Lying in the Sand (7 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

BOOK: Lying in the Sand
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“My apologies. Master’s in business administration.”

“Oh. Impressive.”

“College was fun. I had a good time.”

“All my friends go to the university here. They like it.”

“What are they majoring in?”

“Science—marine biology and zoology.”

He smirked. “That sounds hard.”

“My brother included. But I can tell he cares more about surfing than school.”

“Who can blame him?” he said with a laugh. “What’s his name, by the way?”

“Derek. What’s your sister’s name?”


“Do you have any other siblings?”

“An older brother—Coal.”

“Coal, like the color?”

He smirked. “My parents seemed to really like the name of colors when we were born.”

“That’s cool. At least your names are original.”

“I suppose.”

“I like your name—Gray.”

He stared at her hard the moment he said it. “Don’t tease me, darling.”

Her cheeks reddened at his words.

The waitress returned with their plates.

“Can I ask you something?” He picked up his silverware.


“This man that turned you down—do you see him often?”

“We have mutual friends so we see each other around.”

“Are you still into him?” He stared at her face after he said it.

“No, not really. I guess the rejection hurt so much that I immediately lost interest.”

He nodded. “Are you seeing anyone else?”


“Good.” That was all he said.

She didn’t ask him the same question in return, unsure if it was appropriate. It was their second date, a little too soon to ask about exclusivity.

“Have you ever been married?” she asked.

He flinched at the question, seeming tense. “No. Why?”

She shrugged. “You’re older than me. It could be possible for you to marry then divorce.”

“Well, no. I’ve never been married.”

She cut into her food and took a bite.

Gray fell silent while he ate his food. He stared at her every few seconds, watching her face. Then he moved his leg under the table so it was touching hers. She flinched at the proximity then felt the electricity course through her veins.

When they were finished, the waitress brought the tab.

Gray immediately slipped the cash inside. “I don’t need the change.”

“Thank you, sir.” She walked away.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked.

She nodded.

They left the restaurant then headed back to the hotel. Cheyenne didn’t want the night to end. Gray made her hot in all the right places. He took her out and treated her like a lady. And it seemed like he was really into her.

When they came back to the hotel, he took her hand and walked with her to the entrance. She knew he was going to invite her to his room. What should she say? She knew what would happen if she went up there. Was that too fast? She never slept with someone so quickly, but she never wanted to sleep with someone so much before.

His hands moved to her hips, making her skin light on fire. “Would you like to take a walk with me on the beach?”

She was surprised by the question. She hadn’t expected that. “Sure.”

Taking her hand, he guided her through the hotel. When they were in the lobby, Vanessa was at the concierge desk. When she saw her with Gray, her mouth dropped. Cheyenne smirked then leaned close to Gray, glad she could piss off her annoying coworker.

When they reached the grounds of the hotel, they walked passed the fountain in the center than to the infinity pool. A few nighttime dwellers were sitting in the cabanas in the pool, ordering from the bar.

They reached the beach, feeling the sand below their feet. Cheyenne was wearing heels so she had to take them off and carry them. The sand was still slightly warm even though the sun had gone down. Gray interlocked his fingers with hers while they walked along the water’s edge. No one else was around. It was just the two of them.

“I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else,” she blurted.

“It is beautiful here.” His shoulder touched hers while he moved. “And there’s not as much traffic as Southern California.” He chuckled at his own comment.

“Yeah. Do you ever think of moving here? Permanently?” She wasn’t asking because she wanted a commitment from him. She was just curious.

“Sometimes. Whenever I’m here, I’m sad to leave. But all my friends and family are in California. I’d be leaving a lot behind.”


“But I’d move here if I found a strong enough reason to.” He looked at her in the darkness, his eyes drilling into her face. Then he dropped the look.

She didn’t know what to say so she said nothing.

Gray stopped then took off his jacket. “Let’s sit down.” He laid it on the sand then sat beside it. He patted it. “So your dress doesn’t get dirty.”

She smiled at his thoughtfulness then sat down. His arm immediately went around her shoulder and he scooted close to her. The waves crashed in the distance. Light was limited so they could only see the wave caps. The light wind ruffled her hair, pulling it from her face.

“I could do this all the time,” he whispered.

“Sit on the beach?”

“With you.”

She rested her head on his shoulder and leaned close to him.

Gray leaned his face close to hers, his lips just an inch away from her cheek. She turned slowly and looked at him, seeing his bright eyes in the darkness. “The view is beautiful, but you’re more beautiful.” He closed the distance and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was slow. He gave her purposeful embraces, feeling her mouth with his own. She returned the caress, loving the chemistry between them. Soon she was panting, wanting more.

Gray guided her to her back then moved over her, still kissing her. Her hand immediately fisted his hair then gripped him tightly. One leg wrapped around his waist, her enthusiasm taking over.

He gripped her hips while he kissed her, breathing hard into her mouth. Then his hand trailed to her exposed thigh then moved up her dress. “Is this okay?” he whispered.

She was so desperate for him she didn’t care. “Yeah…”

He kissed her again then moved his hand up, finding her underwear.

She was anxious for what he was about to do. If he used his lips in an amazing away, she wondered what he could do with his hands.

His fingers moved underneath her thong then touched the sensitive skin between her legs. Her breath hitched once she felt him, and she fisted his hair harder. He rubbed her clitoris in a circular motion, making her moan into his mouth. Then he slipped two fingers inside, still rubbing her nub.

Her hands moved up his chest, feeling the hardness underneath. She felt the small explosion begin in her stomach. It throbbed then moved everywhere else, burning her fingers and toes. Then she felt it hit the area between her legs. “Gray…”

He rubbed her harder. “I love it when you say my name.”

“Gray.” She breathed into his mouth, spiraling down from the high.

He pulled his fingers out then sucked them. He looked down at her as he did it. Then he kissed her again.

She unbuttoned the top of his shirt then rolled him over onto his back. He looked up at her, the desire in his eyes. Then she unbuttoned his slacks and pulled down the zipper.

“I have to say, I’ve never done this before.” He leaned on his elbows while he watched her.

She pulled down his boxers, revealing his long and thick cock. She had to admit she was impressed by his length. “Neither have I.” She leaned down and licked the tip, making him groan loudly. Then she took him to the back of her throat, not thinking. Just doing.

Gray fisted her hair and kept it out of her face, guiding her up and down. She took him far then pulled out again, licking the tip.

“Shit, you’re good at that.”

She kept going until she felt his shaft stiffen.

He tapped her head. “I’m about to come.”

She kept going, wanting him to enjoy it as much as possible.

He leaned his head back and groaned, coming into the back of her throat.

As soon as she felt him, she swallowed.

He breathed hard then massaged the back of her neck. When she pulled him out, she wiped her lips.

He stared at her with a dark expression. “When I took you out here, I didn’t plan for any of that.”

“Doesn’t that make it better?” She crawled up his waist until she was face to face with him.

“I think it does.” He cupped her face and kissed her, slow and gentle.

Then she moved off him, adjusting her dress and underwear. He did the same, zipping up his pants and fixing the buttons of his shirt. Then he sat beside her again, putting his arm over her shoulder. “I’ve only known you for a week but it feels like forever.” His lips were near her ear when he said it.

“I know what you mean.”

He rubbed his nose against hers. “I have to work tomorrow, but can I see you the following night?”


“Good. Because if you said no I’d have to change your mind.”

“In that case…”

He smirked then kissed her again. “I can be incredibly convincing.”

“Is that so?”


“Well, we got all night.”

He stared into her eyes before he leaned in again. This time, he didn’t pull away.


Cheyenne pulled up to the shack then killed the engine of her car. Paola made it to the semi-finals of her division, so they were having a BBQ on the beach. She brought potato salad and a side of fruit. It was the cheapest thing she could find.

When she got out of the car, Bryce was standing there.

She flinched.

“Sorry,” he said immediately. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

She almost dropped the potato salad. “It’s okay…I just wasn’t expecting you to be standing there.”

“I’ll make my presence clear next time.” He smiled slightly.

She turned around and grabbed the fruit salad.

“Can I help?” he asked.

“I got it.” She was still a little resentful toward him for rejecting her. It was immature and childish but she couldn’t help it. It wasn’t his fault she misread everything. She shut the door and kept her purse over her shoulder.

“You look nice.”

She was wearing jeans shorts and a yellow top. “Thanks.” Bryce wore dark jeans and a gray t-shirt. His arms were thick and toned, almost the size of tree trunks. His blue eyes matched the hue of the sea. She tried not to look at him like that anymore. She was seeing someone and it wasn’t fair to Gray. They weren’t serious, as far as she knew, but it wasn’t a good way to start a relationship. “Thank you.”

She walked passed the house and to the beach that was hidden by trees.

“How was your week?” he asked.

“Good. Yours?”

“Good. I got an A on my first paper.”

She smiled. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks.” He smiled, seeming happy. “How’s the hotel?”

She tried not to smile. “Good.” She thought about Gray and their night on the beach. It escalated into something extremely sexual but she didn’t have any regrets.

He put his hands in his pockets while he walked beside her. She wasn’t sure why he paid so much attention to her if he just saw her as a friend. Maybe he was gay. She couldn’t figure it out.

Everyone was sitting in plastic chairs in a circle. Two ice chests were under the tree, and Coen was flipping burgers at the BBQ.

“Cheyenne, hold on a second.” Bryce touched her on the arm.

She turned to him.

“I’m sorry about the other day. I just—”

“Bryce, it’s okay. There’s really no hard feelings.” She just wanted to be back to normal.

“I just wanted to explain—”

His pity was worse than the rejection itself. “Bryce, it’s fine. I’m seeing someone.”

His eyes widened. “You’re seeing someone…?”

“Yeah. Like I said, it’s really not a big deal. We can be friends.”

Bryce stared at her, dumbfounded. “Oh…when did this happen?”

“About a week ago. I met him at the hotel and we’ve been spending time together.”

He ran his fingers through his hair, staring at the ground.

“So it worked out for everyone.” Before he said another word she walked to the beach and placed everything on the table. “Hey, everyone.”

“Hey.” Every one waved.

Coen flipped a burger into the air. “Yo.”

“I brought fruit and potato salad,” she said.

Derek cringed. “Fruit? Who the hell wants to eat fruit?”

“I do,” Sydney said indignantly.

“Besides the vegetarian,” Derek said.

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