Mark of the Princess (3 page)

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Authors: B.C. Morin

BOOK: Mark of the Princess
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"So, our princess is rebellious? Always wanting to be where she is not supposed to be. Tsk, Tsk, she may just find herself in trouble that way." He began as he walked toward the mouth of the cave. From the darkness emerged first the white thin hair contrasting against his dark worn robe. He stood tall and proud as he began to speak.

"She is the one."

Saros sat perched on the stand that Maligo had made for him, cocking his head to the side in confusion.

"You can be such a stupid bird sometimes." Maligo sighed, rolling his eyes. "The one we need to bring our plan to fruition. We will likely be able to get our hands on her rather easily seeing as how she likes to avoid her own guards!"

Saros straightened his head as the idea of his master’s plan sunk in.

"I will need you to find my apprentice." Maligo said, walking away from Saros. "I will need to speak to him. However, make sure you are not seen or heard .”

Maligo continued back into the cave, the wheels in his head turning, evil plans forming.
* * *

"That was pretty impressive." The deep, and somewhat familiar voice floated down from above
The prince searched the area and found the source in a tree above him.

"Ah, Velius." Kaleb said, sounding a bit indifferent.

"You two really know how to wake someone up from a nap." Velius said as he sat up from his perch high in the trees. Known widely as a Far Darrig, Velius was among those faeries that play gruesome practical jokes, are very solitary and mischievous.

The prince and his friend let their guard down as they watched their acquaintance sprout his wings, and glide his thin frame down to the ground below. His dark blonde hair was about shoulder length, and his eyes were large and a hazelnut color.

"So what brings
here Velius?" Tristan said in a very sardonic tone.

"I was headed into your kingdom for a little while. I like it there." Velius replying, oblivious to Tristan’s rudeness.

”So why don’t you stay? Make it home?" The prince by upbringing was taught to be inviting when it came to his home. Taught to be proud of what he would someday rule.

But it wasn’t lack of pride that stopped Tristan from joining his best friend in extending the invitation. Something wasn’t right. He never did like the way Velius was so secretive about where he’d been and how he could never really look at you the whole time he was talking. As if he were constantly making sure that he didn’t give too much away, playing enough with the truth to remain vague.

"Perhaps someday I shall take you up on that." Velius said as he walked closer to the prince. "But I have many forests that I have not explored. So I dare not settle down just yet."

Tristan walked around the faerie looking at him suspiciously. "So, Velius, where have you been staying lately?" Tristan stopped in front of Velius, his arms crossed.

"Oh, all over really. Are you both headed to town now? May I join you?"

Never a straight answer
Tristan thought to himself.

Kaleb stepped forward next to Tristan. “Sure, come along.”

"Mother, Father!" Kaleb said, walking into his gathering room where he found his parents talking.
His father stood, tall and proud, his midnight black hair swept behind his shoulders and his dark ocean blue eyes searching his sons face. Through his light colored shirt you could see his thick markings. Some even came up past his collar to his neck and off his wrists to his hands. Any faerie could see that King Alcander had chosen not only to master the abilities he was born with, but others as well. King Alcander was known to be one of the strongest faeries in all the Kingdom of Talom. The King stood mighty. The perfect picture of a king; strong, mature and intelligent. It was no wonder Kaleb idolized his father so much.

He kissed his mother on the head gently before taking a seat across from her.

Queen Etana was a frail looking faerie. Her petite frame seemed even smaller when she stood by her husband. She had long white hair streaked with lavender. Her skin was darker than her husband, making a beautiful contrast with her hair and light brown eyes. Although water manipulation was her birth power, she was gifted in sorcery and excelled at it. Since she was a child, she practiced so often that it became second nature to her. Sorcery when learned could be powerful, but it took many years of practice. When a faerie is born with it, what she needs to learn are the commands and how to control it. Her very thoughts could occur before she could control them if she is truly in tune with her gift.

"Kaleb, your mother and I were just speaking of you," Alcander said, his deep voice filling the room.
"Really, and what pray tell were you saying?" Kaleb leaned back in his seat.
"Oh, your mother was just mentioning how she would like to see you involved with someone."
Kaleb glared at his mother as he straightened up in his seat once again.
The little faerie simply shrugged her shoulders and smiled.
"Mother…." Kaleb began.

"I can’t help it. You’re my son, and I want what’s best for you. You are getting older and when you take the throne, it would be good for you to have someone by your side." Etana interrupted.

The prince stood and began pacing the room. "Mother, you need not worry about me. I am just fine. I have told you over and over again. I will not look for someone merely to avoid loneliness. Whomever sits next to me on the throne must care for our people the way we do. I will not rush it." Kaleb responded, stopping to look at his mother.

The mighty king looked proudly at his son. "Alright then Kaleb, we will respect your wishes." King Alcander stood from the overstuffed seat, walking to the arched doorway.

"Oh! Father, I forgot to ask… is it alright for Velius to come to dinner tonight?" Kaleb asked, stopping his father before he walked out of the room.

King Alcander looked at his wife with a careful eye, knowing she would not like the idea.
"What brought you to invite him to dinner?" Alcander asked, his voice deepening and becoming more solemn.

"Well father, you always tell me to be inviting and proud of our Kingdom."

"I know son, but you also have to know who you’re inviting. Some people are not what they seem, and Velius is one of those faeries I am just not sure about." The King said crossing his arms over his enormous, muscular chest.

"Father if you don’t want him to come then I will not invite him." Kaleb responded with an understanding tone.

"No, if it is your wish, then he is invited to stay for supper." Alcander countered, surprising Kaleb.
"Alcander!!" The queen said firmly, jumping from her seat.
"The child is invited Etana." Alcander said firmly turning his attention to his wife. "Come, I need to speak to you alone."

The dainty little faerie almost had to sprout her wings to use along with her legs to keep up with the stride of her husband as they walked down the main corridor of the great castle. The crystals that lined the hallways reflected the sunlight all around. Some crystals had carvings in the center that seemed to come alive and dance when under the warmth of the sun. The master bedroom was the most beautiful room in the castle. The canopy bed had burgundy and berry colored sheer silk hanging form it’s beams, whilst the bed itself was made of the finest and softest silks and feathers. Carved silver chairs and night stands surrounded the bed, and lush pillows lay in every nook where any faerie bottom may land.

"What is it my King?" Queen Etana asked, pulling her long hair to one side to move it out of the way before sitting on a rather large chair.

"I allowed Kaleb to invite that boy because he is obviously going to learn the hard way that he cannot trust everyone. Plus…" The King stopped mid sentence, lost in thought.

"What? What are you thinking?" Etana chimed in.

"I’m just a bit interested in who he really is. Don’t you find it odd that he never has a direct answer? And then proceeds to ask a dozen questions? A little too inquisitive if you ask me." The king huffed on those last words. It was true that many faeries spoke in riddles and that they could not tell an untruth. However, it bothered him that he couldn’t read Velius’s character or motives. He was hiding too much. He reminded him of someone, but he just couldn’t put his finger on who…


"So Velius, how long will you be in the kingdom this time?" Kaleb stepped back into the room, rejoining his friends.

Velius glanced at Kaleb as they began to walk. "Just a few days are all I need." Velius replied, very nonchalantly.

?" Tristan inquired and then gave a very worried and inquisitive look to Kaleb.

Velius realized quickly that what he said was not what he wanted them to hear. "Yes.
. To get my fill, you know."

"I see, and then you are off to some other village or kingdom to get another fill?" Tristan responded with his usual sarcastic tone.

"Yes. It is the way I live, I like it that way. I do however envy you both." Velius said, his voice no longer jumpy, as with his last response.

"Envy? How’s that?" Kaleb asked stepping closer to hear the response.

"Yes, well the both of you have your families and your Kingdom and you both are content with that. I have never known feeling of family and belonging and so I live the way I do … in search of it." Velius responded, looking at them out of the corner of his eye.

"I should break out some violins and perhaps a handkerchief." Tristan stated, low enough so only Kaleb heard him.

Kaleb raised his eyebrow at his friend and then looked back to Velius, a smile on his face. "Velius, would you like to join Tristan, myself and my family for dinner?"

Tristan nudged the prince and gave him a very ‘what are you doing’ sort of look.

"Sure, I’d be honored." Velius answered with a smirk on his face. "I will see you both later tonight, then."

They walked out of the doors of the castle and proceeded in different directions. As soon as Velius was out of earshot, Tristan turned to Kaleb and asked what he was up to. Kaleb assured him that he is not as naïve as Tristan and his father thought him to be.

"Go on…"Tristan said crossing his arms in front of him.

"Tristan, I know Velius is hiding something and is most probably
to something. And I want to find out what
is before it occurs." Kaleb said, raising an eyebrow to Tristan.

"Well, well Kaleb, you are not as dim-witted as I thought you were." Tristan‘s sarcastic comment followed by smile.
"Very funny." Kaleb said mimicking Tristan's tone.

The two turned to see the faces belonging to the voices. Celina and Leda, two of the most beautiful faeries of Talom. Celina had long wavy blond hair and light blue eyes, she wore a red dress that was tight around her bosom, but fell along the small curves of her hips. Leda's light pink dress was a contrast to her dark coffee colored tresses that showered down her back. Her almond shaped light brown eyes were the perfect compliment to her light skin.

Celina had a crush on Kaleb since they had met in school. Leda on the other hand, grew fond of Tristan as time had passed and they all would spend time together exploring the forest and going to dances.

"Where are you two headed?" Celina asked, her gaze fixed on Kaleb.
"No where in particular, really." Tristan responded.
"Well, we were going to go riding for a bit. Would you like to come?" Celina asked, a hint of longing in her voice.

Tristan looked at Kaleb who shrugged his shoulders in content agreement. "Sure. But it can only be for a while. We are having a guest for dinner, and I cannot be late." Kaleb responded.

"Well then, let’s go!" Celina said excitedly as she turned and led the way to the stables with the others following close behind.


The horses trotted along the worn paths of the Forest of Lanat inside Talom.
"Do you hear that?" Kaleb asked Tristan quietly enough so that the girls would not hear him.

"No, what?"

"Music, and It seems to be coming from Meira." Kaleb said, listening carefully. He could just barely catch the sound of the music flowing through the air.

"I’m convinced you have some sort of power with hearing as well as sight, because I can not hear anything." Tristan said smiling mischievously at his friend.

"Well, shall we find out where it’s coming from?" Kaleb asked, still too low for the girls riding ahead of them to hear.

Always up for adventure, Tristan shook his head in agreement.
"Celina, Leda, I’m afraid we must be on our way." Kaleb called out to the girls.
"But we just got out here!" Celina said annoyed, turning to face Kaleb.

"I know and I do apologize, but there is something that Tristan and I need to do." Kaleb said as he and Tristan turned their horses in the opposite direction.

"I’m sorry, maybe next time!" Tristan called over his shoulder, glancing at Leda.
The boys’ nudged their horses and they began to gallop like there was a dragon behind them.
"What do you think that was about?" Leda asked, obviously confused.

"I don’t know, but it better not have to do with another faerie." Celina responded bitterly. Celina had dreams of being a princess, or as she saw, being above everyone else. Just as she always felt she should be.

The dark thick wings of the horse sprouted as if from nowhere. And the boys were suddenly whisked into the air, on their way to find the makers of that enchanting music. The sky was filled with hues of orange and red. The Prince and his friend reveled for a moment in the cool breeze that blew through their hair.

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