Martine The Beginning (Cruising to Love, The Prequel) (7 page)

BOOK: Martine The Beginning (Cruising to Love, The Prequel)
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  He was looking at her with more and more admiration. 
“Not only is she totally beautiful and sexy,” he thought to himself, “but she’s smart.  Very smart.  Not school smart, true intelligence smart.  Kind, a heart of gold, you can see that by the concept of her Gallery.  To give people a start.  Such a hard worker.  So focused.  I hope she’s that focused on me.  This is the girl I’m going to marry.” 

  But he did not tell Martine that.  No, he would wait until they could afford to marry.  Then he
’d tell her. Lucas smiled at himself.  Here he was, gaining a good reputation as a hard-headed, clear-thinking, deliberate businessman, and here he was, head over heels in love after only four days. 

  However, his reputation also defined him as someone who could see to the heart of a problem with lightening speed. And as far as Lucas was concerned, the problem here was having enough money to afford marriage.  He didn
’t want them marrying until he felt it was affordable.

  They finished the meal.  Lucas paid the bill

and they went back to his flat.

  He put on some music, soft jazz tonight.  Instrumental, background music.  He went to a cupboard and brought out two brandy snifters and a good bottle of cognac. 
“One of my clients gave me this a few weeks ago, as a thank you.  I thought this would be a good night to open it, darling.”

  They sat on the sofa, side by side, holding hands and drinking their brandy.

  “How long will you be in Glasgow, Lucas?” Martine asked.

“I go up Monday and come back Friday.  In time to cook you dinner,” he smiled at her. “So you’ll only be without me Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  And Monday night.  Four nights without my cooking, Tina.”

“Four nights without your kisses, Lucas,” she corrected him. “I love your cooking, but darling, I love your kisses even more.”

“Why don’t you stay here while I’m away?” he suggested.  “I’d like you to, it’s warmer in here than your place, and the weatherman says next week is going to be cold.”


“I like the thought of you sleeping in my bed while I’m away, darling.”

“Oh.  Yes, it would be nice to sleep in your bed while you’re away, Lucas.  This is a much nicer home than I have.”

“It’s ten times nicer now that you’re visiting me here every day,” he told her as he kissed her.

  They finished their brandies.  Martine started

to feel shy.  She had never slept with anyone before.  She hoped she didn’t snore.  She hoped he didn’t snore. She wondered what it would be like to make love to Lucas.  She hoped she didn’t disappoint him.

  Lucas stood up, and picked her up in his arms and carried her into his bedroom.  He laid her on the bed, and smiled down at her. 
“I am so happy you’re here with me tonight, darling.”

“Me, too, Lucas. I’m happy to be with you tonight.”

“You seem a little shy, darling.”

“I am, Lucas. A little.”

  Lucas slipped her boots off, and ran his hands along her shapely legs. 

  “Your legs are wonderful, Martine.  I never thought I was a leg man, but I love your legs.”  His hands were on her hips now, “And your hips are so shapely, so feminine.”  He found the waistband of her tights, and peeled them down, down, and off.  His hands caressed her bare legs, her thighs.  He bent down and kissed her softly.  “Don’t worry, darling.  I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to.  If you want to put your nightie on and just cuddle, that’s exactly what we’ll do.”

  Martine smiled up at him, a shy smile. 
“I didn’t bring a nightie, Lucas.  I didn’t think I’d need one.”

  He kissed her again, gently.  He sat her up and unzipped her black mini dress, and pulled it over her head.  He lay her back down. 
“I just want to look at you, in that splendid lacy

lingerie, my darling.  You are beauty personified.  I
’ve never seen a more beautiful

creature than you.

  Martine smiled up at him. 
“Is it fair that I’m

here in a lacy bra and panties and you
’re in a business suit, Lucas?”

“Not fair at all, darling.  I can soon change that.”

  Lucas got up and took his jacket and shirt and tie off, his trousers and hung them in the wardrobe.  He picked up her dress and hung it as well, put her boots and tights neatly beside the wardrobe.  She admired him, standing there in his briefs.  He had rather wonderful legs

himself, she thought, and chest, and bum.  Belinda was right, he would make a wonderful nude…

  Lucas walked into the bathroom.  He was back a minute or two later in pajama bottoms.

  Martine was a little surprised.

“Do you want to brush your teeth, darling?” he asked her.

“Oh, yes, please…” She got off the bed and went into the bathroom.  Used the facilities, brushed her teeth and her hair.  Came back out.  Lucas was in bed, waiting for her.  He took a long look at her, standing in the doorway.

“Darling, you are so beautiful.  Come here, Tina.”

  She climbed in beside him.  He took her into his arms and kissed her, first gently and then the kiss became very sensuous.  His tongue followed the fullness of her lips, wetting them,

before it entered her mouth, caressing her tongue.  They lay facing each other.  His hand caressed her back, from the nape of her neck to the bottom of her spine. 

“What a lovely back you have, Martine,  And your bum, I was admiring your bum as you walked to the bathroom, thinking how lovely it would be to have you on top of me, holding that bum in my hands.”


“But not tonight, Tina.  Not yet.  It’s too soon.”  He kissed her gently.

“You know, darling, your bum was one of the first things I noticed about you, in the window of your Gallery, while you were hanging that picture I bought.  And then, when we were inside, and you climbed back into the window,

and the fabric of your trousers stretched tight against your curves, I could see how lovely that bum might be.” Lucas smiled at her.  “But tonight, when you walked into the bathroom, well, darling, your bum in those tiny lace panties was so delectable, I just have to hold it, if you’
ll let me?”

“Yes, Lucas, please.  I’d like you to hold my bum…”

  Lucas slipped his hands under her panties and drew her close to him.  He was fondling her buttocks, pressing her against him.  She could feel his heat, his throbbing.  He brought her leg up over him.  She was pressed tighter and tighter against him.  All that was between them was pale green lace and his blue cotton pajama

bottoms.  It was very erotic, Lucas playing with her bottom, squeezing it, stroking it, holding her so tightly against him.  He felt hard and long.  She was so aroused.

  Her eyes were dilated. Her lips parted.  He lowered his head and kissed her, crushing her lips to his.  His one hand stayed where it was, holding her tight to him.  The other came up and opened the clasp on her bra.  He pulled it

off her.  Now all that was between them were her panties and his pajama bottoms..  One hand was holding her bum, pressing her close to him.  The other played with her breasts, squeezing, teasing the nipples. He lowered his head and his mouth, his tongue on her breasts drove her wild. Her hips started to move.

“Oh, Lucas, what are you doing to me?  I’m going to lose control in a minute…”

“You’re supposed to lose control, darling.  Lose yourself in me, let go, Martine, enjoy what I’m doing to you.  Enjoy, darling…enjoy….”

  She climaxed very quickly, and collapsed against of him.  He smiled into her hair, kissed her, stroked her back, and fondled her bottom. 
“I think you did let go, my little darling, did enjoy…”

  Martine looked up at him.  She could feel him, still pressed against her. He was still hard.  Hard and long. 
“I let go, Lucas, I enjoyed, but what about you?  What about your satisfaction, Lucas?”

“I’m fine, darling.  You feel so good where you are, rubbing against me.  Sooo good,


Lucas was playing with her breasts again, with both hands this time.  Cupping them, flicking her nipples, squeezing them.  Martine smiled at him.  “Are you enjoying yourself, Lucas?”

“Oh, yes, baby.  I could play with you all night. All night….”

“Oh, Lucas, my darling Lucas…”

  He smiled at her. 
“Oh, baby, you are a hot little thing, so responsive.  That was just an introduction, sweetheart.  An introduction to the delights you will feel when I truly make you mine…but until then, my sweet, just enjoy what I am willing to give you. Enjoy me teaching you the art of love…” He kissed her sweetly.  He got out of bed and went into the bathroom.  Came out with his pajama top.

“You’d better put this on, sweetheart. I’m only human.  And you are so luscious.  I want us to sleep tonight.  We have lots of time to discover each other.”

  Martine slipped into his pajama jacket.  He solemnly buttoned it up, and rolled the sleeves up.  He pulled her back into bed, under the covers and held her closely. 

  “Darling, we are going to fall in love, and I am going to be your first lover.  But we are going to take it easy.  I want to do this right, Martine.  I respect your innocence.  There will be a right time to take it.  Not tonight.”

  Presently they slept. 

  It was after nine when they woke, and lay smiling at each other, locked in a warm, close embrace.

“Later, Martine, in a short while, I’ll be waking you to make love to you, every morning…”

“I look forward to it, darling.”

“Did you enjoy last night, my little love?”

“Oh, yes, I did.  Immensely.  I didn’t know it could be like that.”

“It’s going to get even better, Martine.  Even better.”

  Eventually they got up and went into the kitchen.  Lucas made the tea and toast, Martine the scrambled eggs.

  “We work well together in the kitchen, Martine.  I think I may be able to teach you to cook,” smiled Lucas.  “Your scrambled eggs are super.  Light and fluffy…”

“Where did you learn to cook, Lucas?”

“From my mother, when I was quite young.  I used to make dinner every night for her.  She’d be so tired when she got home.  She was on her feet all day, worked in an exclusive dress shop.”

“She taught you well, Lucas.”

“Yes, she did.  And I’m going to teach you.  I expect you’ll end up the better cook of the two of us.  Your scrambled eggs are better than mine.”

“I make a great omelette as well, Lucas,” Martine told him.  “I could do you a cheese omelette next Sunday…that is if you would like me to sleep over again next Saturday?”

  Lucas heard the uncertainty in Martine
’s voice and laughed at her.  “My little Tina, I’d love to have you here every night.  And once we can afford for you to give up the bakery, I will. I told you, I’m half in love with you already, darling.”

  Martine smiled at him.
“Me, too, Lucas. I’m falling in love with you as well.”

“I know, my darling.  I can see it shining in your eyes.  Now, we’d better get dressed.  We have a lot of work to do today.  We need to make a detailed plan for your first Gala. And I need to get myself organized.  Ready for my trip to Glasgow.  Review all the files.”

“I can go home whenever you like, Lucas, so that you can get on with your work.”

“Nonsense.  I can do that after I take you home at eight. So you get at least six hours sleep tonight, darling.

  Lucas paused. 
“I think we have to increase the Gallery net earnings by about twelve hundred a month.  Then you’ll have enough coming in to give up the bakery and hire a girl to fill in a few hours a week, so that you can start being seen around town at other art shows and openings, get to be known in the art community.  And you need time to go around to Art Guild shows, to spot talents like your mother.”

“I often do that on Sundays.  Art Guild shows are often on Sundays.  In fact, I had planned to go to one in St. John’s Wood this afternoon.”

“I’ll come with you, Tina.  I’d love to see what catches your eye.”

  Martine smiled from ear to ear.
“Oh, Lucas.  I’d love to have you come with me.  I can’t think of a nicer way to spend the afternoon.”

  They cleaned up the kitchen and sat down at the table with a pad of paper and pen.  Lucas quickly drew up a plan of action, the plan of action that was to become their blueprint for the Charity Galas Martine would become famous for.  Within a year, they would have charities calling them, but that first Sunday, they didn
’t realize how successful Lucas’s idea would become.  They hoped for a moderate success. 

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