Mark of the Princess (6 page)

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Authors: B.C. Morin

BOOK: Mark of the Princess
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Alannah and Evyette jumped at the sight of the bird and looked at each other in wonder.

The dragon watched as Saros flew away, and finally turned his attention again to the girls.

“So, tell me Alannah, although I am sure I know…. What is your question?” Tritious asked settling back into a comfortable position.

“Tritious, it is about my power.” Alannah sighed, as she stood and began to pace the clearing. “I want to know” She continued, her voice dwindling a little. ”When?” Her eyes stopping on the dragon.

“Alannah, I understand your frustration. But you need to realize that although I can occasionally predict the power or powers that some fae may be born with, that does not mean that I can predict the time.” Tritious said, a smirk on his face as he stretched his neck bringing his face closer to the princess. He knew how much having powers meant to a young fae. “ Besides, even if I
able to predict times, it is not something I think I should share.”

Alannah walked back to where Evyette was sitting and noticed that Evyette had been busy toying with something in her hand. To Alannah’s surprise, she saw that it was a dragon. It was so small that it sat in the very palm of her hand and had its tail wrapped around her wrist. Alannah got closer to the little dragon. She was mystified by the hues of metallic green and blue that covered its body.

The little dragon leaned forward and took a closer look at Alannah, as if he were the one sizing her.
“He is adorable,” Alannah said, turning to face Tritious again, “who is he?”
Tritious looked at the tiny dragon that was about the size of one of the scales on Tritious’s back.

“Kontar. He lived in a forest not too far from here. But he was forced to leave when careless humans set it ablaze. He seems to have taken well to Evyette.”

“Tritious” Alannah began again. “Perhaps if you just told me the meaning of the other mark that no-one else has been able to decipher, then…” she trailed off giving the wise old dragon an innocent look.

“I can tell you no more princess.” Tritious interrupted, his voice becoming more serious now. “There is only so much you can say before you truly begin to interfere with destiny. I can say this however…” He lowered his head so that he was face to face with the princess.

Her body barely as large as his snout, she looked intently into his green eyes, almost seeing the vast oceans of knowledge behind them. The breath coming out of this nostrils heating her body. He allowed everything to fall to total silence before speaking.

“Be careful in the decisions you make. There are forces coming for you that not even I can foresee.”

Alannah opened her mouth to interrupt but no sound came out.

“In due time you will see what you are capable of, and you will have to make decisions that you have never dreamed of.” Tritious warned as he sat up.

“Yes Tritious, and thank you.” Alannah inclined her head politely toward him.
Alannah walked disappointedly back to her sister and joined her.
He watched as the girls played some more with the tiny dragon and started on their way home.
He looked around the forest knowing that he was to have another visitor this morning when a small deer walked by.
“Ah. Breakfast” he thought to himself as he ran his rough tongue over his sharp white teeth.


* * *

Kaleb snapped out of the trance he had fallen into while sitting in the plush seat across from the fire.
I will speak with her today.
He assured himself. He stood and walked over to his wardrobe pulling out his shirt and sliding it over his head, his dark marks creeping out from underneath. He glanced in the mirror.
That will not do
he thought looking at the unkempt waves of dark lush hair. He ran his fingers through it a few times, relieving himself of his messy hair. Satisfied with his reflection he headed toward the front doors of the castle.

He walked down the stone path bordered by thick enchanted hedges that reached above his head. He ran his fingers along the hedge feeling the energy of the magic. The hedges stood firm against anyone that was not royal, guards, or otherwise invited. He continued walking the familiar path leading to the home he had visited so many times before.

He turned onto another walkway made with large stones carefully placed between patches of grass and small flowers. Before he could reach the large wooden door he saw that it began to open.

“Now, how did I know you would be coming by today my friend?” Tristan said finishing the piece of apple that was in his hand.

Kaleb chuckled to himself.

“I was just wondering if you had an inkling to go to …” Kaleb paused looking around the garden and up to the sky before returning to Tristan. “oh, I don’t know The Kingdom of Meira perhaps?”

“You’re fortunate I’m your best friend.” Tristan said, a trace of mockery in his voice.

“As if it were that far, and as if you would be in such horrible looking company if we found the girls!” Kaleb exclaimed sarcastically.

“That’s not the point.” Tristan said, brushing by Kaleb as he began walking toward the stables where they kept their steeds.

The pair walked toward the wooden building covered in Kenilworth ivy, the white and lavender flowers creating patches of color along the walls. The heavy wooden doors were pulled open by the hostler as he bowed to the Prince.

Tristan’s horse was dark and mysterious looking. His saddle was comprised of the finest silks and satins in purple and gold. Kaleb’s horse though was a beautiful bright white. His saddle made of Navy colored silk and satin, his reigns were silver ropes.

Kaleb and Tristan fed their horses and were on their way. Flying high above all the villages, the Pegasus’ wings were spread as far as they could go. The graceful wings cut through the brisk morning air, as the brilliant sun warmed the faces of their riders. They commanded the horses to fly lower in between the trees once they knew that they were within the limits of Meira.

Suddenly, below them they saw the radiant sun glimmering off a pond creating a rainbow. As they circled around to get a better view they realized that there were two fae sitting at the water’s edge with their feet in the cool water. The breeze playing through their hair as their attention was focused on something splashing in the water.

“That is them !” Kaleb called out to Tristan, a smile prominent on his face.

“The one from the other morning?” Tristan asked, squinting his eyes.

“Yes, her and her friend from the other night. Look at them. Do you see now?” Kaleb asked pointing in the direction of the two fae.

“Yes I see them.” Tristan responded, leaning in closer to be sure he was heard.
“Let’s go find a patch for the horses to stay and then go speak to them.”
“I knew you’d say that” Tristan said, rolling his eyes.

“As if you are so opposed to the idea. I saw the way you looked at her friend. I know you like her.” Kaleb said raising his eyebrow at Tristan.

Tristan blushed a bit, and admitted to himself the physical attraction toward Evyette. He thought of her light eyes. Wishing he would have been closer to see the exact color. He thought of her beautiful skin that was darker just dark enough to make her light hair stand out against it.

They flew just a bit further and stopped at the roots of a near-by oak tree. The horses remained where they were told and the boys were on their way. Tristan & Kaleb inched closer and closer to the Princess and her friend.


“I am assuming that all must be well if mother and father haven’t sent Greer looking for us.” Evyette said leaning back on her hands.

“I’m sure that it has a lot to do with the fact that we’re together. They know that with you, I’m less likely to get in trouble… at least serious trouble…” Alannah laughed.

“Yes, you do have a point. Perhaps though, your recent escape proved a lesson for father regarding stifling us.” Evyette focused her concentration again on the tiny dragon which was now desperately trying to breathe fire.

Kontar stretched his neck forward and strained open his mouth, looking like he was choking on something as a puff of smoke escaped his throat. Sadly though, very few baby dragons are able to produce fire. It is only in their “teen” years that they are able to produce the flames.

“Sooo, what are you thinking?” Evyette asked leaning forward so that Alannah could hear her.
Alannah’s daydream came to a halt. As she took her stare from the flowers along the pond’s edge and glanced over to Evyette.
“Huh? Oh. Nothing.” Alannah’s face became somewhat quizzical.
“I was just thinking of all the things that Tritious said.”

“Well don’t worry about what he said, just take it to heart. If you know that you are going to be dealing with something soon then maybe it’s time you begin to develop your gifts. Practice some spell casting or potion making.” Evyette said raising her eyebrows at Alannah.

“I suppose you’re right.” Alannah nodded agreeably.


“How do I let her know I am here?” Kaleb thought to himself.
Should I just walk right up to her? What if she thinks I’m following her ? What if she thinks I’m crazy.
He argued to himself quietly.

“Are you going to do or say something?” Tristan asked, nudging the prince encouragingly in the ribs. They stood behind a large tree where they could not be seen.

“Yes, I think I know just the thing.” Kaleb said cautiously, the plan obviously still forming in his minds eye.

The prince picked a rose from a rosebush near-by, managing to keep the girls from seeing him. “Ascendum!” he said quietly as he directed the rose’s path with a spell.


“So do you think father would say anything about us keeping Kontar?”

“I don’t know. But I don’t think he’d really mi…” Alannah stopped as she noticed a rose slowly gliding through the air over the pond toward her.

Evyette noticed Alannah’s stare and turned to see what she was looking at, as Alannah leaned forward to pick up the rose.
“What was that about?” Evyette asked looking at the rose in Alannah’s hand.
“I don’t know” Alannah and Evyette stood to their feet and began looking around.
“Who’s out there?” Alannah shouted but heard only a bit of her own echo. “Who sent this ?”


Kaleb bit his lip trying to muster the courage to claim that he was the one that sent her the rose. Tristan rolled his eyes and gave Kaleb a shove knocking him off balance. He tumbled out from behind the tree and onto the dry leaves on the ground that was now sticking to his pants. Kaleb stood and momentarily forgetting the princess grabbed his friend by the shirt and pulled him out as well, both falling tumbling him to the ground. They both stood again and began dusting off the dirt and leaves until they heard the shuffle of leaves. Still dusting themselves off, they turned to find the girls walking toward them.

” Kaleb spoke through his clenched teeth.

“Well, I wasn’t about to spend another afternoon with you hiding and watching her from afar.” Tristan pulled his hands up to his chin and batting his eyes like a love struck girl.


“Excuse me,” Alannah said softly, but stopped upon seeing the handsome stranger from the forest. Her lips curled up in a smile before she continued, “but are either of you gentlemen the sender of this gift?” She asked holding up the delicate pink rose.

“It was this gentleman right here my lady.” Tristan blurted out.
“And you are…” Alannah began, turning her eyes toward Kaleb.
“I’m uh, “ Kaleb walked closer and even stumbled somewhat over a twig.
“Embarrassed.“ Tristan said loudly, a grin on his handsome face.

Kaleb managed a smile through his bumbling.
I can’t believe I am acting like this
. He thought to himself recognizing that he has never had a problem talking to other fae.

“Embarrassed, that you were witness to that.” Kaleb managed, extending his hand to her. “Prince Kaleb of Talom” He said gently as he held her hand softly pressing his lips to it and bowing to her.

Alannah raised her eyebrow and looked at Evyette before looking back to the Prince. She watched as the wind tousled his dark hair, and how when he smiled it reached to his astonishingly blue eyes. Although he held her hand softly she could see the strength in his arms as her eyes caught the tightness of his muscles. She followed the patterns of his marks with her eyes.
He is skilled
she thought.

He wore a white linen shirt that seemed to tighten around his chest but fall slightly around his waist and over his brown trousers, his leather belt attached to a strap that held a sword on his left hip.

Alannah bowed her head slightly, still looking at him.

“Princess Alannah of Meira” She said smiling sweetly at him and feeling the beginning of a blush creep up her cheeks.

He looked more closely at her studying every aspect of her being. He looked at the light blue bodice with the lace around the edges and the strips of fabric that fell from just below her shoulder to just below her elbow. The dress she wore today exposed the markings on her shoulders and arms. Clearly she was born with gifts, but had not pursued them. The slightly darker skirt was tight around her waist and hips but flowed out to the ground covering what shoes she might have been wearing.

She turned to Evyette, and motioned for her to come closer.

“This is Princess Evyette, my sister.” Alannah said, gesturing toward her sister. “Oh, and on her shoulder is Kontar.” She added as the tiny dragon straightened proudly, acknowledging his name.

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