LycanPrince (3 page)

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Authors: Anastasia Maltezos

Tags: #paranormal, romance, shapeshifter, werewolves, Lycans

BOOK: LycanPrince
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Alex thought about the Royal Contest and made some quick calculations in her head. "Tend to my horses. Make sure they're ready for me by nightfall." King Drago's kingdom was also on the other side of the mountains and she knew she would make better time if she journeyed with Ariel alone.

He raised a dark brow. "Going anywhere?"

"Yes and I haven't a moment to spare."

"You cannot go anywhere until you are healed. A half day's ride will leave you flat on your back."

"I will take my chances."

"Headstrong, too," he commented dryly. The healer cackled with mirth and he tossed her a warning look before he redirected his gaze back to Alex. "Why put your daughter at risk? This is bandit territory and you're in no position physically to protect her."

Irritated with his logic, she pursed her lips. There was something about this man that rankled her nerves. He was arrogant and proud and had a lofty air about him that told her he was not used to being challenged by anyone.

The giant looked at the healer. "Take her clothes off by force if you have to. Check for more wounds. I will return shortly." He then vaulted over the side of the moving wagon, landing firmly on his horse trotting alongside.

Alex glared at the old woman. The healer wasn't frail, but rather robust and strong looking. Alex doubted she could ward off her attempts to disrobe her. "Touch me and I'll kill you," she said.

The healer cackled, but this time her grey eyes held a hint of warmth. "You have more fire in your bones than twenty of his men, Milady. I can see why he has taken such an interest in you. Do not fear me, child. I want to help you. I will take these tarps and cover the wagon's side so no one will see you."

The solvent on her jaw had already numbed most of the pain and Alex wondered if she had any more injuries on her body. God only knew she must have because she felt pain everywhere. Logic prevailed. Besides, the sooner she healed, the sooner she and Ariel could be on their way.

"All right," she conceded.

After taking a few minutes to cover the sides of the wagon, Hesta turned to Alex. "Let me help you remove your shirt."

Alex was grateful with the help because she couldn't lift her arms past her shoulders. Within moments, all her top garments were removed. The old woman poked and prodded Alex's naked stomach, breasts and shoulders and kept asking her if she felt any pain. Alex said she did not and the old healer helped her turn over onto her stomach.

That was when she heard Hesta's sharp gasp.

"Heavens above! What are these marks?" the old woman asked.

Alex closed her eyes. "They are marks from the past. Ignore them."

"Child, they cannot be ignored. They are welts upon welts."

"I said, ignore them," Alex snapped. She didn't fancy a trip down memory lane.

"Ah, the caravan has stopped. I need to get my other ointment, child," the healer said. "It might help soften and fade the scars." As the old woman climbed over the side panel, Alex heard her grumbling, "Heaven help me, but I do not think I can do anything for them."

Alex closed her eyes, the afternoon warmth of the sun on her back a soothing welcome. The past was creeping into her thoughts and she pushed them away as she willed herself to relax, but it was easier said than done. She squeezed her eyes, thinking about the beatings she had to endure to save Ariel from the whip. She would have taken a hundred more beatings if it meant her little sister wouldn't be harmed, but it didn't matter anymore. Her stepmother was dead.

A deep voice from behind her broke into her dark thoughts.

"Holy Mother of God!"

Alex gasped in surprise. "Go away!" She knew who was standing above her and she quickly gathered the covers from beneath her and flung them over her sides to hide her back. Grimacing in pain, she turned over on her back and looked up into the giant's dark and dangerous expression.

"Who marked you?" he ground out.

Alex stiffened. The last thing she needed was pity. "Someone who will never hurt me again."

"Who tortured you?" he asked, his face growing darker, more dangerous, as his gaze flicked to the ample cleavage her breasts displayed from the edge of the cover.

A low, deep growl rose from his throat and for a split second Alex was afraid. She raised the edge of the cover to hide her breasts. "No one."

"Tell me. Now!"

Alex sensed something wild and primitive ready to snap in him and she raised the covers even more. "I said no one. It's…it's not important anymore."

"I see." He ran a rough hand through his thick, dark mane as Hesta arrived carrying a bag.

The old woman shot him a pointed look. "Milady needs her privacy, Your--"

"Tend to her," he growled and vaulted over the side of the wagon.

Chapter Three

Vasilis frowned grimly as he thought about the bewitching woman with the scars on her back. He pictured the old healer rubbing ointment on Alexandra's silken skin and his loins tightened violently. He grimaced with disgust. He didn't know if he wanted to ravage her or to protect her.

For the life of him, he couldn't get the sexy siren with the sharp tongue out of his mind. Damn it. Who harmed her with such violence?

Did her husband commit those sins on her back, a husband who may be in hot pursuit of her right now? Vasilis clenched his jaw and swore roughly under his breath. If he saw that bastard, he would rip his limbs from his body.

"What has you looking so murderous, Your Highness?" Malek asked.

Vasilis tensed with irritation. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me
Your Highness

Malek's brows rose. "More pressing is what has darkened your mood to such depths of fury? What happened with the woman just now?"

"You're asking me too many questions." Vasilis looked around. "Where is her daughter? Shouldn't she be riding with you?"

"She is in Paddy's wagon. He is teaching her to cut and prepare the beans for tonight's meal. I believe I actually heard a small chuckle from that old coot. "

Vasilis nodded, thinking about their cantankerous, fouled mood cook. Vasilis wasn't surprised the little girl was worming her way into the hearts of all she met, much like her mother who had been occupying most of Vasilis's thoughts since the moment he met her.
his men, he conceded wryly, catching them cast surreptitious glances at her wagon as they rode by.

Like mother like daughter.

One, a beguiling, sweet child who thawed frozen hearts and the other, is a siren-songed warrior woman who made men still in their tracks. His mouth curled in disgust. They weren't men. They were beasts disguised as men.

"Someone beat her," he said harshly. "She has scars on her back. It could be her husband. Keep a look out. He may be on her trail."

Malek stiffened immediately. "Aye. I'll tell my men." And off he went.

Vasilis nudged his horse along, his dark gaze intent on the road before him, but all he could see was the woman lying a few paces behind him, her firm, naked body lying beneath covers.

She hadn't even batted an eye when she first set eyes on him. He wondered if that had anything to do with his interest in her. Vasilis wasn't accustomed to being ignored by the fair sex and he couldn't help wondering what it was about her that made her immune to him.

He wasn't even sure she knew he was the prince.

Something told him once she found out, she would drop her defences and be just like all the other women he had met and bedded in his travels.

The thought didn't sit well with him and he kicked his horse into a small gallop, the four warriors flanking him, spurring their horses to a lively gait to keep up with him.

* * * *

It had taken all of three days before Alex could move without suffering from pain. She still felt discomfort, but the old woman with the magic solvent was a miracle worker and Alex's wounds were healing fast.

Three days she'd been on her back in the wagon. Three days of seeing the giant periodically, his dark, fathomless gaze boring into hers as he clipped out brief questions inquiring about her health. Alex had wondered why he kept returning, especially given the fact they clearly felt an underlining antagonism between them.

He didn't have to tell her he disliked her. She could feel it every time he looked down at her with his grim face and dark frown.

She squirmed on her back, longing to get up and walk. Alex wasn't used to non-activity and she asked the old healer when she could find some reprieve.

"Now, my child," Hesta said kindly. "We will stop soon and make camp. There is a small village nearby. The prince will wish to stay the night and visit the tavern."

Had she misheard the old woman? Alex grew cold. "The prince? Who…what…" It couldn't be, she thought with dread.

Hesta gave her a knowing look. "Aye, he is the prince, child. I knew you did not know of it since the first day. I still do not know why he has not made his presence known to you," she added under her breath.

Alex's insides were in turmoil.
The prince!

And he disliked her! She closed her eyes and pursed her lips. Damn it! How was he going to react when he learned she was going to fight in the Royal Contest for his hand in marriage?

Worse, Alex didn't even like
. He was cold and dangerous looking and far too ruthless a man for her tastes, not that she had a particular taste in men or experience with them since the only thing she ever had time for in her life had been looking after Ariel and her training sessions with Hiroshi. Her heart filled with warmth and sadness as it always did when she thought of her dear mentor. He'd helped her with so many things and not just the art of combat. He taught her to face challenges head on and to be brave.

Well, this was one big challenge. She'd envisioned the prince to be charming and courteous, not the bohemian she'd encountered. Her prince was caring and kind and compassionate, not the big oaf whose only redeeming quality was his muscle and brawn.

"Rumours are we will not make it back to the royal grounds in time for the contest," the old healer said, breaking into Alex's train of thought.

Alex frowned. "Why?"

The old woman gave her a knowing look. "There are wenches in the next village, child, and the prince cannot resist the tempting flash of breast or thigh."

"Oh." Alex frowned. Somehow, that didn't sit too well with her.

It seemed the prince was not only a barbarian, but a womanizer as well. Her plan for The Royal Contest started disintegrating before her eyes.

"He has many women, has he?" she asked carefully.

"Oh, yes and methinks that will not change after he is wed."

Alex pursed her lips and remained silent as she recalled her own mother's heartache with an unfaithful man. Alex's father had been a weak, selfish man and she had vowed at a very young age that she would never allow a man to hurt her as her father hurt her mother.

It seemed, however, the fates had wickedly intervened and Alex now found herself facing the same life as her mother. However, this was all for Ariel a little voice rang in her ears. Her sweet, beloved, little sister who needed her.

Alex's love for Ariel gave her strength. She'd win the contest! For the coin. For security and comfort. All for Ariel.

"Ah, we've stopped, at last," Hesta said.

Alex's spirits lifted. Finally, she could get up and stretch. "Please bring Ariel to me."

The old woman nodded. "I will be back in a few minutes, but don't move until I return. Your discomfort will lessen if I help you rise." She paused before she climbed over the wagon to the wooden steps attached on the lower side. The old woman gave Alex a knowing look. "T'is even more interesting you didn't ask me any questions about the contest I mentioned."

Alex couldn't hold the healer's shrewd gaze. "I…I received a royal parchment from one of the king's messengers a fortnight ago."

The old woman nodded slowly. "I see. Methinks you would make a fine competitor." Then she left.

Alex sighed and laid her head back down, closing her eyes. The healer was far too astute for her own good, she thought.

Alex envisioned her life with the prince bedding wenches and she sighed wearily. She would have to get accustomed to it. The difference between Alex and her mother was her mother loved her father despite his selfish, cold ways and Alex, well, Alex didn't even like the warrior prince. The last thing she was in danger of was succumbing to passion and bedding him, let alone falling in love with him. She almost laughed cynically.
An overrated concept. She saw what love did to her mother and Alex wanted no part of it.

The parchment clearly stated the winner of the Royal Contest would wed the prince and be titled princess. It didn't state anywhere she had to sire him a child, hence, Alex was under no obligation to allow him to bed her and she wouldn't.

Besides, she didn't think the prince would have the desire to do so if his uncompromising attitude with her the past few days was any indication. Feeling better, she settled her warring mind and waited for Hesta to return with Ariel.

She would win the contest, her athletic prowess and combat skills leaving her no doubt she would be crowned princess and she would allow him his freedom to do as he pleased. The prize in her mind was not the title of princess or the companionship of the prince, but the wealth she would acquire to heal her sister of her breathing condition. Ariel was the only person in her life she loved and the thought of losing her filled her with dread.

Her beloved mother's dying words to Alex after the midwife had taken Ariel out of her womb had been, "Guard and protect your sister, Alex. Look after her, always and with your life." The midwife had cleaned the newborn and had carried the baby to Alex as her mother lay dying. Once Alex looked down at Ariel's scrunched up tiny, pink face, she'd felt a powerful, astonishing tug of love and protection for the infant.

She heard a sound and turned her head, her spirit lifting at the prospect of seeing Ariel. Her smile froze when she saw the prince vault over the wagon's side. She stared at his impressive physique and a sudden image filled her mind. An image of their naked limbs entwined in passionate heat. Her face burned with embarrassment. She stomped on the image before it took an alarming note.

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