MageLife (14 page)

Read MageLife Online

Authors: P. Tempest

BOOK: MageLife
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“And Sophia?” Orb pressed.

“Here in my arms. What do I do?” I asked. Sophia was still sleeping heavily. Tiny snores emanating from near my chest.

“I’ll check records to see if she has any other family if not she will have to go to the orphanage," Orb said.

“No, she won't go to an orphanage. I’ll look after her, she's my apprentice.” I said firmly, just the thought of her in an orphanage made my blood boil.

“We will discuss it another time, Tristan. You need to get her to bed and according to your pendant, you expended a great deal of magic. You should rest too.” Orb said diplomatically, it must have an upgraded interaction skill set.  

“Fine, now how do I handle this crowd? I doubt taking a child is going to look good for us.” I asked, the glances from the still assembled group weren’t altogether friendly.

“Correct, I have two mages on their way to you, they should arrive in a moment or two. When they get there, let them do the talking, you will make your way to your apartment. I'll have someone send some extra blankets round.” Orb said.

“Thanks Orb.” I said. My arms were starting to ache, the small weight of Sophia getting gradually heavier. I refused to let her go. I may be all she has.

“Don't worry Tristan. We will work this out” Orb said comfortingly before his connection abruptly cut off.

The mages arrived a moment later.

“Please remain calm,” the oldest of the pair ordered the people with raised voice. “We are investigating the situation, our colleague is going to take the child, to receive medical attention.”

I took the opportunity to leave. Making sure I had a firm but comfortable grip on Sophia, I stood. I moved quickly as I wanted to get home before my arms weakened.

The walk was fast as there were almost no people on the streets. My apartment wasn't far from here anyways. I pushed my magic gently ahead of us to disengage the door lock, my hands were full. I slowly stepped on the rising slab in the lobby selected my floor with a command to the device. My apartment was the third door. I had to shift my hands to open it, with a small amount of manoeuvring I managed to get my hand on to the door without disturbing Sophia. The door swung open at my touch. The light globe came on. I stepped inside, on my bed as promised were the extra blankets. I pulled them off and put Sophia down on my bed, she stirred slightly as she was laid down. I tucked her in, gently pulling the covers over her. My arms felt like they were on fire and my back seemed to have developed a twinge. One last job, I grabbed the blankets that I had so carelessly thrown, and made myself a temporary bed for the night on the floor next to Sophia, a tingle of magic turned the light out. I didn't even take my uniform off. I was asleep within moments.


Chapter 14



 I awoke to a faint sobbing noise, I sat up, disorientated, I was on the floor. A lump was on my bed. The sound was coming from the lump. I stood noticing, the pain in my arms and back that sleeping on the floor hadn't helped with at all. I stretched wincing a touch at the soreness before lowering my arms. The lump wasn't moving. I stepped closer, listening to the sobbing. My heart was breaking as my mind recalled what the lump was. Sophia was crying in her sleep.

I sat on the edge of the bed, unsure about what to do.

I reached out to gently touch the bundle of girl and blanket, my hand gently rested on what could have been a shoulder. “Sophia, are you okay” I asked softly.

The bundle exploded into motion, a tangle of limbs and fabric pulled away from me rapidly, flows of earth touched magic flickering throughout, and she fell off the bed.

I made a point not to laugh.

“Oww” her voice softly moaned. She wiggled out of the blankets.

“You okay Sophia?” I repeated. Not moving myself.

“What a stupid question, my parents are gone.” she muttered, her tears thickening her voice.

“I'm sorry Sophia, I did everything I could” I pleaded. I stayed as still as I could, I didn't want to spook her.

“No you didn't, you survived everything, you are a mage, you can do anything. Why didn't you save them?” she begged through her tears, her green eyes shimmering in the moonlight coming through the window

“I couldn't Sophia, I tried by the time I got there they were too far gone," I insisted gently. I didn't want to upset her further.

Sophia broke down at this point just lying on the floor tears streaming, her body shook with the racking sobs she was producing. Magic was flickering weakly through her, but failing to manifest.

I walked around the bed, I wanted to comfort her, there was nothing I could say, as I walked closer she scooted away.

“Stay away!” Sophia shouted, her arms coming up to untangle herself from the blanket. “You killed my parents, magic is evil!”

“I didn't Sophia, they surged, there was nothing I could do except what I did.” I protested lamely, my jaw was clenched so tightly my teeth hurt.

“Why did it have to be them? They never did anything wrong.” Sophia asked.

“I don't know Sophia, but we can find out together if you want.” I offered.

“What happens now?” she queried

“I don't know that either but for now we will start with a good night’s sleep. We will deal with tomorrow when it comes. How does that sound?” I asked gently. I knelt down next to her.

Sophia came to me then, a bundle of limbs and long copper hair, her arms wrapped around me tightly. Fresh tears in her eyes.

My own eyes burned in sympathy, I would be devastated at the loss of my parents even though we aren't close, how much worse must it be for my child apprentice.

“Don't leave me.” Sophia murmured against my shoulder.

“I won't” I promised. I stood carrying the exhausted and grieving girl back to bed. Not wanting to break my promise I lay down with her still tightly holding on to me.

Sophia rapidly fell back to sleep.

I was awake longer, the new experience of having a child relying on me was a daunting prospect, but what could I do, I was her master. Sleep claimed me quickly after that, the moon’s slow progress across the sky lulling me into slumber.


The sun shone in waking me, from possibly the most uncomfortable night’s sleep of my life. The weight on my chest had spread out, waking up in the night because someone else's hair is in your mouth is distinctly unpleasant. Even worse is when you can barely move for fear of waking the other person. I turned my head slightly to find Sophia sprawled across me, her head was on my chest her red hair flowing everywhere. I tried to ease my way out from under her limp form. I managed to half slide half crawl to the edge of the bed. I pushed her unresisting body into the middle of the bed, a snore erupted from her mouth, making me freeze in worry I had disturbed her. Sophia wriggled before settling into a new position. I was free. I stood up, placing my still booted feet on the wooden floor. I tiptoed to the bathing chamber taking extra care to silence my motions. Once through the door I eased it shut took a deep breath before remarking to myself.

“Oh fuck.” I had no clue on how to look after a child or how to do that and my job.

I called out softly “Orb, are you there?” I could feel the connection between Orb and my pendant strengthen.

“Yes Tristan?” came its voice quietly. “What appears to be the problem now?”

“Yeah sorry to bother you," I said sarcastically “but I have a young girl with no parents in my apartment, how am I supposed to go to work?”

“You could simply place her at the orphanage Tristan as I advised last night," Orb replied tonelessly.

“Her mother asked me to look after her, it was the last thing she ever said. I couldn't help them, this is the least I can do," I said fiercely

“I was merely listing your options, my skills in this area are very limited Tristan, I was not designed for this.”

“Few creations are Orb, the implantation of a diverse skill set like this would be brutal.” I stated distracted by the challenges of golem skill problems. Trying to focus on the here and now I asked. “So what help can I have?”

“My advice is to ask Master Jase, he has experience in this area, he’s listed as having a child.” Orb answered impassively.

“Jase has a kid?” my surprise stopped me from asking a more specific question.

“According to my records, Master Jase married nineteen years ago to an earth knack, a child was born the same year, a boy.” Orbs connection flickered briefly.

Orb you still here?” I asked

“Yes Tristan, there appears to be a gap in my records concerning a large period of master Jase’s life. I'm sorry I can't be more help.” Orb answered “even accounting for all that I stand by my advice.”

“You don't stand, you don't have feet Orb.” I replied acidly, my frustration with the situation must be getting to me. “I’m sorry Orb that was uncalled for.”

“...” there was no voice coming through, although the link was active.

“Orb” I hissed, suddenly remembering Sophia being asleep in the next room. Still nothing. I grabbed hold of my pendant, inspecting it for cracks and flaws, when suddenly a laugh boomed into the room. I dropped the pendant in shock, my eyes wide and my heart in my throat.

“That was a good joke Tristan, I had to suspend my personality limiting protocols, to really understand.” came Orbs voice, merriment evident in it.

“I didn't mean to be offensive though Orb, I know you was just trying to help.” I said apologetically. Talking to a bodiless voice is very disorientating, I never know where to look.

“Don't worry about it, Tristan. I know you didn't.” Orb said confidently. Its voice had gotten far more mature since I had last heard it with a personality. “Speak to Jase, if he can’t help, he will know someone that can.” The connection ended then.

I spend a few moments, thinking though the revelation. Jase had never mentioned a family, I knew he was in his late forties even though he didn't look a day over thirty so a family was likely but thinking of Jase like that boggled my mind. I had never even seen Jase outside the pursuit of our respective duties, I didn't even know where he lived, and for a man with such a large part in my life I knew surprisingly little about him. Seeing as I was in here I used the facilities to have a wash and relieve myself before tackling the problem that I had brought home with me.


I walked back into the main room. Sophia was sat up on the bed, rubbing her eyes. Her crimson hair was in disarray, strands clung to her face.

“Good you’re up, get ready we are going out” I said gruffly. It was hard not to look at her as another problem to deal with.

“Huh?” Sophia queried sleepily.

“Get ready, we have to go see someone.” I repeated.

“Who?” she asked warily, her eyes looking more alert

“My old mentor” I answered sharply before turning away to give her some privacy.

I could hear rustling behind me. I distracted myself by attempting to plan what I was going to say to Jase. Waiting had never been a strong suit of mine.

“I’m ready” Sophia announced.

I turned back to look. I burst out laughing at the sight that greeted me.

Sophia had straightened out her clothes, smoothing out the accumulated wrinkles. Her face was wet still, from her wash I assumed, her hair had puffed up. She looked like a dandelion. She scowled at me.

“Here let me help” I knelt down next to her, bringing my left hand to her hair, I used a slight charm to bind her hair into a single ponytail. I smiled at her, hopefully it was reassuring.

Sophia smiled back weakly.

“You’re all set?” I asked knowing the answer, she didn't have anything else to wear.

“Yeah, um…” Sophia hesitated, her eyes darting away.

“What's the problem?” I asked gently, making sure to look her in the eye.

“You’re not getting rid of me, are you?” Sophia asked finally.

“No Soph, I need to talk to Jase, to work out some arrangements for this” I waved my hand about to indicate both of us and the tiny living space.

“Oh” she said if anything it highlighted how young she was.

“Let’s go then” I said before walking to the door, a small hand touched my own. I looked towards it. Sophia was tightly gripping my hand, I gave her a squeeze. We left hand in hand.


The academy was bustling, what looked like stone guild members going in and out. The walk here had been slow, I wasn’t used to having a child to consider. Sophia's smaller stride had meant extra care was needed through the wide streets, the almost unconscious parting of crowds that accompanied a mage walking the streets hadn't taken her into account, as a result she had been jostled and knocked about a bit. Sophia bore it with a grace I couldn't match, I was glaring at anyone that came close long before reaching our destination.

Walking to the reception with my anger clear on my face my not have been the best of plans but I was out of options.

Kristina was behind the desk once again, she looked up at my approach and paled.

“Don't cry this time, help me quickly and I will be out of your hair as soon as possible," I ordered harshly.

“Sir, what do you need?” Kristina hurriedly said, her fear evident in her voice.

“I need Master Jase, Where is he?” I demanded, locking my eyes onto hers. I heard a faint gulp from beside me. It must have been Sophia. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze, it was the best I could do, my anger wouldn't let me do more.

“Master Jase is in his work room, do you require a wisp?” Kristina asked quickly.

“Yes thank you” I said. A blue wisp gradually illuminated next to me.

I looked down at Sophia, “Just follow the wisp”

Sophia let go and took a few steps ahead of me. I turned back to Kristina briefly. I leaned in placing both hands on her desk and leaning in.

“Please let master Jase know I am coming, and for future reference I may have killed in the line of duty but I am not a murderer, do we understand each other?” I grated out through gritted teeth.

Kristina’s head rapidly bobbed up and down in a vigorous nod, what little colour in her face draining, leaving her white as fresh fallen snow.

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