McNally's luck (6 page)

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Authors: Lawrence Sanders

Tags: #det_crime

BOOK: McNally's luck
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And charm? A plentitude! She had the rare faculty of making you believe she thought you the most fascinating creature on God's green earth. She listened intently, she asked pertinent questions, she expressed sympathy when needed. All with integrity and dignity. Can a woman be a mensch-or is that a term reserved for honorable men? If it is, then Lydia was a menschess.
I knew the Gillsworths had no staff of live-in servants but employed a Haitian housekeeper who worked thrice a week. So I wasn't surprised when the mistress herself opened the door in answer to my knock. She drew me inside in a half-embrace and kissed my cheek.
"Archy!" she cried. "This is nice! Guess what I have for you."
"An autographed photo of Thelma Todd?"
"No," she said, laughing, "a pitcher of pink lemonade. Let's go out on the patio. It's a super day."
She led the way through the Gillsworth home. It was decorated in the French Country style: everything light, airy, in muted colors. Fresh flowers were abundant, and the high-ceilinged rooms seemed to float in the afternoon sunlight. Overhead fans billowed gossamer curtains, and the uncar-peted floor, random-planked and waxed to a high gloss, reflected the antique bestiary prints framed on the whitewashed walls.
The patio was small but trig. It faced west but a striped awning shielded it from the glare of the setting sun. We sat at a glass-topped table and drank iced pink lemonade from pilsners engraved with a vine design.
She wasted no time with small talk. "Archy," she said, "I do wish Roderick hadn't consulted your father and you about that letter." She was as close to petulance as I had ever seen her. "It's so embarrassing."
"Embarrassing? Mrs. Gillsworth, through no fault of yours, you have received a very venomous message. I could understand your being concerned, but why should you be embarrassed?"
"Because I seem to be causing such a foofaraw. Isn't that a lovely word? I've wanted to use it for ages. The letter doesn't bother me; it's such a stupid thing. But I am upset by the disturbance it's causing. Poor Rod hasn't been able to write a line since it arrived, and now you've been dragooned into trying to find the writer when I'm sure there are a dozen other things you'd rather be doing. That's why I'm embarrassed-because I'm causing so much trouble."
"One," I said, "I wasn't dragooned; I volunteered. Two, there is nothing I'd rather be doing than getting to the bottom of this thing. Three, your welfare is important to your husband and to McNally and Son. None of us take the matter lightly. Speaking for my father and myself, we would be derelict in our duty if we did not make every effort possible to identify the sender. And only you can help."
"I don't see how I can, Archy," she said, pouring us more lemonade. "I haven't the faintest idea who might want to murder me."
"Have you ever been threatened in person?"
"Have you had any recent arguments with anyone?"
"What about some event in your past? Can you think of anyone who might have harbored a grudge, even for years and years?"
"Have you, however unintentionally, given anyone cause to believe he or she has been injured by you, insulted, offended, or even slighted?"
I sighed. "Mrs. Gillsworth, the writer of that piece of filth is obviously not playing with a full deck. Please think hard. Is there anyone amongst your friends and acquaintances you have felt, occasionally or often, might be emotionally or mentally off the wall?"
She was silent a moment, and I hoped she was obeying my adjuration to "think hard."
"No," she said finally, "I know of no one like that."
"What about a chance meeting with someone unknown to you? A clerk in a store, for example. A parking attendant. A waiter. Have you had any problems at all with people who serve the public? Any disagreements, no matter how trivial? Complaints you've made?"
"No, I can't recall anything like that."
I could not believe this woman was deliberately lying, but I found it hard to believe her denial of any altercation whatsoever with clerk, waiter, or bureaucrat. The world being what it is, we all have occasional disputes with those being paid to serve us.
I finished my lemonade. It was a bit sweetish for my taste. Lydia attempted to fill my glass again, but I shook my head, held a palm over the glass.
"Delicious," I told her, "but I'm fighting a losing war against calories. Mrs. Gillsworth, do you know of anyone who envies you?"
She was startled, then looked at me with a wry smile. "What an odd question to ask."
"Not so odd," I said. "You are an attractive, charming lady. Everyone in Palm Beach knows you are well-to-do, if not wealthy. You are happily married to an intelligent, creative man. Your life seems to be serene and trouble-free. You have a lovely home and you dress beautifully. It appears to me that there are many reasons why you might be envied."
That discomposed her and she showed her perturbation by standing suddenly to lower the patio awning farther so that we sat in warm shade.
"You know, Archy," she said, frowning, "it has never occurred to me that I might be envied. But when you list my blessings in that fashion, I can understand why I might be. But I assure you I have never heard anyone express anything that could be construed as envy. Oh, I've had compliments on my gowns or on the house, but those were just conventional social remarks. Nothing that suggested the speaker was jealous."
Then we sat in silence a moment. I was depressed by all her negative reactions to my questions. She had given me nothing, not a hint of a lead that might give direction to my discreet inquiries. She caught my mood, because she leaned forward and placed a hand lightly on my arm.
"I'm sorry, Archy," she said softly. "I really think you should drop it."
"No, ma'am," I said stubbornly, "I won't do that. The letter you received frightens me."
She gave me a smile that surprised me. It was an amused smile, as if she appreciated my concern but thought my determination excessive.
"Let me try to explain how I feel," she said. "And give you the reason why that letter doesn't terrify me. I don't know whether or not my husband spoke to you about my faith, but I believe deeply that life is but one form of existence and what we call death is another. I believe that when we die, we pass into another world as viable as this one but much more wonderful because it is inhabited by all those who have gone before. The soul never dies. Never! So corporeal existence is just a temporary state. When we give it up, voluntarily or not, we pass to a higher spiritual plane, just as a butterfly emerges from a cocoon. I am not trying to convert you, Archy; really I'm not! I'm just trying to explain why death holds no terrors for me."
I abstained from reminding her that the death promised by the poison-pen letter involved torture and agony; it would not be a peaceful passing to her higher spiritual plane. But I was curious. "Tell me, Mrs. Gillsworth, are there many people, do you think, who share your beliefs?"
She laughed. "Many more than you think, I assure you. I call them 'kindred souls.' That's a nice, old-fashioned phrase, isn't it? Oh yes, there are many who feel as I do. Right here in Palm Beach, as a matter of fact. A number of us meet frequently to discuss out-of-body experiences and attempt to communicate with those who have already passed over."
I hoped she didn't notice, but I came to attention like a gun dog on point.
"Oh?" I said, as casually as I could. "These gatherings-something like a club, are they? You meet at members' homes?"
"Not exactly," she said, seemingly gratified by my interest. "They're orchestrated by our psychic adviser and held in her home. Mrs. Gloriana. A wonderful woman. So sensitive."
"That is fascinating," I said, and it was because I now had a name. "Is she a medium? A seer?"
"Not a seer," Lydia said definitely. "Hertha doesn't attempt to predict the future or tell your fortune or any claptrap like that. But I suppose you might call her a medium. We prefer to think of her as a channel, our means of communication to the great beyond."
She spoke so simply and sincerely that I had no inclination to snicker. I am something of an infidel myself but I never scorn belief. If you are convinced the earth is flat, that's okay with me as long as it gives you comfort.
"And this is Mrs. Gloriana's profession?" I asked. "I mean, she does it for a living?"
"Oh yes. But don't get the idea that it's some kind of a con game. Hertha is licensed and bonded."
"But she does charge for her services?" I said gently.
"Of course she does," Mrs. Gillsworth said. "And why shouldn't she, since her talents are so special. But her fees are quite reasonable and she takes credit cards."
"Uh-huh," I said. "And these meetings-sort of like seances, are they?"
"Well. ." she said hesitantly, "somewhat. But there are no blobs of protoplasm floating in space or weird noises. We meet in a well-lighted room, sit in a circle around a table, and hold hands. To increase our psychic power, you see. Then Mrs. Gloriana tries to communicate with the other world. Her contact is a Mayan shaman who passed over hundreds of years ago. His name is Xatyl. Through him, Hertha attempts to reach people her clients wish to question. Sometimes they are famous people but usually they are relatives. I've spoken to my great-grandmother many times."
"And communication with the, ah, deceased is made through Xatyl via Mrs. Gloriana?"
"Not always," Lydia said sharply. "The contact fails as often as it succeeds. Sometimes the departed person requested is not available, or the line of communication is too faint to produce results because our combined psychic power that particular night is simply not strong enough to allow Mrs. Gloriana to get through to Xatyl."
"Incredible," I said, shaking my head, "and positively entrancing. Does Mrs. Gloriana provide private, uh, consultations?"
"Of course she does. But she'll warn you that the chances of a successful contact are less for an individual than for a group. Because the psychic power is usually not sufficient, you see. A gathering of believers with linked hands generates much more energy than one person."
That seemed reasonable to me. If you accepted the original premise, it even sounded logical.
"Tell me something else," I said, "and this is just idle curiosity on my part, but has your husband ever attended the meetings with Mrs. Gloriana?"
"Oh, Rod came to three or four," she said lightly, "but then he just drifted away. He never scoffed, but he never accepted the concept wholeheartedly. Rod's interests are more intellectual than spiritual. And he's uncomfortable in groups. He needs solitude to create."
"I can appreciate that," I said. "He has his work to do, and very important work it is, too." I stood up. "Mrs. Gillsworth, I thank you for your time and hospitality."
"You intend to continue your investigation?"
I nodded. "I can't promise success, but I must try."
"I haven't been much help, have I?"
"I'm sure you've provided all the information you possibly can."
"And you promise not to take this ridiculous matter to the police? It's really of no consequence."
I made no reply. She conducted me back through the house, then suddenly stopped and put a hand on my arm.
"Wait just a moment, Archy," she said. "I must show you something I brought back from Rhode Island for Rod's collection. I found it at a country shop near Woonsocket."
Roderick Gillsworth collected antique canes and walking sticks. In fact, collecting was an absolute frenzy in Palm Beach, and the more outre the collectibles, the stronger the passion. I myself had succumbed to the madness and was buying up every crystal shotglass I could find. The star of my collection was an etched Lalique jigger.
I had seen Gillsworth's collection before, and he had some beauts, including several sword canes, one that concealed a dagger, a walking stick that held a half-pint of whiskey, and a formal evening stick which, when one peered through a small hole in the handle, revealed a tiny photo of a billowy maiden wearing nothing but long black stockings and a coy smile.
The cane Lydia had brought her husband from Rhode Island was a polished, tapered cone of ash topped with a heavy head of sterling silver in the shape of a unicorn. It really was an impressive piece, probably about two hundred years old, and I longed to know what it cost-but didn't ask, of course.
I complimented Mrs. Gillsworth on her purchase and thanked her again for the pink lemonade. But I was not to escape so easily. She brought me that Eyelash begonia intended for my mother. I thought it should have been called a Godzilla begonia but thanked Lydia once again and lugged it out to the Miata. I drove home slowly, mulling over everything I had just learned. I am an amateur muller. I get that from my father, who is a world-class muller and has been known to ponder for two minutes trying to decide whether or not to salt a radish.
Mother was still absent when I arrived home so I left the monstrous plant on her workbench in the potting shed. I had plenty of time for my ocean swim before the family cocktail hour. It was while plowing through the murky sea that I had an idea which was absolutely bonkers. What if Mrs. Lydia Gillsworth had written the poison-pen letter herself and mailed it to herself?
I could think of several possible motives. (1) She wished to elicit sympathy from friends. (2) She wanted attention from her husband, who apparently spent most of his time cuddling with his muse. (3) She yearned for a little drama in a life that had become hopelessly humdrum. (4) She herself was around the bend and was now subject to irrational impulses.
A case could be made for suspecting Lydia as the culprit, but it fell apart when I remembered the similarly printed ransom note delivered to the Willi-gans. I doubted if Mrs. Gillsworth even knew the Willigans, and it was absurd to believe her guilty of swiping their cat.

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