Masquerade (Masquerade #1) (13 page)

BOOK: Masquerade (Masquerade #1)
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Chapter Twenty-One

I have sleep in this morning since all my primping for the ball is to take place this afternoon. I throw some jeans and a t-shirt on and make my way downstairs to start my spa, which will include a message, facial, pedicure, and manicure. I am also getting my hair and makeup done. I mean, you only visit Venice every so often.

By the time I am done, I have just enough time to get my dress, shoes, and jewelry on. I eye myself in the mirror, checking my hair and makeup. My hair is pulled up in a twist with some curls hanging down my face. My makeup is perfect. Not too much; it’s just barely accenting my eyes.

Sergio is picking me up at seven. I look at the clock to see the time, and I have five minutes to make it down stairs. I grab my mask and clutch and make a mad dash for the door.

It is only a short drive before we pull up to a private owned house that is decorated in the finest decorations and cost more than my car. I enter on the ‘Piano Noble,’ which is the first floor. It is also decorated to the nine with an old Venetian look to it and candles lit everywhere.

On the first floor, I am taken to my table where a gala dinner takes place. There are also entertainers, music, and characters to make it feel as if you’re back to when it all began. I look around to realize that I am in the same house I was when I was fifteen.

Once dinner and the show is done, I am escorted down to the lower floor where a DJ is setup to play. It looks just like that night so many years ago: the chandelier, the big dance floor, and the tables against the walls. I just stand taking everything in.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder. “Would you care to dance?”

I look up to see a man in a tuxedo with a black masculine mask covering his eyes and nose.

“I would love to.”

He holds my hand and pulls me out to the dance floor. We dance to “Sentimento,” which is an Italian waltz song. It’s gorgeous, and our bodies flow together as we glide over the dance floor.

The song ends. “Can I have this next dance too?”

“Sure. Can I ask you a question?”

He spins me around. “Shoot.”

“You are not from here are you?”

He laughs. “No, I’m not.”

“May I ask your name?”


I stop mid step and look up at him. I pull his mask up. I should have known it was him. Our bodies were too attuned to each other. It still doesn’t mean I’m not in shock and pissed.

“What are you doing here?”

“I want to start over.”

“Start over?”

“Yes: me, you, and Lucy.”

“I don’t know. I mean, what do I even call you?”

“I just told you my name. Call me Jason.”

“I just . . .”

He puts his finger over my lips, making me be quite. “Since you have been gone, I have thought a lot about us, me, Lucy, and my dad. I need to make this all right. I need you. I can’t breathe without you.”

“Do you really think this is going to work? I feel like I can’t trust you, but on the other hand, I trust you with my life. I’m so confused.”

“I will earn every single bit of trust back from you. I should have done things differently, but I was scared. I didn’t know at the time what else to do. All I knew is that I couldn’t live without you.”

We begin to dance again. “Aunt Karen found a letter from my mom explaining why she lied. I get it now. I have had time to think about it, and I come to the conclusion your dad is a fucktard.”

He laughs. “You are right about that. Can I read the letter?”

“Actually, I think you need to. I know they were doing it for my own good. I would have done the same for Lucy in that position.”

The song goes off, and the DJ announces the fireworks are about to begin. Jason and I make our way to the garden to join the festivities.

Fireworks go off left and right for a total of thirty minutes. It lights up the sky with all the bright colors, and that is when I can feel my parents with me.

When they are done, Sergio takes me and Chris back to my hotel. I have the letter in my bag. I pull it out and hand it to him.

He is quite while reading it. I can’t gage his mood because his face is blank.

“They loved you. You know that right?”

“I do.”

“I wish I had that growing up.”

I sit down on the corner of the bed. “Jason, we have a lot to work through. This can’t just be swept under the rug. We both need closure.”

“I agree, so I think we should make a couple’s therapy with Dr. Green. I am also going to see my dad. I need to explain the massive truth and give him a chance to accept it or leave it.”

I smile. “Sounds like you have been planning.”

“I have. I need you back. We need to also tell Lucy.”

Sighing, I reply, “I thought I would as soon as I got home.”

He sits down beside me, grabbing my hand and intertwining it. “We will do it together.”

We lie down, and he holds me all night. We fall asleep in each other’s arms where I will always be.



After discussing some of the things that are wrong we have decided that we will get through but we have a flight to catch.

I am calm until we start to land. My anxiety is in overdrive knowing that the talk is going to happen.

We find Jason’s car in the parking lot, and he loads all of our luggage up in the trunk. It feels like it doesn’t take but five minutes to get to Aunt Karen, but I know it has taken longer.

I get out of the car, feeling like my heart is going to explode. We walk in the house, and Lucy runs into my arms.

“Did you buy me something?”

“It’s nice to see you too.”

The door opens, and she lets go of me to take off towards Jason. He picks her up and spins her around. He kisses her head and sets her back down.

I look at her. “Lucy, we need to talk to you.”

She wines. “I want my prize.”

Jason picks her back up. “Later. First we need to talk.”

My aunt is in the living room about to get up to leave when I tell her to stay. She sits back down.

Lucy sits down while Jason and I get on the other side of her.

“I don’t know how to say this but just to come out and say it.” She looks at me like I’m crazy, but I continue. “You know how we have always called each other sisters?”

She nods her head.

“Well, that isn’t exactly true.”

“Am I adopted? Because I saw an episode on
Bubble Guppies
on how parents adopt children. Is that what mom and dad did?”

“Not exactly. Lucy you are my daughter. I am your mom and your dad is Chris, but his real name is Jason.”

She looks back and forth between the both of us when I see tears starting to form.

“Mom and dad really aren’t my parents. You two are? And his name is Jason?”

I wrap her in a hug and cry with her. “I know this is confusing, but, baby, you will understand one day. I promise.”

When her tears dry, she asks for the whole story because she needs details. She acts so damn grown up.

Jason and I tell her the story the best way we know how to so that she will understand it. She still seems lost, but I know this is a lot to dump on a five year old at one time.

My aunt is happy that the truth is out and tells Lucy she is lucky to have had and still have people that love her so much.

I decide it’s time to go home. We pack all of our stuff up, so we can finally all be together. I know this is going to be a long road. Considering Lucy is going to have to get adjusted as well, I think the best thing for her is to find someone for her to talk to.

As far as Fucktard is concerned, I couldn’t care less if he ever forgives Jason or not. We don’t need his shit anyways.

I know my story is fucked up, but it’s my story, and this is how it all happened.



The End




Be on the lookout for Jason’s point of view and the talk with his father coming soon.





Shannon is from Dothan, Alabama. She is married to her best friend and has three kids. Her first book, New Beginnings, was written due to things that happened in her life. She is an avid reader who loves all her book boyfriends. She is also on a blog with two great girls, Sandie and Dee. The blog is Book Boyfriend Reviews.


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