Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish (132 page)

Read Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish Online

Authors: Margarita Madrigal

Tags: #Reference, #Language Arts & Disciplines

BOOK: Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish
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Translate the following sentences into Spanish. Write out each sentence in Spanish, using the columns above as a guide. Check your sentences with the correct translations below this exercise.

  1. We put on (present tense) our coats.
  2. They put on (present tense) their gloves.
  3. I put on (present tense) my hat.
  4. He put on (past tense) his scarf.
  5. I put on (past tense) my shoes.
  6. They put on (past tense) their stockings.
  7. I have put on my suit.
  8. I’m putting on my shirt.
  9. I go to bed early.
  10. Charles goes to bed late.
  11. Do you go to bed very early?
  12. We went to bed at eleven.
  13. They go to bed very early.
  14. I get up at seven.
  15. Do you get up at eight?
  16. We got up at five.
  17. They get up at six.
  18. I’m going to get up at five tomorrow.
  19. Last night I went to bed very early.
  20. Did you go to bed early?
  21. We went to bed at ten.
  22. I got up at six.
  23. Did you get up late?
  24. We got up at eight.
  25. They got up at five.
  26. I got married in June.
  27. Edward got married in August.
  28. Helen married Edward.
  29. Martha married John.
  30. They got married last year.
  31. Henry got married in January.
  32. John got married in April.
  33. Elizabeth got married in February.
  34. They are going to get married in September.
  35. Martha got married in May.

Check your sentences with the translations below.

  1. Nos ponemos los abrigos.
  2. Se ponen los guantes.
  3. Me pongo el sombrero.
  4. Se puso la bufanda.
  5. Me puse los zapatos.
  6. Se pusieron las medias.
  7. Me he puesto el traje.
  8. Me estoy poniendo la camisa.
  9. Me acuesto temprano.
  10. Carlos se acuesta tarde.
  11. ¿Se acuesta muy temprano?
  12. Nos acostamos a las once.
  13. Se acuestan muy temprano.
  14. Me levanto a las siete.
  15. ¿Se levanta a las ocho?
  16. Nos levantamos a las cinco.
  17. Se levantan a las seis.
  18. Me voy a levantar a las cinco mañana.
  19. Anoche me acosté muy temprano.
  20. ¿Se acostó temprano?
  21. Nos acostamos a las diez.
  22. Me levanté a las seis.
  23. ¿Se levantó tarde?
  24. Nos levantamos a las ocho.
  25. Se levantaron a las cinco.
  26. Me casé en junio.
  27. Eduardo se casó en agosto.
  28. Elena se casó con Eduardo.
  29. Marta se casó con Juan.
  30. Se casaron el año pasado.
  31. Enrique se casó en enero.
  32. Juan se casó en abril.
  33. Isabel se casó en febrero.
  34. Se van a casar en septiembre.
  35. Marta se casó en mayo.

  1. “Ponerse a” means “to start to” (
to put yourself to
). It is used with the infinitive.

   Me puse a cantar.
I started to sing

Se puso a llorar.
He started to cry

Se pusieron a trabajar.
They started to work

“Ponerse” also means “to become” (
to get
) when it is followed by an adjective.

Se puso furioso.
He got furious. He became furious

Se puso pálido.
He got pale. He became pale

  2. Sometimes reflexive pronouns are used instead of a subject.


Se habla español.
Spanish is spoken

Se permite.
It is permitted, allowed

Se prohibe.
It is prohibited, forbidden

Se necesita una criada.
Wanted, a maid (A maid is needed

The above sentences do not state who speaks, permits, needs, etc. Therefore the reflexive pronoun is used. These expressions are not frequently used in conversation. You’ll find them mostly in signs such as “Se prohibe fumar” (
Smoking is forbidden
) or in newspaper ads such as “Se necesita una criada” (
Maid wanted

3. The reflexive is also used in what we call reciprocal action, that is, when people do things to each other.

Se besaron.
They kissed each other

  Nos vemos.
We see each other

Se parecen.
They resemble each other

No se hablan.
They don’t speak to each other

Se comprenden.
They understand each other

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