McDonald_SS_GEN_Nov2014 (12 page)

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Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #Romantic Suspense, Holiday

BOOK: McDonald_SS_GEN_Nov2014
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“Thanks for asking the questions that way. I promise I will always try not to worry you about what I do. Truthfully, I hadn’t really thought everything through yet. Tomorrow I might not feel as emotionally beat up as I do today. At least this time nobody died. I’m reminding myself to be grateful you’re alive.”

“Oh Megan. . .you can’t keep thinking you’re invincible. You did everything you said you were going to do. And I know I can’t ask you to be something other than what you are. But you do need to learn to enjoy your successes more. If you beat back the bad guys, you need to celebrate, damn it.”

“Kendra said nearly the same thing. But sometimes even a person’s best isn’t good enough.”

Nicolas lifted a hand to her face. “That’s the thing you need to work on first. What you are is good enough for me. Make it good enough for yourself. I wouldn’t change a thing about you—not one thing.”

Megan blinked back tears. He was always so damn sincere. “Really, Dr. North? I’d change some things about you if I could.”

Nicolas didn’t know whether to glare or fight the stupid head restraint to kiss the smirk off her face. “Really? What exactly would you change about me?”

Megan smiled at the irritation in his voice. He was so easy to tease—and way more fun than David. “Not a single thing. I was just kidding. But when I told Kendra you were perfect, she laughed her ass off. I always feel like she’s keeping some sort of secret from me.”

Nicolas stared at her dancing eyes in wonder. She constantly took him from anger to elation in two seconds flat. No wonder he never got bored. There was no time. “You told your best friend I was perfect? Really?”

Megan nodded. “Yeah. . .pretty much. You’re nearly always nice, have a hot body, and are very talented in bed.”

“Are you just being nice because I’m hurt? Don’t be telling me all these great things and then taking them back tomorrow when we end up stuck in my apartment together for a couple of weeks. You could barely stand riding on the float next to me for three hours. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like living with you. I expect it’s going to be like being trapped with a prowling tiger.”

Megan laughed at his complaining and leaned in for a kiss. “No. I’m not kidding. You are perfect. If it’s okay with you, I’m also going to tell David you’re my fiancée as soon as I see him. Do you think you can use your phone to take a picture of his shock? I still need to get even for the slutty Mrs. Santa outfit.”

“I’m not keen on the idea of him finding out. Hearing about our engagement is going to escalate the big brother talk he keeps threatening. He gets all macho and crap. I have to dig deep to hold him off.”

“My perfect geek is the perfect hero,” Megan said, patting his cheek gently. “Let me take care of my brother. So when do you want to get hitched? If you’re not worried about my therapy, we might as well set a date so people can start getting used to it.”

Nicolas thought. “How about Valentine’s Day? I know a couple of months is not very long to plan a whole wedding, but I’m ready as soon as we can get it done.”

“Are you kidding me? I could probably get it set up in a couple of weeks instead of months. Mom would help me just to laugh the whole time. If I gave Kendra permission to run wild, she could do it in a week. She’s way more organized than I am.”

Nicolas smiled. “Okay. The date is set. Can I ask David to be my best man?”

“Well, you can ask, but you’re way better than him. Why do they call it ‘best man’ anyway? The groom is the best man—or at least he should be. I guess I’ll ask Kendra to be my maid of honor, unless it’s going to bother her standing next to my stupid brother who refuses to marry her. He’s such a dweeb. But there’s really no other women in my life.”

Nicolas chuckled. “You know they still love each other, right?”

Megan smiled and nodded. “Yes. I know. But I don’t think they know anymore. Do you think people can forget how much they love each other?”

Nicolas grabbed her shirt and pulled her back into his arms to hug. “We’re going to set such a good example for them, David and Kendra will want what we have. Then they’ll have to make up to get it for themselves.”

“The two of them getting back together would be the best Christmas present ever—well except for us sleeping together under a Christmas tree. I think that would be great,” Megan said, leaning in for a kiss to seal their bargain.

“I knew there was an optimist hidden under all your cynicism. Look—don’t get too crazy optimistic about their reconciliation. This is your brother we’re talking about after all. David’s not as hard-headed as you, but he’s no pushover either. We may have to demonstrate romantic bliss for a month or two before he even catches on about what’s happening.”

Knowing Nicolas had to be hurting, Megan slid down into the chair beside the bed and put her head back in his lap again. She just wasn’t ready to stop touching him yet.

“Let’s change the subject. I don’t want to think about my dumb brother right now.

Nicolas snorted. “Okay. Can I ask another question? A slightly improper one, since there’s no one here to hear it?”

“Sure. Spit it out, St. Nick. You don’t have to filter yourself with me.”

“Okay. Great. Do you still have the slutty Mrs. Santa outfit?”

Her head popped up so she could glare. “Let me guess. You liked seeing me in skank wear, didn’t you?”

“Skank wear? No—not at all. But sexy outfits? Yes. If you want, you can wear the holster and gun again too. Makes it exciting. All I ask is you make sure there’s no bullets in the gun. We’ll call our Christmas costume party ‘Saving Santa’ therapy, and work on erasing the bad memories attached to the outfit now.”

Nicolas laughed as she hissed over his suggestion. At least she wasn’t brooding anymore.

“What? Does that bother you, Megan? You said not to filter. Look, I’m sorry. With your head in my lap, sex with you naturally popped into my head. You know I’m mostly teasing, right? I’ve not had a lot of practice teasing women, but I thought it was pretty obvious. I’d never make you wear something you hated, even if you did look drop dead sexy in it.”

Rolling her eyes, Megan sighed and stood. “Instead of St. Nick, your new nickname is going to be Bad Santa. You need to get your mind off sex. . .”

“Not happening anytime soon,” Nicolas declared.

“. . and I think I need to go find my family before I give in to the temptation to break something else on you.”

Nicolas grinned. “Please don’t. My girlfriend thinks I’m perfect just like I am.”

Megan leaned in and kissed him hard enough to cause pain when he moved his head to better fit his mouth to hers. His wince made her feel guilty, but she still laughed.

“Behave until I get back, Mr. Perfect. No flirting with the nurses to make up for being a shit. I still haven’t gotten over Tiffani with ‘i’ yet. Just let them check things and keep yourself covered, especially from the waist down.”

“I love you, Megan,” Nicolas said sincerely, grinning when his words halted her typical stomping exit. Her long-suffering sigh signaled upcoming retribution and was the best medicine he’d gotten since he was shot.

“I love you too, Nicolas. Get some rest and I’ll think about wearing the skanky dress for you. Whatever I decide about anything else, I promise I’ll be here next time you wake up.”

Nicolas grinned at her promise as he leaned his head back to sleep. He could finally rest because he absolutely knew Megan would keep her word.

As he fell asleep, it was with a smile on his face. His wedding was going to be a slapstick comedy when his sharpshooting tomboy tried to wear a dress and walk in heels.

He couldn’t wait.


Hope your holidays this year are filled with love and laughter!

Best Wishes ~ ~ Donna McDonald

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~ Donna McDonald

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