Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish (128 page)

Read Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish Online

Authors: Margarita Madrigal

Tags: #Reference, #Language Arts & Disciplines

BOOK: Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish
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¿ Le gusta
el sombrero
a Elena?
¿ Le gusta
la blusa
a su hermana?
¿ Le gusta
el disco
a su primo?
¿ Le gusta
la película
a Enrique?

Translate the following sentences into Spanish. Write out each sentence in Spanish, using the columns above as a guide. Check your sentences with the correct translations below this exercise.

  1. Do you know Robert?
  2. We know your brother.
  3. They know your uncle.
  4. I met Louis on the boat.
  5. I met Henry at a party.
  6. I met your uncle last year.
  7. I like the house.
  8. Do you like the record?
  9. We like the book.
  10. Do they like the house?
  11. Do you like the film?
  12. Did you like the book?
  13. We liked the film.
  14. Did they like the record?
  15. I love ham.
  16. He loves garlic.
  17. She loves to swim.
  18. They love to fish.
  19. We love to swim.
  20. She loves tea.
  21. He loves chocolate.
  22. We liked the bacon.
  23. Do you like asparagus?
  24. We like the records.
  25. I like tomatoes.
  26. Do you like beans?
  27. Do you like onions?
  28. I loved the flowers.
  29. Did you like the records?
  30. We liked the carrots.
  31. We loved the olives.
  32. They loved the radishes.
  33. Mary likes the play.
  34. My brother likes the novel.
  35. My uncle likes the book.
  36. Mrs. Miranda likes rice.
  37. Mr. Miranda likes the play.
  38. Miss Miranda likes the record.
  39. Does Helen like the hat?
  40. Does your sister like the blouse?
  41. Does Henry like the record?
  42. Does your cousin like the film?

Check your sentences with the translations below.

  1. ¿ Conoce a Roberto?
  2. Conocemos a su hermano.
  3. Conocen a su tío.
  4. Conocí a Luis en el barco.
  5. Conocí a Enrique en una fiesta.
  6. Conocí a su tío el año pasado.
  7. Me gusta la casa.
  8. ¿ Le gusta el disco?
  9. Nos gusta el libro.
  10. ¿ Les gusta la casa?
  11. ¿ Le gusta la película?
  12. ¿ Le gustó el libro?
  13. Nos gustó la película.
  14. ¿ Les gustó el disco?
  15. Me encanta el jamón.
  16. Le encanta el ajo.
  17. Le encanta nadar.
  18. Les encanta pescar.
  19. Nos encanta nadar.
  20. Le encanta el té.
  21. Le encanta el chocolate.
  22. Nos gustó el tocino.
  23. ¿ Le gustan los espárragos?
  24. Nos gustan los discos.
  25. Me gustan los tomates.
  26. ¿ Le gustan los frijoles?
  27. ¿ Le gustan las cebollas?
  28. Me encantaron las flores.
  29. ¿ Le gustaron los discos?
  30. Nos gustaron las zanahorias.
  31. Nos encantaron las aceitunas.
  32. Les encantaron los rábanos.
  33. A María le gusta la comedia.
  34. A mi hermano le gusta la novela.
  35. A mi tío le gusta el libro.
  36. A la señora Miranda le gusta el arroz.
  37. Al señor Miranda le gusta la comedia.
  38. A la señorita Miranda le gusta el disco.
  39. ¿ Le gusta el sombrero a Elena?
  40. ¿ Le gusta la blusa a su her-mana?
  41. ¿ Le gusta el disco a Enrique?
  42. ¿ Le gusta la película a su primo?

There are some verbs that are converted into nouns by adding the letters “imiento.” Remove “er” or “ir” from the infinitive and add “imiento.”

to know
to recognize
to suffer
to be born
to establish
to grow
to be grateful

1. “Agradecer” (
to be grateful
) takes the indirect object pronoun “lc” because you can say “I am grateful TO John.” As you know, verbs that can be followed by “to” or “for” take the indirect object pronoun “le.”
Le agradezco el favor.
I am grateful to you for the favor
Se lo agradezco.
I am grateful to you
for it

2. “Compadecer” (
to sympathize with, to pity
) takes the direct object pronouns “lo, la” because this verb cannot be followed by the words “to” or “for.”
Lo compadezco.
I sympathize with you. I feel sorry for you. I pity you.
La compadezco.
I sympathize with her
¿ No lo compadece?
Don’t you feel sorry for him?
Don’t forget to use “lo” for a man, “la” for a woman.

3. “Ofrecer” (
to offer
) takes the indirect object “le” because you can offer things TO people.
Le ofrecí un premio.
I offered you
him, her
a prize
¿ Qué le ofreció?
What did you offer him
¿ Cuánto le ofreció?
How much did you offer him
Le he ofrecido muchas cosas.
I have offered you
him, her
many things
Le estoy ofreciendo el sol y la tierra.
I am offering you
him, her
the sun and the earth
Voy a ofre
cerle un buen sueldo.
I am going to offer you
him, her
a good salary
Me ofreció un buen sueldo.
He offered me a good salary

4. “Parecer” (
to seem, to appear, to show up
) takes the indirect object “le” because you can say, “It seems TO me.”
Me parece que es interesante.
It seems to me that it is interesting
¿ Qué le parece?
What does it seem to you? What do you think? What do you think of it?

This is a much used expression and you should learn it well.

¿ Qué le parece la comedia?
What do you think of the play?

¿ Qué le parece la casa?
What do you think of the house?

¿ Qué le pareció?
What did you think of it?

  5. “Nacer” (
to be born
¿ Dónde nació?
Where were you born?
Nací en California.
I was born in California
el nacimiento,
the birth
el Renacimiento,
the Renaissance

huevos fritos,
fried eggs
papas fritas,
fried potatoes
pescado frito,
fried fish
a la parrilla,
broiled, grilled
pollo a la parrilla,
broiled chicken
puré de papas,
mashed potatoes
al horno,
roast, baked
pato al horno,
roast duck
la sal,
the salt
la pimienta,
the pepper
el azúcar,
the sugar
las cebollas,
the onions
una cuchara,
a spoon
un cuchillo,
a knife
un tenedor,
a fork
un vaso,
a glass
un plato,
a plate, a dish
filet, steak
cerca de,
close to, near to
lejos de,
far from
en frente de,
in front of
detrás de,
encima de,
on top of
debajo de,
under, underneath
junto a,
next to
up, upstairs
down, downstairs
pan con mantequilla,
bread and butter
bread with butter
café con leche,
coffee with milk
pan con queso,
bread and cheese
pan con mermelada,
bread and marmalade
huevos con tocino,
eggs and bacon

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