Marius' Mules VII: The Great Revolt

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Authors: S. J. A. Turney

Tags: #legion, #roman, #Rome, #caesar, #Gaul

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Marius' Mules VII: The Great Revolt
Number VII of
Marius' Mules
S. J. A. Turney
Victrix Books (2014)
legion, roman, Rome, caesar, Gaul
legionttt romanttt Romettt caesarttt Gaulttt
The pieces are in place. After many months of clandestine organisation,
Vercingetorix, backed by the druids and leading an army of rebellious
tribes, is ready to make his first moves towards independence for his
people and the annihilation of Rome's presence in Gaul.
Meanwhile, Caesar tends to business in Aquileia, unaware that he
is cut off from the bulk of his army in the north by the rebellion. A
desperate message brought to Fronto at Massilia spurs the forces of Rome
into movement and Caesar is compelled to act in cunning and unexpected
ways in order to recover the initiative.
Fronto and his friends are heading for a clash of armies the likes
of which the north has never seen, and the Tenth's legate is about to
face his most trying year yet facing his opposite number - a chieftain
of the Arverni - across the fields and hills of Gaul towards the
greatest siege he's ever experienced: Alesia.   

Marius’ Mules VII

The Great Revolt




by S. J. A. Turney


1st Edition



“Marius’ Mules: nickname acquired by the legions after the general Marius made it standard practice for the soldier to carry all of his kit about his person.”




For Garry & Gill.






I would like to thank those people instrumental in bringing Marius' Mules 7 to fruition and making it the book it is. Jenny and Lilian for their editing, Tracey for support and love, my kids for delightful interruptions. Leni, Barry, Paul, Robin, Alun & Stu for their beta reading and catching the odd blooper.


Thanks also to Garry, Paul and Dave for the cover work. Prue, Gordon, Robin, Nick, Kate, Mike and innumerable other fab folk for their support.




Cover photos courtesy of Paul and Garry of the Deva Victrix Legio XX. Visit to see their excellent work.


Cover design by Dave Slaney.


Many thanks to all three for their skill and generosity.


All internal maps are copyright the author of this work.





Published in this format 2014 by Victrix Books


Copyright - S.J.A. Turney


First Edition



The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.


All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


Also by S. J. A. Turney:


Continuing the Marius' Mules Series


Marius’ Mules I: The Invasion of Gaul (2009)

Marius’ Mules II: The Belgae (2010)

Marius’ Mules III: Gallia Invicta (2011)

Marius’ Mules IV: Conspiracy of Eagles (2012)

Marius’ Mules V: Hades’ Gate (2013)

Marius’ Mules VI: Caesar’s Vow (2014)

Marius’ Mules: Prelude to War (2014)


The Ottoman Cycle


The Thief's Tale (2013)

The Priest's Tale (2013)

The Assassin’s Tale (2014)


Tales of the Empire


Interregnum (2009)

Ironroot (2010)

Dark Empress (2011)


Short story compilations & contributions:


Tales of Ancient Rome vol. 1 - S.J.A. Turney (2011)

Tortured Hearts vol 1 - Various (2012)

Tortured Hearts vol 2 - Various (2012)

Temporal Tales - Various (2013)


For more information visit


or follow Simon on Twitter @SJATurney


Dramatis Personae


The Romans:



Marcus Falerius Fronto


Legate of the Tenth Legion, husband of Lucilia and father of twin boys, veteran of the Gallic Wars, confidante of Caesar and protagonist. A long-standing veteran who has been with Caesar since his early command in Spain, Fronto is a career soldier with a habit of speaking his mind, even to his own detriment.



Gaius Julius Caesar


Proconsul of Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaul and of Illyricum. One of two notables (the other being Pompey) who currently vie for supremacy within the republic. Caesar is a brilliant tactician and popular general with a knack for lateral thinking. Arrogant and dangerous, he has fought for six years to subdue Gaul whilst attempting to keep Rome in his pocket.



Marcus Antonius


A distant cousin of Caesar’s, Antonius is known to be a profligate alcoholic and womaniser, but also a brilliant military officer. Called to Gaul the previous year to command the cavalry, he has become the second most senior officer in the army and a friend to Fronto.



Quintus Atius Varus


The commander of Caesar’s cavalry, Varus is now a veteran of six years of warfare in Gaul. Popular with his men, he leads small units of regular Roman cavalry as well as a huge complement of native levies serving as auxiliaries in the Roman army.





A Numidian warrior from Africa, Masgava had survived for years in Rome as a gladiator before being bought and freed by Fronto to train him in physical exercise and the martial arts. Currently serving as one of the two commanders of Fronto’s Singulares (bodyguard unit).





A former legionary in the armies of Pompey, Palmatus had retired to Rome before a chance meeting there brought him into the employ of Fronto as a bodyguard. Since that time, he has become another of the commanders of Fronto’s Singulares.


The Gauls:


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