Martine The Beginning (Cruising to Love, The Prequel) (12 page)

BOOK: Martine The Beginning (Cruising to Love, The Prequel)
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Martine stretched languidly, like a cat. Lucas gulped.  Martine had notice on previous visits that stretching just like that made Lucas gulp.

  “Are you going to undress me, darling?  Or would you like me to undress myself?”

“Uh, uh, oh Martine, you little minx.  The effect you have on me when you move like that.  Don’t wet your lips, darling, it drives me crazy…”

  Martine wet her lips again, and saw his bulge growing even larger.  He sat down beside her on the bed, his breathing was ragged, uneven.  He bent his head down to hers and crushed his lips to hers, his tongue filled her mouth, his

hands were on her breasts, seizing them, squeezing them.  There was nothing gentle about Lucas now.  He pulled away to breath, and tugged at the floppy bow she had so carefully tied.  He pulled her top open and unclasped her bra.  His mouth was all over her breasts, hot, demanding.  His tongue drove her wild.  His hands were at her waist now, undoing her trousers, pulling them down, down.  She kicked them off.  She expected him to remove her panties next, but he moved his hands back up to her breasts.  Now his mouth and his hands were playing with those nipples, cupping her fullness, squeezing, kneading.  Now her breathing was as uneven as his, as gasping. 

  He rolled on top of her and rubbed against her, as he had before.  Now all that was between them was his thin cotton pajamas and her tiny lace panties.  He looked down at her. 
“Soon, darling, soon, there won’t be anything

between us. Soon, I
’ll be inside you, thrusting, filling you with my love.  Soon, Martine.  Soon. I love you, Martine.  I love you.”

“I love you, too, Lucas,” she gasped.  “I just want to belong to you, I want you inside me.”

“We’ll be married soon, my darling.  Then I’ll be inside you every night…every morning, darling…you’ll be begging for mercy.”

  They both laughed.  Lucas roll off her and rose.  He found her trousers, and hung them up in the wardrobe with her lovely green top.  He found her bra, and put it in his top drawer.  He turned back to her, and helped her to put on his pajama top, and buttoned it firmly.

  He kissed the tip of her nose.  She smiled up at him.  Lucas fluffed their pillows and turned out the light.

  They lay side by side, holding hands.  Martine
’s head was on Lucas’s shoulder.  Presently they slept.

  Hours later, Martine woke.  Lucas was still asleep, dreaming, talking to her in his sleep

“Oh, Martine, yes….yes…touch me there, darling, stroke me…yes…”

  Martine turned on her side, facing him. She pulled the sheet gently back, and looked at Lucas.  The bulge in his pajamas was enormous, she thought.  The fly gaped open.  She could see his hair, his bulge.

  Martine slipped her hand through the open fly, and took him in her soft hand.  She held him, and his manhood grew, and stood at attention.  She didn’t quite know what to do, she’d never done this before.  She pulled him out of the

opening.  He stood proud.  She stroked her hand up and down softly.  His hand came over hers.  She looked up.  He was still sleeping,

  “Oh, baby, oh, baby harder, stroke me harder…” His hand moved hers up and down, faster, faster. She held him tighter… He moaned and turned toward her.  She threw her leg over him, and rubbed against him.  All that was between them now was a wisp of lace…she felt so open to him, so ready for him…  He was thrusting against her now, harder, faster.  His manhood seemed to be pushing through the lace. 

She felt his hand on her chin, turning her face upwards.  His lips crushed her, his tongue conquered hers in the dance of love.  His hand was on her bum now, stroking, squeezing, pushing her closer to him.  Her hips were moving in total unison with his.  And all that was between them was a wisp of lace…He was awake now, she knew that, knew that from the ferocity of his kisses.  His shaft pushed that tiny piece of lace aside, and she felt him, hot and hard, rubbing against her core.  He gasped, and pulled away. 

“Oh, my darling, Martine, I’m so sorry…”

“Sorry? Sorry, Lucas?  What are you sorry for?  It was wonderful…wonderful…”

“I just came, darling.  I just came all over you…”

  Martine smiled. 
“Well, my love, you’ve brought me to that peak more than once.  It was your turn…”  He went to rise, and she pushed him back onto the bed.

“I’ve got to get a towel, darling, and clean


“Later, Lucas.  Later.  I just want us to lie here and enjoy the moment.”

“Enjoy the moment I lost control?”

“Enjoy the moment you gave up control, darling.  There’s a difference.”

  Lucas smiled at her. 
“You’re quite a woman, for an innocent, darling.  Quite a woman.  All the woman I’ll ever need or want…”

“And you’re the only man I’ll ever have, Lucas.”

  A while later, Lucas did get up, and get a wash cloth and towel, and cleaned Martine.  He slipped her panties off.  They were covered in his cum
…he put them in his laundry hamper.

  They went back to sleep, side by side, holding hands.  Martine
’s head was on Lucas’s shoulder.  They woke again hours later.  It was light. 

  Lucas reached for her. Martine drew her breath in.  Maybe this morning, Lucas would decide not to wait for the wedding night
…there was no scrap of lace between them this morning.

  The phone rang.  Lucas jumped up and went into the living room to answer it. 

  Martine could hear him.

“Hello, Lucas Langdon here…Hello George…yes…no…I see…yes, yes it’s fine that you called early Sunday morning.  That’s what you pay me for…yes…here in London?  Tomorrow, eleven, yes, of course…so I won’t have to come up to Glasgow, you’re coming down here…the Minister…of course…”

  Martine got up and used the bathroom.  A glance at the clock told her it was ten past nine.  She looked at her reflection in the mirror.  Well, she
’d almost lost her virginity.  Almost, not quite.  And Lucas planned to marry her.  That was good. And he wanted a virgin bride…Martine dressed.  Lucas was still on the telephone. 

  She went into the kitchen and made them a pot of tea.  Took a cup to Lucas, still busy on the phone.  He mouthed
‘thank you’ to her.  She smiled.

  This is what being married to Lucas was going to be like.  People with problems calling on Sunday mornings.  She shrugged.  Ten past nine wasn
’t three am.  She could live with it.

  Martine rolled her sleeves up a little more, and rummaged through the kitchen, assembling breakfast. Bacon, a cheese omelet and grilled tomato, she had decided when she saw what she had to work with.  And toast, of course.  Martine was hungry. 

  She grated the cheese, beat the eggs, heated the butter in the pan, and fried the bacon.  Sliced the bread and put it in the toaster, ready to press down.  Turned the grill on ready for the tomatoes.  She heard Lucas hang up and go into the bathroom.  He came into the kitchen shortly, in his jeans.  Bare chest.  He looked so sexy….

  He came up behind her and nibbled her neck. 
“Breakfast?  How lucky am I?” he asked her, “I have a sex goddess making me breakfast.”

  He made a fresh pot of tea, and sat at the table as she directed him.  Soon there was a wonderful breakfast in front of him, more wonderful to Lucas because Martine had made it.  He couldn
’t stop smiling at her.

  They ate in compatible silence.  Finally, when Lucas had devoured the last slice of toast and jam, he started to talk about the phone call.

  “That was the man from Glasgow, darling.”

“So I gathered.”

“He’d tried to call last night, but we were out at dinner.”


“He’s coming down tomorrow morning and we’re meeting with the Minister at twelve, a luncheon meeting.”


“Yes.  Some of the fault for this snafu lies at their feet, and it looks as if there may be a little corruption somewhere…this is confidential, darling.”

“Of course, Lucas.”

“So I have to be a lot more involved.  Which is good.  Because it means more money…”

“That’s good, Lucas.  Very good.”

“Yes, baby.  It’s very good.” He took a drink of his tea.  “And bad.”

“Why is it bad, darling?”

“Because I have to fly back up to Glasgow with George Monday night, and I won’t be back until Friday. His boss, the head of the conglomerate, Sir Charles, has just added some assignments for me.”

“That is bad, darling.  But necessary.”

“I’m so glad you understand, darling.  It’s the nature of my business.”

  Martine smiled at him. 
“Yes, Lucas, it’s the nature of your business.”

“I’m glad you understand, darling.  I’m glad you have the Gallery to keep you busy while I’m away.”

  Martine looked at him through half closed eyes. 
“Why don’t we go back to bed?” she asked in a husky voice. 

“Why don’t we finish what we started in the middle of the night?  I want you so badly, Lucas.  What does it matter if you take my innocence today, or on our wedding night?”

  Lucas looked at her very seriously.

  “Martine, my mother and father were engaged to be married. He was in the British Army, just received his first commission.  He got posted to Northern Ireland immediately.  The night before he left, they made love.

“He was killed three days later.  A bomb.  I was born nine months later.”

  He paused.  Martine drew in her breath.  She reached over and took his hand.  He squeezed it very hard.

  “Darling, I know how hard life was for my mother and I.  It isn’t going to happen to us.  No, darling, you’re staying a virgin until we marry.”

  They didn
’t leave the flat for the rest of the day, except to slip down to the news stand for the Sunday papers. Lucas had a briefcase full of files to review.  Martine read the newspapers.

  She found the
’about town’
column.  And saw the picture of the four of them.  Penny was stunning.  She looked quite sexy herself.  And Lucas and John both looked like handsome men about town.  She smiled at her private joke.  The write up was brief, but it plugged the Gallery and Penny. She wondered if it would bring any business.

  Lucas ordered Chinese take away for dinner, and had them deliver it. He walked Martine back to the Gallery at eight.  She went to bed, in her

little bed, all alone.  Feeling very alone without Lucas beside her.  The alarm woke her at three and she trudged off to the bakery. A year now, she’d been doing the juggling act.  She wondered how long she could continue, now that Lucas had entered her life.

’d given her a key to his flat, had it cut for her, and put it firmly on her key ring.  He wanted her to stay there while he was away. But she didn’t.  She stayed at the Gallery.  She had reached a decision.  If Lucas wanted a virgin bride, he could have one. Now she knew why. But she wouldn’t be a virgin bride if she got too used to be being there, in his flat.  Too comfortable.  He would reach for her in his sleep again, she knew, and the next time, the next time, she would push her panties down, and guide him into her core, and love him…and that was not what Lucas wanted….

  He didn
’t call Monday night.  He didn’t call Tuesday.  He called Wednesday, briefly, and was annoyed that she wasn’t staying in the flat.  They had their first fight, over the telephone, about her not staying in the flat.  He didn’t understand her reasoning.  She gave up and hung up on him.  He didn’t call back.

  Thursday, Belinda came bouncing into the showroom looking for Lucas.

  “He was supposed to phone me, about a painting,” she said.  “I haven’t heard from him.  Where is he?”

“In Glasgow.”

“What’s he doing up there?”

“Business.  His client called him Sunday morning and he flew up Monday night.  He may or may not be back tomorrow night.”

“Oh. Let me know, will you?”

“I’ll remind him to call you, if I see him.”

“Had a disagreement, have you?”

  Martine bit her tongue. 
“No, Belinda.  It’s just that he’s very busy with his client this week, and probably next.  I don’t know when he’ll have time for the Gallery with the other matter to deal with.”


  Belinda left.

  Penny came in next, excited.  “Martine, I got it! I got a recording contract!  With a tour!”

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