McDonald_SS_GEN_Nov2014 (8 page)

Read McDonald_SS_GEN_Nov2014 Online

Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #Romantic Suspense, Holiday

BOOK: McDonald_SS_GEN_Nov2014
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“We’re going to talk about this later,” he said, kissing her neck as he rocked against her more. Little groans echoed in his ears, making him throb painfully.

“I don’t know if I can get this to work for both of us this time, but it’s what I want more than I want air. If you try to run away before I’m done giving you an orgasm, you damn well better call your Marines buddies for backup. Your ass is mine and I’ll tie you to the bed if I have to. I’m going to finish making sure what you gave me completely and irrevocably belongs to me.”

“Nicolas. . .shut up with the macho talk and just kiss me. I’m not going anywhere and I’m not going to stop you,” Megan whispered, lifting her body instinctively to his with every smooth stroke he made. Now she knew why self-induced orgasms hadn’t been enough to satisfy her. The connection to another person changed everything. She was doubly glad she’d waited for the man panting above her as he waited for her yet again.

“The reality of us is better than any dream of you I ever had,” he said.

“Yes, but I think I like doing it harder and faster. And I really prefer the kind of passion that made you ram straight into me without thought when we started. Do you think you could just do that right now and we can play nice with each other some other time? I’ve been waiting all my life to make you crazy enough to do this with me. I want the passion more than I care how much it hurts.”

“Damn it, Megan.” Nicolas eased out and slammed back home, bumping her legs further apart and making her hips buck as he tried to give her what she wanted. Her shivering reaction made him a little crazy.

“Like that?” he asked, checking to see how shocked she was—and if he’d done it right. It wasn’t like any woman he’d known had ever asked him to cut loose. Hell, he’d never gotten past missionary position with any of them. Plus those short couplings had been no more satisfying than what he did for himself in the shower. But this—being with Megan—it was a vastly different experience and way more intense.

“Yes. God—do it
like that. Hard feels great,” she said.

She raised her knees higher as he repeated the action and went deeper into her.

Groaning as he swooped to attack again, Nicolas teased her mouth with his tongue the way another part of him was teasing her arousal to life again. Tension built between their bodies until Megan was clutching at his shoulders and bucking wildly to meet his thrusts. It was the first time he could remember feeling like his mind and body were focused in the same place at the same time.

What happened in the following five minutes was a frenzy of plunging and kissing unlike anything he’d ever known. Every experience paled in comparison to hearing the woman under him finally scream his name as her body tightened and vibrated against his long strokes.

He lost his mind a second time when he finally exploded in relief inside her, still stunned to know he was the only man who ever had. Yet, like a rutting beast with his mate, even when the climax was over, he still didn’t want to stop moving completely.

Mostly he didn’t want any of what he’d just experienced with Megan to end. He wanted to memorize the wildness they felt for each other. He wanted Megan to be glad she’d gotten her way when she talked him into being fierce with her.

Rising up on his elbows, Nicolas pressed his hips tight against hers as he studied her messy hair and glowing face. The l-word hovered on his tongue when she lifted a trembling hand and tapped his cheek. He was grateful in every cell to know there were no circumstances keeping him from being with her anymore.

“You sure look all happy and content. Do I get any brownie points for causing it?” he asked, trying to get her to talk about how she felt. He needed to know if she was okay.

“Having not done this before, I don’t know how to make polite after-great-sex conversation. I hate to say this St. Nick, but I don’t think once is going to be enough for me. We’re going to have to do this a few more times until I can look at you without wanting this again immediately.”

“Well, if we have to. . .” Nicolas snorted at his own joke. Then he kissed the fingers idly trailing down his beard roughened face. “Now you know exactly why I didn’t touch you all those years ago. I could have done this the first time I kissed you, but I’d have felt ten times the guilt. I’m still working through some of that—especially after actually being your first guy—even though my brain knows damn well age is no longer a factor. I can’t believe you waited to have sex all these years. But I was going to try everything I knew to make sure you finally had sex with me. I was waiting for you. . .to grow up. . .I guess.”

Megan shivered under turquoise laser beams, but she brought up her other hand to cup both his beard-roughened cheeks. “I didn’t exactly wait to have sex—I just didn’t have intercourse. I discovered taking care of my own sexual needs made it easier and less complicated to do my job as an MP. It would have sucked to have to lock up some guy I was involved with. And I didn’t know or understand why I was still putting the big thing off until I saw you again. You’re the only man who ever made me glad to be a girl. I can’t even think of a single man other than you I could do this with and actually enjoy myself.”

“So no regrets?” he asked. Her quiet swearing was immensely reassuring. It meant she was not embarrassed about anything they’d done.

“No, Dr. North. You were a sexy stud whose thrusting expertise made me forget my own name.”

“Now you’re mocking me for trying to be a sensitive and understanding guy,” Nicolas said.

Megan sighed. She needed to learn some tact. Snark was one of her worst faults. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I told you I don’t know how to do this. Tonight was amazing, even if it did hurt like hell initially. I’m glad next time we won’t have go through the hurting part again. Thank you for giving me my first shared orgasm with a man. There. Is that better?”

Nicolas shook his head at her honesty and touched his forehead to hers. “I ask for romantic reassurance and you give me a performance evaluation. What the hell am I going to do with someone like you in my life? You drive me crazy.”

Beneath him Megan laughed, but she also moved her hands to stroke and squeeze his butt before linking arms around his waist and pulling him closer. If there had ever been a moment in his life where he could die happy, this was it.

“I’m sorry I hurt you by going too fast at first, but not sorry for anything else. Next time you can be on top and show me how fast or slow you like to go. Women have more control in that position—or so I’ve read. Knowing you, I’m sure you’ll like being in charge.”

“Sounds like a good deal. How about we try to do this about a dozen more times in the next two days? I need to build some serious immunity to you before the parade. I don’t want my aim to be off because I’m daydreaming about boinking Santa. Now that I know how good it can be, I can see my lust for you being a more serious problem than I imagined.”

Laughter over her confession burst out of him and startled her into squealing before laughing too, probably because he was still buried inside her.

He gathered his giggling tomboy into his arms and promised himself to find a hundred ways to make her want to stay just where she was.

Chapter 7

“You were right about the stepfather. He’s now at the top of our suspect list. Turns out, he’s got a gambling addiction going on. Most of it is small shit like the casino boats, which he visits nearly every day. Since he has no income of his own, he might be trying to help his wife get a windfall she could share. Nicolas is wealthy through his business, and I happen to know he also has an unclaimed inheritance. If he were to die right now, his mother would probably get everything. That’s a powerful motivation.”

“Nicolas is not going to die.”

David watched his sister tighten the strap of the thigh-rig holster around one leg of the form-fitting yoga shorts she had on over red tights. The short red skirt of her Mrs. Santa outfit was held high and out of the way of her adjustments by her chin trapping the fur trim edge against her chest. With the Colt Rail Gun secured to her satisfaction, she practiced pulling it from the holster until she could do it with great ease. She left the safety off as she slid it back into the holster the final time.

When he offered Megan her choice of guns for her work with him, she talked him into dropping two large on the closest thing she could find to her Marine issued M45 desert gun. She said she needed her work version to have the longest sight radius and the most power she could get if he wanted her to hit anything as far away as fifty yards.

David shook his head. He was going to have to come to terms with her, but in Combat Barbie mode, Megan became a stranger to him. She lowered her voice, spoke in clipped tones, and had every single man who worked for him drooling and obeying her. Hell, married ones too. Not that Megan gave any of them any hope. Somehow she could garner all the male interest she wanted without showing a scrap in return.

Except when it came to one man who managed to make his baby sister smile just by walking into a room. Nicolas had picked her up from work last evening. She’d skipped out with a grin wearing butt-ugly hunting khakis paired with a dark green t-shirt. His best friend since college had looked at her like she’d been dressed in a negligee.

He’d been thinking for the last couple of days about his geeky, society smooth best friend who always had clean fingernails trying to hook up with his lanky, foul-mouthed sister who thought social graces were for weenies. His brain couldn’t figure out what they saw in each other. But it must be something strong…and something serious. He could tell Megan was on edge today. His gut told him concern for Nicolas was why.

“So did you and Nicolas get things straightened out between you last night?”

Gun secured to her satisfaction under her skirt, Megan dropped the fluffy idiocy of fabric and let it fall down over everything under it.

“If that’s a dirty joke, or some lame attempt to find out what’s going on with my sex life, I’m going to kick your ass, David.”

David snorted at the instantly issued threat. Her temper and lack of humor had always cracked him up. “Okay. Let me put this in a way your Nicolas-obsessed mind might actually be able to hear as the concern it genuinely is. Are you good to go with guarding him today?”

“I’m here and dressed in the slutty outfit you picked out, aren’t I?”

Megan walked to the dress box and lifted out the Santa hat. Its tail hung so long the white fur ball on the end bounced against her waist. At least it covered one breast. Pulling the hat on until it sat comfortably, she figured it didn’t matter how it looked since no one was going to see it well from the streets anyway.

She turned and winced, twisting her bad leg a little when a hand clamped onto her shoulder. Her brother was suddenly standing eyeball to eyeball with her. His serious brown eyes stared into hers.

“Look—I’m not trying to give you grief or make you talk about anything private. I’m just asking if you’re really okay. Try to believe I care about you for a half a second and tell me something to make me be less concerned.”

“You don’t have to worry. I’m going to be fine,” she said.

“Good. I’m saving the full brotherly interrogation of my sister’s boyfriend for after the parade. Since I’ve never had to worry about you and any man before, this is a little strange for me. I’m still adjusting to the idea of you and Nicolas.”

Huffing out a sigh, she nodded and tried to take what David said in the best possible light.

“Okay. I’m sorry. I am a little edgy today, but it’s under control.”

“Why are you edgy? Is he lousy in bed? I know Nicolas hasn’t had a lot of practice with women but. . .ouch! Damn it, Megan. You have one hell of a punch. And you have no sense of humor where he’s concerned.”

“Damn right I don’t,” Megan said, turning to the door when she heard a throat clearing.

A turquoise-eyed man in most of a Santa suit was grinning at her. Knowing Nicolas probably heard David’s comments about his expertise in bed made her face flame—because they certainly weren’t true—not that she was blurting out how good he was to her brother.

Nicolas had to fight to keep his eyes on Megan’s face and not let them drop to her fur lined cleavage. She was nine kinds of sexy in the outfit, but it was definitely not safe to tell her so when she hated it so much.

Maybe he’d buy her a better version of it after this was all over—one she could wear only for him.

“Defending my honor, honey?” he asked.

“Yeah. . .something like that,” Megan mumbled stiffly, glaring at her grinning brother. “I’m going to the bathroom to fix this stupid hat. If you say anything to Nicolas about me while I’m gone, I’m going to tell Kendra you contracted an STD from some skank. You know she will believe me.”

“That’s low. . .and not true. There have been no skanks in my life—ever. What the hell has you so grumpy today?” David demanded.

He and Nicolas both watched her stomp to the doorway of the lounge which Megan had sarcastically started referring to as ‘her office’.

“I’m not the one cracking stupid jokes at inappropriate times. My mind’s on catching a stalker. Change your career to being a comedian or take things a little more seriously today.”

When she disappeared, David turned to where Nicolas stood breathing hard. “Between the body armor and the Santa suit, you must be burning up,” he said in sympathy.

Nicolas snorted. “That’s not what’s got me hot. If you had just put Megan in a normal red dress like you said you were going to, she and I both would be fine. She’s worried about me and I’m worried about her, but our minds are on other things. I couldn’t be happier about some of those other things, but it’s bad timing, like she said. I tried to call off being in the parade. Megan and I fought about it for hours yesterday. I don’t think she’ll sleep with me again if I don’t go through with this. Her pride is bigger than her common sense.”

David ran a hand over his face. “So it’s true? You’re sleeping with my sister?”

Nicolas nodded. “Yes. Get used to it because I’m planning to continue. I’m also planning to marry her one day if I live long enough to talk her into it. You know how she is. It’s probably going to take me a few years to come up with a plausible reason she’ll accept.”

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