Memory: Volume 1, Lasting Impressions, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) (85 page)

BOOK: Memory: Volume 1, Lasting Impressions, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)
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Creary’s brow creased.  “What is it, man?”  He glanced back over Darcy’s shoulder and saw Fitzwilliam watching closely while Elizabeth stood clutching his arm.  “Your wife seems ill.”

“My wife is attempting to retain her composure following your offensive behaviour.”  He snarled in a low tone.  “How dare you treat her as anything less than a lady!”

“She is hardly a peer.”  He sniffed.

“Neither am I, however we are both the children of gentlemen.”  His voice rose, and heads began to turn.

Creary glanced around, noticing the interest.  “Keep your voice down.”

“How long has your family held its estate, sir?  Mine was a gift from William the Conqueror.” Seeing that his point was made, he finished in a low growl.  “If you insult my wife again in any fashion I assure you, this matter will not be settled with words in a crowded ballroom.  I do not care about your age, and your position is meaningless to me.  You treated my wife as a common trollop when earlier you crowed over how pleased you were to have our company.  Your ball is the greatest of the Season?  Well, not to the Darcys, not anymore.”  He turned and walked back to Elizabeth.  “Come my love, it is time to depart this farce.”  Creary stared after them, his face colouring after receiving the rare set down.

Lord Matlock stepped by his side and cleared his throat.  “Damn fine man my nephew, would you not say, Creary?”  He turned and met his eye.  “I have no doubt what you suggested to my niece, and you are fortunate that Darcy is not a man of violence.  He could take you out in the blink of an eye.”  Creary started to protest and Lord Matlock held up his hand.  “You are too old and frankly unfit for this foolishness, Creary.  You deserve his disdain. I look forward to telling my wife this tale, she will get a good laugh out of it, and I love to hear her laugh.  I am sure that her friends will as well.”

Elizabeth took Darcy’s arm and mustering up all of the dignity she had, walked out with her head held high.  She remained silent and stiff, just as Darcy did, as they waited on the curb for their carriage.  It was not until they climbed inside and the door was firmly shut that she at last collapsed against his chest and began to cry.  “I am so sorry.”

“You . . .dearest you did nothing wrong.  It was he who is at fault.”  Darcy kissed her and wrapped her up in his arms.  “You are wonderful.  I love you.”

“I love you.”  She looked up to him.

“Will you tell me what was said?”  He asked softly and brushed her cheek with his fingers.  “Did he suggest . . .”

“Please Fitzwilliam.”  She whispered.  “Just know that I will never betray you.”  Darcy closed his eyes, his suspicions were confirmed.  “Especially with a man who insults my worthiness as your wife while questioning my devotion and your magnetism in nearly the same breath!” Her spirit began to revive in the safety of Darcy’s embrace.  “Overbearing old man!”

Darcy’s head tilted.  “My magnetism?”

“He suggested that you were dull and I would grow bored with you!”  She huffed.  “Well, I am too much of a lady to declare it in public, but if you are dull, I doubt that any woman could abide the demonstration from a man who he would term passionate!  I realize that I am no expert with these things, but my goodness, Fitzwilliam!  You arouse feelings in me that make my heart sing!  I can barely breathe after . . .” Elizabeth’s declaration was silenced by Darcy lifting her up onto his lap and kissing her.  When the carriage stopped before their home, the footman wisely did not open the door.  Instead he stepped several paces away and turned his back while waiting for his master to appear and hand down his dazed and dishevelled wife. 

“Let us finish our discussion inside, my love.”  He said quietly.

“I . . . I believe that you will make your point most effectively.” 

is my intent.” 



Chapter 30



arcy heard the front door closing and the sound of voices in the hallway, one being the soft tones of his wife.  He jumped up from his desk and hurried to meet her.  The servants disappeared and they were left alone.  Darcy took her hands and peered into her eyes, and saw instantly through the attempt she made to smile.  “You are exhausted.”“I am relieved to be home.”  She found herself drawn against his chest and gratefully sank into his embrace.  “Oh Fitzwilliam it was awful!”

“I am so sorry, dearest.  I thought that Alicia going along would help.”  He whispered into her hair.  “What happened?” 

“They were just relentless with questions.  Every house that we visited!  And it was not cruel or mean; most of them were tolerable in a superior sort of way, but at least accepting of the fact that we were married, but . . . oh Fitzwilliam, they made no bones of hinting that I am wholly unprepared for my position, and although it was not said, clearly they feel that you made a grave error by choosing me.”  She let the tears she had held in check all day to roll down her cheeks.  “I . . . I tried so hard.  I smiled and spoke of the subjects Aunt Helen gave me to discuss, but I certainly could offer no opinion about the fashions or the attractions of town, or even of the gossip, especially when gossip about us was a favourite subject, although they all expressed elation at your set down of Lord Creary and surprise with your impressive display of affection towards me.  But then there were all of the questions about our courtship and the veiled inquiries about our hopes for children.  I feel that I was a failure, and it reflects terribly on you.  Perhaps Lord Creary was correct in what he implied last night.  I am so sorry Fitzwilliam.  I . . . I will understand if you wish to rid yourself of me.”  She ended softly.

“Rid myself?”  He said incredulously, then slanting his head down to find her eyes, eventually resorted to lifting her chin up so she would look into his.  “Dearest, I am hardly going to tie a rope around your neck and lead you to the public square and auction you off, no matter how poorly you feel that you performed.  You are well and truly my wife until the day we are laid to rest at Pemberley.”  He gently kissed her lips then kissed away her tears.  “I love you for being yourself.  Please promise me that you will not ever become like them?”  He kissed her again.  “Now, I want to hear every detail of your trials.  Where shall we go?”

“As long as you are holding me, I do not care.”  She whispered and returned her head to his chest.  Darcy kissed her hair and hugged her, smiling to have her need his love.  “Shall we go upstairs?  We can rest for a little while before we have to dress for dinner at the Hurst’s.”  He chuckled to hear her groan.  “You forgot about the engagement dinner for Miss Bingley and her mysterious Mr. W.?”

“Another woman who wanted you.”  She said into his waistcoat.  “Is there one unmarried woman who wanted someone
than you in this town?”

“Ah, is that it?”  He chuckled.  “You faced the disappointed mothers today?  Were they lying in wait at the homes of the women you visited?”

Elizabeth drew back and her eyes flashed.  “YES!  Fitzwilliam, I know that you were quite the catch, but my goodness, were you at all aware of just how desired you were?”

“Yes I was.”  He said sheepishly and looked up to see her wide eyes.  “I certainly did nothing to encourage them, but first sons are few and far between, and there are more ladies than gentlemen . . .”

“That Miss Gannon . . .”

He interrupted quickly.  “Was nobody to me, Lizzy, only a pale likeness to the woman I dearly wished to love.  I did not even speak to her during our dance.”  Tilting his head he was relieved to see her satisfaction with his answer.  “Come, upstairs with you.” Darcy took her hand and they began to ascend the steps.  “So besides unhappy mothers, did they question anything else of you?”

“It seems that some of them are acquainted with Pemberley, they were friends of your parents and had visited when you were a child.”  He nodded as they walked down the hallway towards their rooms.  “Their descriptions of the house are far more fantastic than yours.  I know that you are not one given to conceit, but tell me, have you perhaps been a little . . . modest in what I am going to view in a few days?  Am I going to faint dead away to see this house appear beyond the trees?  I tried to respond by saying that the sight of the estate will be nothing to arriving there as your wife, and that seemed to quiet them.”  She saw his eyes warm with some unspoken pleasure and grew frustrated.  “Please tell me, are their words true?”

He opened the door to his bedchamber and ushered her inside, then turned the lock.  “You have seen the landscape in my study.”

“Fitzwilliam Darcy!  Are you telling me that I am to believe these horrible women over you?”  Elizabeth’s hands landed on her hips and she stared up at him.  “I AM unsuitable!  They know it!”

“Elizabeth DARCY!”  He said loudly, “Stop this!  I would never ever bring a woman who I felt was incapable to Pemberley.  You need some confidence in your ability.  I have it.  Where is yours?  Those women are jealous, here you are, not even eighteen, and the mistress of . . . Well, you will see.  Keep in mind that many of those ladies are still waiting for their fathers-in-law to die before their husbands inherit.  You already have a higher status than they.”  His lips twitched to see her head tilt and a satisfied smile come to her eyes.  Nodding, he pulled her against his chest and began to apply soft kisses over her face, while his busy hands ran down her gown and began to bunch and pull up the skirt.

Elizabeth attempted to quell the rising tension by becoming sensible.  “How exactly do you propose to remove this gown?  I cannot possibly change out of this without help.” Darcy let go and walked from the room while she stood with her arms folded and returned a long minute later, barefooted.  She heard a door close in the background and then she watched as he silently removed his topcoat and laid it on a chair.  “Fitzwilliam?” 

Staring straight at her, he unbuttoned his waist coat and removed it as well, then untied his neck cloth, unwound it, then neatly laid it on top.  “Ohhhh.”  Reaching up, she ran her hands over the bare skin.  “Do you know how much I love seeing your neck uncovered?” 

“Does it truly please you, dearest?”  He whispered and bent his head to nuzzle her throat.  She nodded, and barely noticed that his hands were wandering through her hair, working through the carefully arranged curls to methodically remove every comb and pin, until the great swinging mass was at last freed to drop around her shoulders.  Stepping back, he admired the sight, then lifting a handful of her heavy tresses; he brought it to his nose for a deep breath.  “So lovely.”  Turning her around, he pushed the curtain of hair aside, and deftly released the row of tiny buttons on her gown.

“How do you do that?  Your hands are so large!”  She whispered as he reached her waist then lifted his hands to push the gown down her shoulders so that it dropped to the floor.  “Piano lessons.”  He smiled.  “They made my fingers very nimble.” Gently he caressed his palms over her bare shoulders, and bent to breathe into her ear.  “Are you nervous, my love?  Surely you are not afraid of me.”

“No . . . I do not know why I am trembling . . .”

“Because we are soul mates, do you not feel my body trembling for you?”  He turned her back to face him, and lovingly kissed her lips while simultaneously reaching behind to untie her stays.  She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath.  “Is this uncomfortable?”

“Today it was.”  She smiled to see his curiosity.  “I am used to something softer.”

“Why the change, then?”

“I have an insistent modiste, now.”  Elizabeth laughed and he smiled, dropping the offensive garment to the floor.  He stood back and considered her.  All that was left were her chemise and stockings. It was extraordinarily arousing to see her so nearly bare, and he noticed that when he stopped his undressing, she began to tremble again.  Understanding, he set back to work.

“It is my turn now, I think.”  Taking her hand, he lifted it to his chest. “Will you help me?”

“Oh.”  She released the button at the top of his shirt, and watched it fall open, then caressing her hands along his wrists, opened the cuffs.  He raised his arms over his head, and she slowly pulled his shirt from his breeches, then helped him to lift it up and off, so that he stood bare-chested before her.  “I do not think I will ever grow tired of this view.”  Her fingers glided up his tightly muscled torso, becoming lost in the thick black nest of hair.  Darcy closed his eyes, and then opened them with surprise when he felt her lips press against his skin and felt a bolt of electricity when she licked his nipple; it was his turn to fight nerves, and moving quickly he reasserted control. 

“Dearest . . .  Come.”  Holding her hand, he led the way to the bed, pulled back the counterpane, and guided her onto the sheets.  Darcy remained standing and she watched with fascination as he lifted her leg and unrolled one stocking, then moved to the other. Holding the leg high in the air, he caressed both hands over it, and then bent to kiss her calf.  He lowered it gently, and taking her hand, rested it over his arousal. Her fingers caressed the hard shape then moved to free the buttons of the fall, and reached inside to draw him out.  Darcy’s eyes closed when her touch found his burning skin and in a flash his breeches were gone, and he was nude before her. 

“I love seeing your desire for me.”  Elizabeth whispered.  Caressing his pride with both hands, she sat up to fondle him, and he instantly was on the bed, by her side, and wrapping her safe within his arms. 

“Your trembling has stopped.”  He spoke softly as he kissed her face, her throat, then her lips.

“So has yours.” 

Darcy whispered, “I become undone when you touch me, Elizabeth.  I hardly know what to do with myself.”

“We are both shy, then.”  She smiled and he nodded.  “I think that makes me feel even more secure with you.”

“I cannot imagine being so open with anyone else, nor do I want to.”  He nibbled on her neck and she sighed, then opened her eyes suddenly to find his twinkling at her.  “I did not leave a mark, love.”  She sighed again as he smiled to himself. 
This time

BOOK: Memory: Volume 1, Lasting Impressions, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)
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