MaleAndroidCompanion (13 page)

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Authors: Mackenzie McKade

BOOK: MaleAndroidCompanion
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“You okay, baby?”

“No,” she said sharply. “I need you to fuck
me, Marc. Now.”

He chuckled with pleasure. This time when
he struck the leather against her ass, he put muscle behind it.

A real scream rent the air.

He struck again before she could catch her
breath and then shoved a finger deep inside her.
She was hot and

“No more. No more,” she panted before
releasing a deep, throaty groan.

His cock hardened to the point he had to
activate his buckle and unzip his pants. The freedom sent a charge of heat to
his balls and stole his breath.

“Marc, please.”

Kneeling beside her, he gently pushed back
her hair and kissed her lightly on the forehead. “You can take more, baby. I
know you can.”

“I need you inside me now.” Her eyes were
misty, a sob strangling her.

He wiped at her tears with his thumb. “A
little more,” he encouraged. “You’re stronger than you realize.”

“More?” She paused and then nodded,
surrendering to his pleasure.

When he stood behind her again, Marc almost
lost it. Her thighs and ass were crisscrossed with strap marks, a heady blush,
but it was her glistening sex that called to him. He smoothed the ends of
leather slowly across her flesh and she shivered. Each time her pussy flexed
and released his erection thickened, grew impossibly harder in anticipation.

This time he flicked the flogger lightly
across her delicate skin.

“Oh my God!” She jerked hard enough to
rattle the hinges. “Marc.” Another gravelly groan followed that sent sparks
igniting in his groin. She squirmed, her sex even wetter than before.

Damn. He wanted to take her here—now.

Sliding a finger over her swollen folds, he
could feel the quiver that shook her. “It hurt, but you liked it, didn’t you,

No. Yes.”

To help her decide which it was, he pressed
softly on her clit, which swelled beyond its cover, eliciting another moan from
her. “One more and then I’ll give you what you want.”

“Marc, I— Yes. Please.”

Again, he lashed her sex with the sweet,
sweet sting of the flogger. When she yelped, he pushed his pants down mid-thigh
and moved up behind her. Positioning his cock at her hot entrance, he thrust
into her scorching sheath.

For a moment, he couldn’t breathe. When he
finally found his voice, he said, “Fuck, baby. You’re so hot.” Scalding hot and
so wet it made his mind whirl.

The second he eased back and then plunged
forward, she shattered around him. Her strangled mewling sounds touched
something inside him. He didn’t have a moment to think about the sensation,
because from out of nowhere his climax slammed into him, almost rocking him
back on his heels. He burrowed his fingertips into her hips as red-hot fire
tore down his cock. The burn was bittersweet until it released, tossing him into
ecstasy. Marc could do no more than moan, deep and long.

It took everything he had to stumble back
from her warm haven and rotate the equipment so that she was upright. He needed
to release her, but before he did he tasted her lips. Still unsteady, he
unfastened her wrists and then her ankles, assisting her to stand. Gia
collapsed into his arms, boneless.

“You okay, honey?” He placed her atop the
table, using it as a crutch to keep them both upright.

“That was amazing,” she hummed.

Marc smiled, brushing back her hair. “Can
you walk?”

The smile she returned was weak as she
peered through heavy eyelids. “I don’t think I’ll ever walk again.”

“Then we’ll continue our play lying down.”

Sweeping her up into his arms, he carried
her toward the makeshift bed across the room. Before he set her down, he
quickly disposed of her clothing, including those sexy red stilettos. Gently,
he laid her upon a huge pillow of feather down. Manacles attached to the floor
by chains were at each corner of the bed. She whimpered softly as he fastened
them to her ankles and wrists.

He replaced her domino with a leather

She called out his name. Her tongue flicked
between her lips. “What are you doing?”

He brushed his knuckles across her satiny
cheek. “You’ve just been purchased by a sultan to be included in his harem. You
must be prepared for his pleasure. The blindfold pleases him.”

“A sultan?” She giggled.

As Marc rose he continued, “I leave you now
in the hands of my most entrusted eunuchs with instructions on how I wish you
to come to me.”

” She paused, tilting her
head as if she listened for his footsteps.

He smiled, knowing that when one sense was
taken away the others were magnified.

“You’re not really leaving me, right?”

He didn’t respond. Instead he padded lightly
to the table where the items he had specified awaited him in a box. Before he
returned, for added effect, he activated the door so that it opened and closed.

“Marc,” she croaked, jerking against her
bindings. “Dammit, Marc. Answer me.”

Shucking his pants and shoes, he knelt
between her thighs and reached for a warm, wet sponge. The second he wiped
across her breasts she gasped.

“Hmmm. Marc? If you’re not Marc would you
go get him?”

Damn. She was hot. The image before him
made his cock stretch and thicken. A remarkable occurrence in light of the fact
he had just climaxed about as hard as he ever had. Blood surged into his balls,
filling his sac with a sweet ache as he continued to cleanse her body. When he
placed the sponge between her thighs, a high-pitched shriek greeted him.

“Please.” Her desperate cry lingered.

After seeing to her bath, he squeezed oil
upon her body and began to work it into her skin, paying special attention to
certain sensitive areas.

“Oh. My. God.” Her breath left in a rush.

The scent of almonds teased his nose. “

You must obey at all times if you value your place in the Sultan’s harem,” he
whispered against her ear, giving away his identity.

The tension in her body relaxed, melted
beneath his caress.

“What a good concubine you are.” Marc
couldn’t help it. He ran his fingertips along her moist slit before sliding two
digits deep inside her. “Your master wishes you wet for him.” He continued to
finger-fuck her until she squirmed beneath him, releasing soft whimpers that
drove him mad with desire.

The throb in his groin bordered on
unbearable. Draping his much larger body over hers, he guided his cock to her
moist entrance. With one thrust, he buried himself deep inside her and groaned
as she arched, screaming. Then she shattered around him. Her inner muscles
hugged and milked him, pulling him closer and closer until he could do no more
than to follow her.

Red-hot rays ripped down his pulsing
erection. The release was sweet, sweet pain that morphed into the most
unbelievable pleasure he had ever felt. Caught in a kaleidoscope of sensations,
he allowed himself just to feel—the softness of the woman beneath him, the
rhythm of his heart beating and the glow of heat that filled him.

How much time elapsed he had no idea and
didn’t care. The only thing mattered was being here with Gia and sharing in
this experience together.

“Mmmm… A bath and bed sound wonderful.” Her
voice had a dreamy air about it.

“You’re right it does.” Languorously, he
shifted his weight and the oil made him slide off her. He raised her blindfold.

Heavy-lidded, she gazed up at him and
smiled. “Take me home, Sultan.”

why did that single word make him grin ear to ear?

Chapter Seven


Gia held the coffee cup to her mouth and
inhaled the rich scent before she gently blew. The steam dissipated in the
breeze sweeping over the deck outside her bedroom where she and Marc had chosen
to have breakfast. Last night had been exciting and hot. Something she had
never thought to experience. But night after night of this type of excitement
would be too much for her.

Gazing over her cup, she took in Marc’s
disheveled state and grinned. He had a stayed-up-all-night-fucking look that
she had helped put there. His silky hair begged her fingers to roam through it.
The dark shadow on his chin and jaw said he needed a shave. He yawned and she
fought the urge to do the same. Both were tired when they received the call to
breakfast. Neither were ready to rise and attend, but they had. She set her
coffee cup down without even tasting it.

God. He looked good enough to eat.

The only problem…

Gia was falling for an android.

When it happened or how it happened she
wasn’t sure. It didn’t make sense. It wasn’t rational. Yet he made her feel
more like a woman than any man ever had. They talked and shared intimate
moments that felt so right. She had been more honest with herself in the last
couple of days then she had in the last several years.

Still, Marc wasn’t human and he never would
be. Gia knew this. Yet she had no idea what to do about it.

He took a bite of toast, chewed and
swallowed. “Something wrong?”

Oh hell, yeah. But she might as well take
one thing at a time. The most pressing issue was her parents’ anniversary. Gia
had mentioned her dilemma last night after they came home from the dungeon.

When she didn’t answer, his chair scraped
across the deck and he rose, moving around the table. In seconds she found
herself in his arms, his lips pressed to hers, sipping from her mouth as if she
were a fine wine meant to be savored. Every time he kissed her she dissolved in
his arms, craved for the caress to never end, but it always did.

When they parted she sighed, the sound
filled with both longing and sadness. Maybe the best thing to do was return
Marc to the Institute after their trip to Oregon. Her chest squeezed with a
heaviness that forced her to take a deep breath.

Gia stepped back out of his embrace,
needing space between them. “I want to discuss this weekend.”

“Sweetheart, are you sure there isn’t
anything wrong?”


Marc spoke the endearment as if there were
real feelings behind it. That just made it harder, because everything between
the two of them was wrong and there was no righting it. She couldn’t fool
herself. Funny thing was, she couldn’t regret this time with Marc. He had helped
her define exactly what she wanted in a man. What she wanted in life—like a
husband, a family,
a career. For meeting him and discovering more
about herself and her wants and needs, she would be forever grateful.


“Ummm. I don’t feel right deceiving my
family, but I can’t deal with their questions.” Or their disappointment. She
left those last three words unspoken. They had been thrilled her relationship
with Doug had moved to the point she would bring him home with her to meet her
family. Of course, the replacement of Doug with Marc had been a surprise, but
she had no other choice.

“I need for my family to believe that we
are mad for each other—happy.” There was that stinking word again. Happy. Could
she truly find happiness?

“My Aunt Clare nags me incessantly about
marriage and babies. Of course Mom and Dad want me to find a man and settle
down too. I’m not up to worrying or discussing this subject this weekend,
especially with what happened with Doug and Mary. I need you to distract my family.
Can you do that for me?”

Taking her hand, he pulled her back into
his arms. He looked so handsome in just a robe that was slightly parted to give
her an eyeful of his incredible chest. “If you want your family to believe I’m
in love with you, then it’s as good as done.” Soft but firm lips touched hers
and then curved into mischief. “Maybe we should practice a little more. Want to
go to bed?”

Laughter burst from her mouth. “You’re
insatiable.” Another cool breeze ruffled the hem of her robe.

He nibbled on her bottom lip, trailing
kisses from the corner of her mouth down her throat. “You’re too exquisite to

“We can’t. We have too much to talk about.”
Even as she said it, she arched her neck, giving him more access. He nibbled,
tongued and caressed the length of exposed flesh.

“Why don’t you slip into something a little
more comfortable, like nothing at all. I prefer you naked.” He flashed her one
of his drop-dead smiles that showed off his dimple. “I’ll do the same. While
you talk I’ll give you a massage.” Sliding his hand down her back, resting his
palm on the swell of her ass, he kneaded gently.

“You mean you’ll distract me.” She pushed
his hand away and stepped out of his embrace.

His eyes widened with feigned innocence.
“Me?” His boyish tone was so charming, she thought about stealing one more
kiss, but stopped short of returning to his arms. The android was dangerous to
her heart.

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