Mack (King #4) (22 page)

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Authors: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

BOOK: Mack (King #4)
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He winked.

“Ohmygod.” I rushed forward and threw my arms around his neck, bathing his face in kisses, while standing on my tiptoes. “I missed you. I missed you. I missed you.”

Wait. Why’s he dressed like…
I pulled back. “What’s going on with the uh…new look?” Mack was a rough-around-the-edges type—leather jacket, jeans, and probably only wore a suit when forced.

“Just because King is gone doesn’t mean the work has ended.”


“Meaning that Mia spent the week helping me perfect my King impersonation, which wasn’t easy for her, but she knows how important it is. For all of us,” he added.

I cringed. “Why?”

“Because the 10 Club still has to be dealt with and that has to be an inside job.”

“So you’re going to pose as your brother.” That sounded extremely dangerous.

He nodded. “But I need you to help me with the icing.”


He pulled me tightly against him, and I could smell his delicious, citrusy cologne mixed with the subtle natural musk of his skin and hair.

He smells like a sexy badass.

He continued, “And since the 10 Club members believe you’re King’s plaything, well, I thought you could help me perfect that part of my image, too.”

My stomach began to fill with dangerous, hot little sparks. “You have no idea what you do to me.”

“Why don’t you tell me?” He moved a warm hand to the back of my neck.

“Looking at you, seeing you alive makes every inch of my body ache. In a good way.” That was pretty weak compared to how I truly felt.

“Then why did you try to forget me?” There was a flicker of hurt in his eyes.

I could only offer him my best guess. “I think I lost hope.”

“Whatever the reason, it’s time to move forward.” He released me, took my hand, and tugged me into the living room, pushing me to sit on my white sofa. He then kneeled his large, well-built frame in front of me.

“Do it. Take it away,” he said.

It took me a moment to realize what he was asking. He finally wanted me to heal him, and for me, there was simply nothing in this world I wanted more. Than him, of course.

I studied Mack’s new face. It was fucking beautiful. No. Beautiful was the wrong word. Beautiful was a flower or a sunset. His face was exquisite and masculine, and I still couldn’t fully believe all this was real.

But it is…

“Okay. Here goes.” From this moment on, he and I would be starting our life together. Not completely free of the past, but we’d be together and…well…uncursed. Hey, that was pretty nice.

I placed my hands on either side of his neck, beginning to focus on that little warm light.

“Wait. I’m not going to forget you, am I?” he asked.

I gave it a moment of thought. That light seemed to have a will all its own when it came to determining what a person needed, but I’d helped King lighten the load of his torment, and he turned out fine—more or less.

“I think we just have to see what will happen,” I said. “But don’t worry. If you forget me, I’ll remind you.” I leaned forward, threading my hand into his thick, soft, dark hair, and kissed him. Our lips melded, our tongues mingled, and I didn’t know about him, but my heart began to accelerate. And somewhere in the back of my mind, it all felt familiar. Perhaps it was a vague memory of our first kiss over three thousand years ago in that small smoky hut somewhere in the jungle when he’d been a stranger from another land and captured my heart, when I had been willing to leave everything behind and risk my life just for the chance to be with him. I still felt the same.

It didn’t take long for our kiss, with him still kneeling in front of the couch and me pulling him closer between my legs, to turn into a frenzy of want and need. He’d left me several weeks ago after I thought I’d lost him forever, and I’d been waiting not-so-patiently to release my bottled-up tension.

I broke the kiss and quickly slid off his tie, unbuttoned his shirt, and then helped him shrug it off along with his blazer. His well-defined chest and arms and rippling abs were too incredible for words, except for… “Wow. I think I like this body even better.”

He flashed a charming smile that produced little divots in his stubbly cheeks that instantly got me thinking about one thing and one thing only.

I stood up and pulled my white knit work blouse over my head and then quickly wiggled out of my slacks and underwear.

Still kneeling, Mack gazed up at me with those hungry eyes. “Once again, if I’d only known that showing you my manly abs would get me into your pants this fast, I would’ve led with that.”

I chuckled and sat back down on the couch, pulling him between my thighs. He frantically unbuckled his belt and freed his hard cock. I glanced down at the thing, remembering how it looked when he first appeared at the burial site in his birthday suit. It had gotten much bigger.

“Geez. Is that larger than your last body?”

He shrugged proudly and then gripped my hips and slid me forward, a wolfish grin on his face.

I needed him so badly. He had no idea. Or maybe he did, because he went straight to giving me what I wanted: That large cock inside me.

He took his hard flesh in his hand and watched himself slowly entering, inch by inch, inside me, coaxing a soft moan from my mouth. He felt so incredible—the way he filled me so completely, the way he took pleasure in watching his shaft slide inside and connect our bodies, the way he looked at me with those eyes.

Once inside completely, he pressed his hands on the crease of my thighs and then pulled out again, ever so slowly. This was a slow kind of blissful torture, erotic as hell.

I moaned again as he repeated the act, savoring the slow burn of our bodies touching so intimately.

“No more, please. You’re going to drive me mad.”

“You want me to stop?”

“No, I meant—” I leaned forward and pulled him into me, kissing him hard. His sweet, sweet taste and smell only amplified my excitement.

He let loose and began pumping hard, our hips colliding, the pressure building. I then remembered what he’d asked of me, and without my even thinking about it, that light began to flow through my body into Mack as we made hard, hot love.

His mouth trailed down the side of my neck, kissing and licking everything in reach, while his strong hands cupped my breasts and his hips thrusted into me at the perfect pace, building the sweet tension pooling deep inside my core.

I didn’t know if he was lost in the moment, in the sensation of our bodies moving together, pushing each other toward what we both knew would be a mind-blowing climax, but I don’t think he realized what I was doing to the other part of him: his soul.

As I gripped his shoulders, feeling myself fall over that delicious edge, the light flowing through us, all I could think of was that it had all been worth it. For this moment of happiness, I would live it all over again.

The orgasm crashed through me without mercy, drawing a deep moan from my lips that pushed Mack over the edge. He arched his back and thrust one final time, coming hard. My body still flying somewhere up in the clouds, I heard Mack groan again in such a sensual tone, he sparked another round of delicious contractions.

He slowly pushed into me, still twitching as his cum continued to jet out, prolonging the moment for me.

was all that came to mind.

After a few minutes, holding each other, sweaty and panting, Mack whispered in my ear, “I hope one of them gets lucky.”

It took a moment for that to sink in.

“You mean your sperm?” I glanced at him sideways.

He made a little shrug and smiled before planting a lingering kiss on my collarbone. “I’ve been waiting a very long time to start my life. And so have you.”

He was so right. “I hope one of them gets lucky, too.”



After Mack and I had our hotter-than-hell reunion quickie on the sofa, we somehow made it to my bedroom and continued going at it for the next few hours—with a few breaks here and there for his new “equipment,” of course. Mack licked and explored every inch of my body, and I reciprocated. His abs alone received a solid forty-five minutes of adoring kisses and affection.

All the while, I kept gloating over how great of a job I’d done healing him. That man was seriously happy. Glowing, radiant, sexy as hell, a fucking stallion of pleasure in bed, and utterly joyous. And he was totally focused one hundred percent on me. Not on curses. Not on skeletons in the closet. Just me.

Both of us lying down, gazing up at my white ceiling in a post-coital fog, I could honestly say it was the first time I recalled not thinking about anything. Not a damned thing. I was a giant ball of squishy, gooey, blissful emotions.

I sighed contentedly. “God, I’m so happy.”

Mack chuckled. “I’m glad, because I feel obligated to make an honest woman out of you, and no one wants to be married to a grump.”

I turned my head. He was smiling but still staring up at the ceiling.

“Married, huh? I dunnoooo. You’re kinda old,” I said.

He whipped his gaze my way. “I’m deeply offended. And I intend to punish you for that until you say yes.”

I lifted a brow. “Promise?”

“Just as soon as I get us a glass of water.” He slid from the bed, buck naked, giving me a genuinely stunning view of his perfect, hard, round ass and that powerful back and broad shoulders and…

God, that’s so unfair. He’s way too beautiful.

“Want anything?” he called out from the hallway as he made his way to my kitchen.

“Just you!”

I sighed and wiggled my toes underneath the sheets, beginning to mentally plan our wedding. First, we would take a long trip somewhere secluded and warm; then we’d marry—it would have to be an elopement—no, something chic and modest so my parents would be happy—and then we’d take another few week’s honeymoon on some other gorgeous island. As for my job, well…I’d have to work something out with them, if they’d let me. I didn’t want to run a center, I’d realized somewhere along this journey; I wanted to heal people and use my gift.

I wonder what Mack wants to do.
Honestly, I had no idea what was involved in dismantling that 10 Club. I couldn’t believe it would be easy or without some risk.

I seriously needed to ask him about that. Because on one hand, such a powerful group of degenerates could not be allowed to continue doing what they were doing. On the other hand, I wanted Mack safe and all to myself.

“A wise choice,” said that deep, deep voice from the doorway.

I looked up at Mack, who now had his suit back on along with a very serious look on his face.

“Why did you get dressed?” I asked.

He stared at me without the slightest hint of kindness or affection in his eyes. That was when I noticed the ribbons of black swirling all around him.


He continued staring with that hard, empty gaze, turning the room a frigid temperature that left my breath steaming in front of my face.

“The 10 Club stays,” he said. “And tell my brother to stay
the fuck
out of my way.”

I blinked, and he was gone. Poof!

Shivering like mad, I swallowed the lump of cold dread stuck in my throat.

“Hey! Your dog just tried to lick my d—Teddi? What’s wrong?”

I looked at Mack, who stood in the doorway, buck naked, holding a tall glass of water in each hand.

I couldn’t speak.

“Teddi? What the fuck is wrong?” Mack repeated.

Once again, I swallowed hard. “Umm…” I pointed my shaking hand at the doorway where the real Mack now stood. “Y-y-your br-br-brother.”

“What about him?”

“He’s back. And it’s not the-the good one.” It wasn’t the living one either.

The glasses in Mack’s hands slipped and crashed on the floor. “Fuck.”



(Okay…not the end.)

Read on for more info about the next book in the series!



Hi, All!

Now, before anyone moans and says, “Uuuugh…another Mimi cliffhanger!” let me just defend myself by pointing out that it’s technically a teaser for the next book since Mack did find his special someone and we finally got to find out what he’d been up to all those years.

BUT…is his journey over? Heck no! Neither is King’s, Mia’s, or Teddi’s. Because there’s still one more big piece of story missing to close out the original King Trilogy! So keep your eyes open for…


“I am the man who will kill anyone that gets in my way. And, Mack, you’re in my fucking way.”
– King

Coming Fall 2016

For more book info:

And don’t miss the upcoming cover reveal. (Yes! With a full-faced sexy, evil King!) Sign up for my mailing list:


I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to see Mack and King face off! (I wonder if they could solve their issues with a nude mud-wrestling match. Hmm…)

Anyway, moving on…I know posting reviews can be a serious pain in the butt, but I am FOREVER grateful when you do them. YES! They still matter. So please DO remember to mention when you post one and request MACK SWAG (
[email protected]
). I’ll be sure to throw in some extra goodies! (Likely, I’ll have Tommaso and God of Wine swag soon! Yum.)

AND! For you folks who enjoy the book breakdowns, I added one for you after the playlist below!

Okay then, off you go! Find happy, tasty book treats and report back to the rest of us.

Happy Reading,



P.S. Want to hear what was playing while I wrote this book?




“Trouble” by Ray LaMontagne

“10,000 Emerald Pools” by Børns

“Dug My Heart” by Børns

“Past Lives” by Børns

“Electric Love” by Børns

“Tear In My Heart” by Twenty One Pilots

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