Marriage by Law (22 page)

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Authors: N.K. Pockett

BOOK: Marriage by Law
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Yep, he was a mafia leader. That was settled.


Who would have ever thought that he would stand up for me like that? Something in my stomach churned and it wasn't the smell of alcohol this time. When I touched my cheek, my hand came away wet.


I was crying because of this? I wiped my face quickly. Damn it, Ivory, get a grip.


I opened the door to see Darius leaning against the wall, as if nothing happened, like he had not a care in the world. He looked up as I stepped out and I looked at everything but him.


The fact that he did that, for me, it was something that I just… I didn’t know what to say. 
did that for 


I thought he hated me.


"You washed your face but you didn't dry it."




I wiped my cheek with a hand, hoping he wouldn't notice my eyes.


I started to walk ahead when he grabbed my arm and spun me around.


"There's a dead cat that side," he reasoned out, taking me in another direction. My eyes searched for his hand holding my wrist. If anyone saw us, it would seem like he was dragging me. Once we reached the main road, he dropped my hand and suddenly I missed the warmth. I hurried to keep up as he walked in front of me.


"We left Adrian back there," I reminded him, after debating with myself whether to break the silence or not.


"What?" he asked, looking over his shoulder without stopping. I was taken aback by the look in his eyes that I stopped walking. 




"Oh." He looked away. "Richard will drop him off once his shift is over." He turned around to face me, putting his hands into his pockets. By this time we were already outside the house. I could see his shoulder tense, and then relax, and I debated whether to say something or not. Should I say what I saw or should I just keep quiet?


Just as I opened my mouth, I saw the guard open the gates. Darius turned and entered the gate.


He stopped slowing down and I followed his gaze to meet an angry-looking Ma at the top of the stairs.


"Young man, what did I say? If Ivory gets sick again, I wi-" She stopped as Darius walked past her. She turned to me, raising an eyebrow.


"What's the matter with him?"


I shrugged, and then she made me a target of her anger. "Where did you go?"


"We went to return Adrian," I answered, feeling bad under her heated gaze. We should have told her. I could see the worry on her face as she sighed. Well, I didn't exactly lie. It was sort of the truth. 


"That boy, of course. Well, hurry inside. You must be freezing, and you didn't change. Go wear something warm and sleep. Do you even know what the time is?"


I sighed as she fussed over me, making me walk up to the bedroom. 


"I will need to seriously talk to that boy," she was saying as she pushed me into the room.


I walked in and realised the room was empty. Where did he go?


I went to the walk-in closet and grabbed a black pajama pants with tiny dots on them and an oversized jumper. It was freezing outside and all I wanted now was to be comfortable, and warm. After I changed into them, I headed back out just as Darius came in.


He shrugged off his jacket and chucked it on the edge of the bed. I awkwardly stood there. He seemed to be in deep thought, his eyes focused somewhere on the floor. Any longer and he would probably burn a hole through it. 


Looking at the clock, I couldn't believe the time. Half of the city would be waking up in an hour to get ready for work. 


"You should go to sleep," he told me and looked up at me. I blinked and looked away from those dark eyes. Should I say something? Was I meant to see what he did to Nicholas?
Was that why he told me to go wash my face? All these questions that were running through my head were only confusing me more. I shifted on my other foot, looking at the bedside table.


"Are you?"


"I have work to do." He turned around and walked back out of the room. I stood there for a moment longer and then sighed as I walked over to the bed. It was cold and it didn't help that the ducted heating wasn't on. Then again, I didn't know how to turn it on. 


I grunted into the pillow. I lay on my stomach and closed my eyes. Damn it, sleep, come.


"Wake up, bitch."


I felt an intense weight on my back knocking all the air out of me. I gasped, my eyes flying open.


"Rose?" I asked. I turned around as she hugged me. I nearly forgot about her. Hopefully she doesn't find that out.


"Thanks for calling me."


I opened my mouth to say something, but she stood up and shoved me toward the bathroom. "Brush your teeth, fish breath," she said.


I frowned as I blew into my hand. I smelled fine. Nevertheless, I walked into the en suite, quickly brushing my teeth and walking back out.


"Rose," I said. She was on our bed. Ok, I just thought, 
bed. Oh, good lord.


"What?" she said, looking up. 


"You know, if Darius sees you in here, like-"


"Who gives a shit? He stole my friend for the past decade. My turn today."


I rolled my eyes. Decade, my arse, but I missed her so much. 


"Go get dressed. We will be going out."


"Rose," I began again. She shot me a glare and I sighed, walking into the wardrobe. I really hope Darius was busy today and wouldn’t notice me missing. I quickly changed and then realised something.


"Can I have a shower first?"


"No, I like you smelly. Hurry up. I am starving. What type of person sleeps till noon?"


I was shaking my head as I pulled on jeans and a casual top. I missed these clothes. 


I came back out and she let a low wolf whistle, making me laugh.


"I nearly forgot how sexy your legs are in jeans," Rose complimented, albeit in a joking voice.


I shook my head and smiled, then grabbed my bag and shoved my wallet in.


"We have to be home by six, okay?" I said. I was too scared to even go out without telling him now. I don't even understand why he seemed so angry last night. And if he knew I snuck out, would I be in trouble? 


Damn it, Ivory, you are a grown woman. He can't even remember your name and you care about him? Wait, do I care about him?


"Whatever. Let's go." She grabbed my arm, pulling me out of my thoughts and making me almost trip over as I got my legs to start again. 


"By the way," she said as we walked out the front door. "Your husband is hot. I know he is hot. We got that down the first time he stepped out but he is hotter than hot. Do you even know how hot?" 


In my mind I was counting how many times she said the word ‘hot.’ "What?" 


"I saw him in the gym before. Did you shag him yet?"


"Rose!" I exclaimed in embarrassment, quickly looking around to see if anyone overheard her. What was wrong with this woman? I could feel the reddening of my face as I glared at her back.


She turned around to wink at me and shrug her shoulders. She grabbed a redskin lolly from her bag and popped it into her mouth.


I didn't even know there was a gym at the house. Rose explained how she was trying to find the master’s bedroom and walked past the gym instead, and I had to stop her there because I didn't want to know anything else. How come I didn’t know we have a gym.


"I'm serious. He has the hottest body. Did you see those abs? I mean I can –"


"You saw him naked?" I had my mouth in a big ‘O’ but I was also stifling a laugh. She shot me a dirty look as she chewed and I could see her saliva mixing with the lolly.


"Please,” she said, emphasizing the letter ‘P’ and smacking her lips. “I just saw his upper half. I can't even imagine what his lo –"


I slapped the back of her head, laughing. I did 
want to know. But for some reason I was a tiny bit annoyed at her walking around the house by herself and a 
bit annoyed she saw him half naked. Sure, I did once too, but that was different. Whether I liked it or not I was married to him but Rose wasn't. And even thought she was the best friend I've always wanted, why do I feel so… so annoyed at her?


"You prude. As if you didn't make the house rule ‘No Shirts Inside.’" 


I shook my head as she hailed a taxi and we got in. But that was Rose. She would say stuff but she would never do something to betray me. That much I knew. 


"You know, we could have taken one of the cars," I pointed out to her.


She nodded. "Yes, but I want you to be normal, not some hot lady with a hot husband with a rich life alright. Be a commoner."


"I am always a commoner, Rose." At least in my heart I knew I was a commoner. I never even cared about or liked the fact I was rich during my childhood. I was always treated differently. People wanted to be my friends so they could use me, or were too respectful because they were afraid my father would sue them if they did something bad to me.


"What's the plan for today?" I asked. Big mistake. Her eyes shone mischievously, and I regretted ever going out of the house.


Eight hours later, not only was I sure that Darius was home but I was going to be in trouble when I get back. If he was angry last night, he was going to be furious with me and right now I didn't want to see his face. I could only imagine what it would look like, and nothing was short of a nightmare. 


"Rose," I whined, still nervous about dealing with Darius. She slapped my shoulder, hard, and I held in a scream as I rubbed my upper arm. Damn, this woman is strong. 


"I really need to f –" I bit my tongue as she slapped me again. Her eyes were concentrating on the movie. After hours of pointless shopping, where she bought heaps of junk, and eating like pigs for an early dinner, we went to her place to watch a movie. 


I had fallen asleep and woke up to see the end of the movie. I knew I was going to be in deep trouble when I got home. In desperation, I wished that Darius was stuck in traffic somewhere. Or, even better, that Adrian decided to take him somewhere.


"Rose," I whined, this time a bit louder, watching as she watched the credits. Seeing her chew on something with a small smile, I wondered if she was enjoying this a bit too much.


She chucked her popcorn and chocolate wrappers onto the center table and stood up. Can you imagine how she does not get fat with the amount of junk she eats? Instead, her shirt stuck to her like second skin, emphasising her curves.


"Wait." She was looking at the clock.


"No, I 
to go." I was really worried. Maybe I should have told someone. Ma, or even Adrian. Gosh, Ivory, what an idiot. She rolled her eyes and motioned for me to follow her. 


She stopped at the door and gave me a once over.


"What's the matter with you?" She asked as she scrutinised me. Her stare was calculating. I shifted my weight on my other foot.


"You've been distant all day and then y-" She made a dramatic pause, and then...


"Are you pregnant?"


I looked down at my stomach, my mouth wide. "WHAT?"


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