Marcael: A Terraneu Novel, Book Five (10 page)

BOOK: Marcael: A Terraneu Novel, Book Five
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Brennae sat next to Marcael’s hip and fidgeted sadly
with the blanket. She should have known he had an ulterior motive for asking
her to stay. She had hoped he just wanted her company, that maybe her presence
gave him some comfort. Of course, that wasn’t it. He wanted her to tell him
what the others knew about Earth that he didn’t.

“I don’t know the particulars—”

“I thought we were going to be honest with each
other.” Marcael teased her and she knew he was talking about their chat before
her uncle showed up. They had promised to be honest.

“Can you answer a question for me first?” Brennae’s
mother had always told her to “take the bull by the horns.” What a ‘bull’ was
she was not entirely sure, but the idea behind the statement was to take things
head on. Do not hide from the truth and do not allow anyone or anything to
stand between you and those truths. Marcael nodded for her to proceed with her
question, so she asked “Why is finding out about Earth so important to you?
Think about our ‘honesty’ policy before you answer.”

He met her eyes for a few seconds then pulled his
fingers through his hair in agitation. Even given the situation Brennae was
transfixed by the pull and flex of his muscles, she pulled her eyes away from
his biceps when he finally spoke out. “I am not used to being on the outside
looking in! Getting as much information out of Knuan as I could to make sure my
men were armed for the future was always a priority for me. I was responsible
for their safety. Getting Knuan to talk was something I was good at on the
Elyon.” He paused and his gaze held hers, “If I am completely honest with you,
and this is hard for me to say...I feel as if I am spinning out of control, and
that has never happened to me before. Asking you for the information about
Earth was a way for me to take charge of something.” He swallowed hard.

Brennae hurried to refill his glass with water,
“This may sound crazy but keep drinking water. You are dehydrated and it can
make your symptoms worse. Tomorrow you can go out into the sun, and that will
help too. When you go through the change, it can make your chemistry off for a
few days. That could account for feeling out of control.” She held out the
glass and he took it. Then when she went to pull her hand back to her happy
amazement, he held it tightly. “Listen to me Marcael. There are a lot of
changes that you will have to face, but most of them are going to be good ones.
You just have to be patient and let your body adjust to being here first.” She
rubbed her fingers along his, hoping he found the action to be soothing.

“Patience isn’t exactly in my nature.” Marcael said

She wanted to reassure him so she said, “I don’t
know of any discussions the councils are having about Earth. If they are
holding something back, then you are just going to have to trust that it can
wait until tomorrow. Do you believe me when I say that?”

She was mollified when he didn’t hesitate to say,
“Yes. I trust you Brennae. If you say it can wait, then it can.”

“Good.” She looked at his barely sipped glass of
water and raised an eyebrow, “Keep drinking.”

“Yes ma’am!” He did a little salute with his
fingers, and then returned to holding her hand.

“I want you to try to get some rest.” Brennae went
to stand up but Marcael’s fingers tightened on hers.

“I would like it if you stayed.” His voice was soft
and husky. She liked to think from emotion and not the lack of water.

She hesitated for a second and then sighed, “Okay.”
Brennae settled back down onto the medical bed. “I’ll stay until you fall back
asleep.” Smiling widely she looked around, “We were interrupted on the Elyon,
is there anything you want to ask me now that you are here?”

“Could you tell me about some of the rules? You said
on the Elyon that rules were put in place to keep everything ‘equal and
peaceful’.” He took a sip of his water and waited for her to explain.

“You remember me saying that?” She met his gaze over
his water glass.

“I remember everything you have said since I first
saw you at the oasis.” He whispered emphatically.

“Oh.” Brennae blushed hotly under his intense stare, “Let’s see...the
rules. They have changed over the years. When the females first arrived, the
males were all under a sexual block, so the women had all the decision making
when it came to relationships. Now that the children of Terraneu are all
getting older, the rules were expanded upon to include us as well. Let me see
if I remember them correctly, she held up a finger:

relations between a female/male do not mean she/he is your mate. Females/males
can choose to have sexual intercourse with as many or as few of the men/women
they are attracted to, until they want to either date, or choose to enter a
relationship with one male/female, or choose a mate. Females/males will have
complete freedom in their choices. AS long as they do not intentionally deceive
each other. That is severely punished.

physical harm must ever come to a female. To purposefully harm a female is a
crime punishable by death.

female/male is to be offered a partnership when it was known that she/he is
already in a partnership, or dating. This was to include the terms like
boyfriend, lover, courting, and any other wording that meant the female/male
was bound to another.

a female/male is offered a partnership,
when already in one
, they are
honor bound to decline. No female/male is to interfere with an existing bond.

a male and female became mates, the pair is considered to be “married” and
“husband and wife”. That pair is committed to each other for life, and to
pursue a mated female/male is without honor, and severely punishable.

female/male found to be purposefully pitting two males/females against each
other, will be punished severely. All members of the community were to use
honor and duty above all else when dealing with each other.

found to be fighting over a female/male, would be punished severely. The
council will see these offenders and decide punishment.

“I think that covers the rules over relationships.
Do you have any...?” Brennae looked and noticed that Marcael had finished his
glass of water and fallen asleep. Smiling tenderly she carefully took the glass
from his fingers. Moving as quietly as she could she put the glass away then
returned to lower his medical bed so he could sleep more comfortably. Taking
the blanket, she tucked it more tightly around him before she turned to leave.
Marcael muttered softly in his sleep and Brennae stepped back to the bed.

He seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Moving a stray
curl from off his face and back behind his ear, she took the opportunity to rub
the silky curl between her fingers. She marveled at how soft his hair was. The
once jet-black strands were now pure white, but he was still a strikingly
handsome man. His features were soft in sleep, his eyebrows and eyelashes were
black against his pale skin. Without a single hair on his head, he would still
look good to her. Moving her fingers along his jaw, she relished the feel of
his skin. Her Aunt Gwen had said the medical change would keep him from getting
that fine hair on his face. With a sigh, she bent over and blew a whisper soft
kiss against his cheek then went to stand up.

“Stay.” He groaned and before Brennae could protest,
she was pulled onto the bed and ended up lying flush against him. She was half
on the bed, and half on Marcael with his arm around her waist and one leg
tucked between his.

“Marcael.” She whispered trying to wiggle out of his
hold. When his arm just tightened around her, she sighed and gave up. The heat
he was radiating felt good and she hadn’t slept well in days. Sighing
contentedly, she fell asleep.


The faint smell of something floral was tickling his nose, but what
really had him fighting to hold onto sleep was the warm body pressed against
his side. Nothing this nice existed on the Elyon and he did not want to let go!
The dream female’s incredibly soft lips were pressing kisses into his jaw,
moving toward his mouth. Turning into the warm body, he felt the hesitant flick
of a tongue against his lips. He opened them and aggressively sought the
promised kiss. He groaned happily that the taste of her reminded him of his
favorite fruit. Using his free hand, he felt his way up the curvy figure until
he found the back of her head and with a solid hold on the softest hair imaginable,
he held her against the onslaught of his mouth.

His dream lover was not backing down from the challenge, was in fact
meeting and sparring her tongue against his. Her lower body was moving against
him and he could feel the female’s generous breasts pressing into his naked
chest. When he turned a bit more on the bed, he could feel her pert nipples
press into him. Groaning softly he moved the arm pinned under her to grab a
handful of fleshy ass as he ground himself against her willing warmth. This
elicited a gasp from her that he swallowed like a cool drink of water.

Tearing his mouth from hers, he pressed heated kisses along her neck and
collarbone. He moved to shift the female under him when she sighed, “Marcael.”

He froze for a second then forced his eyes open. Brennae was watching him
and her usually calm violet eyes were a purple lighting storm. This was not a
dream. It was Brennae in his arms. He moved the hand in her hair to her
shoulder. “Don’t push me away.” She leaned her body into his again, “I’ve never
felt like this before.” She had been moving her one hand slowly down his
stomach. He held his breath in an agony of anticipation. Since he had been in a
medical gown, and it had been cast aside some time during the night, her
fingers were able to reach his engorged arousal unimpeded.

“I am a fast learner.” Her petal soft fingers gripped him in a
surprisingly strong hold. Marcael groaned as she worked the length of his
erection. When her thumb stroked across the mushroom shaped tip, then rubbed
his essence around hitting all his sensitive spots he stopped thinking. He knew
he should stop this encounter, but he could not bring himself say the words. It
might be selfish of him, but he wanted Brennae like nothing he had ever wanted
before. He had not even wanted to be the Knoet’un as much as he yearned to have
her. When her free hand tangled in his hair and her mouth sought his, again he
gave up the fight. Sealing their lips together, he kissed her with a savage
need. There was nothing soft and searching in this kiss, it was demanding,
primal and raw. He pulled her against him trapping her hand between their
bodies. She was forced to move her grip to his balls. With one hand, she worked
them against one another, using her thumb and fingers to caress every aching
inch. He did not think it would have been possible but they tightened even
harder, the pain deepening to an aching throb.

Rolling to his back, he brought Brennae on top of him. She did not need
help guiding her knees to the sides of his hips. She did lean away from him
long enough to bring her hand from out between them. Then she was pressing
against him from chest to groin. Her thighs were spread wide to accommodate his
hips, his hard shaft was trapped between them pointing proudly to his belly
button. She was moving her hips against him, throaty sounds tearing from her.

Breaking their kiss Marcael did what he had wanted to do since the oasis.
He pulled her forward and latched his mouth onto one of her coral nipples.
Using his teeth and tongue, he tormented first one peak, then the other. It was
better than he had imagined. Her nipples pebbled against his tongue, rough and
soft at the same time. He was running his hands along her back and hip while
his mouth worked at her breasts. Guiding her hips against him without thought,
she quickly began breathing heavily, her kiss-stung lips parted with passion.

“Marcael I want you.” She rasped out, moving against him. Trying to draw
his arousal into her waiting warmth.

“Not here Brennae.” Marcael was trying to be honorable. “Someone could
walk in. It is not right —”

“Then I want to be wrong!” Brennae insisted, “Computer lock medical
doors.” She reached between them to try to guide him where she wanted him.

“Locking the doors will not stop your family from getting in.” Just
saying that was like a cold shower. He could feel his passion drifting off bit
by bit. She must have felt it too.

“No Marcael. Don’t—” Brennae looked at him with misty eyes and he almost

“Sweet one there will be a time for us.” He pulled her into his arms and
kissed her again. “Put your hands against the wall.”

“I can’t reach —” She gasped when he pulled her up by her hips. Once she
was on her knees, he pulled her along his body as he wiggled down the bed until
she was sitting above his face. “Marcael! I don’t think—” he lifted his head
and flicked his tongue against her through the thong she was wearing.

“Do not think.” Marcael flicked his tongue again. “I’ve wanted to do this
since the first time I saw you at that oasis, and again every time I saw you
after that. Just let me give you this.” Pushing his tongue against her, he used
the material for friction. Marcael groaned deep in his throat. She was wet and
ready, his shaft jumped against his stomach in protest. Rubbing his tongue
against her repeatedly until with a groan, he ripped the thong off and threw it
aside. Grabbing Brennae by the ass cheeks, he held her against his feasting
mouth. Pushing his tongue deep into her wetness, he flicked and she squirmed. Thrusting
again, he wiggled his tongue and she started moving against his mouth. Pulling
his tongue back, he lapped at her.

“Marcael!” Brennae moaned, “Don’t tease!”

“Mmm.” He made sure his lips were pressing her sensitive nub when he
hummed and she let out a squeal. “If I hurt you, tell me to stop.” Before she
could ask what he meant he moved his thumb against her, soaking it in her
wetness then pressing it into her welcoming warmth. She was so tight, how was
sex between them going to work he wondered. Pulling back and thrusting forward
with his thumb was not enough, he added his tongue to the torment. Latching on
to her throbbing nub with his mouth, he sucked hard. Brennae was moving against
his thumb so he pulled that back and inserted a finger. She gasped at the
intrusion then went back to moving against him.

Looking up her lush body, he could see her eyes closed and her mouth open
in her passion. She was magnificent and he wanted to roll her onto her back and
pound into her until they exploded together. That would not be a good idea
since the tightness squeezing his finger was telling him they were going to
have to go slow. She was not ready for rough bed play, and as he said, he
wanted to give her this. With getting Brennae to sexual release in mind, Marcael
added another finger. Gods she was tight! Her body was moving faster and her
sweetness was wetting his face. He moved his fingers and tortured her nub,
until with a muffled shout she started spasming. Her walls were squeezing his
fingers in her release.

Brennae went languid and he pulled her down next to his side. Using the
blanket to wipe his face Brennae got red with embarrassment. Marcael tilted her
head so she was looking at him, “Do not ever be embarrassed about your body or
its reactions. It is a matter of great pride that I can please you. The wetter
I can make you, the better I am as a lover.”

She was still blushing when she asked, “Is that what we are Marcael.

“We are going to be
sweet one.” Marcael promised
thickly. “Now try to get back to sleep.”

Just as he said that he heard a muffled male voice ask, “Why are the
doors locked?” Marcael groaned when he heard a female answer. “I don’t know.
Why don’t you try knocking?”

It was Brennae’s parents and where there was one family member...there
were bound to be others.

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