MaleAndroidCompanion (11 page)

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Authors: Mackenzie McKade

BOOK: MaleAndroidCompanion
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In and out.

Fast and furious.

Perspiration dampened his hot skin. His
breathing was harsh and ragged.

The slapping sound of their flesh coming
together was heady but it was the wet, slurping slide of her body milking his
cock that sent his mind reeling. Strong muscles clamped down on him and she
screamed out his name, bucking beneath him. The ride was more arousing than he
ever thought possible. The momentum behind each violent thrust was more
animalistic than human. Each time his tender balls struck her ass, bittersweet
pain raked through him. The tingling at the base of his groin coiled tighter
and tighter, threatening to explode.

An invisible force seemed to rip her back
off the bed. Her mouth parted. “
Oh. Oh God. Marc!
” Wildly,
she thrashed beneath him.

“Come for me, Gia.”

Ripples moved over him in shock waves as
one contraction after another assailed her. Growling, he continued to pound
into the heated suction of her hungry pussy until the squeeze and pressure was
so intense, hot liquid burst from the small slit in his cock, bathing him in
flames that swept through his body like a raging wildfire.

He tried to breathe but there was no air
left in the room. Stars burst in the blackness that had become his mind and
then the most unbelievable sense of pleasure flooded him. Air rushed his lungs
and he collapsed atop her, his head nestled in the curve of her neck and

The rapid beat of her heart joined the
musky scent of arousal, sweat and sex that lingered in the room. He could have
lain like this all night, but Gia had already been bound too long. His arms
shook, threatening not to hold him as he inched his way off the bed. Casting
one more appreciative gaze across the woman tied to the bed, he quickly
unfastened her wrists.

Gia brought her arms down with a moan. When
her feet were untied, she glanced up at him with a sexy smile. “That was
amazing. I think we’ll have to do that again.”

She bent and stretched her arms and legs,
working out the kinks he knew would be there. Marc loved watching her body
move, so lithe and graceful. Her nipples were pink and swollen to match her
pussy. The sated expression on her face, he had placed there.

He crawled back onto the bed and took her
into his embrace. He inhaled the sensual scent that was all her. “You were
incredible.” He pressed his lips to her forehead.

She looked up at him and captured his
mouth. When the kiss ended, she snuggled into him. “And you’re the best I’ve
ever had. Thank you.”

Marc was taken aback by her appreciation.
She thought him an android and still she spoke of gratitude. Not to mention,
she was willing to pleasure him when she didn’t have to. Already he could sense
a give and take between them that he hadn’t felt in the majority of his other
relationships with women. And then she cuddled so close to him, as if she
really enjoyed being with him.

Yes. There was much more to Gia Easton then
the gorgeous woman on the silver screen. She was a woman of passion, of caring,
of love. Someone who he could enjoy spending time with beyond the bedroom.

Marc sighed, closed his eyes and fell
asleep with a smile on his face.


Gia watched the android snoring softly
beside her. Lying on his stomach, he had one leg draped over hers and a large
palm cupping her breast. His broad, muscular back rose and fell with each
gentle breath. Earlier she had heard his heartbeat as he held her close.

It simply amazed her.

Marc was so much like a real man that
M.A.C. should be commended on their creations. Since she had met him she had
yet to discover a flaw in his actions or speech that would betray his cover. As
the salesman had promised, there were absolutely no telltale signs between the
sheets. In fact, Marc had satisfied her beyond her wildest dreams. She had
found herself wanting to please and pleasure him just to see rapture upon his
handsome face. Still, he wasn’t real and she desperately wanted someone to love
who could love her in return.

Slowly she eased from beneath his touch and
crawled off the bed. Locating her robe, she pushed her arms through the large
sleeves and knotted the sash before tiptoeing to the French doors. They creaked
as she wedged them open and slipped into the night.

The twilight morning air was brisk, urging
Gia to pull her robe tight around her as she took a seat in a lounge chair.
Bending her knees to her chest, she tucked her feet beneath the robe and gazed
into the velvety sky.

Which star held her dream?

Could she find someone who was grounded and
dependable and fit into the lifestyle she had carved for herself, because in
reality she enjoyed performing? Entertaining others gave her a sense of
fulfillment, of belonging. It provided her, as well as others, the opportunity
to escape, sometimes to laugh, to cry and to experience new things. Beauty was
only her outer shell and would fade in the future, but her ability to beguile
an audience was something she cherished and hoped would follow her into her
golden years as it had with so many of the great actors and actresses.

If only she didn’t have to deal with the
bullshit, the politics and people like Doug and Mary who wanted to drain her of
both her money and energy. If only they could see her for who she was and not
her appearance or as a free meal ticket. Real friends didn’t do that to each

Gia rested her chin on her knees and looked
longingly across the horizon.

Yes. She was pretty much like everyone
else. She wanted it all. Family. True friendship. A successful career. A home
filled with the pitter-patter of children. And the man of her dreams.

She glanced back through the French doors
and stared at the naked man stretched across her bed with a sense of yearning
she had never before felt. There was something special about the android. He
was compassionate. Kind. Affectionate. And she couldn’t forget good-looking and
sexy as hell. He embodied everything she had pictured when she thought of the
man she would marry and make a home with. Someone who she could share her deepest,
darkest dreams and aspirations with, who in return would trust her with his.

But were her ideals only fanciful?

Was there truly a man like Marc out there
for her?

Chapter Six


Marc had given Gia three days of pure
ecstasy inside and outside the bedroom. Sometimes they loved quietly and
tenderly, other times he had taken her mind and body into their darkest
recesses. She had learned more about pain and pleasure than she had ever

As she slid the black silk thigh-high
stocking up her bare leg, she released a sated sigh. Even the continuous calls
from Doug, Mary and the press couldn’t dampen how she felt. Staying away from
the television and any news media helped. For the first time in a long time she
felt alive and happy. In fact, she was beginning to believe she could take Marc
home to Oregon and pass him off as a real boyfriend.

He was amazingly well-versed about every
topic she broached. From politics to sports and entertainment, he knew the
latest stands and had an opinion on most subjects that was both thoughtful and

She smiled. Taking him home just might

“Are you ready?” His velvet-smooth voice
gave her chills. Tonight he was going to take her to a dungeon. She bit her
bottom lip nervously as she rose from her makeup table and turned to stand
before him.

Her breath caught in her throat. It should
be a crime to look as good as he did in black leather pants, boots and no
shirt. He almost looked like Zorro with the black domino and full cape he wore.
In his hand he held a wispy, feathered domino that matched the red corset and
panties he had told her to wear.

“You take my breath away.” The truth shone
in the gleam simmering in his eyes.

Short, broken laughter burst from her
mouth. “I’m not sure I can wear these panties.” They rose high on her hips, but
that wasn’t the problem. They had a split in the crotch that no one could see
unless she bent over or spread her legs. Still, the lacy material gave her the
most vulnerable sensation. She looked down at them and realized that the cherry-red
color would be hard to match, but she might have something close to that shade
to cover up with.

With a finger placed beneath her chin, he
raised her gaze to meet his. “Wear them for me.”


His kiss stole her objection. Masterful and
arousing, he had discovered that she had a weakness for his caress, which she
hated. Well, not really. The truth was she was helpless when his lips touched

“Not fair,” she murmured against his mouth.

His hand slid between their bodies,
disappearing between her legs. When he parted her folds and slipped a long
finger inside her, she whimpered softly, melting inside. His touch was magical.

“I never said I played fair.” His deep,
seductive tone set her hips to thrusting back and forth. “One orgasm and then
we have to go.”

Placing her palms on his shoulders to
steady herself, she rocked against his hand. “Maybe we should just stay home.”


She loved the rough, commanding voice she
had come to know as his dominant tone. The man was amazing.

Dammit. There she went again, but it was so
easy to forget he wasn’t human. And Lord knows she had searched high and low
for any sign that would reveal his true nature—that he was an android. But he
was as male as male could be. He even left the toilet seat up. After almost
falling in one night, Gia requested Leda set the toilet on automatic so that
after several minutes the lid would descend by itself.

His finger caressed her clit several times,
stealing her thoughts before delving deep inside her once again. When another
finger joined the first, her knees almost buckled.

“Take me to bed and fuck me,” she

He had the most annoying habit of ignoring
her suggestions and proceeding with what he wanted, like now, as he continued
to pump in and out of her moist slit.


“Shhh, baby, or I’ll end it now,” he
murmured against her ear.

He wouldn’t dare stop in the middle of
pleasuring her. Then again, he had done it before to punish her. “Let’s—”

He pressed on her G-spot and she went off
like a Roman candle. A firework explosion couldn’t compare to the lightning
zinging throughout her. A particularly strong contraction bore down on her and
her knees gave way. The four-inch red stilettos she wore slid out from beneath
her. Marc barely caught her before she went down.

“I hate you,” she whined, clinging to him
as waves of sensation washed over her. Her pussy pulsed and wept and made her
feel alive.

He chuckled and assisted her to her feet.
“No you don’t.”

She wanted to release him but wasn’t quite
ready yet as another shiver raced up her spine. “I should hate you.”

“I know.” He brushed her lips with his.
“Now stop being a baby and let’s go.” He picked up her mask, which must have
fallen when he rescued her. Helping her put the domino on, he arranged her hair
so that the long brownish-red strands flowed freely. “I have a surprise for
you. Wait here.” He left her bedroom through the adjoining door and when he
returned, he had a mid-thigh silver-fox coat draped over his arm. He held it
up, encouraging her to put it on.

“It’s beautiful, but where did you get it?”
Or more importantly what did it cost her? She wasn’t too keen on him freely
spending her money. He must have seen her reservation because he frowned.

“I borrowed it from the institute. We have
an extensive costume department at our disposal.”

Relieved, Gia stepped into the coat, the
fur closing around her body making her want to squirm with delight. She was
going to have to get one of these.

“We need to go. I’m excited to see what you
think of The Cave.” He quickly ushered her out the door and into the hall but
then he stopped, taking her into his arms. “Did I tell you how beautiful and
sexy you look tonight?”

Gia shook her head, looking into his sultry
eyes. There was something more there that she couldn’t identify. Before she
could say anything he captured her mouth again. It was a long, slow kiss that
made her feel as if she were floating on a cloud of ecstasy. When the caress
ended, her lips were still puckered. Her eyes remained closed as she waited for
another kiss that never came.

“We better go.”

“Huh?” Through a daze of desire her eyelids
rose as she peered through the small slits in the mask.

He grinned. “Go. Now.”

Her chest rose and fell with each heavy
breath. “O-okay.”

At the bottom of the escalator, he paused
and turned to face her. She stepped down until they were eye level. “You are
looking forward to tonight. Right?”

Gia forced a smile. “Yes. Although I have
to admit to a little anxiety wearing this outfit in public. What happens if
someone recognizes me?”

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