Lying in the Sand (5 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

BOOK: Lying in the Sand
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She tried to keep her shoulders back and not slouch. “No complaints. Thank you for complaining about Vanessa.”

He smirked. “She had it coming. I just wanted to be the one to bring it.”

“Well, that was nice of you.”

“I always root for the underdog.”

“I wouldn’t consider myself an underdog. It was just my first day and I was struggling.”

“We’ve all been there.”

The waitress brought the wine then left.

“Cheyenne, tell me about yourself. I tried to stalk you on Facebook but I couldn’t find you.” He smirked.

“I don’t have one.”

“Now I really like you.” He sipped the wine while he stared at her.

She smiled. “I started working at the hotel because I needed a job.”

“Where were you working before?”

“I wasn’t working at all.” She decided not to make herself seem better than she really was. She was a loser and she knew she was.

“Are you a student?”

“No. I hope to save enough money for beauty college in a year or so.”

He nodded. “That’s nice.”

She knew it wasn’t glamorous. “What do you do, Gray?”

His eyes shined slightly. “I like it when you say my name.”

Her hair stood up on the back of her neck. She wasn’t sure why. “I’ll say it more often.”
Why the hell did she just say that?

He seemed pleased by that response. “I’m a contractor. I scout locations to build hotels. Maui is a hot spot so I’m here very often.”

“Where do you call home?”

He drank his wine. “I spend half my time here and half my time in California. I also build hotels there.”

If he builds hotels, he must be loaded. She was a little more intimidated by him. “That sounds hard—to travel all the time.”

He nodded. “It can be. It’s hard to meet someone, and it’s even harder to settle down.”

She found that hard to believe. He could walk into any room and have his pick of any girl. If he just put his profile on eHarmony he have would a hundred admirers every minute. “I can imagine.”

“Do you have a boyfriend, Cheyenne?” He studied her face while he spoke.

She immediately thought of Bryce. They’d been talking for a while but it was pretty clear he didn’t see her in the way she saw him. He wasn’t close to a boyfriend at all. He was only a friend. And he would always be just a friend. “No.”

“That was the answer I was hoping for.”

“Do you have a girlfriend, Gray?”


“That was the answer I was hoping for.”

He smirked, the affection in his eyes. “I just assumed a pretty girl like you would already have a list of admirers.”

She chuckled. “No.”

“Why is that funny?”

Should she tell him? “I asked out a guy last night and he turned me down.”

“Then he was obviously gay, which isn’t your fault.”

“He’s not.”

“Then he has a girlfriend.”


“I’m sure there’s a reason. I can assure you it had nothing to do with you.”

“Well, you don’t know me,” she said. “I could be crazy, clingy, and high-maintenance.”

“You aren’t.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “How would you know?”

“I can just tell. You’re down-to-earth and lovely. It’s pretty clear.” He picked up his menu and scanned through the selections.

He was making a lot of assumptions with very little information but she decided not to argue with him. She looked at the menu and searched the options.

“I usually get the mahi-mahi. It’s my favorite.”

“I think I’m going to get the shrimp.”

“That’s good too.”

The waitress came and took their order. To her surprise, Gray ordered for both of them.

When she walked away, he looked back at her. “May I ask what your age is? I have a feeling I’m older than you. I just want to make sure I’m not
old for you.”

“Well, I ordered wine. And you don’t look much older than me.”

He waited for her to answer.

“I’m twenty-three. You?”


“That doesn’t sound like an issue to me.”

“It certainly doesn’t.” He tapped his wine glass against hers. “So, have you lived in Maui your whole life?”

“Born and raised.”

“And your parents?”

“Born and raised as well. Where are you from?”

“California,” he answered.

“And where in California?” she asked.

“Santa Barbara.”

She nodded. “I’ve been to Southern California a few times. My brother is a professional surfer.”

“That’s impressive,” he said. “Are you close?”

“Very—even though he acts like he hates me most of the time.”

He laughed. “That’s how brothers are. Protective but mean at the same time.”

“I’ve noticed.” When she thought about her brother, she felt the fondness in her heart. He’d been there for her since their parents died. He was the rock she needed.

The waitress brought the food and they ate quietly. Gray ate with perfect manners, his back straight and his elbows off the table. Cheyenne tried not to stare at him. She was surprised a man so rich and perfect would be interested in spending the evening with her. Perhaps he was lonely because he traveled so much, unable to form a serious relationship with anyone because he was constantly on a plane.

“You’re very beautiful Cheyenne.” He stared at her face while he said it, not ashamed and not embarrassed to blurt that out.

She looked down at her plate then up again. “Thank you. You’re easy on the eyes too.”

He smirked. “I’ve never gotten that compliment before. At least not in those words…”

“Would you like me to rephrase it?”

He shrugged. “It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world…”

She smirked. “You’re one of the best looking men I’ve ever seen.”

His eyes lightened. “Much better.”

She chuckled then pushed her plate away.

“Why do you want to do hair?” he asked, placing his napkin on the table.

She shrugged. “It’s something I’m interested in.”

“No specific reason why?”

“No. Why do you want to build hotels?”

“The money,” he said honestly. “My father did it before me and I’ve followed in his footsteps.”

At least he was honest about it.

The tab came and Gray immediately slipped the cash inside.

Cheyenne wanted to offer to pay for her half but she didn’t have the money. She kept her silence, hoping he wouldn’t think she was rude.

“Are you ready to go?”


He pulled her chair out for her then walked with her out the door. His hand moved to her lower back, making her breath hitch slightly. It felt so large on her back, able to crush her if he wanted to.

After he got her in the car, they drove back to the hotel. One hand was on the wheel and the other rested on the center console. Then it moved to her thigh, touching her bare skin. Her heart increased at his touch but she didn’t push it away. She liked it.

When they pulled up to the hotel, the valet took the car away.

Gray walked with her to the front doors, finding some privacy. “I had a great time tonight.”

She smiled. “I did too.”

His hands were in his pockets then he moved them to her waist, holding her close. He stared into her eyes, not backing down.

His forwardness caught her off guard. She wished Bryce would be this way, but that wasn’t going to happen. And Gray was handsome and sweet. He seemed like a nice guy.

“I’m going to kiss you. And no, I’m not asking for permission.”

Her skin prickled at his words. Her breathing hitched and she didn’t know what to do. He seduced her with words and with his gentle touch. And she liked the confidence he projected. It was nice to be treated like a lady, to be taken on a date like she was important.

He leaned in and pulled her closer to him, sealing his lips over hers. Once they touched, her heart burst in her chest. The fire was in her veins, and she felt the heat move to every inch of her skin. Her lips burned the moment they touched, and when his tongue touched hers, she melted.

One hand cupped her cheek while he deepened the kiss. His hard chest pressed against hers, making her feel warm despite the slight chill. Cheyenne felt light-headed from the taste of his lips. She’d never been kissed that way before. It was enough to make her weak in the knees.

He ended their embrace, his face still close to hers. “Would you like to come to my room?”

For just an instant, her answer was yes. She wanted to take this further, to feel a night of passion that she never had before. But that was too quick, too sudden. And she hoped she didn’t give Gray the wrong impression. “I’m not that kind of girl,” she whispered.

Disappointment moved into his eyes but disappeared just as quickly. “I’m sorry I was presumptuous.”

She wanted to kiss him again but held back.

He brushed a strand of hair from her face. “I’d like to have dinner again—if you’re interested.”

“You want to go out again?”

He smirked. “I had a wonderful time tonight. You’re not only beautiful, but you’re smart and true. I enjoye your company and I hoped you enjoyed mine. If you feel the same way, of course I want to see you again. If not…I guess I’ll have to gawk at you from afar.”

She felt her cheeks redden. “Of course I’d like to see you again. I just didn’t know if you were looking for something fun and…easy. If you are, you’re wasting your time with me.”

“I won’t deny that I wish this night ended a different way, but I don’t mind taking it slow. I can already tell you’re worth it.”

Cheyenne didn’t know what to say to that.

“I have to return to California for a few days but I’ll be back by the end of the week. Can we have dinner then?”

“I would love to.”

He smiled. “Good. Can I walk you to your car?”


He grabbed her hand and walked with her across the parking lot. When they came to her red Toyota, they stopped. She knew she had a crappy car in comparison to his, but that was all she could afford. And she wasn’t ashamed of that. “Thank you for dinner.”

“Thank you for dining with me.” He pushed her against the door and boxed her in with his hands. “Can I have another kiss to last me a few days?”


He pressed his body against hers and gave her a passionate kiss like before. His kisses were purposeful and precise. When he used his tongue, it wasn’t overbearing. He was an excellent kisser, someone with immense experience. He pulled away abruptly, touching his lips like he’d been bitten. “I don’t want to get carried away…which seems to be easy with you.”

She felt the same way.

“Good night, Cheyenne.” He kissed her on the cheek then stepped away.

“Good night.”

He turned around and walked back to the hotel.

She sat inside her car, trying to process everything that happened that evening.

Chapter Five

“Let’s do two on two,” Andre said.

“As long as I’m not stuck with you,” Mike said. He threw the football into the air then caught it again. “You’re the worst ball player ever.”

“Well, I’m gay. But if we played a match of Frisbee I’d kick your ass.”

Mike cocked an eyebrow. “That’s not even a sport.”

“According to me and my friends it is.” Andrew kicked the sand below his feet. “Now let’s get started.”

Henry held Ren’s hand while they listened to them talk. “I don’t want Ren on my team.”

“Why not?” Ren snapped.

“Because I want to tackle you.” He winked at her.

Mike cringed. “No public display of affection, alright? She’s my little sister.”

“You can grope all your girlfriends in front of me but I can’t hold hands with my boyfriend?” Ren asked indignantly

“Yep.” Mike played with the ball in his hands. “I’m glad we have an understanding. Now let’s play ball. Ren, you’re with me.”

“You never want to be on my team,” Andre growled.

“Because you suck,” Mike snapped.

Andre rolled his eyes then walked with Henry a few feet away. “I’m sorry you’re stuck with me.”

Henry laughed. “I’m here to have fun, not win.”

“Then I’m the perfect teammate for that.”

They began the game, and Ren ran across the sand toward the goal. She wore cut-off shorts and her bikini top. The jewelry in her bellybutton glittered in the sunlight. Her blonde hair flowed behind her as she ran.

Henry was distracted for a moment by her beauty but snapped out of it when Andrew yelled at him.

“Get her!”

Henry charged her then gripped her around the waist, pulling her to the sand on top of him. “Gotcha.”

“First down,” Mike called.

Ren tried to get up but Henry gripped her. “Let me go. For the rest of the game, we’re enemies.”

“I don’t believe in war. Just love.”

She rolled her eyes then got off of him.

Mike looked at her. “You better score and show these guys they are pussies.”

“Whoa…” Andre held up his hand. “We’re just playing for fun, aren’t we? No need for profanity.”

Mike rolled his eyes. “Do you have to be so sensitive all the time?”

“Just get the game going,” Andrew said.

Mike hiked the ball and Ren tried to get open.

Henry covered her, tickling her ribs then gripping her hips.

“Stop,” she said with a laugh. “You’re cheating.”

He tickled her again.

“Henry, stop!”

Mike threw the ball to her and Henry intercepted it.

“Sucker!” He sprinted across the field toward the goal.

“Damn it, Ren!” Mike glared at her.

Ren sprinted after him, close on his tail.

Henry crossed the goal line. “And that’s how it’s done.”

Ren pushed him to the ground. “Jerk!”

He laughed while he hit the sand. “All is fair in love and war, right?”

She sat on his chest and glared down at him. “You tricked me.”

He shrugged. “Sorry, baby. I had to do what I had to do.”

She glared at him. “You messed with the wrong girl.”

“Oooh…I just got goose bumps.”

She moved off his chest then stood up.

“Give us the ball,” Mike snapped.

Henry tossed it at him after he stood up. “I have to since that’s the only way you guys can get it…”

Mike glared at him. “You’re going down.”

Andre high-fived him. “That was awesome.”

“I know,” Henry said pompously.

They got the game started again. After a few plays, Ren reached the end zone, scoring a touchdown.

“How do you like that?” she snapped.

“I let you get a touch down,” Henry said. “I knew your ego needed a boost.”

“It did not!” She hit his arm.

He gripped her hips then pulled her lips to his, kissing her. “And that’s to remind you that you’re pretty.”

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

“Here’s the ball,” Mike said. “Not that you’re going to do anything with it.”

Henry turned to Andre. “Get open.”

“I can’t catch a ball!”

“Can you throw one?”

“No,” he blurted.

Henry sighed. “Then try to get open.”

“I’ll try…”

They started the play and Ren charged him. Henry stayed back, waiting for Andre to get open. Mike was on him like a fly to the wall. And he kept tripping Andre, making him fall to the ground.

Then Ren lifted up her top, showing her breasts to him.

Henry stopped, staring at her perky and round tits. His mouth dropped and he couldn’t look away.

Ren snatched the ball away. “I’ll take that.” Then she sprinted to the end zone. “Touchdown!” She threw the ball down and started to dance.

“This isn’t even a challenge anymore,” Mike said, pushing Andre again.

Henry stared at Ren, his jaw still dropped. “That was so below the belt.”

“What? You didn’t have to stare.  You see them all the damn time.”

“That was still cheating!”

“You didn’t have to look,” Mike said. “Not our problem.”

Henry rolled his eyes and they continued the game. In the end, Ren and Mike beat them by sixty points. It wasn’t pretty.

“The losers are treating the victors to tacos,” Mike said.

“Well, I have to buy Ren’s food anyway so that isn’t much different,” Henry said.

Ren came to him across the sand, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry I played dirty.”

He leaned close to her. “That’s okay…as long as you play dirty tonight.”

“We can hear you,” Mike snapped.

“Mind your own beeswax,” Ren said. Then she moved closer to Henry. “I’ll make sure I do.”

They went to the taco shop a few feet away then sat down at the plastic tables outside. Ren scarfed down her food like she hadn’t eaten in weeks. Andre picked at his salad, leaving his dressing on the side. Henry drank a Corona because he desperately needed a beer after that embarrassing game.

“How’s the newspaper?” Mike asked.

“Good,” Henry said. “Nothing too interesting.”

“Well, it was never interesting,” Mike said. “I was just trying to be polite.”

“Be nice to my boyfriend,” Ren said.

“If he really loves you he’ll stick around whether I’m nice to him or not,” Mike said. He finished his food then pushed the plate away. He looked at his younger brother. “That’s all you’re going to eat?”

“What? I’m not a pig like you,” Andrew said.

“No wonder why you’re so skinny,” Mike said. “You don’t eat enough.”

“Ren eats enough for a family of eight and she’s still tiny,” Andre argued.

“Because I burn off the calories with Henry.” Ren had a smirk on her lips.

Henry blushed.

Mike and Andre both cringed.

Ren wiped her hands then headed to the bathroom. “I need to powder my nose.”

“Don’t care,” Mike said.

When she was gone, Henry felt her two brothers look at him. “What?”

“When are you going to ask her?” Andre pressed.

He smirked. “Soon.”

“When?” Mike demanded.

“I don’t want to say. I don’t want her to find out somehow,” Henry answered.

“We aren’t going to tell her,” Andre said.

“I’ll give you a heads up a little bit before but that’s it,” Henry said firmly.

Mike sighed. “I can’t believe my little sister is about to get engaged. I thought nobody would want her.”

“Me too,” Andre said. “She’s really annoying and really ugly.”

“I couldn’t disagree more,” Henry said.

Ren came back from the bathroom. “What were you guys talking about?”

“How ugly you are,” Andre blurted.

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not ugly.”

“Henry agreed with us,” Mike said.

“What?” she snapped.

“Don’t throw me under the bus,” Henry snapped.

She glared at Henry. “You said I was ugly?”

He gave her a serious look. “If I thought you were ugly, would I make love to you every night?”

Mike cringed again. “TMI.”

“Gross,” Andre said.

Ren smirked. “I suppose you’re right.”

They finished their lunch then tossed their trays on the garbage can.

“See you later,” Mike said.

“Bye,” Andre said.

“Bye.” Henry grabbed Ren’s hand and walked with her to his car.

“Do my brothers ever say anything nice about me?” she asked.

“Actually, no,” he said with a laugh.

They headed home then walked inside. Her dog immediately came to the door, excited to see them in the house.

“Hey, honey.” Ren scratched him behind the ears then hugged him like a teddy bear.

“Hey, man.” Henry patted him on the head then walked inside the house.

“What do you want to do tonight?” she asked.

Henry felt nervous. He was about to lie and he wasn’t very good at it. “I’m helping Coen work on his truck.”

“What’s wrong with it?” she asked.

Ren was knowledgeable about cars so that made the lie more difficult. “I’m not sure. Something to do with the engine.”

“I can help,” she said. “I work on my car all the time.”

“No, it’s okay. I think we’re getting a beer afterwards.”

“Oh,” she said sadly. “When will you be home?”

“As soon as we’re done.” He put his arms around her and held her close. “And not a second later.”

“Good. I like it when you’re home with me.”

“You aren’t tired of me?” he asked.

“Nope.” She hugged him close then dropped her hands. “So, you want to play dirty?” She had a mischievous look in her eye.

That caught his attention. “I always want to play dirty.”

“Then let’s do it.” She walked down the hall then untied her swimsuit as she went, dropping it on the ground.

Henry’s cock came to life instantly.

She turned around then massaged her breasts, giving him a hot look. “Am I going to do this by myself?”

Henry closed his gaping mouth then practically sprinted after her. “Definitely not.”


He pulled up to the shack and saw Sydney and Coen sitting on the steps outside. His hand was resting on her thigh and he was whispering something to her. She giggled then kissed him.

Henry liked watching their affection and feeling nothing but happiness for both of them. Sydney used to be the love of his life, but now he realized she had nothing on Ren. His love for her consumed him entirely.

He approached them. “I hope you got the sex out of the way.”

Sydney smirked. “We just had make up sex a little while ago.”

“What were you fighting about now?” Henry asked. “It seems like that’s all you ever do.”

“We fight because we’re both passionate and stubborn,” Coen said. “But I guess that’s why we go together so well.”

“We don’t go well together at all,” Sydney said. “You drive me crazy. But I love you for some inexplicable reason.”

“Because I’m good in bed and have tattoos.” He rolled his eyes.

“There’s more than that.” She hit his arm playfully.

Coen looked at Henry. “So, what’s up?”

“Want to help me pick out the ring?”

Sydney covered her face and gasped. “Oh my god! Seriously?”

Henry nodded. “I’m going to ask her this weekend.”

Sydney screamed so loud Henry had to cover his ears.

“Shit,” Coen said. “You don’t even scream that loud in bed.”

Sydney jumped up and hugged Henry. “Let’s go! Now!”

Henry laughed. “Okay, okay. Geez, calm down.”

Coen brooded. “She wasn’t even that excited when I proposed.”

‘Well, I didn’t know your proposal was real,” she snapped.

“You still didn’t seem that excited,” Coen said.

Henry rolled his eyes. “Can you have this fight later?”

“Oh yeah,” Sydney said. “Sorry. Let’s go.”


They walked into the jewelry store and Henry looked around. “ I think she’ll like this one. What do you think, Syd?”

She looked through the glass. “No. She won’t like a princess cut. That isn’t her.”

Henry looked at the plain circular diamond in the white gold band. “How about that one?”

Sydney nodded. “That’s nice. Get that one.”

Coen whistled when he saw the price. “It’s pricey.”

“She’s going to wear it for the rest of her life. It should be pricey.” Henry looked at the sales associate. “I’ll take this one.”

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