Mating Games (8 page)

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Authors: Stormy Glenn,Joyee Flynn

Tags: #Romance, #Vampires

BOOK: Mating Games
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“It’s them,” he whispered. Fear spiraled through him until he almost couldn’t breathe. He turned around to look at Alastar, anxiously slapping the top of the front seat. “Go, Alastar, drive.”

The car lurched forward, tires spinning in the sand. Dobry slapped the seat again and again. “Go, go, go!” he cried out. He clutched the seat and dug his fingers in as if he could will the car to move just through his desperation. “Please, go.”

“I’m trying, Dobry,” Alastar snapped. “The damn car won’t move.”

“Out!” Sebastian shouted. “Everyone get out of the car and head toward the water. It will mask our scent.”

Sheer black fright swept through Dobry. He scrambled out of the car, reaching back in just long enough to grab his blanket. He wasn’t going anywhere without that. He didn’t bother shutting the door as he raced to the edge of the water.

“Which way now?” he asked as soon as Sebastian and Alastar reached his side.

“I live upriver from town, so north, I think,” Sebastian said.

Dobry cocked an eyebrow at him. “You’re not sure?”

“Big, bad Delta wolf,” Alastar snorted, “lost in his own backyard.”

“It’s not like I’ve lived here that long, you know?” Sebastian’s face flushed red. The situation struck Dobry as funny. He didn’t know why. It just did. He started laughing, slapping his hand over his mouth so he wouldn’t be heard by their pursuers. Sebastian and Alastar just stared at him like he’d lost his mind.

Dobry shook his head, unable to speak a word through his laughter. Sebastian rolled his eyes and grabbed Dobry by the arm, pulling him down to the water. They walked in up to their knees, then headed upstream.

By the time they heard yelling behind them, Dobry’s laughter had ended. At the first shout, though, his fear returned. He picked up speed, hurrying alongside Alastar and Sebastian. If the master got him again, Dobry wasn’t sure he could live through it.

Time seemed to stand still as they ran. Dobry could see the water splashing around their legs. His heart hammered in his chest. He was starting to get winded, and he knew it. He wasn’t in the condition to run at long lengths.

“Sebastian,” he said as he reached out for the man, “I can’t—I’m gonna—”

Dobry yelped as he was instantly swept up into Sebastian’s arms.

He quickly wrapped his arms around the man’s neck and held on for all he was worth as he tried to keep a hold of his fragile control, which was quickly slipping away.

Glancing past Sebastian’s shoulder, he could just barely see the edge of the little sandy outlet where their car was parked. Several men milled about, but none of them seemed to be in pursuit. Dobry patted Sebastian’s shoulder to get his attention.

“Sebastian, they’re not following us,” Dobry said, pointing.


Dobry grunted when Sebastian suddenly stopped and looked over his shoulder. He could feel the man’s chest rising and falling with his rapid breaths. He didn’t seem as winded as Dobry felt but close to it.

Alastar bent over and rested his hands on his knees, his breathing as heavy as Sebastian’s. “I don’t think they saw us.”

“Well, they certainly seemed interested enough in the car,”

Sebastian said.

Dobry suddenly thought of all of his foster mother’s things that he had in the car. His heart ached thinking they might be damaged. He hugged his blanket closer to his chest. At least he still had that.

“Can you call your friends?” Alastar asked as he stood up and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. Sebastian took the phone and handed Dobry over in exchange. Dobry looked up to find Alastar staring back down at him.

“Hey,” Dobry said weakly.

Alastar smiled. “Hey.”

Dobry couldn’t resist the grin on Alastar’s face. “Come here often?” He snickered.

Alastar chuckled. “Not too often, but I think I might enjoy it now that I have someone to share it with.” He jiggled Dobry a little in his arms as he glanced around the river and the tree-lined shore. “What do you think, Dobry, picnics along the riverbank? Skinny dipping in the summertime?”

“Skinny dipping?” Dobry choked. The image of Sebastian and Alastar running around naked on the shore of the river had an effect on Dobry’s body that he hadn’t felt in a very long time. It aroused him and made him wish that summer was already here.

“Sure,” Alastar replied. “There’s nothing like the feeling of cool water on your naked skin on a sunny summer afternoon. Haven’t you ever been skinny dipping?”

“Uh, no.”

“Well, we’re just gonna have to fix that, now won’t we?”

Before Dobry could answer, Sebastian stepped over to them and snapped the cell phone closed. He held the phone out to Alastar and reached for Dobry. Alastar hesitated for a moment as if he didn’t want to give Dobry up, then slowly handed him over.

Dobry wrapped his arms around Sebastian’s neck and glanced back at Alastar. The man’s face had fallen. He looked saddened but in a way that Dobry didn’t quite understand. Dobry reached a hand out to him.

“Maybe later you can tell me more about summertime skinny dipping?”

Alastar smiled and gripped his hand. “I’d like that.” He looked over at Sebastian. “So, what did your friends say? Can they help us?”

Sebastian nodded. “Zac said he and Aiden would get to us as soon as they could. In the meantime, they want us to huddle down and hide. They’re going to come down the riverbank in wolf form so our friends,” Sebastian gestured to their pursuers, “won’t see them.

Alastar nodded as if he understood. Dobry didn’t have a clue what that meant. Dobry felt a warm glow flow through him as he realized that no matter what the situation, Alastar and Sebastian would protect him from any and all harm.

He’d never had that before, someone who cared for him and protected him, at least not to this degree. Dobry buried his face in Sebastian’s neck as tears prickled the corners of his eyes. He suddenly felt overwhelmed by the emotions swamping him.

Alastar and Sebastian seemed to want to give him so much, and they asked for nothing in return. They even went out of their way to make sure that Dobry felt comfortable. How could he deny them anything?

If they wanted him in a physical manner, how could he possibly say no to them? He knew they wouldn’t hurt him, that they’d be as gentle as possible. Surely he could endure long enough to give them what they wanted? He’d been through so much worse.

With a sense of conviction, Dobry drew in a deep breath and forbade himself to tremble at his new resolve. He’d suffered horrible things at the hands of the master and his goons. He could give himself into the hands of Alastar and Sebastian much easier. They, at least, seemed to care about him.

“Where are we going to hide?” Dobry asked.

Sebastian and Alastar both glanced around them. There wasn’t much, a sandy beach, some rocks and bushes, and a lot of trees.

Dobry assessed the area as well. He’d gotten very good at finding small places to hide.

“There,” he said as he pointed to a small cluster of trees and undergrowth several feet from the water. “We can hide there.”

Sebastian carried Dobry closer, Alastar walking behind them through the water. Several large trees had fallen down, creating a small hidden cave covered by overgrowth and broken branches. It was just far enough from the water to be dry but close enough that their scent might be hidden.

“That looks perfect,” Sebastian said as he set Dobry on his feet.

“Let me check it out first, make sure there’s no creepy crawlies inside.”

Dobry was in full support of that idea. He’d felt enough things crawling over his skin while held in the shed to last him a lifetime. If Sebastian was willing to check the place out first, Dobry would take it.

“Are you going to be okay, little one?” Alastar asked as he stepped up to stand beside him. He stood close but not so close that they touched. Alastar seemed willing to give Dobry plenty of space.

“I’m good,” Dobry said. “I’ll be better when this is all done, but I’ll survive until then. I’ve survived worse.”

“You have, Dobry, and I am very proud of you,” Alastar said, much to Dobry’s astonishment. “A lesser man would not have made it through what you have. You’re very brave.”

“And you’re out of your mind,” Dobry replied.

“Why?” Alastar asked. “Because I believe you’re brave? A lot of people would have lost it after going through what you did. Not you, though. Not only did you persevere, you escaped with your mind intact. You’ve also found your mates and have the opportunity to live a long, happy, and healthy life.”

Dobry wasn’t sure he saw things the same way that Alastar did, but he couldn’t deny the man’s assumptions. He had survived what was done to him. He wasn’t sure he still retained his sanity, but he could string two sentences together.

He glanced over to see Alastar looking between him, where Sebastian went, and behind them. Alastar’s brow furrowed and his face filled with worry. Dobry made a decision he hoped wouldn’t come back to bite him in the ass.

He held his hand out to Alastar. “You can hold my hand if you’re scared.” At Alastar’s shocked look, Dobry shrugged. “Sebastian seems to think that holding hands or cuddling when you’re scared makes everything better.”

Alastar reached out and took the hand that Dobry held out to him.

“I couldn’t agree more. We find solace in the arms of our mates.

That’s the way it should be.”

“Why?” Dobry still didn’t understand this whole mating thing.

How could someone just accept another person into their lives because fate said so? What if they didn’t like each other? What if they didn’t get along?

“Let me try and explain it from Sebastian’s point of view.

Sebastian is a Delta. He emits a pheromone that draws other werewolves to him like bees to honey. Because of that and the duties he has to perform as a Delta, he’s basically ostracized from werewolf society. He doesn’t have friends, family, or anyone he can go to for comfort and care.” Alastar’s gaze went to the trees and bushes that Sebastian had walked into. He grimaced. “He doesn’t have anyone to care for him, to love him. So, fate chose two mates for him, us, to give him solace. Without us, he’s all alone.”

Dobry frowned. “What about his family? I know his parents are dead, but doesn’t he have aunts and uncles, cousins?”

“He might, but the moment he came of age and took over his duties as a Delta, he was pushed away from his family. He’s not even allowed to attend regular werewolf functions because of the pheromones he emits. He could cause a riot when other werewolves try to get to him.”

“That’s horrible,” Dobry whispered.

“It is, but fate balances that out by giving him two mates. It’s our job to give Sebastian a home, someplace to come back to when his duty to the council is done. Fate wouldn’t choose mates for Sebastian who couldn’t give that to him.” Alastar smiled and held up their clasped hands. “It chooses mates who each bring something to the relationship. We each have something that is unique to us and makes us perfect for each other.”

“What could I possibly have that is unique?” Dobry scoffed. “I can barely stand to have anyone touch me let alone do anything more.

All I’ve brought to this relationship is more problems. I think fate screwed up this time.”

“I disagree, Dobry,” Alastar said. “I think fate brought someone to both Sebastian and me who is just about perfect for us.”

“How can you say that?”

“Did you know that Sebastian is a virgin?”

Dobry’s mouth dropped open. “What?”

Alastar nodded. “Sebastian is a virgin. He wanted to wait until he was with his mates before he gave that gift away. He has a very strong sense of how things should be between mates.”

“And what does that have to do with me?” Dobry asked. He pulled his hand away from Alastar’s grasp and started pacing. “Do you know what they did to me while they had me? Do you know the things they made me do?”

“I have a pretty good idea, yeah.”

“I’m tainted goods.” Dobry laughed harshly. “I hate to say this, Alastar, but fate fucked you over. It gave you an angel and a devil, heaven and hell.”

“Fate gave me exactly what I needed, a man who has experienced too much to believe in love and a man who has experienced nothing of love. Hopefully, I can teach you both that what we have is worth fighting for.”

Dobry’s brows drew together in an agonized expression. “You’re crazy, off your flippin’ rocker,” he whispered.

The beginning of a smile tipped the corner of Alastar’s lips. “I may be, but I’m okay with that if it means I get to have both you and Sebastian.”

“You know I can’t…” Dobry managed to reply through stiff lips.

“I know, baby, and I would never force you to do anything you don’t want to,” Alastar replied. “I just hope that, in time, you will give Sebastian and me a chance to prove to you that not all intimacy between people is bad. It can be very nice, in fact.”

“I saw what you did to Sebastian,” Dobry whispered as images of the two men on the sandy ground filled his mind. “His face, it was—it was—” Dobry shook his head. “He looked like he was in pain.”

“That wasn’t pain, Dobry.” Dobry jumped around, startled to hear a voice speaking from behind him. He found Sebastian standing there, a slight smile on his lips, his face flushed with color. “He wasn’t hurting me.”

“You said that, but—”

“I swear on my life that Alastar wasn’t hurting me,” Sebastian said. “That look on my face wasn’t pain, Dobry, it was pleasure.”

Dobry frowned. “You liked it?”

“I already told you that back in the car,” Sebastian said. “But I don’t think you’re going to believe me until you experience it and find out that stuff like that can bring as much pleasure as it does pain.

It just depends on who you’re doing it with.”

Sebastian and Alastar had tried to explain this to Dobry back in the car, but he didn’t believe them then, and he didn’t believe them now. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared both men down.

“Fine, prove it.”

“Prove it?” Sebastian’s eyebrows shot up nearly to his hairline.

“Here? Now?”

“Yes,” Dobry replied. “You keep saying that it’s different when you’re with someone who cares. You keep saying that both of you care. Prove it.”

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