Make Me Beg (4 page)

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Authors: Alice Gaines

Tags: #Erotica

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He held himself still, fighting off his own orgasm until she’d finished and went limp against the table.

He’d hardly fucked her, and if he could manage a little restraint, he could make her climax again and take him with her.

“Oh, dear Lord,” she whispered after a moment. “Better than anything I could have imagined.”

He pulled almost out of her and then sank slowly in again. “We’re not done yet.”

“You’ve outdone your reputation, Mr. Boulton.”

“Thomas, and I haven’t plowed you nearly enough yet.”

She sighed. “My bones have melted.”

“They’ll grow firm again.” He pulled fully out of her then, although Priapus nearly screamed in protest. His lust had gone far too urgent to take the time to find a bed, so he led her to the center of the room and helped her down onto the carpet. The lace of her dressing gown spread around her, and her hair slipped free of its pins to make a cloud of golden curls to frame her face. Another time, he might take a moment to enjoy the sight of her cheeks, still flushed with passion. Right now, he needed to make them both naked.

He tore at his clothes, tossing aside items as he got them free. She lay and watched him, and her hand went to the juncture of her thighs. Playing with herself in anticipation of their coupling. Shameless, wanton, utterly delicious.

With the last of his clothing gone, he joined her and started in on the tiny fastenings of her gown. They resisted, so he took the sides of the garment in his fist and tore them apart. Buttons flew everywhere, like a hail of ivory snowflakes. Soon, he had the fabric open, and he could lower himself to her. Skin against skin. Nothing separating them.

“Olivia,” he whispered before he captured her lips with his. She might have tried to answer, but he swallowed the sound of her voice with a kiss made savage with his need.

She tasted sweet from the sherry she’d sipped, and a floral scent clung to her hair. Someday, he’d kiss her for hours. Today, he needed to memorize every inch of her with his mouth.

After trailing caresses over the curves of her neck, he came to her bosom. While he kneaded one full breast with his hand, he took the other nipple into his mouth and teased it into a stiff peak.

She arched her back and slipped her fingers into his hair. “That feels so good.”

“I’ve hardly begun.” He moved to the other side and gave that nipple the same adoration.

Her hand roamed over him, stroking his face and then his shoulders and his back. Thank God she couldn’t reach his cock, or she’d make him spend before he’d finished with her.

He went lower, past her ribs and over her belly. She must have guessed his destination, because she sighed and parted her legs. Now close to her mound, he again made out the intoxicating perfume of highly aroused woman. It reached to the most primitive parts of his brain. The ones that urged him to plunder her with no thought of her pleasure. He fought back, kept his breathing steady, concentrated on her sounds of pleasure and surprise as he neared the seat of her passion.

Her pussy lips were swollen when he got there. They parted like the petals of a flower to reveal the jewel at the apex. Her pearl, her clitoris, the precious bud of her passion.

He took that into his mouth and sucked until her gasps turned to cries, and her hips moved.

“Ah, heaven,” she crooned. “I’m going to come again.”

He kept up the pressure, now grazing that scrap of flesh with his tongue.

Her fingers dug into his shoulders. “Inside me. Now.”

Yes. He would. In another few seconds. After he’d driven her quite mad. He kept sucking and then licking until she writhed beneath him.

“Now!” she cried. “Thomas!”

Enough. He released her pearl and scooted upward. As though sensing her heat, his cock found her entrance easily. With one thrust, he surged into her, impaling her fully.

She shrieked and immediately climaxed all around him. With her pleasure sure, he let his own beast loose.

Fucking. Primitive word and right. He fucked her hard and fast. An animal in full rut. Even when his arms threatened to give out from the force of his movements, he hammered into her. Over and over and oh, damn…yes!

The orgasm started in his balls and shot along the length of his cock. He erupted deep inside her, shooting sperm in great waves. He came until his teeth hurt, and still it didn’t end.

They clung together as the world tilted and tossed them into heaven. Then, finally finished, they floated back to reality, still holding each other in a fierce embrace.


The Atlantic Ocean wasn’t nearly as large as Olivia remembered. England had disappeared behind the ship days ago, but the memories hadn’t faded one little bit. With so much water between them, Thomas Boulton ought to have dimmed into a dream. A fantasy she’d made real for a few moments, no more. So, why could she still taste his mouth on her lips?

She looked out over the sea and made herself notice it. Counting waves as they stretched off into the horizon. No use. The blasted man wouldn’t leave her alone.

“You didn’t even say goodbye.”

Not an illusion this time. A real voice. His.

She turned to find him standing by a lifeboat. The gray-green eyes she saw in her dreams. The high cheekbones and unruly hair. The deliciously curved lips. Right now, his expression was serious, even dour. As if he disapproved of her for some reason. He had some nerve.

“How did you find me?”

“Why wouldn’t you see me again? Why did you have your butler send me away every time I called?”

“It seemed best to end things…”
before we became involved, before I started to care too much
“…as they were.”

“What gives you the right to decide that for me?”

“Mr. Boulton…”

His eyes flashed anger. “Thomas.”

“Thomas.” She sighed. “I have my life. You have yours. What happened between us doesn’t belong in either.”

He walked to her and placed his hands against the rail on either side of her, trapping her between his arms. “Why don’t you tell me—exactly—what you think happened between us?”

She stared up into his face. If he thought he could intimidate her, he’d learn otherwise. “We had a fling. That’s all.”

“You’re not a very good liar.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, you sound like a bad novel.”

He leaned closer, until she could see her own reflection in his eyes. “It was much more than a fling. In fact, it was so much more, it frightened you.”

“Nothing frightens me.”

“Oh, really?” he said. “Then, why did you run away from me?”

“You haven’t told me how you knew I’d be on this ship.”

“When you wouldn’t allow me in your house, I searched for you at parties. Most of them deadly dull, but I managed to stumble on the latest gossip. That scandalous Mrs. Trent had booked passage on
The Sea Sprite

“Well, now that you’ve found me, what do you plan to do about it?” She turned away from him. He didn’t move, though, and his fists still gripped the railing. The heat of his body seeped into her back.

“I thought I’d visit New York. I’ve never been to the United States.”

“I hope you enjoy it.”

He placed his face near her temple. “You could be carrying my child. Did you consider that?”

“I’m not.” She’d had her monthly since that day in her sitting room.

“Well, then.” The air went out of him. Audibly. Did the stupid man want her pregnant?

“So, you’re not obliged to me in any way.”

He moved to her side and took her hand in his. “Is that why you think I’m here? Out of obligation?”

“What else?”

“There’s a passion between us. I’ve never felt anything like it, and I’m sure you haven’t, either.”

She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of being right, so she didn’t answer.

“Most people never have that. It’s not something to be idly tossed away.”

“I have my company. I can’t lose my reputation, even if it is a sham.”

He used his other hand to turn her face toward his. “You wouldn’t lose it if you came back from England with a husband.”

“I’ll never marry again. Not even you, Thomas.”

“Disagreeable female.” He humphed, but the corner of his mouth quirked upward in a smile. “We’ll live in sin.”

“I can’t do that.”

“We’ll pretend to be married. No one needs to know our secret.”

“You’re impossible.”

“I’ve given up my estates. Turned them all over to my sister.”

Her mouth dropped open. “You didn’t.”

“Infuriated the rest of the family, but I’ve gotten to like the idea of independence for women.”

“What will you live on?”

“I still have my annual income.” His smile turned real at that, and quite wicked. “Would you have saved me from poverty, dearest Olivia?”

She pulled her hand from his. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Ah, salt air.” He took a deep breath. “Does things for the senses, doesn’t it?”

“Honestly.” She’d meant to leave this man behind her, and now, she’d have to spend weeks on a ship with him. She’d have to sleep knowing he was nearby. Or, try to sleep. If she ignored him, he could flirt with other passengers, and she’d have to watch that. Him, dancing with strange women, pulling them against his body. Utter misery.

He put an arm around her and tugged her into an embrace. “We don’t know each other, really, but we suit in the bedroom. There are flimsier bases for a love affair.”

“Love?” she repeated.

“Perhaps. Would that be so terrible?”

Oh, dear, love? “I don’t know. I’ve never been in love.”

A wicked gleam entered his eyes. “Besides, only I know your darkest fantasy.”

“You wouldn’t.” She stared at him in horror. “You wouldn’t tell anyone else. It would ruin me.”

“Good Lord, woman, we were just discussing love. Would I do that to a woman I cared about?”

“I suppose not.”

“I’m the soul of discretion,” he said. “But we can continue to act out that fantasy in private.”

Now, there was a delicious possibility. She could ask him to do any number of depraved things to her and do the same for him. Nothing but their own creativity to limit them. “I like that idea.”

“We have this time together. Let’s explore the possibilities.” He rubbed her back, holding her gently. Not applying pressure. “At least, in bed.”

“That makes sense.”

“Then, you’ll let me do my best to woo you?”

She gazed up at his face, at the warmth of his eyes and the curve of his lips. “Do your best, but it had better be good.”

“Thank God.” He heaved a huge sigh of relief. “I was afraid you’d make me beg.”


Hungry for more? Spice Briefs to suit every taste are available now at, including these recent titles:

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Under His Hand
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For something a little longer, visit or stop by your local bookstore for stories that will ignite your senses!

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ISBN: 978-1-4268-7228-0

Make Me Beg

Copyright © 2011 by Alice G. Brilmayer

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