Marisa Chenery (6 page)

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Authors: Warrior's Surrender

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Marisa Chenery
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“Perfect. I’ll be right out.”

Jaxon stepped back so Chyna could walk around him. He followed her with his gaze as she yanked down her skirt, then went to the bathroom. Once she disappeared inside, he stuffed his now-softened cock into his jeans and did them up.

He ran his hand through his hair. The battle of what to do about Chyna as his mate still waged deep inside him, but the side that wanted to keep her, let himself fall in love with her, steadily won more ground. He’d have to make a decision soon. If the urge to bite Chyna grew any worse, he had a feeling his choice, along with hers, would be taken away.

Chapter Six


At quitting time, Chyna rushed through the routine of forwarding the phone lines to the answering service and shutting down her computer. She then drove to her apartment to pack an overnight bag.

Even though she’d been dead set against taking Jaxon back, the time she’d spent at the hotel with him had told her she wasn’t ready to let him go. She just hoped she hadn’t made a mistake. She was already addicted to Jaxon’s touch. It would hurt if he decided to break things off.

Inside her apartment, Chyna practically tore her clothes off as she changed out of what she’d worn to work. It took her no time at all to pull on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, then pack another set of clothes she’d need for the next day into the small suitcase she had open on her bed.

She smiled as she thought of spending the night with Jaxon at a luxury hotel. Chyna had told Joy about it when Chyna had arrived back at work to relieve the other woman. Joy had said Chyna had done the right thing by giving Jaxon a second chance. The trouble he’d gone to at lunch hadn’t been an act of a man who wanted only a one-night stand. Joy had also said with a man as gorgeous as Jaxon, it would be a crime not to fight to keep him. Chyna had to agree with that.

Finished packing, she collected the suitcase and her purse, then headed for the apartment door. As he’d promised, Jaxon had given her the second keycard before they’d left the hotel earlier.

It turned out she wasn’t the first to arrive. Jaxon was already in the room. He sat on the couch in the sitting room, watching the large plasma TV. He rose to his feet and crossed over to her once she’d stepped inside.

Jaxon gave her a kiss, then took her suitcase into the bedroom area and placed it on the floor near the end of the bed before he returned. “How did the rest of your day go?” he asked.

“Fine. How about yours?”

“It went all right, but I missed you.”

He took her in his arms and pulled her against him. Chyna put her head on his chest and listened to his heart beat beneath her ear. She wished she could come home every day like this from work, to the waiting embrace of the man she had strong feelings for. After being with Jaxon during her lunch hour, she really hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him.

No matter how many times she told herself there wasn’t any guarantee she could keep Jaxon, it didn’t change how attached she’d become to him. Chyna realized she set herself up for some major emotional pain if things went sour, but there was no reasoning with her heart. It refused to listen.

Chyna pulled slightly back and turned her head to look at Jaxon. “So, what are your plans for the night?”

He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. “First on the list is to get some dinner. Then I thought we could try out the shower together.”

She licked her lips at the thought of running her hands all over Jaxon’s wet body. She was definitely on board with those plans.

“I’d say that’ll be an enjoyable evening for both of us. Where do you want to eat? Here in the room or should we go out?”

“Would you mind getting room service again?”

“I’m fine with that.”

They sat on the couch as they looked over the room service menu. Once Jaxon phoned in their order, Chyna settled closer to him as they watched some TV. She felt pampered, sitting in a luxury hotel with room service on the way. The elegance of the place outdid her apartment any day. Though she had to admit Jaxon’s home was even nicer than the hotel.

Their meal of beef tenderloin with bordelaise sauce and grilled fresh market vegetables was perfectly done. And the bottle of merlot Jaxon had picked to go with it was a perfect pairing. By the time they finished, they’d eaten everything on their plates and the bottle of wine was empty.

Chyna sat back on the couch and sighed. “That was really good. I wish I could eat like that every night.”

“Why don’t you?”

She chuckled. “For one thing, I wouldn’t be able to afford it, and another, I’m sure the rich food would end up giving me a huge butt.”

Jaxon ran his heated gaze over her. “I doubt you’d have to worry about that. But since you mentioned it, I’d better make sure your bottom hasn’t increased in size because of the meal.”

Chyna sucked in a long breath. “And maybe I should check you out to make sure you haven’t gotten…larger…where you shouldn’t.”

“There is one part of me that is growing as it should. I’d be more than happy to show you.”

She glanced down at the crotch of Jaxon’s jeans and saw the noticeable bulge. “Yes, I definitely think I should check that out.” Chyna leaned in and brought her lips to Jaxon’s. She kissed him and dropped her hand to the front of his pants. His cock jerked under her touch.

Once she released his mouth, Jaxon asked, “Shall we continue this in the shower?”

“Yes. I think that would be best.”

Jaxon helped her to her feet, then guided her to the bathroom. Inside, her gaze landed on the large marble shower with glass doors. Both she and Jaxon would have plenty of room to move around in there.

They wasted no time in stripping each other. Now naked, Jaxon stepped into the shower first and turned it on. Chyna waited until he had the temperature adjusted, then joined him, shutting them both inside.

The water was warm where it hit her skin but Jaxon was warmer. He took her mouth in a possessive kiss that left her breathless. She rubbed herself against him, glorying in the feel of his hard cock pressing against her stomach. At lunchtime, they’d been in a rush. Now she intended to take her time, to explore him how she wanted.

Chyna glided her fingers down Jaxon’s hard body until she reached his erection. She wrapped her hand around it and pumped. He moaned into her mouth, causing more wetness to pool in her pussy.

Breaking free of his kiss, she nibbled her way down to his chin before she pressed her lips to the hollow of his throat. His pulse beat there at a rapid pace. Chyna continued to stroke Jaxon’s cock as she worked her way lower to his chest. She licked each of his flat nipples.

She continued to explore him, learning every part of him as she went. On her knees before him, Chyna set her sights on what she held. Jaxon was fully engorged, his shaft standing straight out from his body. She licked every inch of his cock, then took him inside her mouth, sucking him hard. He rocked his hips, sliding himself in and out. She bobbed her head, matching his strokes, taking him as far back as she could manage.

Jaxon’s harsh breathing filled the enclosed space. He gently pulled away. “I think you’ve done enough checking for now. I need to have a turn.”

Chyna stood and smiled. “Should I turn around? You did say you wanted to look at my bottom.”

He nodded. “Yes, and put your hands on the wall.”

She turned to the marble wall closest to her and placed her palms on its smooth, cool surface. Chyna looked over her shoulder at Jaxon. “Like this?”

His gaze seemed to eat her up. “Perfect. Don’t move.”

Jaxon shifted until he stood directly behind her. Chyna turned her face back to the wall. A shiver of anticipation went through her as he ran a finger down her spine in a soft touch. It stopped at her tailbone. Then two large hands squeezed her bottom.

“No,” Jaxon said in her ear, “it didn’t get any bigger. Your ass is still perfect. Now to check out the rest of you.”

His hands lifted and covered her breasts as he used one of his legs to spread her feet farther apart. He pinched and pulled the taut nipples. Jaxon’s cock slid along her pussy, making her wetter for him. She pushed back, trying to take him inside, but he kept tormenting her, pushing her arousal to higher heights.

Jaxon continued to caress her, leaving her breasts and skimming down to her stomach, which quivered at his touch. He didn’t stop there. He trailed his fingers along her skin and placed his hands on her hips. With a small tug, he pulled her a little away from the wall so she was slightly bent over. Her hands on the wall kept her balanced.

The tip of his cock entering her had Chyna pushing back to take more of him. He pulled back, then thrust again. With each stroke, he sank deeper. She moaned once he’d sheathed himself completely. He filled her to capacity, the head of his shaft butting up against her cervix.

Still keeping hold of her hips, Jaxon took her in long, powerful thrusts. Chyna met each of his strokes, her pussy squeezing his cock, increasing the pleasure for both of them. Jaxon let out a groan that was close to an animalistic growl. The sound did delicious things to her insides.

Jaxon’s cock grew even harder as he pumped his hips. Chyna felt an orgasm steadily build, coiling tighter. She panted, knowing it wouldn’t take much to have her going over the edge.

He thrust in and out. Jaxon let go of her hips and leaned over her, his chest covering her back. He placed his hands over top of hers. Chyna felt completely surrounded by him. She turned her head and took his lips. His kiss was hot and carnal, his tongue mimicking his cock plunging into her pussy.

Chyna broke contact with Jaxon’s lips just as the first wave of her release hit her. With a keening moan, she dropped her head forward, riding out the intense pleasure that tore through her. Her inner walls clutched Jaxon’s cock.

He stroked faster, his lips trailed down the side of her neck to the place where it met her shoulder. Jaxon sucked on her skin before she felt the scrape of his teeth across it. That soon turned into a nip. Chyna turned her head to the side to give him better access as he bit her a little harder, an animal-like growl rumbling out of him.

Jaxon’s movements became jerky as he held her in place with his teeth at her shoulder. His grip on her hands tightened just before he bit her hard enough he’d surely broken through the skin. Usually Chyna wasn’t into the kinky stuff, but Jaxon biting her threw her into another intense orgasm. He pumped his hips twice more, then came as well. His cock pulsed deep inside her, filling her with his cum.

With his teeth still holding her, Chyna felt what she could only describe as something snapping into place between them. Almost like a bond. The feelings she had for Jaxon instantly intensified. It was as if she’d stepped off a cliff and fell into love. There was nothing logical about it. It just was.

Trying her best not to show that anything had happened, she leaned back against Jaxon and fought to catch her breath. He released her completely, allowing her to stand straight. Chyna turned to face him. He stared at her with no emotion showing on his face. She opened her mouth to say something, but Jaxon spoke before she could.

“I’ll wash up first, then you can have it,” he said in an even tone.

Silently, Chyna watched him run the bar of soap over his body in short, jerky motions. He didn’t meet her gaze. Not even once. After he rinsed off, Jaxon walked out of the shower and shut the glass door behind him. She stood under the water as he toweled off then left the bathroom.

Had she done something wrong? She didn’t think so. As far as she was concerned, this last bout of lovemaking had been the best they’d had. Whatever she’d felt had to be only one-sided. The way Jaxon acted, Chyna had to wonder if he’d had the opposite happen to him.

* * * * *


Jaxon pulled on the pair of sleep pants he’d packed before he sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. He’d done it. He’d bitten Chyna. His eyeteeth had grown longer and sharper, and he’d sunk them into where her shoulder and neck met. Then he’d felt a bond form between them. He had tried to fight the urge. Had fought it to the bitter end, which he had a feeling had been his undoing. The harder he’d tried to push it away, the harder it had ridden him until he’d lost all control.

And the bite had the end result Anubis had told him about. Chyna was as immortal as he. Jaxon had watched as the bite mark he’d given her healed in a matter of seconds. A sense of horror had washed through him. But with that emotion had come others he’d never wanted to feel for a woman—love and the need to always have her at his side.

Unable to handle what coursed through him, Jaxon had shut down emotionally. He’d seen the hurt in Chyna’s eyes when he’d distanced himself from her, but he couldn’t snap out of it. This was the only way he could cope with it right now.

Jaxon heard the shower turn off. He lifted his head and scrubbed his face with his hands. No matter how much he hadn’t wanted it, Chyna was now his mate. It wasn’t her fault. She had no idea what had happened between them. He supposed he had to tell her the truth about everything, but not today. He was already having a hard enough time of it and didn’t need to throw that into the mix.

Chyna stepped into the bedroom area dressed in the clothes he’d stripped off her in the bathroom. It looked as if she’d finger-combed her damp hair. She stopped just inside the entrance to the room and stared at him. Her features were guarded.

“This isn’t going to work, is it?” she asked in a quiet voice.

“I never said that.”

“No, but you don’t have to. What happened in the bathroom, I got the message loud and clear. You’re not comfortable with us.”

Jaxon stood and walked over to Chyna. “No, I’m not, but that doesn’t mean I want to end what I have with you.”

“I don’t know if I can handle too much more of your roller coaster emotions. You’re obviously still having issues with having a relationship. Maybe it would be better for both of us if I let you go.”

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