Martine The Beginning (Cruising to Love, The Prequel) (3 page)

BOOK: Martine The Beginning (Cruising to Love, The Prequel)
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“A very handsome young man stopped by just before closing last night.  He bought one of Belinda Boyle’s paintings.  At the new price, without haggling.”

“That was a treat,” agreed Penny.  Martine had just doubled Belinda’s asking price to a hundred pounds.  And she usually had the buyers asking for discounts…

“It was great!” agreed Martine.  “Belinda was thrilled when I called her this morning and told her there is sixty pounds waiting for her.  She only brought me the painting yesterday afternoon. 

“I was hanging it in the window when Lucas walked by and he came in and bought it.  Reminds him of his uncle’s place in Scotland.”

“Ah, so you know his name…”

“Yes.  Lucas.  He’s so nice, Penny, and sooo handsome. Tall, sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, really, really nice.”

“And does Lucas know your name, too? Or did you get his name off his cheque?”

“He paid cash.  And then, Penny, he took me to Alfredo’s for spaghetti and Chianti!  It was quite lovely.”

“Oh!  Well, that’s a surprise.  I don’t remember you ever going for a meal with a

young man before.  You
’re always working. Or too tired.  You have no social life at all, my friend.”

“Well,” Martine blushed, “maybe I do now…”

“Ah…I smell something more in the air.  Did he kiss you goodnight?”

’s blush deepened.  “Yes, he did.  Very thoroughly, Penny. He kissed me goodnight four times….” she smiled at the thought.

“I take it you enjoyed this Lucas kissing you goodnight four times?”

“Oh, yes.  And he’s taking me to Alfredo’s again on Saturday night…”

  Penny giggled. 
“About time somebody whisked you out of here for a night out, Martine.  About time you noticed a handsome young man.”

  She settled herself on the stool behind the counter. 
“Now, tell me all about him.  How old is he, what does he do?”

“I think he’s about twenty five. He has his own business, a management consulting firm.  Worked his way through University.  Worked for a big firm for a couple of years.  Now he’s started out on his own.  I suspect he’s in the same position as me, just starting out. Probably not a ton of money to spend on entertaining

young ladies.  But he wouldn
’t hear of me paying my own bill…said it wasn’t ‘right’.  I think Lucas likes to do things properly.”  Martine smiled dreamily. 

“He certainly kisses properly, Penny.”

“Well, take it easy, Martine.  You have no experience with men at all. None.  Don’t let him take advantage of you.  Get to know him before you go beyond the goodnight kissing stage.”

“Yes, Mother,” Martine laughed.

“I’m serious, Martine.  You are more innocent than most fourteen year old school girls these days.  You keep the brakes on.  And your clothes.  Until I meet this man and vet him for you…He might be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and heaven knows, I’ve had to deal with enough of them since I’ve been singing.”

“Yes, Mother,” Martine repeated.  “Oh, Penny, you would have laughed.  Gloria obviously has a crush on him.  She didn’t like him turning up at Alfredo’s with me.  He usually has dinner there on Fridays, from the sound of it, alone, and when you and I go, it’s Saturdays, so that’s why we’ve never seen him before…

  The door opened.  The girls turned round. It was a delivery boy with a florist
’s box.

“I’m looking for Martine,” the young man said.

“That would be her,” smiled Penny.

  He handed her the box and left. 

  Pink roses, a dozen pink roses.  The card read,


I’m so happy we met.”


“Well,” smiled Penny.  “Roses.  Pink is more suitable for you than red, I think. You’re still a young girl, innocent.  And he saw that.  Yes,

Martine, I think this young man might do things properly.  Either that or he
’s a world class seducer…”

“They’re lovely, just lovely,” breathed Martine.  “No one ever sent me flowers before…”

“Did anyone ever kiss you before?” asked Penny.

“No.  A couple of the chaps at the Art School have tried, at their parties.  I have gone to a couple of their parties, to get to know the artists.  But I always just turned my head, so they got my cheek.  And the message.”

“But you didn’t turn your head last night?”

“No, I closed my eyes and kissed him back.  He said I am a very good kisser.  So he had two more to last until Saturday…” Martine smiled that dreamy smile again.

“It’s too bad I leave for Birmingham at five today.  We have a three day gig, tonight, tomorrow and Saturday at the Cavendish Club.  I’d like to have dropped by Alfredo’s and had a look at him on Saturday night.”

The Gallery door opened again.  It was Belinda Boyle, carrying another two canvases

“Hi, Martha, I mean, Martine.  Hi, Penny.  Brought another two canvases.  Oils this time.  Do you think we could ask two hundred for them?  My mother is threatening to cut off my allowance.  She got my credit card bill and freaked out.  I need to generate some cash, got my eye on a fabulous new winter coat.  She’s told me no more clothes shopping for six months, but you know me, I like to look up to the minute…”

Martine and Penny laughed.  Belinda was stunning.  Raven hair, almond eyes, and always dressed in the latest trends.  Her mother was always freaking out about the credit card bills, and a week later, Belinda was shopping again.

“Lovely roses…what’s the occasion, your


“No,” said Martine.  “They’re actually from the gentleman who bought your watercolour last night.  He took me to dinner afterwards.”

“Martine, you actually went out with somebody? A man?  This one I’ve got to see.  You brush everybody off, always.  Never give any of the blokes at the College a chance.”

Martine ignored the comments and unwrapped Belinda’s paintings.

“These are good, Belinda.  I’m thinking I’ll price this one, the still life, at two hundred.  But the other one, the abstract…I’m going to take a chance and put three hundred on it.  It will be by far the most expensive thing in the Gallery.  I’m going to hang it in the window, alone, with the two baby spots lighting it up.  If I don’t get a bite in a week, I’ll lower the price.  But it is sensational.

“How many more do you have at home?”

“Loads.  Probably twenty.”

Martine’s eyes narrowed.  “Get your current boyfriend to load them into his vehicle and bring them over.  You know, I just might give you your first One Woman Show.  I haven’t had a show yet.  But I just might.  You know, advertise you, send out invitations to my mailing list, and see if we can get some reviewers


Belinda hugged her.  “Done.  I’ll have them here within two hours.  David will be the best one to call, he has a van…”

She turned to leave.  The door opened again, in walked a tall, very good looking twenty-something man.  Belinda decided to stick around.  He looked smashing, she thought.

“Lucas,” smiled Martine.  “I wasn’t expecting you…”

“Well, I decided to drop in and tell you how great that watercolour looks in my office.  I had two clients in today and both of them admired it.  I wanted to get some of your business cards so that I can hand them out for you.  I did write

down the address for both of them
…”  He only had eyes for Martine, Penny noted approvingly.

“Your visit is very well timed.  This is Belinda Boyle, the artist who did your watercolor.  She was just leaving…she’s dropped these two paintings off and is going to fetch me the rest of her finished pieces.”

Belinda batted her long lashes at Lucas.  “I’m so pleased to meet you.”

She smiled prettily at him.  “It’s always a pleasure for me to meet the clients who purchase my works.”

Lucas smiled at her.  A friendly smile, polite, impersonal, the kind of smile he gave to his clients.

“You’re a very talented young woman, Belinda.  The pleasure is mine, being able to purchase that watercolour now, before your prices are out of my budget…”

“And this is my friend, Penny,” Martine interjected.  She didn’t like the way Belinda was eyeing Lucas.  Martine felt a little like Gloria had the night before.

Lucas turned to Penny, “Ah, Penny, the best friend.  The very talented singer…”

Penny offered her hand, “Martine is my best press agent,” she laughed.  “I hope I’m half as good as she says.”

Belinda said her goodbye’s and left to fetch the rest of her finished paintings.  She could always pursue Lucas later, she thought, when she could get him alone…after all, the two of

them already had something in common.  They both thought she was a brilliant artist. And he was sexy, in that wonderful business suit
…Belinda wondered what he would look like without that business suit, stretched out on her bed…the thought made her lick her lips. 

Penny glanced at her watch, “I must fly, I have to pack a bag and pick up my dress at the cleaners.  Being picked up at five…” and she too was gone.

Lucas and Martine smiled at each other.  “Oh, thank you so much for the roses,” Martine said. “I’ve never had roses sent to me before…they are so lovely.”

“First kiss, first roses, first dinner,” smiled Lucas.  “I’m sure I’ll have to find some other ‘firsts’ to share with you Tina.” 

Martine wet her lips. She was looking at Lucas’s lips, and remembering how good they felt against hers last night.

“Don’t do that, Tina,” Lucas’s voice was husky.

“Do what?”

“Run your tongue around your lips. It’s driving me crazy.  I just want to kiss those lips again, when you do that….”

“Oh…” She smiled up at him, and did it again.  “There’s nobody here but us, Lucas…” She turned and walked into an alcove that was not visible from the window.  Leaned against the wall. And looked at him.  Wet her lips again.  She could not believe her boldness.  But she desperately wanted to kiss him again, and again, and again.

  Two strides and he was in front of her, kissing her.  Her lips parted, and his tongue searched her mouth, exploring it.  He held her hands down at her sides and kissed her again.  His body pressed against her.  Her breathing quickened.  She returned his kiss with as much passion as he was showing her. 

  Eventually, he pulled away.  “Oh, little Tina,” he smiled into her eyes. “What have we started here?  We’re supposed to get to know each other before we kiss like that.”

“Kiss me again, Lucas,” she murmured, “Kiss me again.”

“Once more, Tina, once more,” Lucas kissed her again, still holding her hands down by her side.  She could feel the heat of his body against her.  She longed for him to let go of her hands, and touch her, touch her in places no man had ever touched her before.

“Tina, we are going to do this properly.”   Lucas sounded firm.  “We are going to get to know each other.”

“Yes, Lucas.  If you say so,” she smiled up into his eyes.

  He stepped away from her. 
“You are an innocent, darling.  An innocent.  You’ve never been with a man, have you?”

  She shook her head.

  “I really am the first man you’ve ever kissed, aren’t I?”

  She nodded.

  Lucas had a very satisfied grin on his face.  “I am your first, darling Tina.  And I may well be your only…”  He sighed.  “I just can’t resist those lips, those luscious lips…” and he bent his head and kissed her again.

  He pulled away again, and let go of her hands, took a step backward, away from her. 
“We’ll get there, Tina.  We’re going to fall in love, like Frank Sinatra sang.  But we’re also going to make all the stops along the way, like his song says.  Take it easy…we are going to do this right.”

  Martine took a deep breath.
“Are you going to be my first lover, Lucas?”

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