Lying With Temptation (5 page)

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Authors: S. M. Donaldson

BOOK: Lying With Temptation
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“Hey Linc…You here?”

“Shut it Russ, I was just thinking about a class.”

“Yeah well if coach catches you out of it like that your ass will be smoked.”

Cade walks up, “Hey have either of you guys talked to Gab today?”

I look up, “Yeah just a little while ago…everything okay?”

“Yeah well no, I’ve tried to text her and call her but she’s not answering.”

“Oh yeah she has to work for Professor Jennings.”

Russ laughs, “Whoa…I’ve heard about him…they say he hooks up with hottie students.”

I can’t help but notice Cade and I have the same look on our face…Russ looks at us like we’re crazy, “What is it with you two…Gabby will be fine…if he messes with her she’ll kick his ass.  She strikes me as the type of girl who has no problem telling someone where to get off.”

Cade shakes his head, “No you don’t really understand Gabby at all, you are seeing who she wants you to see…but I’ve still got to talk to her about something else.  Linc do you know what time she gets off?”

“I think she said five, because we talked about going to the weight room if she felt like it because she said it was a little late to run.”

He nods, “
Ok, I‘ll meet her after her work.”

We start to walk back onto the field, I grab
Cade’s arm to slow him up, “Hey really is everything going to be okay with Gabby?”

He shakes his head, “Yeah, it’s just going to piss her off…just some people we went to school with are coming up for a weekend and she’s not going to be happy.  Was she going straight to the weight room to meet you?”

“Yeah, I think so.  She said she had her bag”

“Okay I’ll probably talk to her while we work out, that way she can blow off steam.”

I shrug, “Fine with me whatever you need to do man.  If you need me to help with anything let me know, Gabby seems like a good friend to have.”

He smiles, “She’s the best…too good for her own good sometimes.”


A little after five Gabby comes in the weight room where Cade and I are.  She looks at Cade confused, “I didn’t know you were working out with us today…I thought you had a date?”

He smiles, “I’m gonna make sure you are training…now lets do the bench.”

She shrugs, “Okay.”

While he’s spotting her he looks down, “Hey Gab...”

She exhales,
God she’s so sexy
, “What?”

“Um so Leslie called me today.”

“Oh really, what? Is she wanna hook up with you again?”

“No she was letting me know some of the crew from home were coming up
to see my first game and stay for the weekend.”

Her eyes looked like they were about to explode, she keeps pressing through it with the weights, “The two you know who better not be Fucking coming here…do you hear me.”

“Gab they are.”

She practically tosses the bar to Cade and sits up, “What the fuck
? It isn’t enough that they embarrassed me in front of our whole town, they have to come all the way to Northern Alabama to do it again.”  She stands up, “Fuck it I’m going outside to smoke, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

I couldn’t tell she looks almost
like she may cry, “Cade, Dude what the hell?”

Cade shakes his head, “Okay I’m going to tell you some of this shit, but you can never let Gab know you heard it from me…I want you to talk to Daria about it too or better yet
arrange it so I can.  I’m only going to tell you guys some of it because when they show up in this town it’s not going to be big enough, and I’m going to need help with Gabby.”

I nod, “Okay what?”

“Alright Gabby’s best friend in high school besides me was a girl named Elle, she is the biggest slut ever…Gabby always kept other chicks from kicking her ass for sleeping with their boyfriends.  Gabby was just like she is now…she doesn’t know how attractive she is… I’ve tried telling her, but all the guys we went to school with thought Gabby was hot, but didn’t think she would go out with them.  In turn it gave Gabby the complex that none of the guys liked her and that all of them liked Elle.  Which they just wanted ass from Elle that’s all.  Gabby had her heart set on Reece…He’s a self-riotous prick who would lead Gabby on just to use her for her brain and I tried to tell Gabby…well some stuff happened Gabby got hurt really bad, she broke Elle’s nose it was crazy, I almost kicked Reece’s ass, the whole team was taking sides, hell the school took sides. For Gabby it was mortally embarrassing, so when they told her she could do early admission during the summer, she and I left town.  Now when they get here if she sees them she may lose it all over again.  I’m just warning you, because I think you’re a nice guy and you seem to be friends with her…trust me Gabby is a great friend to have.  She’s loyal and she’ll take care of you as long as you are good to her.”

All of this made me want to hold her that much more.  About that time Gabby walks back in, “Alright lets finish this.  But Cade if that bitch comes near me and give me that snotty slut smile…her nose will be broken again.  Understood…do your best to keep them away from me.”

I’m trying not to rush over there and pick her up and tell her how awesome she looks and have sex with her right here on this workout bench…the thought of someone treating her like that…Elle sounds like Jules.  What a bitch…no wonder she picked up on Jules when she talked to her. 

Cade looks at me, “Come on Gabby I need you to spot me for a few minutes.”

When Gabby and I walk back into our dorm she looks at me almost sad, “Linc, I’m sorry you saw how I acted in the weight room.  I was just hoping that I would never have to lay eyes on a couple of those people again.”

I shrug, “
its okay.”

She flops down on the couch, “So what did Cade tell you?  I could tell when I walked in from your facial expression.  I’m good at reading people most of the time…so don’t feel bad I know Cade probably told you not to tell me.”

I chuckle and shake my head, “Just that your best friend and a guy you really liked screwed with your head and that you broke her nose.  Cade almost beat the shit out of the guy and pretty much your whole school knew about whatever it was…that it was just a really shitty time for you…Also he asked me to keep an eye on you because if you ran into them you’d probably do some bone breaking again.”

She sighed
, “Well do you want me to tell you the whole story?”

I nod, “Sure if you want to.  Don’t think you have to.”

“No, I’ll tell you, you’ve been a good friend to me and I’m pretty sure I can trust you.”

I laugh, “Yes ma’am that you can.”

She took a deep breath, “Well I’d been crushing over a guy named Reece for most of my high school years.  My friend Elle, was a big slut, most of my day was spent keeping angry girlfriends from kicking her ass.  Short and sweet of it is, I got drunk at a party decided to cash in my v-card with Reece, he screwed me in a boat house since it was my first time I bled, it was fast and it was over.  He kissed me on the cheek and told me to clean up and he’d see me back out at the party.  The following Monday I felt people whispering all day, I found out that not only had he told the entire football team what happened, he’d been screwing around with Elle for three months and she thought she was pregnant…I lost my best friend and the guy I’d been crushing over all in one day.  She showed up at my house after I wouldn’t text her back, when she told me she wasn’t pregnant and that Reece only screwed me because he thought I’d be easy and he said all the blood was fucking gross.  I punched her in the nose and eye and told her that she was bleeding too now.  But my face wouldn’t look like shit in the morning.”  She shrugged, “Then I got early admission and Cade checked into to it too so I wouldn’t be by myself and we popped smoke.  Now here we are and they are coming in this weekend.”

I shake my head, “That guy sounds like a douche bag.  It pisses me off that he treated you that way.”

She wiped a little tear from the side of her face, “I know I must seem like a real loser…I only slept with one guy once in high school.”

I chuckle, “No if we are being honest, the only person I’ve slept with is Jules…Now it was more than once, but we dated for three years.  Although I wasn’t her one even when we were dating.”

She laughs and I smile, “There we go there’s my girls laugh.  But don’t worry we’ll keep you busy this weekend and get that hometown talking.  Besides if you want to really fuck with her…you know Russ is just about as big of a hoe as she is.”

She’s really laughing now, “What have Russ get her all worked up and then say some mean shit to her and walk off and leave her with the girl equivalent of blue balls.”

I nod, “Yeah maybe, he’ll be pissed if he finds out what she did.  He’ll seek revenge for you.  He did the same thing to Jules for me right after we broke up.  She’d been trying to hook up with him, while we were dating and it really pissed him off so he waited until we were broke up and then went in for the kill.”

She laughs, “Are we terrible or what?”

I look at her, “No they are.”  I realize we have been talking on the couch and little by little we have both crept closer to each other…and the door opens.  We both lean back like we realize what was about to happen.

Russ walks in, “Hey guys what’s up?  Did Cade find you Gabby he was freakin spazzing out at practice?”  He flops down in the chair with a bottle of water.

She nods, “Yeah he found me…Hey were you guys able to get me that ID yet?”

Russ smiles, “Awe shit!  Yes ma’am I just picked it up from my guy.”

She grabs the ID and we both look at it.  I look up at Russ, “Man this shit is almost flawless.  Did you get
our friend
to do it?”

“Yeah man he hooked me up because he owed me a favor lets say.”

She looks at me, “Do I even want to know?”

I laugh, “Probably not.”

“Well do you guys wanna try out my new ID tonight?”

My eyes light up, “Sure, I’m guessing you want to blow off some steam.”

She nods, “I’ll call Cade and Daria.”



Chapter 6


Cade looks at me when Daria and I walk out of our room; he shakes his head, “Boys we are going to get in a fight tonight…look at those two.”

I just watched Linc give me the once over…With all of the butterflies I thought I felt in school with Reece this is so different.  He’s nice to me, he’s friends with me, he puts the toilet seat down after he pees, and I so wanted to kiss him this afternoon on the couch.  He was so calming.  I’ve never told anyone besides Cade what all happened, how betrayed I felt.  I really felt good to trust someone.

Russ gives me his wink and nod, showing that he thinks we look hot, “Yep we’re going to have to keep the cocks knocked off of these two tonight.”

I snort, “Jeez Russ!  That was real sweet.”

Linc looks at me
, with a small grin, “Are you ladies ready to go?  I know Gabby here has a new ID burning a hole in her pocket.”

I smile, “Oh yeah you know it.”

We decided to walk down the street to the club and take a cab back.  It was fine with me because I was planning on getting drunk tonight.  My nerves were shot, this shit coming up with Reece and Elle had almost ruined my day.  If it hadn’t been for my one on one time with Linc, it might just have.

After we get in the door, Daria looks at me and smiles, “So the ID worked.   Let’s go get some drinks.”

Cade follows us to the bar; he looks at me and winks, “Ladies, I’ve got this one.”

Oh shit I know what he’s up to…Cade kills me…he’s working my roommate.

I smile in his direction and mouth,
“behave yourself.”

He nods and pulls me close, “I’m sorry I talked to Linc about all of that stuff from earlier and I talked to Daria.  I just want you to have backup emotionally when they all get here.”

I smile and kiss his cheek, “I know you did and no Linc didn’t tell me I could read it on his face so I finally just told him the entire story.  But I am glad you talked to Daria, oh and I think she’s got a thing for you too.”

His eyes pop open, “You told Linc the whole story…blood…everything?”

I nod, “Yes…Linc is a good friend…he’ll never replace you, but I trust him.  He’s been shit on a few times too.  He even helped me come up with a revenge scheme while they are here.  We sick Russ on her and when it gets to that point Russ just gets up and walks out leaving her with the equivalent of girl blue balls…oh and he’ll say some mean stuff.”

Cade laughs, “You are crazy girl…So you think Daria has a thing for me huh…you think I should ask her to dance?”

I nod, “Sure…after you get my drink.  But I’ve got to ask, what’s up with the change in type?”

He squints, “What do you mean?  Change in type.”

“Cade she’s not the little bimbos you normally go for.”

“Let’s just say I’m tired of chicks agreeing with everything I say.  Acting like they love football as much as I do.  Having so much make-up on that at the end of the night there’s almost as much on me as them.”

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