. "T'was such a sight. I have never seen so many warriors turn white at the same time." She cast Alex a shrewd gaze. "What a sight you beheld, standing up to a fleet of the best warriors of the land. Only a witch could have that power. Are you a witch, Milady?"

Alex would have laughed if the pain in her jaw allowed her. "If I were a witch, I wouldn't be lying down, unable to move, would I?"

The healer nodded. "Aye. As I believed. Now let me help you up so I can remove your shirt and undergarments. "

Alex recoiled. "No. I have no wish being naked in front of a caravan full of warriors."

"Stubborn as well as a good marksman," came the dry, deep voice behind the healer.

Alex's stomach jolted at the deep, sulphuric tone. It was
the giant with the smouldering, dark gaze and the sensual mouth. She lifted her head slightly and peered over Hesta's shoulder. He was in the far right of the wagon, leaning against a pile of crates, his arms folded across his massive chest. He looked every bit as big and alarming as she remembered.

"Where are we going?" she asked, hoping her voice didn't betray her nerves.

"Back to my home."

Irritation lined her brow. "And where is your home, sir?"

"On the other side of the mountains, past bandit territory." He cast a thorough look up and down her slim form, lying amidst tarp and covers. "You are with us for the duration."

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