Read Mackie's Men Online

Authors: Lynn Ray Lewis

Tags: #ex military, #mmmf romance, #female bodyguard, #corporate espionage, #menage romance, #action adventure

Mackie's Men (13 page)

BOOK: Mackie's Men
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John went back to the guys and looked at the time. It was after midnight, and they would have to get up early.

Darryl hadn’t put his ruined shirt on, there was no reason to. He was comfortable in his skin, and John crossed over to him while Liam checked his messages. The three of them had been together for eight years, and John was comforted as Darryl’s long arms pulled him close when he came near enough for the big guy to embrace.

Darryl had a habit of reading his friend’s moods, and he knew John needed reassurance that things would work out for them. “Look, I know that your guts are twisting right now, hell, look at me. How many times have you seen me do a striptease for anyone? She was so worried and focused on her scars that I didn’t even think about it. The next thing I know I’m standing there, almost bare assed, so she could see that scars aren’t what make you love a person or not. As I stood there, I finally accepted my own fears, and you and Liam, you have no idea how much I love you guys.”

He tightened his embrace and leaned in for a deep kiss with John’s willing lips. He needed that reassurance himself, and got it from his friend who was closer to him than any blooded brother could be. John’s hands ran the length of his spine and over the scars that had once made him avoid mirrors and taking his shirt off, even during sex.

John was in the mood for more than reassurance, it had been days since they’d been together like this and he wanted to taste every inch of Darryl’s muscle bound body. He broke the kiss and stayed close as he licked his way over his jaw and down his neck. Licking his way down to the beaded nipple closest to his lips, he nibbled on the small knot before running his hand over its counterpart, and trailing down in a straight line to Darryl’s thick cock straining against the zipper of his pants.

He felt his own shirt being pulled from his waistband and knew Liam had decided to leave his messages and join them. He had to back off the expanse of skin long enough to help get the shirt over his head, and went right back to freeing the object of his desire from the material that held Darryl’s cock from his eyes. Once he had released the outer layer, he licked his lips at the sight of Darryl’s cock behind the thin material of his boxer briefs. He ran his fingertips from nuts to the tip of where his cock ended and had left a small wet spot from pre-cum. He took the waistband of the underwear between his teeth and began to pull it down, revealing just the thick head, and groaned. His teeth let the cloth loose and he licked at the dark pink flesh. He could taste the small droplets that still leaked from Darryl’s dick. He reached both hands up and finished pulling the boxers from his lover’s hips, dragging them down to his ankles. He ran his hands from the backs of those sculpted thighs to his ass cheeks and squeezed a cheek in each hand. He breathed his words of praise over the big man’s dampening skin. “You have the hottest fucking body I’ve ever seen and seeing you like this makes me want you more each time I have you. So fucking good, you have no idea.” His tongue was busy after the last word came out in a strangled groan.

Liam wasn’t about to be left out of the play tonight. They hadn’t had much time together lately, and this was the perfect opportunity to enjoy each other again. John was on his knees, bent over to enjoy Darryl’s cock with his mouth, and seeing them like that with Darryl nude and standing tall and proud was hot. The man was sexy as hell, and while he might consider them sexy, Darryl had them hands down, that was one of the things Liam loved about the man. He wasn’t stuck on himself and he was easy to love.

Darryl and John were the best thing that happened to him, and thinking of adding Mackie to their family, well they could only hope she would give the idea serious thought and be open minded enough, no, not open minded so much as open hearted enough to have the capacity to love the three of them.

He crossed over to the smallest drawer of John’s desk and grabbed a bottle of lube before kicking his shoes off and removing the rest of his clothes. John was busy, but helped him when he crossed the room and began pulling the shirt of John’s body.

He reached around and unsnapped and unbuckled John’s pants, pulling them down over his nice ass. He ran his hands over John’s back and thighs several times before running lubed fingers along the seam of his ass. With his pants wadded up at the knees, there wasn’t much room for having him spread his legs, but Liam sent his fingers to the small hole he was planning on burying his cock inside of. He poured more lube at the top of the seam of his ass and slid two fingers into the warm tight hole.

“Damn, man, you are tight as ever, I can’t hardly wait to fuck you. Let me know when you’re ready, because I’m too hard to play nice. Seeing you and Darryl is inspiring, you know. Fuck me if it isn’t.”

He fingered and widened the tight spot and watched as John took half of Darryl’s cock into his mouth, pull back, and swallow the thick cock even deeper. He heard John groan as he added a third finger and continued to work his digits as deeply as possible.

When John pushed back on his fingers for the forth time, Liam pulled them from the heated entrance and set the head of his cock to the tight ring that would squeeze the cum from his balls in an embarrassingly short time. He reached down and fondled John’s cock and rolled the tight sac of his testicles in his fingers. He held his hip and slowly slid his cock inside of his friend’s asshole. He took the shaft of John’s cock in his hand and each pump of his hips cause him to jack him off as all three men groaned and moaned their way into a faster pace.

Darryl looked up and saw Mackie standing at the door. He smiled at her and raised his hand in a come join us gesture. She was staring at the three of them with interest and unless he missed his guess, heat. She shook her head when she saw him gesture toward her, but he tried again, and her feet came into the room.

“Come closer, sugar, we won’t bite unless you ask us to.” She came within three feet of where he was standing and by then, the other men had noticed she was there.

John kept sucking the thick cock in his mouth, holding onto Darryl’s ass as he moaned when Liam sank fully into his ass.

Darryl held out his hand toward Mackie and she stepped closer. He reached for her shoulder to bring her closer, and she was so busy watching the two men on the floor that she allowed herself to be brought snug to the side of his body. He bent his head to kiss her under her ear and place small nibbles over her jawline. When he reached her lips, his tongue teased her top lip to open it and once she did, he sent his tongue inside of her mouth and explored every crevice while she moved her tongue along side of his in a gentler but no less carnal kiss.

Mackie had found a t-shirt and a pair of boxers on the bed when she came out of the bathroom John must have been kind enough to provide. Once she’d laid down to sleep, it occurred to her that she’d left her purse with her cell phone inside downstairs. She might have taken the night off, but Laura Downs would demand that she be called in case of any emergency.

She was happy to hear sounds coming from the room that her purse had been left in. She turned the doorknob and stopped in her tracks. When the men had told her that they were exclusive bi-sexual lovers, she hadn’t thought much about it at the time. She had seen men having sex before, but none of the men she had seen before looked like these men. Not to mention she had no intention of considering what they appeared to be asking from her then.

Seeing them all naked and caressing each other, kissing and running their hands over all of that muscle was the sexiest thing she could remember seeing. Watching John sucking Darryl’s big cock made her body warm, and seeing the look on Liam’s face as he sank his cock deep into the doctor’s body had made her pussy feel swollen and needy. She could feel the way her nipples beaded into tight knots too.

When Darryl noticed her standing at the door and waved her to him, she almost ran back to her room. The temptation to see these beautiful men making love to each other was too much for her to walk away from, and she drifted closer and closer until Darryl’s strong arm encircled her and his lips claimed her own.

He turned her around and put his lips close to her ear. “Watch the two of them, have you ever seen such beautiful people giving each other so much pleasure? The feeling of John’s mouth on my cock combined with the taste of your lips has me ready to come. Are you wet? Is your little pussy drenching those boxers?”

His lips opened and his tongue licked at her earlobe and down her neck to her shoulder. “Tell me, sugar, when I put my hand inside the waistband of these shorts, will your pussy enjoy my fingers giving you pleasure?” He wasn’t teasing, his hand slid down until his fingers were tickling the small patch of hair she kept neatly trimmed, and ventured further down to rub over the lips of her pussy. His fingers slid in between her slit and his thumb began rubbing back and forth over her clit. Two fingers slipped inside of her cunt and she groaned through her teeth.

“I can feel how wet you are, how about if I do this?” He hooked his two fingers side by side and lifted up, while his thumb pressed down on her clit harder. His other hand reached around and held her breast with the nipple being pinched between his finger and thumb.

“I’m about to come, sugar, how about you join me, and we can watch Liam lose his mind fucking John’s asshole while we do it. I know I’d rather be licking your pussy when I come, but until you decide what you want, this will have to do. Can you imagine how it would feel to have the three of us feasting on your sweet flesh? I can, and yeah, sugar, now is a good time to come, come on, baby, give me all that sweetness.”

His hips were moving and his hold on her breast tightened, causing a thrill to run through her pussy, and she stiffened, she was coming, and the sensations filling her could no longer be contained without screaming low and panting, as she pumped her hips while her pussy clenched over his fingers.

Liam watched her face as she came and he started to feel his own orgasm begin. He tightened his hand over John’s dick, and gave it a few hard pumps before feeling the beautiful cock in his hand swell and begin pulsating as the carpet beneath them became wet from John’s sperm soaking it. His own cum shot from his cock, filling the tight dark tunnel of John’s ass. He laid over John and ran his hands over the doctor’s back and thighs repeatedly. He could feel his cock shrinking from John’s body, and he groaned again once the sensitized flesh of his cock pulled free.

Chapter Ten



Mackie laid on the bed again, she needed sleep, and she needed to think. Why she was acting out of character baffled her. She had never in her wildest imagination thought there might be a remote possibility that she could end up in this situation. One man had been an old dream and goal. Two men were strictly fantasy and reading preference, but three men?

Yes, yes, yes… hold on, girlie, you need to think this through. It’s not like you’re doing a job here, it’s not as easy as that.
The only person she would need to protect would be herself. Yet allowing her emotions to get involved with these men would require more bravery than she was certain she possessed. She fell asleep with the pictures of the beautiful naked men she’d left downstairs when she panicked and all but ran from the room.

It seemed that she’d just drifted off to sleep when there was a knock on the bedroom door, and Dorian came into the room without her saying a word. She was still under the covers with her head buried under the pillow.

The pillow was pulled off her head and she opened one eye to see the man’s chest. She turned her head and saw that he was smiling and had a small tray with coffee and a bagel sitting on the nightstand waiting for her.

“Okay, if this is a peace offering, I accept and grovel for forgiveness for my part yesterday.” She sat up, keeping the sheet from falling away from her thighs. Dorian shook his head at her words and told her on his way back through the door.

“Time to get up, lady, the men will meet you downstairs in twenty minutes.”

Mackie had the cup of coffee to her lips within seconds of the door closing behind him. The bagel was toasted just right and she enjoyed crunching the warm bread as she thought about her day to come.

She felt awkward wearing a dress without panties, but hers were a mess, and she left them rinsed out and hanging on the shower bar. She hadn’t remembered to grab her purse last night and was concerned about that too. She never forgot to take her phone to bed with her. This situation had her feeling so off kilter and confused that she began questioning her sanity. Being honest with her self, she admitted to feeling restless for months, and now she had an inkling why.

The minute she saw the three men standing at the bottom of the stairs, she knew in her gut that she wasn’t going to be able to ignore what they’d done together and shared with her. Thankfully they had been smart enough not to push her when she left the room early this morning. They wanted her to know what she was getting into if she decided to give the unusual relationship a chance. Fuck.

John was dressed in a light blue button up shirt and black slacks. Liam looked like he stepped out of a magazine in his business suit, and Darryl looked like a wet dream in his leather jacket and muscle shirt over jeans and boots. They all turned to watch her step off the bottom stair.

She had to smile, they looked so anxious and hopeful that, what? Were they afraid that she would be embarrassed or mad? Her smile must have reassured them because she could almost feel the way their shoulders relaxed when they saw her.

BOOK: Mackie's Men
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