Make Me (7 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Stein

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Not this. This puts both me and Bran on edge immediately.

‘We talked about … some stuff,’ I say, carefully. Then, when the ground in front of me seems safe, I carry on. ‘Bran mentioned that you guys … uh … used to talk about me. Sometimes.’

The corner of Tyler’s mouth twitches, but he doesn’t smile. No, he just let’s all of his amusement show in those sultry eyes of his, as he leans back in a chair that’s far too small for him. He almost looks like a giant who found this furniture down the beanstalk, and the clothes he’s wearing don’t help: a V-necked T-shirt that somehow shows a huge amount of chest hair, the material stretched taut over his solid chest; sweatpants that look suspiciously like the ones Brandon is wearing, only on Tyler they’re low and tight around the ass and kind of obscene, if I’m being really honest.

Did he go out like that? And, if so, did a lot of people stare at the thick outline of his cock – the one that can be clearly seen along the length of his thigh? Because, God knows, I would stare, if I was out and about and that thing was coming towards me.

‘Did he really? Well. I’m almost proud,’ he says, and I think Brandon gets close to punching him. Only that voice saves his hide – syrup-thick and absolutely delicious. It turns Brandon’s face red, even as he spreads his hands over the table and tries to keep things calm.

‘I just explained to Maisie that we weren’t trying to be assholes. That we liked her, and occasionally had … conversations about … about –’

‘Doing her?’

‘Ty!’ Brandon protests, and when he does he slaps a hand down on the table, too – just for emphasis. No means no, and all that. You’re crossing a line, stop.

But Tyler doesn’t stop. Far from it, in fact. ‘Though the word “doing” doesn’t really encompass everything, don’t you think? I mean, we talked about licking her ass and having her blow us both at the same time … what was your favourite, again? Oh yeah. The shower.’

‘Don’t tell her about the shower,’ Brandon says, his glare so intense I’m only surprised it doesn’t set Tyler on fire. And if his eyes don’t do it then his voice sure should, because his voice has dropped so low I’m expecting an exorcist to show up at any moment.

But again, Tyler doesn’t seem to care in the slightest. ‘So, basically, we’d be in those communal showers outside the college pool – you know the ones?’

I nod as though I’m on strings.

‘And maybe … I don’t know, things get a little heated.’

Oh my God, oh my God. He’s saying what I think he’s saying, right? And if he’s not saying that, then why is Brandon having some sort of respiratory attack right across from me?

‘Could just be something fairly innocent, like a bit of soapy jerking off. Could be something a little more than that.’

‘Don’t tell her about more than that,’ Brandon warns, but Tyler’s on a roll, now.

‘What? Like I get down on my knees and suck your cock? Because I seem to recall you liking that part of this little fantasy. Gives it an edge, don’t you think? Something more than
just some guys having a circle jerk
. And besides, if I’m on my knees sucking you off, or you’re on your knees sucking me off, it gives Maisie something to be really shocked about when she walks in on us both.’

His logic is impeccable, I have to say. I mean, if they were just jerking off they could probably hide it, before I saw anything. But you can’t hide being on your knees with a cock in your mouth, you just can’t. My mind can’t even hide from the technicolour image of it happening, even though it never actually did.

‘I think she’s really shocked
. And probably about to run off on us.’

‘You sure about that? Maybe you should ask her. Or better yet, actually see the signs of someone being aroused, rather than going around with your blinders on.’

The second he’s said it I have the overwhelming urge to cover my nipples. And my pink cheeks. And maybe my groin while I’m at it, because by this point it must be glowing like a neon sign:

But I think it’s best that I don’t. I’d far rather have Brandon looking at me and knowing that I’m cool with all of this, instead of seeing him fret and fumble over it. He’s almost as red as I feel, and every time Tyler says some incendiary thing his hands go to his hair – like last night, only worse.

It has to be worse. Now we’re talking about man-on-man action in some communal showers, like a gay porn version of the life he probably thinks he’s leading.

‘You know, he’s right – I’m really not bothered. Even if you were both a little … gay … I wouldn’t mind.’

Brandon’s hand slides down over his eyes, but Tyler seems completely unfazed.

As usual.

‘I think
a little gay
is usually called
being bisexual
. But I can see where you’d be confused. Being bisexual is like being the tooth fairy – very few people actually believe in you.’

‘Do I have to clap my hands so you don’t die?’ I say, and am really proud of myself for doing so. Most of my body wants to collapse in on itself like a dying star, so really it’s a miracle I’m managing to talk at all.

‘I think you might have to clap your hands so Bran doesn’t die,’ he replies, because he’s so smooth and sharp and also really, really right. I glance across at Brandon, only to find he’s slid so far down in his chair he’s almost underneath the table again – not to mention the fingers he’s split over his eyes.

This is a horror movie, apparently, and he can’t bear to watch too closely.

‘Bran said that you’d fuck a hole in the wall if it was the least bit accommodating,’ I say, like some tattletale out of school. I don’t even know why, really. It just bursts out of me, along with most of my dignity and a soupçon of that neon arousal.

‘I didn’t say it like that,’ Brandon protests, and in all fairness to him he’s right. It’s important that we keep the record straight.

‘No. He said it more like you’re just really horny.’

‘That’s probably true. But he’s being a little disingenuous there – he’s just as wildly horny as I am. In fact, I’d say he’s so horny I could get him to do just about anything simply by talking about your tits for a while,’ Tyler says, and after he’s done I realise that I’m hanging halfway across the table. I’m almost out of my chair, like some gawker at the scene of an accident.

‘So, I guess you’re both just … two big, horny, gorgeous guys. Who like my breasts,’ I manage to push out, but it takes some effort. I’m short of breath by the time I’m done.

‘I guess we are. You want to do something about that?’

Oh God. Oh God.

‘About what?’

‘About our horniness.’ Tyler pauses – probably to give the whole thing a little more weight. A little more tension. ‘Unless you think we should do something about you first.’

I almost say it:
What needs doing with me?
And only catch myself at the very last, crucial second. Another moment and I’d have been all the way over, into crazy porn land.

Despite the fact that we’re already
crazy porn land.

‘Bet you’re so wet right now, huh? All night with nowhere to go. Bet you’re half crazy,’ he says, and I can’t tell him what I want to – that he’s absolutely correct, of course he is. I have to just sit there, while my heart pounds in all the parts I usually use for speech.

‘Come here, baby,’ Tyler says, but he doesn’t stop there. Once I’ve been hypnotised into standing up, he barrels straight into further, lewder instruction. ‘Lift that T-shirt.’

And though I can hear Brandon somewhere in the background, telling me that I don’t have to if I don’t want to, I’m not really paying attention. The magician has spoken his spell, and I’m compelled to obey.

‘Now take those cute little shorts down,’ he says, and I obey that, too. I have to. His foggy gaze is like a hypnotist’s trick and, after a moment of it, I can’t resist. I wriggle the cottony material down my legs and off, so that when I straighten back up again he can see everything – my smoothly waxed mons, my pouting pussy lips. Even with my legs mostly closed, I’m pretty sure he can make out the protruding tip of my stiff clit.

I must look obscene, and not just because of those two things.

‘Ohhhh yeah. Look how wet you are, baby,’ he purrs, then turns to an almost crazed Brandon. ‘I told you she’d be this wet. Look at it all over her legs and her sweet little mound. Come on, baby, come here.’

He doesn’t wait for me to comply this time, however. He just leans forwards and gets me around the waist, then reels me in as though it’s nothing. It’s not a big deal that I’m naked, and it’s not a big deal that he lifts me off my feet a moment later before spreading me out over the table.

But it is a big deal that the word ‘spread’ is in there. The second I’ve got my back to the wood he shoves my thighs apart and, when I gasp and maybe struggle a little, he holds me there. He keeps me like this, cunt completely exposed and open. Everything is on view for both of them, in a way I’ve never experienced before.

I’m not even sure if I’ve ever had one man looking at me like this, never mind two. And he doesn’t stop with the hands splayed on my thighs, and that hypnotist’s gaze on my exposed sex. He uses two fingers to stroke through all the mess I’ve made, until everything is there for him to see and talk about.

‘Ohhh you’re soaking. How long have you been this way, huh? How long did you listen to us talking, with your clit all swollen like this?’

On the word ‘clit’ he just feathers over the tip of it, but embarrassingly, it’s almost enough to put me over the edge. Pleasure clenches right around that spot and then kicks outwards, leaving me gasping and moaning. I think I even say one or both of their names.

Shortly before Tyler has mercy on me, and bends to lick where his fingers have just been.

Somewhere to the right of me, Bran chokes out a ‘holy crap’, but I don’t mind. I understand. I want to use the exact same words myself the second Tyler starts rubbing and working that slippery tongue over my aching bud. It’s just too much all at once, too intense, and I try to get away at the feel of it. I buck my hips, and squirm.

But that just gives him the opportunity to slide two fingers into me, so sudden and shocking and most of all –
. There’s no sense of pressure or hint of burn. I’m so slippery he just fucks right into me, slow at first, but then with a little more intent. Soon it’s three fingers instead of two, and then he’s hitting that bundle of nerves inside me, over and over, while his tongue makes those tight, slick circles around my clit.

It’s unbearable. I want to clamp my legs together, but of course I can’t. I’m trapped by his broad hands, digging into my thighs, and by a sensation so intense it’s almost like burning. He flicks over the underside of my swollen bud in this maddening, awful way, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I can’t even tell him not to, because all that comes out when I try is, ‘Uhhhh, yeah, you’re gonna make me come.’

I don’t think I’ve ever said anything like that to another living soul, but it’s impossible to deny. Thirty seconds in and I’m totally going to do it, because of the thick thrust of his fingers and the greedy feel of his tongue. Even the sounds he’s making get me closer – all these breathy, hot groans that gust over my overheated flesh.

And then Brandon joins him in song and, oh, I don’t know what to do.

‘Yeah, go on, do it to her,’ he says, as though he’s become a different person. It’s just like before, only this time I get to see exactly how he looks when it happens. His face is flushed and his eyes are glazed, and they don’t fix on me with the usual mixture of patience and concern. Instead, they slide over my body, taking in all the sights as they go.

And as for Bran’s mouth … oh God, his mouth. Tyler was right – he is just magnificently horny. I’ve never seen anyone look so ready to fuck in all my days. His tongue is poking up into the corner of his upper lip, like there really is some erogenous zone there that I don’t know about.

And he’s … he’s doing other stuff, too. He’s got a hand over his right pec, but it’s not just lingering there. Once I manage to focus I can actually see: he’s pinching his own nipple, between thumb and forefinger. He’s plucking at it, in a way I’ve never seen any other man do.

And of course he’s hard. He’s so hard his cock has made a little wet spot on the loose material of his sweatpants. Another second and he’ll be masturbating, I know it, and I don’t mind admitting that I want to hold off for that. I do, oh I do.

But I can’t. Tyler gives one last lick over the underside of my clit and my orgasm grabs a hold of me, too tight to bear. I almost scream against my gritted teeth, and I know I go rigid. There’s just nothing I can do about it. The pleasure drums through me, jerking my helpless body as it goes.

And then once it’s done there’s just this relief. Intense, beautiful relief, as though all of these years have actually been an endurance test of some kind and finally, finally I’ve made it over the finishing line. I broke the tape, and now I’m a limp rag by the drinks stand, gulping down oxygen and victory, in equal measures.

Though as I lie there, basking, I neglect one vital component in said victory. I mean,
might be satisfied, but the guy who got me to that satisfied place certainly isn’t. I’m not even sure if ten per cent of Tyler’s kinky desires have been used up, in all honesty, because after a moment of limp bliss I hear him say to Brandon, loud and clear, ‘Here. Taste her. Taste her.’

Of course, I have to look. What sort of fool wouldn’t? My good and very hunky friend Tyler is offering his glistening fingers to my good and very hunky friend Brandon, and when I turn my head I’m just in time to see that neat, square mouth devouring what he’s been offered – with

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Brandon do anything with gusto. And it’s a real sight to see, too – those eyes of his half closed and almost mean seeming, mouth working and working around those two fingers, as though it’s nothing at all.

Yeah, we can just do this now. We suck and fuck each other and get totally lost in pleasure, even if the pleasure makes us insane. Which I think it has, because a moment later Tyler one-ups this dirty little show they’re putting on.

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