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Authors: James L. Swanson

Manhunt (67 page)

BOOK: Manhunt
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Photographs and Illustrations

Courtesy of private collection
Ford's Theatre

Courtesy of private collection

Courtesy of private collection
An authentic Ford's Theatre playbill for the night of April 14, 1865

Courtesy of private collection
This action-packed April 22, 1865, issue of the
National Police Gazette
portrays scenes from what it calls “The Assassin's Carnival”—the assassination of Lincoln at Ford's Theatre, the attempted assassination of Secretary Seward in his bed, and the deathbed of the president.

Six days after the assassination, John Wilkes Booth and his alleged accomplices, John H. Surratt and David Herold, were still on the loose. To speed their arrests, on April 20, 1865, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton offered a reward of $100,000 for their apprehension—and threatened with death anyone who gave them aid.

Courtesy of private collection
Printmakers hurried to publish prints depicting the historic events at Garrett's farm. This color lithograph by Kimmel & Forster was the most popular image of the death of the assassin.

Courtesy of private collection

Courtesy of private collection
Alexander Gardner photographed six of the alleged conspirators confined aboard the ironclads
on April 27, 1865. One by one, they were brought up to deck, seated before the gun turret, and presented to the photographer. Gardner never photographed Mary Surratt and Dr. Mudd—they were not onboard the ironclads when he photographed the other conspirators. (
Top, Lewis Powell; Bottom, David Herold

Courtesy of private collection

Courtesy of private collection
George Atzerodt

Courtesy of private collection
Samuel Arnold

Courtesy of private collection
Edman Spangler

BOOK: Manhunt
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