Lying With Temptation (9 page)

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Authors: S. M. Donaldson

BOOK: Lying With Temptation
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way back to campus.  Just take care of Anna. Oh and

et Linc know I left, they were expecting me back outside.

Cade: I will but, I’m also going to find out what the fuck


Me:  Just leave it Cade.

Cade:  Well considering I see that asshole Reece walking

oward me with a bloody nose I’m going to guess it had

o do with him.  I’ll handle this.



As I arrive back at campus, I decide to take a walk around.  It’s probably not the smartest

idea, but oh well.  I pull out my cigarettes and light one up.  I don’t smoke like I did in high school, most of the time I only smoke when I drink now, but I need this tonight.  I sit down on a bench in the main court yard surrounded by the dorms. 

I can’t help but think about what all Reece said.  Am I really following Linc around like I did him.  I need to put some more space between us; I can’t let myself get in the same situation.  He did kiss me that night, but we were both drunk and we stopped it. I feel someone watching me I turn around to see Professor Jennings.

He speaks, “Hi, I thought you’re sister was coming in?”

“She is here; she’s at a party with some of our friends.”  He wasn’t drunk when he kissed me.  He even lied about never kissing a student before, he must really want

“Oh, well do you mind if I sit here with you?  I need a smoke break on my way home.”

“No it’s fine.  I didn’t realize that you smoked.”

“Oh yes, I wish I could stop, but I haven’t found anything that works for me yet.”

“Well, I only smoke now when I’m drinking or stressed.”

“I wanted to speak with you about the other night.”  Ugh here it is…the elephant.

I put my hand up, “Look it’s okay, we just made a mistake.”

“Well, I wish I could say it was, but I can’t think of anything other than your lips.  So soft so sweet, so gentle.” He brushes the side of my face and I lean forward and our lips brush, we begin to kiss. I can feel my self getting carried away as a small moan escapes from my mouth.

He pulls away for a moment, “Let’s walk this way, we don’t need to be seen.  My apartment is right off campus, we can walk there if that’s okay.” 

I nod and I can tell I had a little more to drink than I thought, “Yes.”

I follow him to his apartment as we cross into the apartment I wonder how many other coeds have been here. 
You know what I don’t care…I’m doing this for me…fuck you subconciseness.
  As he closes the door, he pulls me into a more eager kiss.  I feel a tightening between my legs…ugh.  We fumble and find our way to his couch.

He brushes my hair back from my face, “You are so beautiful and intelligent.” He lays me back on the sofa and slowly runs his hands up and down my body.  I run my hands up and down his back.  We start pulling each others clothes and I quickly see where this is heading. 
I should really stop…this is stupid…once again screw you subconciseness…I’m doing this for me.





Chapter 11


              Where is Gabby?  She said she’d meet us out here?  There’s Cade I’ll ask him if he’s seen her.  Anna is looking around; I can tell she’s wondering too.  As Cade approaches I call his name, “Cade!”

“Hey man, what’s up?”

“Have you seen Gabby?  She said she was going to the bathroom and was going to meet us here.”

About that time Cade’s phone goes off, he opens it and starts cussing and typing.  I look at him, “What’s up?”

“Well she’s headed back to the dorms in a cab.  She wanted me to make sure Anna gets back okay.  She won’t tell me what’s going on but judging from Reece walking this way with a bloody nose I’m sure he has everything to do with it.”  Daria walks up and hears the tail end of the conversation.

As Reece approaches, I see Cade’s face changing to anger.  I can’t help but feel a rise in the pit of my stomach too.  Before either one of us can get to him Anna brushes past us, “What in the Hell did you do to my sister?”

He looks at the four of us, “She’s the crazy one who just broke my nose and kneed me in the balls.  She’s still hung up on me I guess.”

I can see Cade is about to hit him, but before he can Anna knocks the shit out of him.  She glares at him, “Answer my damn question and she’s not crazy. It doesn’t matter if you ever go near her again I will chop your manhood off and since that’s where most of your brain is, that would be really bad.” 

About that time that bitch Elle rushes to his side, “What is wrong with
you Lewis girls hitting people? Maybe you guys need anger management?  You girls are both insecure bitches.”

Anna and Daria both glare at her. 

Anna says, “We may need anger management, but you need cunt management.  Considering you can’t seem to keep from slinging it at anyone who looks at you the least bit interested.” 

I decide I need to try and resolve this before it gets out of hand, “I think it’s best if you guys leave.”

The little bitch looks at me, “Who in the Hell do you think you are?  You are just the latest crush that Gabby is going to follow around.  She’ll never give it up, so if you want to have fun, you and I can go find a room.”

Russ steps forward, “
Look BITCH, you need to leave, no one wants your over suntanned, slutty, skanky ass around here.  Gabby is a good person and the reason you don’t see that is because you are a horrible person and if you ever talk about Anna that way again…”

She smirks, “What
, you’ll hit a girl?”

Russ didn’t have time to say anything else before Daria’s fist punched Elle in the mouth.
  Daria pulls her hand back, “Now will you guys leave?  Your other friends can stay but the two of you need to go, I’ll even call you a freakin cab to take you to the hotel.”

Elle looks up holding her
face, “No thanks, I’m done here, come on Reece let’s go and just so you know Cade we aren’t staying for your game tomorrow.”

He laughs, “Do you think I really give a shit?  But I mean it if either of you go near Gabby again, it won’t end well.”

Anna looks at us, “I’m sorry that’s our home town.”

Russ chuckles
and throws his arm around Anna’s shoulders, “Jeez no wonder Gabby calls it Shitville. Damn girls, both of you have a hell of a punch.”

Cade looks at Anna, “Who did you actually ride up here with?  Not those two I hope.”

“No, I rode with Dylan and Stacy.”

“Okay good.  Now
let’s go find that sister of yours, so I can tell her that you’ve got a hell of a right hook like her.”  Then he reaches and pulls Daria to his side and nuzzles her ear, “You too… very sexy right hook, I think you are staying with me tonight.”  She giggles and grabs his hand.

I look at Russ and Anna, “Alright lets regroup since none of us are trashed
we can just ride back with Cade and Daria.”  I look over at them, “Ugh never mind, I don’t think they are going to make it to the house before… oop yeah um…  Let’s just call a cab.”

Anna laughs and looks at me, “I’m going to text Gab and let her know we are on our way in.”

I nod, “Yeah I’ll call a cab.  Russ why don’t you go let Gainer know we are going but, we are sorry for all of that.”

He nods and Anna’s phone dings, “She says she’s with a friend, she’ll be back at the room soon.”

That’s weird Gabby doesn’t have many people around here I’ve seen her be chummy with.  She doesn’t trust many people….





Chapter 12


Anna:  Hey Gab we are headed back to the dorm…drama

drama drama I’ll explain when I get there.

Me:  Okay I’m with a friend…I’ll meet you guys there in a few.

I roll over and grab my panties and my pants off the floor, I look over at the deliciously

Hot Professor Jennings. 
Oh my God, I’m such an idiot I’ve got to get the Fuck out of here.
  I feel a hand on my shoulder.  I turn around to see the professor looking at me, “Hey where are you off to?”

As I put my bra and sweater back on, “Um I need to get back to my apartment.”  He pulls me in for a kiss.  “I’ll see you again soon I hope?”

“Umm yeah, of course.”

He looks back at me, “I’m serious…I want to see you again.”

As I walk back on campus, I cannot believe I just did that.  I’ve risked everything I worked so hard for, all because Reece brought up all of my insecurities.  I hate him with every fiber of my being.  I cannot believe I just had sex with my damn professor/boss.  I can’t talk to anyone about this…Anna would freak, Daria would be pissed because she warned me, Cade would kill him, Linc would think I’m a loser…I just can’t even fathom what I’m going to do.  I can’t see him again. Even though I’m really uncomfortable with the fact that he’s so intent on seeing me again. I’m such an idiot.  I reach for my apartment door not even remembering how I got here.  My head has been swimming the entire way.

I open the door and see Anna, Linc and Russ all waiting for me in the living room.  Anna makes her way across the room.  “Gabby what the hell happened?”

“Just Reece was a dick and I punched him in the nose. He wanted to hook up in the bathroom.  I told him to f-off; he pretty much called me a tease, so I kneed him in the balls and punched him.”

Russ laughs, “Well that makes two of you.”

I squint, “What are you talking about?”

Anna shifts around, “I punched him, he called you crazy and wouldn’t answer my question.  Then Elle showed up and said some ugly things about you and I both.  Linc and Russ stood up for us, before Cade could and then Daria punched Elle.”

I have to laugh at this point, “Okay so Daria was right about all the Jerry Springer shit huh Russ?”

He laughs, “I guess so, but
Gab you’d of been proud of little sis here.  She clocked
peanut butter cup
boy in his jaw.”  He’s so tall and lean with his sandy blonde hair, when he talks he’s so animated. 

I laugh and so do Linc and Anna, “What did you call him?”

He laughs, “His name is Reece right? Makes me think of peanut butter cups.”

Linc grabs his stomach laughing and I almost forget the stupid shit I did a couple of hours ago…
Almost.  Shit I’m stupid…

“Well guys I’m sorry about all of this.  We were having a great time and those assholes ruined it.”

Linc stands up and walks over to me, put his hands on my shoulders, “Gabby, no one should ever disrespect you like that.  You are a good person and those two are just evil.”

God now I really feel like shit for what I did…
  I decide to change the subject a little, “Where’s Daria and Cade?”

Anna laughs, “I think big brother Cade got a little turned on when Daria punched Elle, so they went back to his place.”

I laugh, “Okay then, well I guess I didn’t have to worry about Leslie getting to him then.”

She laughs and so does Russ.  Russ looks up, “Ugh no that drunk girl, she made an ass out of herself trying to get Cade’s attention.  I actually think she left with the other two.  The rest of the people Anna introduced me to, were cool…but those three jeez.”

I laugh, “Yep, they’re cool…unless they can gossip about you.  Now we have to see all of them at the game.”

Anna laughs, “No, Elle and Reece said they weren’t staying for Cade’s game and he told them he didn’t give a shit.”

“Who did you actually ride with?”

“Dylan and Stacy.”

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