Marcael: A Terraneu Novel, Book Five (9 page)

BOOK: Marcael: A Terraneu Novel, Book Five
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Brennae strapped in and looked fearfully at Marcael. She was desperately
hoping that he hadn’t sacrificed everything in this fight against her uncle.


Marcael was waking up and the first thing he heard was a strange female

“You have to get some rest Brennae. Sitting here day after day is not
going to make him wake up any sooner.”

“I am fine mother. Stop treating me like a baby.” That response came from

“Don’t talk to your mother that way Brennae. She is just worried about
your welfare.” A male voice joined the argument. That was Kniam. He would
recognize his voice anywhere.

He heard a loud sigh then Brennae spoke again, “You’re right dad. I’m
sorry mom. I am just worried. Marcael should have woken up by now.”

“He had very severe injuries Brennae. It is lucky that he has survived
the process this far.” That female voice he did not recognize. Exactly how many
people were here...wherever here was?

“It was the most damage I have ever seen a person sustain and still be
alive.” This voice was of the Princes — not Princes he reminded
himself. He had to stop thinking of them like that. They had chosen to give up
that title. He needed to respect their decision. Maybe it was time for him to
move forward in his thinking too. “Gwen and I had to do a lot of quick
programming to keep up with his treatment.”

Suddenly there were voices talking over each other. In all the chaos, he
heard another voice.

“Marcael is a fighter. He will survive the change.” It was Colle.

He struggled to wake up further and open his eyes. “Colle?” His voice
sounded raspy and weak to him. “Mallex?”

“Everyone...quiet!” Brennae shouted to be heard over the others in the room.
“I think Marcael is awake, he is trying to say something!”

An instant cloud of silence went over the room.

“Marcael, can you hear me?” Brennae’s voice was right next to his ear.
“Can you open your eyes?”

He struggled to open his eyes and winced at the light. Brennae placed
something cool against across his face. “Lights to thirty percent.” She called
out and he could see the glow behind his covering go down. “Try again Marcael,
if it is still too bright I can make it darker.”

She lifted the covering off his eyes and he opened them again. It was
much better this time and he was able to focus after a few seconds. “What
happened?” His voice was still hoarse and he started coughing from the effort
of talking. She immediately handed him a glass of water.

“Drink that slowly!” She warned, “You have been unconscious for a few
days and need to be careful not to overdue it.”

He took the water and sipped slowly, the cooling effect was instant. He
could feel his parched body absorb the water like a sponge. Looking past
Brennae his hand froze halfway to his mouth. The room was completely packed
with people!

“Okay, everyone has the answer to the question of ‘will Marcael survive?’
Now I think it’s best to let him ask some questions of his own with minimal
visitors.” The woman who had spoken before about his injuries walked into view.
She was a very beautiful brown-haired woman with sparkling brownish-purple
eyes. “Everyone except council members, Colle and Mallex out please.” She swept
her gaze around the room, “That includes mates and children.”

“How do you like that? We are still children to them.” Marcael looked
past Gwen and saw that it was one of Brennae’s brothers who had spoken.

“You would think we were still in diapers the way they treat us.” The
other brother agreed. He would have to figure out a way to tell them apart.

“You never wore diapers smart mouth! Now do as your aunt asked.” A small
female who had to be Brennae’s mother kissed both men good-bye. She had some of
the same features as Brennae and her hair was almost identical.

“I am glad you are awake Marcael.” One of the brothers bowed at the door
and left.

“Me too. See you around.” This brother yelled as he left the doorway,
“Wait up Knadyn!” So that answered the question of which brother was which.
Knacayn had just left.

Suddenly there was a flurry of activity. There were people yelling out
their well wished to him and good-bye to their family members around him. He
was glad they were allowing Colle and Mallex to stay, though he could tell his
friend was not happy when they kicked out a beautiful redheaded woman named

“You too Brennae, I’m sorry but you need to go too.” Gwen was asking her
to leave.

“No. Let Brennae stay please.” He whispered. “I would like her to remain

“As you wish Marcael.” The woman named Gwen smiled at him, “Everyone here
is a member of either the female council, the male council, or your friend.”
She filled his glass with more water and handed it back. “Why don’t we start
with introducing ourselves? My name is Gwen. I was a doctor on Earth before
coming here. You gave us quite a scare I can tell you.” Gwen had been giving
him a basic physical. Running her hands along his scalp and tracking his eyes.

A male stepped forward, “I am Kneus. Gwen is my mate.” His eyes were warm
and intelligent, “We have a son together named Knalech. He is working in the
technology dome with some of the items we recovered off the escape pods or he
would have been here.”

Marcael inclined his head, “I would recognize you anywhere Kneus. It is
good to see you.”

Another male stepped forward and before he could speak Marcael laughed,
“You are Knaleg.” He looked around for a bear of a woman that would be this
male’s mate and could not find one. When the smallest female he had ever seen
walked forward and put her hand in Knaleg’s he burst out laughing. “You two are
mates...when I warned you on Antilles...” he wanted to bite his tongue. He was
insulting the pair, and worse they were both council members. They were in high
standing positions in the community. “I am sorry, I meant no insult.”

The tiny female with pitch-black hair and blue-purple eyes laughed,
“There is no insult. Welcome to Terraneu Marcael, you can call me Cat...all of
my friends do. Our twins, Knayon and Ella are being watched in our dome you can
meet them when you are on your feet again.” She leaned over and kissed his
cheek. “Without your help on Antilles we wouldn’t have been able to get away,
and our lives would have been very different. We all owe you a debt of gratitude.”

Another male stepped forward, “Since you know I am Knollig, I will
introduce my mate Mairi. Our daughters Chloe and Celeste left with the others.”
He pulled the redhead close to his side. This woman had to be the other
redheaded female’s mother. If his friend had his sights set on dating one of
their daughters, he did not envy him the experience. All four of the heirs were
very fit men, and they all appeared protective of the woman. He knew from
talking with Brennae that protectiveness translated to their daughters. Just
then, his gaze fell on Brennae. Flanked on either side by her parents. Kniam
looked just like his father Kynan. Her mother was smiling around the room.
Maybe it would not be so bad to have to deal with the family to date the daughter.

“You know I am Kniam. This is my mate Amber and Brennae is our daughter.
Her brothers Knadyn and Knacayn you met before at the oasis.”

“It’s nice to meet you Marcael. Our daughter has not left your side since
we found you in the escape pod. You must have made quite an impression to
warrant such devotion.”

“Mother!” He saw Brennae’s face turn fiery red. “Really?!”

“What?” Her mother looked him over and he could tell there was more going
on. “I was just saying that you watched over him.”

Hoping to draw the attention away from a topic obviously embarrassing to
Brennae, he hurried to say something. “It is nice to meet you… Kniam it is good
to see you again.”

Another male pushed to the front of the group, “I am Thian, and my mate
is Jen. Our twins are on an off world assignment to Antilles or they would have
been here. They should return before the celebration dance.”

On it went until he had been introduced to everyone. His friends remained
by his side of the bed and it was finally time for some answers. “Where I am is
obvious, this is Terraneu. I would like to know what happened.” He asked no one
in particular.

“First let me assure you that Brennae has told us of your conversation on
the Elyon. When you left the oasis, we had been angry with you about what you
had said regarding our father. We understand now the circumstance’s leading up
to his death. Even though we carry no memories of him, we are grateful that you
were such a loyal friend.” All of the brothers bowed low to him for a moment
and he felt his eyes misting. Thankfully, Kniam continued before he lost his
composure completely, “We can let Brennae tell you about what happened on the
Elyon.” Brennae had been standing by his side and she leaned to half-sit next
to him as she talked.

“We were talking in your chamber when Knuan found me there. You were
tasered and carried off. I didn’t know what happened to you until Star rescued
me.” Brennae told him of the STARR units rebelling against Knuan and that his
men had been allowed to leave the Elyon only because they had been kind to them
all these years. She told him of the STARR units plan to ‘cleanse’ the Elyon of
all organics. Star and the others had taken complete control of the ship and
her mad uncle was not being cloned again. She had seen him stabbed through the
heart. “I believe this is yours.” Brennae said softly and handed him something.
To his surprise, it was his Un’bah.

“Where did you get this?” He looked at the blade with surprise.

“Star gave it to me.” Brennae smiled at his look of confusion, “Star is
the name the dark haired one took.” When he still could not place her Brennae
continued, “Tall...perfect body...the one in the medical unit with me when you
came back… ”

She stopped describing the STARR unit when Marcael said, “Yes I know
which one you are talking about now.”

Brennae gave him a knowing look and continued, “Star gave this to me
after she stabbed Knuan through the heart with it.”

“It is my Un’bah dagger. Specially commissioned by your grandfather and
gifted to me at the Knighting Ceremony. It is very special, thank you for
giving it back.”

“Of course, it is yours to have.” Brennae held his hand and he realized
that his fingers were cold against her warmer ones.

“What else do I need to know?” Marcael asked, his gaze going around the

His friend Colle answered, “Well Star has quite a sense of humor. She
gave you a going away present. We have it in the military training dome. You
are going to get a laugh out of it when you see it too.” Marcael got a close
look at his friend and was shocked to see that he was already tanning. Instead
of the pale, sickly color, he had been on the Elyon. His hair was now a
shocking white color, but at least he looked happy and healthy. Marcael had
expected on some level to never see Colle or Mallex again.

“Someone should explain the medical change to him.” Gwen spoke from her
position at the computer console.

Everyone looked around the room at each other. Brennae again took up the
explanation, “You know that the Elyon was providing you energy and we had to
change that. You wouldn’t survive here otherwise so we altered your genetics to
use the two suns of Terraneu for energy. The side effects are similar to what
you experienced on the Elyon. You will use the suns for energy and you don’t
require food...only a lot of water. Your hair has gone pure white and your eyes
will turn some shade of purple. Also, depending on how your body reacts to the
change, you should live for about eight hundred years.” She smiled at him, “I
think that about covers it.”

Marcael did not consider himself a vain person. After hearing that his
hair had gone pure white, he did have one moment of anxiety about his
appearance, and then he got over it. He figured any price to pay was worth
being alive, so he had white hair, big deal. He had eight hundred years to get
used to it. Suddenly laughing at the nervous tension around the room he asked
again, “Is that all?” His eyes locked on Brennae’s face, “You thought I would
be angry about having this medical change done on me without my agreement?”

“I told them you wouldn’t care.” Colle slapped his shoulder, “When you
get out of medical I have some things to show you! Mallex and I have been
having a great time.”
Marcael looked
over at Mallex and he was smiling and nodding his head. “The others are still
in their domes relaxing. They wanted to be here but I talked them out of it.”

“That was probably for the best Colle, thank you. Tell them I would like
to talk with them tomorrow.” Marcael looked to Kniam, “Is there anything else?”

“Nothing we need to talk about right now.” Kniam hedged and Marcael was
instantly on guard.

“What about Ear—” Thian began but Kniam cut him off.

“Nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow.” Then he drifted off and Marcael
knew the two of them were talking to each other telepathically.

“I am really tired. Is it okay if I get some rest now?” He looked to Gwen
since she seemed to be in charge of the medical dome.

“Of course.” She hurried over, started checking readings and asked him if
he was in any pain.

“No pain, just really tired.” Marcael sighed. The whole goodnight process
started again. Knollig and Mairi left first followed by Knaleg and Cat. Then it
was Thian and Jen, Asteen, Ailech and finally Kneus and Gwen. The latter
promised to be back to check on him and make sure he did not need anything.
Kniam and Amber waited for Brennae when Marcael said, “I would like to ask
Brennae something if she could stay for a few minutes.”

“I don’t know—” Kniam started to protest.

“Of course.” Amber slipped her arm through her mates and led him out the
door. The last he saw of Kniam was his anxious face turning back toward his

When the doors closed behind them, Marcael sat up taller in the bed and
Brennae hurried to fluff the pillows behind his back. He had to ask her to stop
and assure her he was comfortable. He did have one question though. Patting his
bed for her to sit he smiled, “So what about Earth are the councils not telling

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