Mating Games (9 page)

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Authors: Stormy Glenn,Joyee Flynn

Tags: #Romance, #Vampires

BOOK: Mating Games
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Dobry expected either of his mates to laugh at him or say that this wasn’t the time or place. He didn’t expect Alastar to step forward and grab his hand, pulling him into the little cavern of trees and bushes that they’d found to hide in.

His mind reeled as Sebastian sat down on the hard ground and Alastar directed him to sit between Sebastian’s legs. Dobry cautiously took a step forward and sat down between Sebastian’s muscular legs.

He leaned back, feeling the man’s hands gently settle on his waist.

Alastar knelt down in front of him. “If I do anything you don’t want, or if you’re uncomfortable at any time, you just say something, okay? Sebastian and I want this to be an enjoyable experience for you, not a frightening one.”

Dobry nodded but still couldn’t keep from shaking when Alastar reached for the waistband of his pajama bottoms. Alastar moved slowly, giving Dobry plenty of opportunity to stop him.

“Well,” Alastar said as he viewed Dobry’s limp cock, “this won’t do. This won’t do at all.” He reached down and gently touched Dobry, the first kind touch Dobry had felt there in weeks, if ever. “We’re just going to have to fix it.”

He was so matter of fact that Dobry started to laugh. Alastar acted as if this were just an everyday occurrence instead of a life-altering one. Still, after all of that, Dobry wasn’t prepared when Alastar took the organ into his mouth and started gently sucking.

“Holy fucking shit!” he exclaimed as he arched back into Sebastian’s chest. That was nothing like the hard grabbing and pulling he’d experienced at the hands of Alpha Rodrick and his Betas.

“Just sit back and enjoy it, baby,” Sebastian whispered in his ear.

“Alastar’s going to take good care of you.”

Dobry was kind of coming to the same conclusion. No wonder Sebastian had made funny faces and cried out when Alastar was on his knees in the sand. The man’s mouth was extraordinary. Dobry could feel himself harden right up, his cock filling Alastar’s mouth.

The harder he became, the harder Alastar worked.

Dobry was positive he was going to lose his mind and then he felt Sebastian’s hands move over his chest, gently pinching and caressing his nipples and abdomen. That only inflamed Dobry more.

He didn’t understand the heat building in his body, was afraid of it, in fact. He’d never felt anything like it. It didn’t hurt exactly, but the pressure was unimaginable. It made him ache. It made him want.

It made him squirm, trying to get more.

His hands curled around Sebastian’s arms. He needed something to hold on to, something to ground him. He ended up using them as leverage so he could thrust his cock into Alastar’s hot mouth as he cried out.

Sharp canine teeth sank into Dobry’s neck at the same time that he exploded into the most intense orgasm he ever remembered having, not that he’d had that many—like two. And those were from strangers in the backrooms of bars.

The mouth clamped around his neck sucked at the same time the mouth around his cock did. The two were connected. Dobry could feel that, like an invisible rope inside of his body between his neck and his cock.

His body was so sensitive, he could feel the very air brushing across his skin. Dobry couldn’t move, melted as he was. He just lay there panting as Alastar slowly lifted his head and leaned in to gently kiss him.

“Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Dobry shook his head, unable to put into words exactly what he was feeling. He knew he must have made quite the picture, though.

His skin was flushed, his legs spread open wide to reveal his spent cock. He didn’t even have the energy to cover himself.

“Now, I need you to do something for me, Dobry,” Alastar said as he scooted closer and reached for his zipper. “I loved what I just did to you, and I hope you enjoyed it just as much.”

Dobry nodded quickly. He wasn’t going to lie about it. He had enjoyed it. He more than enjoyed it. He wanted more, which scared him as much as it excited him.

“There is a slight side effect to doing something like that when you’re with someone you care about,” Alastar explained as he unzipped his pants and fished his cock out.

Dobry’s eyes widened, and he gulped when he got a good look at the engorged shaft. He glanced up at Alastar quickly, afraid that the man wanted him to suck it. Alastar shook his head as if he could read Dobry’s mind and took his cock in hand.

“You don’t have to do anything but lie there and let me look at you.”

Dobry thought his eyes had widened to their limit. He was wrong.

They widened even more at Alastar’s words. The man didn’t want anything from him? When Alastar winked, Dobry arched an eyebrow at him.

“There is something you could do for the sexy man behind you, though.”

Dobry looked over his shoulder at Sebastian. The man’s jaw was clenched tight, his eyes blazing with repressed passion. It was hard for Dobry to tear his eyes away from the look in Sebastian’s eyes, but he was curious as to what Alastar meant.

“Just remember that you can stop this anytime you want,” Alastar said. “All you have to do is say something, okay?”

Dobry nodded.

“Sebastian, would you lift Dobry up for a moment?”

Dobry yelped when Sebastian grabbed him by his hips and lifted him right up in the air. He had no idea what Alastar was doing, but he heard the sound of a zipper going down. A moment later, Sebastian lowered him back down.

Dobry stiffened and started to pull away when he felt Sebastian’s hard cock press against his back. Alastar’s hands instantly caressed him, soothing him until he relaxed.

“It’s okay, baby, Sebastian’s just going to put his cock between your legs. He’s not going to come inside of you unless you ask.”

Oh yeah, like that was going to happen.

“Now, close your legs around him as tight as you can,” Alastar directed.

Dobry closed his legs, frowning when he felt something slick and hard between them. He glanced down, surprised to see Sebastian’s cock glistening in the low light of their little cave. A quick look up at Alastar had the man chuckling.

“He’s lubed up for easier movement.”

Dobry nodded like he understood. He didn’t, not until Sebastian started moving. He quickly caught on and tightened his thighs around the man’s cock. The tighter he squeezed, the harsher Sebastian’s breathing became until it worked into a full moan.

Sebastian’s hands dug into his hips, and the man lifted him up and down, thrusting his cock in and out of Dobry’s legs. Dobry reached down and lightly caressed the head of Sebastian’s cock. He wasn’t sure if that was the thing to do until he heard a loud roar behind him and wet cream filled his hand.

He was surprised to find his own cock filled again, sticking up from his groin, just inches from Sebastian’s cock. Out of curiosity, Dobry scooped up a bit of Sebastian’s hot seed and rubbed it over himself.

Shock rocketed through Dobry when his balls suddenly tightened up against his body. He stroked himself again, his breath catching in his throat as pleasure ripped through his body. He couldn’t keep himself from doing it more, doing it quicker.


Dobry’s eyes snapped up. Alastar was watching him as he stroked his own cock. His eyes weren’t on Dobry’s face, rather the movement of his hand. The faster Dobry stroked, the faster Alastar did.

It was like a chain reaction. Dobry cried out, ropes of seed shooting from his cock to mingle with Sebastian’s. Before his cry had even finished, Alastar bellowed out his own release, shooting all over Dobry. He stroked his cock a couple more times, then fell forward to rest on his hands, his body hovering over the top of Dobry’s.

Alastar panted several times and then grinned. He reached over to wipe away a small drop of cum off Dobry’s cheek, licking it off his finger. “And that, my dear mate, is what it feels like to be with people who care about you.”

Chapter 6

“You all about done in there, or do you need a few more minutes?”

Alastar growled as he quickly turned toward the voice he could hear behind him. He put his body between Dobry and Sebastian, ready to take on whoever stood outside their little love nest.

“Zac, you son of a bitch,” Sebastian shouted from behind Alastar,

“have you ever heard of privacy?”

“Have you ever heard of
there’s a time and place for everything

Zac replied. “This isn’t it, dude.”

Alastar heard rustling behind him and realized that Sebastian was getting dressed. He quickly did the same and then turned to help Dobry pull up his pants. The man seemed a little melted, which thrilled Alastar.

He wanted Dobry melted. It meant the man was relaxed and had enjoyed himself, which had been Alastar’s intention. Sexual relations between mates were wonderful. Alastar may have just been mated, but even he knew that.

Once everyone was dressed, Alastar grabbed Dobry’s blanket and held it out to him. The man seemed to have a strong attachment to the battered fabric. “Here, baby, you don’t want to forget this.”

“Thanks,” Dobry whispered, his face burning.

Alastar couldn’t have that. He reached over and cupped Dobry’s face in his hand, raising it up so he could look into the man’s eyes.

“Hey, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I imagine we’ll get caught fooling around plenty of times.”

“It’s not that,” Dobry replied, pulling away to drop his gaze down to his chest.

“Then what is it?” Alastar asked quietly, wanting to keep their conversation between the two of them. “Did you not want to do what we did?”

“No, no, that was fine,” Dobry replied. “It was better than fine, actually. It’s just—” Dobry held up his blanket, not meeting Alastar’s eyes. “I’m a full-grown man. I shouldn’t have a blanky. What will people think?”

“Who gives a fuck?” Alastar chuckled. He grabbed the blanket and tucked it into Dobry’s arms, pulling the edge around his shoulders. “If you need a blanket, it’s no one’s business but yours.”

“You don’t think it’s weird?”

“Dobry, I’m a vampire. I drink blood to stay alive. I doubt there is anything you could do that I would find weird.”

Dobry smiled and pulled his blanket closer to his chest. Alastar started to turn away when Dobry’s face suddenly paled, and he reached out a hand. “Dobry?”

“You have to feed,” Dobry said. “Don’t vampires need to feed?

Why haven’t you? Will you die if you don’t feed? And what about the sunlight? Don’t you, like, burst into a ball of flames when sunlight hits you or something? Can you eat garlic?”

Alastar laughed. “Yes, I have to feed but not too often. I’m good for a while, and before you ask, I do not kill those I feed from. That is forbidden. If you do, they send out enforcers like Sebastian to hunt us down. We’re not allowed to kill unless we are defending ourselves.”

“And the garlic? The sunshine?”

“I love garlic, especially with a little olive oil and fettuccini,”

Alastar replied. “Sunlight turning us into balls of fire is just a myth.”

“Can you die?”

“Of course,” Alastar replied. “We may be a little harder to kill than the average person, but we die just like anyone else, especially if you cut our heads off.”

Dobry shuddered, his face going a little green. “Okay, that’s a fairly nauseating thought.”

“Glad you think so.” Alastar chuckled. He started to turn and head out of their little tree cave when he felt Dobry’s hand on his arm. He turned to look down at the smaller man.

“Thank you for—” Dobry gestured to where they had all been lying. “It was—it was—well, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

Alastar patted Dobry’s hand. “Any time, Dobry, and I mean that.”

He wiggled his eyebrows until Dobry laughed. “Anytime.”

“And wouldn’t you be surprised as shit if I took you up on that offer,” Dobry said as he pulled away and walked past Alastar.

Alastar’s jaw dropped as he watched Dobry saunter out to join Sebastian and his friends, his hips moving seductively. He wasn’t sure he’d ever have Dobry pegged. One minute the man was afraid of his own shadow, the next he was making sexual innuendoes. He was adorable!

Alastar chuckled as he followed Dobry outside, stopping suddenly when two sets of strange eyes turned to look at him. His hackles immediately rose when he saw how close the brown-haired man stood to Sebastian. It was too close as far as he was concerned. He reached over and grabbed Sebastian’s arm, pulling his mate away from the man.

Sebastian just chuckled. “Aiden, Zac, I’d like you to meet my mate, Alastar.”

Alastar stared at the hands held out to him for a moment, then shook them both. He felt like an idiot. Sebastian was his mate. Alastar shouldn’t be jealous of his friends. Still, he felt better when Sebastian stepped closer and leaned against him.

“And this gorgeous little guy,” Sebastian said as he grabbed Dobry and pulled him over to stand between them, “is our Dobry.”

“Hello, Dobry,” Zac said gently. “My name is Zac. I guess you could say I’m the Alpha of this little crew.”

Dobry shrank back from the hand Zac held out. Alastar immediately stepped closer to give Dobry his support. “Not all Alphas are bad, Dobry, remember? Just like all vampires aren’t bad,” he said softly. “Besides, do you think Sebastian would introduce you to anyone he didn’t trust explicitly?”

“No, I guess not,” Dobry replied, but he still didn’t take Zac’s hand.

“So,” Zac said, dropping his hand and stepping back to stand next to Aiden like nothing was wrong, “want to tell me what kind of trouble you’ve gotten yourself into this time, Sebastian?”

“Psychotic Alpha bent on skewering my ass to the wall and stealing my mates away.” Sebastian shrugged. “Pretty much the usual thing.”

Alastar snorted, getting a glare from Sebastian in response. “You don’t think it’s a little more involved than ‘pretty much the usual thing?’”

Sebastian rolled his eyes. “The council called me in because Alpha Rodrick had kidnapped a human, Dobry. I was sent in to investigate. Apparently, the Alpha didn’t believe my cover story and knocked my ass out, tossing me into a shed with Dobry.”

“And?” Alastar asked when Sebastian stopped speaking.

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