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Authors: Alla Kar

Make Me Yours (12 page)

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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   I hide my smirk and pretend to be interested in the rusty V.I.P seating inside of a caged-in fence beside the actual fighting cage.  “I’ll see you in a bit,” Taylor says, pressing his lips against my forehead.

“Ah ha!” Cindy yells from beside me. “You did fuck him,” she says. “Was it good? Is he big? Tell me,” he begged, lip poked out.

   I push it back into her mouth and smile. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I say, wiggling my eyebrows.

   “You bitch,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest.

   “If the stiletto fits,” I say.

   She opens her mouth to say something when the crowd deafens her voice. I look around to see what caused the noise. A tall kid walks out into the middle of the ring. “That’s what I’m talking about. Let me hear some fucking noise, kids!”

   The arena roars.
The tall guy walks around the arena, hand cupper over his ear. “I. Can’t. Hear. You!” he screams.

   Everyone jumps up and down.
Rattling the fences. My heart pounds at the excitement. “Now, for the Fight Night Champion, three years running….
Taylor BadAss Jacks
!” he screams, banging the clipboard along the fence.

  I watch as Taylor runs through the side door, fist pumping and screaming at the fans. My heart starts to beat erratically as I watch him. He pounces into the cage, jumping around on his toes, as he jabs at the air.

   You’re so fucking hot, Taylor! Beat his ass! Come home with me, Taylor!
Taylor flexes his muscles and I see his eyes flicker to mine. He smiles, winks and turns back toward the arena. My heart flutters knowing he was looking at me. I can’t believe I’m turning into one of these crazy groupie girls. “Wow, girl, are you the one he is winking at?” someone behind me asks.

   I glance back. A tall brunette, with a huge toothy smile is staring at me. I nod. “Yeah, I guess.”

   She furrows her brow and clicks her tongue on the side of her mouth. “Wait, you’re Layla, right?” she asks.

Damn, does everyone know who I am?
“Who wants to know?”

   She rolls her eyes. “My
ex-boyfriend, Rod, was looking for you. He was asking around to find out where you live.”

   My blood runs cold.
She waves her hand in front of my face. “Hello?” she asks, but the crowd roars and I notice I’ve missed the introduction of the other opponent. The brunette yells and waves her hands around, like nothing just happened.

   Taylor jabs the guy in the face two times, sending his head flying backwards. The guy grunts loudly and runs toward Taylor. Taylor’s face is partially amused, as he slams the guy’s face into his
knee. The crowd is moving toward the cage, flooding where Taylor is walking out. It’s over? The guy in the ring is being carried out with his crew.

   Taylor is grinning ear to ear, stretching his tattooed, huge arms above his head. A few girls reach up and run their fingernails down Taylor’s chest, but he removes their hands and keeps moving toward the cage.

   “What a freaking fight!” Cindy says, elbowing me. “Who was that girl you were talking to?” I glanced back but the brunette was gone. “You missed half of it!” she yells, but I’m too scared to care what she has to say.

   Taylor’s eyes catch mine. A line of worry stretches across his forehead when he really looks at me. “You okay?” he mouths.

   I shake my head and start toward the door. Cindy is yelling after me. I don’t turn around. I just want to go hide.
He is looking for me? I knew it was possible. He is really pissed, but I didn’t think he would ask around to where I am? Where I live? Cindy? Mittens?
Vomit tries to climb up my throat, but I push it back down. This can’t happen. No.

I intake a lung full of cool air just at Taylor wraps his hand around my elbow. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? What happened?” He is worried, gray eyes wide. He is sweating, but I don’t see any blood or bruising.

   I clear my throat. “This girl…she said Rod was asking where I live. Where I am?” My lip trembles. I’ve always been able to take care of myself and now I want to wrap myself in my covers and hide.

   Taylor sighs and runs his finger along my jaw. “Hustler, you’re coming home with me. You’ll be fine. Did she say she knew where you lived?”

   I shake my head.

   He smiles, and pulls my chin toward him. “If it will make you feel better, Cindy and Brett can stay in the spare room and then you can sleep with me. Mitten can come, too.”

   “I’m not sure--,”

   Taylor grabs my waist. “It’s settled. Let’s go get Brett, Cindy and Mittens.”


Cindy has no
problem, packing a bag, grabbing Mittens and holding up in Taylor’s apartment. We order pizza and watch a movie. Everyone is mostly quiet, but I can’t help but think all of these people are in danger because of me. I put them in danger, because I’m selfish. Because I want Taylor too much.

   “I see those wheels turning in your mind over there, Lay. Stop overthinking things.”

   “It’s hard not to,” I whisper back.

   “Do you want to go to bed?” he asks. I know he doesn’t mean go to bed as sleep, more as of just going to bed.

   I shake my head. “I’m going to take a shower.” I get up and walk toward the bathroom. I let my back rest against the wooden door and close my eyes. “Way to go, Layla. You fuck everything up.”

   I let the warm water fall against my back and press my head against the bathroom wall. I don’t know how long I stay like this, but after I wash off, towel dry my hair, I tip-toe into Taylor’s bedroom and shut the door behind me.

   “You’d make a terrible spy,” Taylor says from his bed.

   “Jesus, Taylor,” I say, swatting at him. “And you’d make the best damn stalker a girl could have. You like creeping up on girls?” I pull my fingers through my blonde hair.

   He smiles. “This is my room, Layla. I’d say you’re the creeper, spying on me.”

   I flip him the bird and walk to his closet to get one of my shirts. I drop my towel, pull on a pair of underwear and reach to grab an overly-large shirt. Taylor’s hand grabs my waist and I notice exactly how close he is to me.

   “We need to talk,” he says, breath close to my ear.

   I swallow the lump growing in my throat.
“About what?” I ask, trying to pull on the shirt. Taylor grabs my waist and pushes me against the wall.

   He touches his lips to mine and snakes his tongue ring out on my lip. “Shit, Taylor,” I whisper, trying to focus.

   “We need to talk about what happened today,” he says. “We had sex,” he says.

   I turn my cheek, but he runs his tongue against my neck.
“Oh, really? I didn’t know,” I gulp out, fingers running through his hair.

   He nuzzles his mouth into my neck.
“Funny stuff, Layla. But, this is serious.” He grips my chin and makes me look at him. “You can’t blame yourself for your parents, you can’t not get close to people, you need them. And you don’t have to hustle anymore.”

   I grip his shirt. “It’s easy for you to say,” I mumble against his lips. “You don’t have people chasing after you…yet. If I stick around…I’m scared they’ll hurt everyone.”

   Taylor takes my lips against his and tilts his head to the side. “I can take care of myself, and you. Just give me a chance, Layla.”

   Emotions swirl in my stomach. I smile. “Why don’t you take me to bed, huh?”

   Taylor stares at me for a while, before he finally gives me a half-hearted smile. “I’ve never been one to let someone down when they need it most.”




















Chapter Eight

   “We’re going where?” I ask, sitting my purse down on Taylor’s couch. Cindy is fluffing her blonde hair, and making sure her dress is as tight as it can be.

   “To the Kappa party, we have to.” She looks over at me, eye racking down my button up coffee shop t-shirt. “But, you have to change. Come on, Brett and Taylor are both coming. They’re getting dressed.” She pokes out her lip and intertwines her fingers.

I just get back from a long ass shift with Eric asking a million questions the entire time, to be rushed to go to a party. “Fraternity parties really aren’t my thing, Cindy. You know that.” I pull my hair from his holder and run my fingers through it.
Ah, relief.

   She taps her stiletto on the floor and pokes her hip out. “Well, the pool hall really isn’t my thing but I go. You can go to one party with me, Lay.”

   Aggravated, I walk toward Taylor’s bedroom with Cindy jumping up and down behind me. Taylor is pulling on a tight-fitted shirt when I walk in. “Well, hello, sunshine. You look so happy to be here.” He rolls his eyes. “What’s up with you?”

   I kick off my shoes and sigh. “Fraternity party, do we have to go?” I ask.

   Taylor cracks his neck and motions toward the bed. “Got you something to wear.”

   He bought me something?
I glance up at him, but he continues to get ready. “Just put it on, Lay. It’s a…thank you.”

“For what? I haven’t done anything but put you in danger.”

   Taylor grabs his wallet and shoves it in his back pocket, then turns toward me. I see he’s trimmed his facial
hair, the chin strap is perfectly shaved and hot. “Layla,” he grabs my chin, “what did I tell you? I can take care of us.”

   I bite my lip. “What if Rod is there? What if he attacks us or something?” I raise my hands in the air. “I couldn’t live with myself.”

   Taylor sighs and runs his fingers over my jaw. “Take a shower. Let’s go.”

  He shuts the door behind him.


   I shower, make sure to shave my legs, spray some
Vera Wang on. The dress Taylor got me is short, black and the back is open. With the heels I borrowed from Cindy, I look hot. It makes me smile. I’m not used to going out for fun, it’s work, play pool, get money and go home. This is just
, to dance, to drink and let loose. The thought makes me smile, until I think about Rod showing up. Will he? Will he hurt Cindy? Or Eric? Or…Taylor? Or me?

Thud. Thud. Thud.
“You about ready?” Taylor asks from the other side of the door.

   I don’t answer, examining myself in his mirror. I hear a few small clicks and he opens the door. “Hey! I locked that.”

   Taylor glances down at my feet, and scans all the way up to the low cute front. “Fucking wow. I think I’m going to have to keep an eye on you tonight.” He runs his hand over my bare back. “Or take you in the broom closet.”

   I fight a smile and point toward the door.
He shrugs and pulls me closer toward him. The touch feels great, and I actually feel comfortable. Very comfortable. Very safe.

Woohoo, Kitten!” Cindy yells from the door, thrusting her first in the air. “You look hot, now get ya ass in the car. We’re leaving.”

   Against my better judgment, I let Taylor drag me toward his Hummer.

   The Kappa house is on campus, in a decently sized two story home. Most of the pledges stay there, so the rooms are filled with their things. I always thought that was a bad idea, but it’s their shit not mine. I hear the loud music blasting from the opened black shutters as soon as we pull up. Brett backs into a parking spot across the road from the frat house, and we all get out.

“Ready, hustler?” Taylor asks, wrapping his arm around my waist. A few girls run out of the house, almost nude, screaming at a pack of guys watering them down with a hose.

   I narrow my eyes and glance up at Tay
lor, then point. He laughs. “Don’t worry, no one will dare spray you with anything, unless they want their ass handed to them.”

   The thought makes me smile.
Taylor keeps me plastered to his side, when we get into the house. People are everywhere. There are a lot of blonde bimbos, overly sized jocks, and dancing horny bastards.

   “Taylor!” some guy yells. He has a red baseball cap on backwards, jeans low and a tight-fitted wrestling shirt on. “No fucking way, bro!”

   Taylor growls lowly and gives him a first pump. “Tonight, we’re gonna get fucked up!!” he yells, handing Taylor a beer. Taylor shakes his head and that’s when Red Cap sees me.

   “Oh,” he says, his lips making a perfect O. “I see,” he says, scratching his head. “My name is Logan, nice to meet you.”

   I hide my smile and shake his hand back. “You, too, I’m Layla.”

   He nods and gives Taylor a wink before walking back toward a keg. “
Wow, I guess you can hold some liquor then, Taylor.”

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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