Lying in the Sand (13 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

BOOK: Lying in the Sand
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“Do you feel that?” he whispered.


“I can feel your soul. And I’m pretty sure you can feel mine.” He pressed his head to hers then released inside her, remaining quiet the entire time.

Nancy felt him fill her, and when he was finished she felt the tears burn in her eyes. She wasn’t sure why she was so jealous of a girl wanting Thatcher, not when she had an incredible connection to him. Thatcher stared at the tears then leaned in and pressed his lips to the corner of her eye, absorbing the moisture. When he pulled away, his own eyes were watering.

She cupped his face and kissed his forehead, feeling the connection between them stretch on—indefinitely.


The next morning, Nancy woke up to Thatcher’s absence. Just like every other day, he rose at the crack of dawn then headed to the beach to join Paola and Derek. She hated waking up without him, but she was grateful she got to fall asleep with him. She couldn’t complain.

She rose and dressed herself before she walked into the living room. Cordelia was sitting at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper. She looked like she woke up a few minutes ago.

“Good morning,” Nancy said.

“Morning, dear. How did you sleep?”

When she slept with Thatcher, she always slept great. “Well. You?”

“Great. That bed is very comfy. My son knows how to treat a guest.” She flipped the page of the newspaper.

Nancy wanted to brew a cup of coffee but she was embarrassed to. It tasted like crap and she knew that. His mother seemed to like her and she didn’t want to ruin that.

“Would you mind making some coffee?” she asked. “I would have done it myself but I didn’t want to invade your privacy and touch all your things.”

Nancy froze, unsure what to do. “Sure…” Rejecting her would have been a stupid idea. And if she said they were out of coffee, Thatcher would probably come in and pull it out, putting her on the spot.

“Thank you, dear.” She returned her focus to the paper.

Nancy pulled everything out and tried to remember exactly what Thatcher taught her. She grinded the coffee beans first then scooped the coffee inside. Then she added the purified water. When it started to brew, she waited, hoping it wouldn’t taste bitter and coarse like usual.

“Where’s Thatcher?” she asked.

“Surfing. He goes every morning.”

She nodded. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”

“He’ll be home any minute. He isn’t gone long.” She sat at the table across from her, pulling out paperwork from the gallery.

“Thank you for making my son happy,” she blurted.

Nancy felt her heart rate increase.

“He was never unhappy, but he’s…more cheerful. I can tell he’s found what’s been looking for. He was happy with Grace, but it’s much different with you. I can see it.”

His mother was cuter than a button. “Thanks…he makes me happy too.”

Her face turned serious. “I beg you, from a mother to a future mother, please don’t hurt him. I couldn’t bare it. This time it’s different. If you hurt him, he could break… My son is strong, one of the best men I’ve ever known, but everyone has their limits.”

That took an unexpected turn. “I would never hurt him, Mrs. Adams. You can be certain of that. Every day I wonder why he’s chosen me. He always says flattering things about me, but there really is no comparison. Thatcher is an unlikely find. He’s an old soul that’s both sensitive and strong. I’d be an idiot to throw him away.”

She seemed satisfied with that response. “He told me you’re his soul mate.”

Was that a question?

“Do you feel the same way?”

“Of course.”

She smiled. “It looks like I’m going to have a daughter soon.”

Nancy wanted nothing more than to be Thatcher’s wife. But they’d only been together for a short while. A lot of people would argue that was too quick for an engagement.

“I wish Richard could have met you.” She sighed. “He would have loved you.”

That must be Thatcher’s father. “I wish I had the honor of meeting him. But I’m sure he’s happy for Thatcher.”

“I’m sure he is too. Before he passed away I was so scared of death. But now that he’s gone, I admit I’m looking forward to end of my life. I want my soul mate.”

That was both depressing and romantic. “I feel that way about Thatcher—even when he goes to the store.”

She laughed. “I know I’m biased because I’m his mother, but he’s such a fine young man. He was the easiest baby in the world. He was always quiet and observant. I had a hard time getting him to play with the other kids and he never budged. He preferred sitting in the sandbox to doodle.”

“That doesn’t surprise me,” she said with a chuckle.

“I brought baby pictures. Do you want to see them?”

“Duh.” She laughed then retrieved them from her room. She returned with the binder. “I have a lot so I hope you’re awake.”

“I am.” Nancy sat beside her while they flipped through the pictures together.

As a child, Thatcher was small. His hair was long and out of control. He hardly smiled for the camera, and most pictures were candid shots. There were a few pictures of him finger-painting at the kitchen counter. His father sat next to him, watching. Then there were others of him as a teenager. His father was teaching him how to surf on a summer day.

“He was adorable,” she whispered.

“He really was. Still is.”

Thatcher walked up the stairs then headed to the kitchen. He was wearing a gray t-shirt and swim trunks. He stopped when he reached the table. “Oh no. Mother, really?”

Nancy laughed. “Thatcher, you were so cute.”

He shook his head then poured himself a cup of coffee. “I guess it’s a mother’s job to embarrass her son.”

“I’m not embarrassing you,” she said. “Nancy is falling more in love with you.”

Nancy nodded. “She’s right.”

He brought the cup to his lips then cringed slightly. He covered his face quickly, pretending he didn’t find the coffee disgusting.

Nancy wasn’t embarrassed at all. She gave him a firm look that clearly said, “Please make a new batch.”

Thatcher caught on then made another.

“This is him on his first day of kindergarten.” She beamed when she looked at the picture. “He bawled his eyes out when his father and I left.”

“Mom…” Thatcher gave her a firm look.

“I cried on my first day too,” Nancy said.

Thatcher gave her a fond look before he looked away.

“This is him in the bathtub. Look at his small willy.” She chuckled when she pointed at it.

Thatcher rolled his eyes and said nothing.

When the coffee was finally done, he poured two cups and passed one to his mother. “Cream?”

“No, thank you.” She blew the steam away then closed the book. “That’s all of them. I have more but they’re at home.”

“Thankfully,” Thatcher said. He sat down across from Nancy then grabbed the sports section.

“Do you mind if I shower?” Cordelia asked.

“Not at all, Mother,” Thatcher said. “Go ahead.”

His mother grabbed a towel then stepped into the bathroom.

Nancy smirked at him from across the table. “Does she do that every time?”

“Do what every time?” His eyes left the paper and landed on her. He always looked at her when he spoke, giving her his full attention.

“Show your girlfriends your baby pictures?”

He stared into her eyes for a long moment. “No.”

“What? I’m the first one…?”

He nodded then turned his gaze back to the paper.

“But you were engaged to Grace.”

He shrugged. “Maybe my mother knew it wouldn’t last but she didn’t have the heart to tell me.”

Nancy didn’t know what to say. She stared at the closed binder on the table, remembering every moment of Thatcher’s young life. She experienced it through pictures, like she was really there. When she turned back to him, he was staring at her, an unreadable expression on his face. “I’m sorry I got jealous over nothing.”

He didn’t react. He held her gaze for a long moment before he looked down. “Maybe in time you’ll realize just how special you are, Nancy.”

Chapter Eleven

Cheyenne was working at the counter, checking the doors every other second. She knew Gray would walk through any moment. Like a stalker she checked his reservation details and knew he was arriving that afternoon.

The doors opened and he stepped through, wearing a gray suit with a black tie. His bag was over his shoulder and he held himself with confidence. His back was always straight, and the strength was evident in his body.

His eyes locked to hers and a slight smile stretched his lips. Then it disappeared, his indifferent façade taking over since he was in public. He walked to the counter then looked at her, waiting for her to address him.

“I can help you, sir.”

He smirked then stepped to the counter, keeping his voice low. “You look beautiful.” He pulled out his wallet while he said it, trying to avoid suspicion.

Vanessa shot Cheyenne a dirty look then returned her gaze to her computer.

Cheyenne couldn’t care less. If Vanessa could sink her claws into Gray she wouldn’t think twice about it.

“I missed you.” He tossed his credit card at her as he said it, keeping his voice low.

“I missed you too.”

“I was hoping you did.”

She swiped his credit card and finished finalizing his reservations. “Did you have a good time in California?”

He sighed. “Not really. How could I when you’re here?”

Their relationship had changed in the last month. Initially, they were just having fun. But they hit a new level, and Gray was acting like she was more than just a good time. Cheyenne tried not to think about it too hard. She handed him the room keys. “Enjoy your stay, sir.”

He grabbed the keys then pushed the extra one back at her. “In case you get bored.”

She smirked then pocketed the key, trying to be discreet.

“Do you have dinner plans tonight?”

“I made sure my schedule was clear.”

His eyes smoldered. “Can I take you out?”

“Aren’t we passed getting to know each other? Can we order room service instead?”

He drummed his fingers on the counter. “I didn’t want to be presumptuous. But yes, I’d prefer that.”

“Good. Because I like wearing your shirt, Gray.”

His eyes burned in embers. “You like teasing me, don’t you?”

“What gave me away?” She gave him a mischievous look.

“Come up the moment you get off.” His voice became commanding, stern.

“Yes, sir.”

He gave her one more look before he walked away.

Cheyenne stared at his ass in his slacks, not bothering to be discreet about it. When he disappeared in the elevator, she focused her mind on work again.

Vanessa glared at her. “Wow. You jumped on him quick.”

Cheyenne glanced at her but ignored her. She wasn’t worth her time.

“Everyone knows you’re fucking him so you shouldn’t bother hiding it.”

“I’m not hiding. Now stop being a brat. It’s not my fault he preferred me over you.”

Her jaw dropped and her eyes burst into flame.

Cheyenne thought it would be a perfect time for a bathroom break.


She headed to the top floor then walked down the hall. She watched the numbers on the doors, the key held in her hand. When she reached his door, she took a deep breath, suddenly feeling nervous. Instead of walking in, she knocked.

“I gave you a key for a reason.”

She smirked then slipped her hard in the machine. Then she opened the door.

His tie was loose around his neck, and a half empty glass of brandy was on the table. The ice cubes broke the surface. He walked to her slowly, his eyes smoldering.

She knew what was coming. It was obvious just looking at him.

He kept walking, forcing her to step back. When she was flat against the door, unable to go anywhere else, he pressed his body against hers. Her breasts pushed against his chest and his hips moved into her stomach. Gray pressed his face close to hers, the stubble from his unshaven cheek touching her smooth skin. He stared at her lips for a moment, not touching them.

Cheyenne knew what he was doing. “Now it’s your turn to tease me.”

“Yes, darling.” He put both hands on the door, blocking her in. “It’s torture, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” She pressed her lips against his gently then sucked his bottom lip. She grabbed it with her teeth then pulled it gently. Then she released it.

He breathed deeply, his eyes becoming darker. “You always turn the tables on me.”

“I know how to play the game.”

“I’ll say.” His right hand moved down the door until he reached her shoulder. He played with a strand of hair before he cupped her cheek. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since the moment we parted.”

“Well, here I am. Are you going to keep talking? Or are you going to shut up and kiss me?”

His eyes changed. He stared at her, a foreign look coming into his face. He searched her eyes, trying to find something. His thumb moved across her cheek, feeling the soft skin. Then he stared at her lips again, the brightness coming into his eyes. Then he looked at her, the emotion shining from deep within. “You make me feel things I’ve never felt.” He pressed his mouth against hers then gripped her wrists, pinning them over her head. He interlocked his fingers with hers, squeezing them. His mouth made love to hers, sucking and licking. He breathed into her mouth, bringing her to life.

She tightened her hold on his fingers, drowning in his kiss. With every feel of his lips, she forgot everything else in her life. It was just she and he. She felt his lips so many times now that it was home. When she was with him, she felt like she belonged.

He finally let her hands drop, and he pressed himself into her, his erection hard against her. His hand fisted her hair and he deepened the kiss. She felt herself fall, losing all control. She didn’t want to wait anymore. She wanted to feel him, to tighten her legs around his waist while he moved inside her. But she couldn’t do that without telling him the truth first.

She reluctantly ended their kiss, pressing her face close to his. He breathed hard, the desire still heavy in his eyes. His hand moved to her hips, gripping her. She pulled herself away from the door and entered his spacious room. It had a living room and a kitchen. The bed was against the wall, and his laptop was on the dining table. “Nice place.”

“Which is why I always stay here.” He came behind her then gripped her waist. Then he pulled her hair over one shoulder and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck.

Her eyes closed at the gentle touch. It felt good on her skin. “Why don’t you buy a house here instead? Living out of a hotel must not feel homey.”

He dropped his hands and moved around her, facing her head on. “It seems like a waste of money. Here I can have people wash my sheets and feed me.”

“You probably spend more money here than if you bought a house.”

He shrugged. “I’m a very lazy man.”

“I highly doubt that for some reason.” She grabbed the menu from the table then flipped through it.

“I recommend the lobster.”

“You recommend a lot of things.”

“Well, I’ve experienced a lot of things.”

She searched through it. “I think I want the tilapia.”

“Good idea. I’ll call it in.” He grabbed the menu and made the call.

She took the opportunity to glance around his room. His Mac computer sat on the kitchen table, the screen dark. His Rolex was on his nightstand. His bag hadn’t been opened and it sat on the floor near the closet. There wasn’t much to him.

He hung up then came back to her, the desire evident again. “I want to say something. It might offend you.”

“I have a pretty thick skin.”

“I really want you. On my bed. Right now.”

Her spine shivered at his words. “I do too…”

“Then let me have you.” He pressed his head to hers. “I’ll be here in the morning. And the night after that…and after that.” His body was moving closer to hers, unable to stay still.

She gripped his shoulders, keeping him steady. “I need to tell you something first.”

His body flinched slightly. It was almost unnoticeable. “What is it, darling?”

“I know we aren’t serious. This isn’t going anywhere—ever. I don’t have a problem with that. Ever since my parents passed away I learned living in the moment is important. It’s the only way to live. And after getting out of a bad relationship, I’m not looking for something serious. So this might be stupid to even bring up…you probably won’t care…but…I’m dating someone else. We aren’t exclusive but I felt guilty not telling you. I just want to be honest about it.”

He stared at her for a long time, his eyes guarded. But there was a certain darkness to them. His unstoppable desire suddenly vanished. Something changed inside him. She couldn’t tell what it was. “How long has this been going on?”

“Not long. He and I talked about it the other night. I haven’t seen him since.”

“I thought you weren’t into anybody else…?” He put his hands in his pockets, turning professional.

“I wasn’t but…I don’t know. It just happened.”

“How does something like that just happen?” His voice was slightly angry.

She didn’t understand where this hostility was coming from. “He was the guy  I asked out a while ago. We hung out and he told me he wanted to go out with me before but he was unable to at the time. But now he wants to.”

“Does he know about me?”

“Yeah. He doesn’t have a problem with it.”

He stepped back then looked out the window, staring out the window in the darkness.


He didn’t respond. The sound of his name had no effect on him.

“Does it bother you…?”

“What if I said yes?” he whispered.

She froze at his words. She didn’t know Gray that well. All she knew was this side of him, the dark and sexy side. He had a whole life in California she had no knowledge of. This was just a fling. She didn’t need any details. So what did he mean by that? “I thought we were just having fun…”

He finally turned back around. “Yeah, I thought so too. But I guess…” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Nevermind.”

Cheyenne stared at him, unsure what to say.

“Can you see something serious happening with him?”

She shrugged. “I’ve liked him for a long time. I thought something could happen with him before. But then I met you and—”

“And what?” he pressed.

“He asked me to stop seeing you but I couldn’t…I know there’s no future for us but…I guess I don’t want this to end. It makes no sense. Bryce is a great guy.”

‘That’s his name?” he snapped.

“Yeah. And I know if you weren’t around…it would go somewhere.”

That didn’t seem to be the answer he wanted. “What if I want something serious?”

Did she hear him right? “What?”

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated. “I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re in my mind every second of every day. I knew this relationship would go nowhere. I live in California and you live here…but that didn’t mean I didn’t want to enjoy our time together. But, the idea of you being with someone else makes me sick. I…I want you all to myself.

“I never expected you to be such an amazing person. You make me laugh. You make me smile. And I’ve never had such chemistry with anyone. You’re…more than just some girl to me. A lot more.” He stared into her eyes, the intensity shining through. “I didn’t expect this to happen.”

She wasn’t expecting him to say that. It was the furthest thing from her mind. “Are you seeing anyone else…?” She never asked him this before. It was none of her business. But now their conversation turned serious, intimate.



He put his hands on his hips and stared at the wall.

She crossed her arms over her chest, unsure what to do with herself.

“I know you feel the same way,” he whispered. “You feel something for me—more than lust.”

“I do.”

‘Then, why don’t we try to be something more?”

She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Their situation had heartbreak written all over it. “Gray, we both know how this is going to end. My brother is my only living family member. I can’t leave him. I never will. And I know you won’t leave your whole life in California just for me. I can’t compromise and neither can you. There’s no future for us.”

He ran his fingers through his hair then sighed. “You’re right.”

She didn’t want to be.

“I’m sorry…for bringing it up.”

“It’s okay. It’s fun to entertain the idea.”

“So…how long are you going to date both of us?”

She hadn’t put a lot of thought into it. “I’m living in the moment so I don’t really know.”

“If you become serious with him, will that end your relationship with me?”

“I would assume so. But we have to end sometime, right? You’ll eventually meet someone at home and sparks will fly. Sometimes people come and go in our lives. Instead of trying to hold on, it’s better just to let it pass. Enjoy the moment, treasure it, and let it become a memory.”

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