Making New Memories (14 page)

Read Making New Memories Online

Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #helicopter, #rescue, #marine, #wyoming

BOOK: Making New Memories
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Grinning now he says, "I don't know about
talking but I'm not ready to leave you yet."

When we walk in the house and we head
straight to my room, closing and locking the door. He helps me out
of my parka and sheds his own before pulling me into his arms.
"I've missed you Skye." He lowers his head and tenderly nibbles at
my lips.

Frustrated I demand, "Kiss me Dylan!"

Smiling he says, "I like nibbling on your
lips. You are so sweet."

I pull on his head and open my mouth delving
into the warmth of his mouth kissing him hungrily. Moaning he pulls
me down on the bed and hungrily returns my kiss, his hands
impatiently caressing my back. Grabbing the edges of my sweater he
pulls it over my head. His eyes feast on my breasts before he pulls
his own sweater over his head and lies back down on the bed next to

Frowning I run my hands over the scar on his
shoulder where the mountain lion clawed him. Lifting my head I
gently trace the scars with my lips my hair trailing across his
chest. Moaning he pulls me on top of his body. He moves his hands
up my sides grasping my breasts brushing his thumbs across my
nipples still encased in my lacy bra. He watches her eyes and sees
her pupils dilate with his touch and the nipples pucker begging for
his lips.

I push up on my arms to allow him to unhook
the front closure of my bra and pull my breasts toward his waiting
mouth. Staring deeply into each other's eyes, he raises my breast
to his mouth and gently suckles while rolling the other nipple
between his thumb and finger, plucking it gently.

"Oh Dylan!" I moan as he flips me to my back
and covers me with his body. Lowering his head he hungrily kisses
me while he continues to gently pluck my nipples. Moving down my
body he takes one nipple, then the other into his mouth suckling
hungrily. He moves his hands down my body to unfasten my jeans and
pushes them down my legs. He slowly moves down my midriff to my
stomach kissing me, licking, and dipping his tongue into my

He stands beside the bed and removes my boots
and socks and then he pushes my jeans and panties to the floor. He
takes my foot into his hands gently massaging the arch, and then
sucks on each one of my toes watching each expression that crosses
my face. He gently grazes his teeth across the pad of each toe
relishing each gasp and moan passing my lips.

Then he begins kissing his way up my legs
paying attention to the back of my knees, licking my inner thighs
and then burying his face in the curls of my sex. Breathing in my
essence he parts the folds of my sex with his fingers and worships
me as no other ever has. Using his fingers he penetrates my warmth
then he lowers his head and repeats the action with his tongue.
Clawing at the sheets I start to buck so he anchors me to him with
his arms and sucks gently at one special spot. When I crash over
the threshold into ecstasy he inserts his fingers back into my
warmth to feel me ride the waves of ecstasy while he watches my
expressions as I climax.

When I finally drift back to earth, Dylan is
smiling warmly down at me sucking on his fingers. He lowers his
head and gently kisses my lips letting me taste myself. Softly he
says, "I love you Skye."

With tears in my eyes, I smile up at him, "Oh
Dylan, I love you too." He pulls the covers around me and pulls me
close to his side holding me until I fall asleep. Then he quietly
puts on his sweater and parka and heads back to the barn and
another cold shower.


On Monday morning Dylan and I take Barry's
private jet to LA where we rent a car and head to the police
station closest to the area where I was kidnapped and raped ten
years before. I approach the man at the desk and tell him I need to
file a complaint. He calls a detective and directs us back to a
private office where we meet Detective Long. I relate my story in a
quiet, calm voice. Patiently listening until I relate the entire
story the detective asks, "Ms. Reynolds, why did you wait ten years
to file this complaint?"

Flustered by the question, I look at Dylan.
He says, "Detective Long, Ms. Reynolds was emotionally devastated
by the attack and has only recently been able to even talk about
it. Add to that the fact she recently identified Richard Thomas as
the primary perpetrator of the crime this is the first opportunity
she has had to make the complaint."

"How did you receive treatment for your
injuries without this being reported? Hospitals are required to
report suspected sexual assaults," the detective asks.

Dylan speaks again, "Ms. Reynolds is the
daughter of Benjamin Reynolds. I'm sure you realize what kind of
publicity a story like this would have generated at the time. Mr.
Reynolds didn't want the publicity so he had her treated at her
home by trusted medical personnel. I am not disagreeing that it may
have been a mistake not to report it at the time, but that does not
change the fact that it did happen. We should probably tell you
that Ms. Reynolds confronted Mr. Thomas with her accusations and he
did not deny them. He is currently in custody awaiting trial for
embezzlement and murder in Amarillo Texas."

The detective asks, "He sounds like a really
upstanding citizen, but I ask you again, if he is already in
custody on more serious charges, why file the complaint now?"

I answer, "I am filing the complaint because
he was one of six men that raped me. I haven't been able to
identify the others but I am certain he is the one that drugged me.
I want you to question him about the other five. I don't want them
walking around free any longer perhaps attacking other women."

Detective Long says, "All right Ms. Reynolds,
I'll send someone to question him but don't hold out too much hope
that he is going to give up the names. Most crimes like this are
never solved. I would like to say on another note, I am really
sorry about your father. He was a brilliant director. I always
wondered why he would have killed himself."

Dylan offers, "We are not exactly sure he
did. We are looking into it ourselves. Is there any chance you
could let us see the police report that was completed at the

Detective Long says, "I guess I could pull
the report and let you look at it. If you want to wait it will take
a few minutes to access the archive. Computers are wonderful tools,
don't you think?"

A few minutes later the detective brings a
lap top into the room and sets it on the table. "Here you go. Just
close the lid on the laptop when you are finished. It will
automatically close the file."

Dylan quickly jots down the URL and pages
through the file scanning for pertinent facts. It appears the
investigating officers did a fairly thorough investigation
initially but then once the coroner declared he died from a
self-inflicted gunshot wound the investigation was closed and no
leads were pursued.

Dylan takes notes about all of the promising
leads that were not pursued and then he and I close the laptop and
leave the office.

We head next to the storage facility where I
stored all of the contents of the house. When we open the door to
the storage locker we are shocked to see the mess. It looks like
someone has rummaged through every single box.

"Damn! It looks like someone beat us to it,"
says Dylan.

I am confused, "Who would want to do

Dylan says, "My guess is someone who thinks
your father left clues behind."

Dylan places a call to Detective Long to
report the break in. After sending him a picture via text the
detective sends out a team to investigate. After the police take a
series of pictures they sweep the contents for fingerprints.

Detective Long says, "Well, Mr. Drake, it
appears you may be on to something with your suspicions concerning
Mr. Reynolds' death. We rarely have complaints about robberies at
storage units. I'll get in touch with you if we turn up anything
about this crime. Ms. Reynolds once you have an opportunity to go
through this, if you determine anything identifiable as missing
please contact us. I'll have to have some concrete proof before I
can reopen the investigation into the death itself but this
certainly does point that direction."

Looking at me, Dylan says, "Let's find
someone that will box this mess up and ship it to the ranch. I
don't' see any point in going through it here. I'm sure any of the
easy to find stuff is already gone. Any clues that are left will be

As Dylan locks the door back, he examines the
lock and sees the tell tale signs that someone had picked the lock.
He hopes some clue is left because he is sure now Benjamin Reynolds
was murdered.


Since it is nearly three o'clock, Dylan and I
head to a restaurant in the area for lunch. I have been amazed that
so far, the Paparazzi has left us alone. Unfortunately, that is
short lived. As soon as we step out of the car in the restaurant
parking lot I am recognized and the flashes start. Dylan quickly
takes my arm and leads me through the throng into the building. I
think I handle the intrusion well grateful to have Dylan's arm to
cling to.

Once we are seated Dylan asks, "Are you all
right? You aren't having a panic attack or anything, are you?"

Smiling shakily I reply, "I'm all right. I'm
glad you're here though. I still don't think I could handle them
alone. I really don't understand why they are still interested in
me. I haven't been in LA in over three years."

Smiling Dylan says, "It must be your
extraordinary beauty and your unbelievable sex appeal."

Blushing, I retort, "Flattery will get you
nowhere Mr. Drake."

Laughing Dylan says, "Do I hear a challenge
in that statement somewhere?" Dylan's cell phone rings.

"Drake" he says.

"Scoot, Stump here. I'm sorry to bother you
man but I wanted to let you know that Pinky and I are headed to DC.
We have been summoned to the Pentagon. Evidently something big is
brewing. Oh, and Goose went to Texas. Evelyn wanted somebody to
drive the U-Haul for her. He should be back by the weekend."

"All right, Skye and I will head back as soon
as we finish lunch. Who is going to watch Damian until I can get
back to the ranch?"

"He's going to stay over at the house with
Eric. Talk to you soon," answers Stump.

As he disconnects the call Dylan says, "Well,
I was hoping to stay overnight but we need to head back. I guess my
response to your challenge will have to wait."


A few days after returning to the ranch Dylan
receives a call from Detective Long. "Drake"

"Mr. Drake, This is Detective Long. I wanted
to let you know that we identified a print found on the lock of the
storage unit. It belongs to Philip Jonas. It is my understanding
that he was Mr. Reynolds' butler at the time of his death so it
stands to reason his prints might have been on some of the items.
He has a small rap sheet but nothing serious. A few speeding
tickets but one count of assault and intimidation filed by a former
employer, a Mr. Samuel Williams from Bellaire. We tried to contact
Mr. Williams but he died in a car accident two years ago. He ran
his car off a mountain."

Dylan's initial instinct is that Samuel
Williams was murdered. He asks, "Detective Long, what was Mr.
Williams' occupation?'

"Hmmm, let me see, I believe he owned a very
successful hotel. Why do you ask?"

"Did you by any chance find any connection
between Samuel Williams and the mob?" asks Dylan.

"The hotel changed hands right after his
death and is now controlled by a group that is linked to the mob.
Do you think a connection may exist to Mr. Reynolds death?"

"Mr. Reynolds was putting together financing
so he could film a documentary about the mob and I believe there is
a connection to his death. I believe it is worth investigating.
Would you mind sending me a copy of that print? I want to run it
through our government databases."

"I've already checked the FBI database. What
other access do you have?" asks Detective Long.

"My company does a lot of work for the
government and we have top level security clearance," answers

"I'll send it right away. Let me know if you
turn up anything," says Detective Long.


Soon after disconnecting, Dylan's cell phone
rings again. "Scoot"

"Scoot, Stump here. You're going to have to
come to DC. This is big."

"All right, Stump. I'll fly out this
afternoon. I'll let you know what time to pick me up," answers
Dylan. Damn! What next? At least Skye will be safe here. Tracking
Barry down in the barn he tells him about his unplanned trip to DC
and asks him to watch Damian and take care of Skye. Then heading to
the house he finds her in the kitchen.


"Hello Dylan, what brings you over here this

"Listen, I've got to go to DC for a few days.
Damian is going to stay over here with you, Barry, and Melanie. I'm
not sure when I'll be back. Don't leave the ranch while I'm gone. I
spoke to Detective Long this morning. They found the butler's print
on the lock to the storage unit."

"Did they really? That was a brand new lock.
He was never near it. How did ... Oh ... he is the one that broke
into the storage unit wasn't he?"

"That's what I think. It just reaffirms my
belief that he murdered your father. I don't want you in any danger
so stay here please. You'll be safe here."

"I will. I'll miss you, please be

He pulls me into his arms and says, "I'll
miss you too," as he lowers his head for a tender kiss. "I love you

"I love you too."

When Dylan reaches DC he learns that he,
Stump, and Pinky are flying out immediately for a top secret
mission in Central America. They are expecting to be gone about
three weeks.

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