Man Shy (24 page)

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Authors: Catherine Mulvany

BOOK: Man Shy
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re not really into police brutality here in Brunswick,

Brody said.


m fine,

Kyle assured her. He smiled.


She studied him suspiciously. Kyle was hiding something. She could tell by the way he kept glancing over at Brody.

You didn

t sound fine on the phone.

Well, I

m out now.

Mallory frowned. He must know how lame that sounded. What was going on? She could feel the undercurrents in the room, threatening to drag them all under.

Kyle cast another quick, almost furtive glance at Brody. Didn

t he trust his friend?

She glanced up at Brody herself, but his face told her nothing. He looked worried, but under the circumstances, who wasn


Shrugging off her unease, she turned back to Kyle.

I got in touch with your lawyer.

He bobbed his head.

Yeah, I know. He

s the one who arranged bail.

Great. But I

m confused. What did they arrest you for,

she asked,

if it wasn

t suspicion of robbery?

We think he

s the fence.

Officer Armstrong

s voice grated on Mallory

s nerves like a rasp.

She swiveled slowly to face the redhead.

meaning you or


meaning the entire Brunswick police force?

Everyone involved in the case agrees.

Her stony gaze locked on Kyle.


t leave town, Brewster. We

ll be keeping an eye on you.

You can put me under surveillance from now until hell freezes over,

Kyle said,

but you won

t see anything incriminating because, dammit, like I

ve been telling you moronic bastards for the last three hours, I

m not guilty.

Kyle must be upset, Mallory thought. She

d never known him to use so much profanity.

A cynical expression settled across Officer Armstrong

s face.

Yeah, and I

d be a millionaire if I had a dollar for every time I

ve heard that one, buddy.

Mallory put one hand on Brody

s arm, another on Kyle


Come on, guys. Let

s get out of here.

You know, Detective
A nasty, sneering smile bared Regan Armstrong

s prominent incisors, yet did nothing to lighten her expression.

Mallory shivered.

a person ought to be careful who he

s friends with. When you hang out with the wrong crowd, people start to wonder.


s a bitch,

said Mallory as soon as they were out in the Jeep. She wasn

t any more into profanity than Kyle, but when the epithet fit


s a cop,

Kyle corrected.

A cop who

s convinced I

m guilty.

Brody twisted the key in the ignition, revving the engine more than necessary.

The evidence is pretty damn convincing. Regan wouldn

t be much of a cop if she ignored it.


s voice rose a full octave in disbelief.

Are you two defending that woman?

Brody slammed the gearshift into reverse, backed up, then took off with a squeal of tires. Mallory nearly bit the tip of her tongue off when he bounced them over the speed bump at the exit.


Brody swore.

All I said was the evidence was heavily against Kyle. What

s Regan supposed to think when she discovers ten thousand dollars

worth of stolen property in Kyle

s carriage house? Especially when there

s only one key to the damn place and it

s hanging on Kyle

s key ring. Who has access to your keys, Kyle?

Brody ran the yellow light at the intersection of Northwest Fourth and Park Boulevard, narrowly missing being hit broadside by a big cattle truck anticipating the green. He swore under his breath.

Mallory gripped the dashboard with both hands. She shot a glance at Kyle in the backseat. He looked miserable.


s mouth was a grim line.

Well, Kyle? Tell her. Tell her who has access to your keys.

Kyle shrugged.

Me. Just me.

He closed his eyes for a second, took one deep breath, and slowly exhaled.

But I didn

t do anything wrong. I don

t know how that stuff got there. I swear.

I believe you.


s voice was warm with reassurance.

And so does Brody. Good grief, he

s known you longer than I have. He certainly ought to know what sort of person you are by now.

She thought hard.

Lots of people could have lifted your keys without your knowing

Dolph, for one, or maybe someone at KBRU. Think, Kyle. Did you loan anyone your keys lately?

Kyle buried his head in his hands.

No one.

Brody squealed the tires again, taking the left turn onto Eighth Street ten miles an hour too fast.

Worry sharpened Mallory

s voice.


re not taking this seriously, are you, Brody? You don

t suspect Kyle, do you?

Brody pulled to a jerky stop in front of Kyle

s house. He looked sick.

I don

t want to, but the evidence

The evidence speaks for itself.

Kyle spoke bitterly.


t that what Officer Armstrong kept saying?

Mallory was so frustrated, she felt like smacking both of them.

Yeah, and it

s screaming


only nobody but me is listening.

Brody leaned his forehead against the steering wheel, not saying anything. Kyle was silent too. They both looked defeated.

Dammit, couldn

t they see what was going on?


s framing you, Kyle. I don

t know why, but I bet I know who.


Both men swiveled in unison to stare at her.

Officer Armstrong.

Brody tipped his head to look at Mallory. She could tell he liked the idea.

Why, though? Why would Regan Armstrong risk her reputation by framing an innocent man?

Valid question. Unfortunately, a valid answer didn

t spring immediately to mind. She shrugged.

To get even with you?

His expression told her how unlikely that was.

I don

t know.


said Brody.

And that

s the problem. Neither do I. Just because you can

t stand someone, that doesn

t automatically make them one of the bad guys.

And just because you like someone,

Kyle said,

that doesn

t automatically make them one of the good guys.

He levered himself out of the backseat and onto the sidewalk.

Thanks for the ride.

The back door shut with a click of finality.


she protested, but he ignored her, moving slowly toward his house. She hated the defeated slump of his shoulders, the weary shuffle of his feet.


m scared, Brody. I

ve never seen Kyle this down before. Not even when he was having trouble with Dolph.

She clenched her hands together.


re his friends. We

ve got to do something.

Brody shifted into first, easing away from the curb.

Like what?


t ask me like what?


re the detective.

Only it

s not my case.

Excuse me? You care more about stupid protocol than you do about your friend? This isn

t a joke, Brody. He could end up behind bars if somebody doesn

t do something.

Brody shook his head.


m not saying I can

t do anything. I

m just saying it won

t be easy, and right now I

m too damn tired to think straight, let alone plan strategy. I need some sleep. I

m on swing today, covering for the sergeant.

He glanced at his watch.

If I push it, I can be in bed by ten. That

ll give me four hours.

But, Brody, Kyle might not have four hours. If someone

s gone to all this work to frame him, they

re not going to stop now. Next thing you know they

ll be


a stash of cocaine in his flour canister or a dead body in his freezer.

He yawned.

If they do, give me a call.


Though she would have sworn she was too keyed up to rest, Mallory fell asleep slumped in a corner of the love seat shortly after Brody brought her home. She didn

t wake up until her mother barged through her unlocked front door a little before six that evening.

Baby, you look sick!

she said by way of greeting.

Mallory sat up, yawning.

Late night. What brings you over?

April perched on the edge of the sofa.

Did you know your friend Kyle had been hauled down to the police station for questioning?

Yes, but he

s out on bail now.

Her mother frowned.

I don

t think so. Not so soon. I just heard it on the radio a few minutes ago.

Mallory pulled a throw pillow into her lap, hugging it to her stomach.

Heard what exactly?

Your boyfriend was the one who took him in.


Mallory sat up straight, flinging the pillow aside.

What are you talking about? Brody didn

t arrest Kyle. He wouldn

t. He couldn


April crossed her legs.


m just telling you what I heard. According to the radio, police investigators discovered a secret bank account in Kyle

s name, and Detective Brody Hunter hauled him in for questioning.

I don

t believe it.

Turn on the TV and double-check, then.

She glanced at her watch.


s just six now. Time for KBRU

Evening Report

Mallory grabbed the remote from the top of the trunk and flipped to Channel 5 just as the anchorman launched into his spiel:

Our top story tonight is a shocking one, especially for those of us here at

See? What did I tell you? It

s Kyle he

s talking about.

Mallory shushed her mother and punched up the volume. Her gut churned acid. Why had she wasted the whole day sleeping when she should have been doing something to help Kyle?

There! I told you so!

April crowed. She pointed at the screen. Videotaped footage of Brody escorting Kyle into the police station ran to the accompaniment of a brief report. Thanks to her mother

s excited commentary, Mallory only caught about half the audio, but the video clip told the whole story.

Hauled in for questioning twice in the same day. Betrayed by a trusted friend. Kyle must be in shock.

Mallory was.

How could he do it?

Maybe he needed the money,

her mother suggested.

She stared at April in confusion.


Maybe Kyle got involved because he needed the money. You know, like maybe somebody found out he was gay and threatened to tell unless he paid them hush money.

Mom, Kyle

s sexual orientation is no secret. Everybody in town knows he

s gay.

Then who were you talking about?


Mallory sighed heavily. How could he have aligned himself with Regan Armstrong? He must know as well as she did that Kyle wasn

t guilty. What was he thinking?

Her mother leaned closer, eyeing her narrowly.

You really don

t look good, Mallory. Are you sure you

re all right?


m fine,

she lied.


re worried about Kyle, aren

t you? Fencing stolen property is a serious charge.


s framing him, Mother.

But the evidence

Is circumstantial. I

m sure he

ll be cleared eventually.

I hope so. I

ve always been fond of that boy. Now, if they

d arrested that creepy little man he brought to the wedding, I wouldn

t have been a bit surprised.

Tim. Of course.

Mother, you

re a genius!

I am?

Definitely. I think you just solved the case.

. Why hadn

t she thought of him before? She knew the Blue Russian was involved in the burglaries. Hadn

t she overheard that suggestive conversation between Dimitri Ivanovich and Arlo Junior with her own ears? Working at the Blue Russian didn

t prove Tim was involved, of course, but it did mean he had possible access to stolen goods. And he

d had ample opportunity to get at Kyle

s keys on several occasions, including last night. Dammit, the little worm had been setting Kyle up from the very beginning. She

d bet on it.

The lieutenant get anything out of your buddy, Brewster?

Brody glanced up from his desk, frowning.

What are you doing here, Regan? Aren

t you on days?

I traded with Andy. It

s his anniversary.

She leaned against his desk, her expression closer to a sneer than a smile.

Why are
here so late, Detective?


m filling in for Sergeant Ryan.


She straightened, fussing with her holster, but didn

t move away.

What the hell was she up to now? Brody wondered.

Can I do something for you?

They release your friend yet?


d ignored her the first time, but she couldn

t let it go.
Inquiring minds want to know

Yes, he answered the lieutenant

s questions, then went home.

She narrowed her eyes.

I guess it pays to have friends in high places.


The guy

s under suspicion of fencing half a million dollars

worth of stolen goods. We found ten thou in jewelry, guns, and electronic equipment hidden on his property. Then we get tipped to the fact that he has cash socked away in a secret account. Under normal circumstances, we

d have put the bastard in cuffs and hauled his butt down to the station in a patrol car.

She smiled unpleasantly.

No cuffs for your pal, plus he gets escorted in by a plainclothes detective.
, his buddy. No lights. No siren. Nothing.

Still made the six-o

clock news, I noticed. Are you the one who called the television crew?

She didn

t say a word, but her self-satisfied smirk was answer enough.

Being identified on TV as a cop is going to limit my effectiveness in undercover operations. Ever think of that?

Her smirk grew wider.

Kinda like being neutered, huh?

She turned and sauntered out of the station, chuckling to herself.

Brody rolled his shoulders, trying to loosen the knotted muscles. Armstrong was a manipulative bitch, but he was a damn fool to let her get to him.

He studied the numbers in the bankbook the informant had given him. Kyle might not be languishing downstairs in lockup, but he was still in serious trouble. Numbers don

t lie, he told himself wearily. But people did.

Mallory stared blankly at the flickering television screen, trying to sort out her jumbled thoughts. Kyle was in big trouble. That much was clear. Clear, too, was the fact that Brody wasn

t going to be the one to help him. By taking Kyle into custody, he

d announced his allegiance to the enemy camp.

Regan Armstrong. Mallory remembered the redhead

s sniping comment to Brody as they

d left the station earlier.
When you hang out with the wrong crowd, people start to wonder
. Was Brody really worried about what other people thought? Or was the issue more complicated than she realized? He was a cop. So maybe he considered dragging Kyle downtown his duty. But duty doesn

t justify persecution, she argued to herself. How many Nazi soldiers had told themselves they were just doing their duty? Duty was no excuse.

Mallory pressed a hand to her burning chest, where heartbreak masqueraded as indigestion. A bitter smile curved her lips. What was the prescription for a broken heart anyway? Take two Tums and call me in the morning?

Dammit, Brody. You don

t really think Kyle

s involved, do you?

she asked aloud. He knew there was a connection with the Blue Russian, knew Arlo Junior and Dimitri Ivanovich were in it up to their ears.

So why didn

t you haul them in for questioning?

No answer except the inane squawking of the television.

It all came back to Tim. He might look harmless, but she

d bet he was the one who

d planted the stolen items at Kyle

s and tricked up a bogus bank account as part of the frame. She shuddered to think what else he might arrange. A phony suicide with a full confession pinned to Kyle

s lifeless body? It was the obvious solution. The cops would fall for it, too, and the real crooks would get off scot-free.

Dammit, she couldn

t just sit here waiting for the ax to fall. She had to do something to stop this insanity.

Grabbing the phone directory, she located the number for the Blue Russian, then dialed with trembling fingers. One ring. Two.

Pick up,

she whispered.

Come on. Pick up.

Not that she had a clue what she

d say if she did reach Tim.

On the third ring the machine answered and a recorded version of Dimitri Ivanovich

s voice informed her she

d reached the Blue Russian, but that they were closed on Sundays. She hung up in frustration, a frustration that soon edged toward fear. Dammit. Right this minute Tim could be hammering the final nail in Kyle

s coffin.

Or maybe not. Kyle was in police custody, she remembered with relief. She still needed to warn him, though.

Hands shaking, heart pounding, she dialed the Brunswick Police Department. Would they even let her talk to Kyle? If not, she decided, she

d ask for Brody and make him listen to her theory, whether he wanted to or not.

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