Mending (19 page)

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Authors: J. B. McGee

BOOK: Mending
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She rolled over onto her back and looked up into deep blue eyes.  He was even more gorgeous in the morning with his stubble and messy hair.  “
, I don’t

me neither.  But, you have school.” He leaned down and tugged on her bottom lip as he kissed her. “You can’t skip the first week.”

Gabby was dreading that she had school.  Maybe it wasn’t school so much, as maybe the distance.  At any rate, she knew she didn’t want to leave.  She wanted to be close to him.  “Ugh, I know.
  What did you have in mind for breakfast?”

“Well, for me, I’ll have you.”  He climbed on top of her.  “Then, I’ll get you whatever you want for breakfast.”

She laughed, “Sounds delicious.”

“It sure does.”

They had spent the early part of the morning making out and then they had showered again.  He took her to McDonald’s for breakfast.  It was nothing fancy, but it was still sweet.  He had ordered and fixed her hot cakes platter for her while she was in the restroom. 

He popped a piece of pancake into his mouth, “For McDonald’s and fast food,
sure do have good pancakes.”

, I know.  I love their pancakes.”

“So, I’ll see you this weekend, right?”

“I can’t wait.”

He reached over and wiped a little bead of syrup on her chin, “
And you’re coming to Atlanta, right?”

She blushed, “That’s what I thought we agreed to do.”

“It is, but just making sure you had not changed your mind.”

“Um, after last night Friday can’t get here fast enough.”

He grinned, “I couldn’t agree with that statement more.  You better hurry up and finish that or you’re going to be late for your class.”

Gabby frowned, “Do you know how hard this is going to be?”

“Yeah, but you’re worth it.  I hope you think I’m worth it.” He reached over and grabbed her hand.   He brought her knuckles to his lips and gently kissed them.

She felt like she would melt right then and there.  She still wasn’t sure what it was about her that made him want her so bad, but she wasn’t complaining.  He was everything she had ever dreamed about, in fact he was more.

“Oh, I definitely think you’re worth it.  I am worried about my car though.”

“Well, don’t.  If something happens to it, I’ll fix it.”

Gabby slumped, “Okay, I guess.  I’m not used to accepting charity.”

“Your boyfriend fixing your car is not charity.”  His proudly smiled while raising one of those naturally arched eyebrows.  “It’s what we do.”

Anytime he did that thing with his eyebrows it made
insides a mess.  Butterflies started pouncing around in her stomach, her head felt fuzzy, and all coherent thoughts were amiss. 
Combine that with the word boyfriend and she was unable to form words.  She just grinned.

“Say something.”


“Well, I consider you my girlfriend.  I wo
uld hope I have earned the title, in return

Gabby gulped.  “This is moving way faster than what I had planned.”

“Planned?”  He chuckled.  “You can’t plan things like this, Gabby Girl.
I had not planned on this at all.”  Shrugging his shoulders, “But, here we are.

“Yeah, here we are.” She mirrored his words.

“So, what do you say?  Not charity if your boyfriend fixes your car.”  He winked, “Which at this point isn’t even broken?”

She nodded her head and whispered, “Yes.”

“Good, now we have to get your car and get you on the road as much as I hate it.”

Gabby had mostly been playing with her food.  Her stomach was in knots and she had barely been able to eat anything.  She tossed her fork and napkin into the
platter on top of all the leftover food and before she could pick it up, he had reached across the table and put it on a tray.  He turned on his heel and disposed of the trash and put the tray on top of the trash can.  He was back at her side in an instant holding his hand out to help her get up from the booth.  When she placed her hand in his, he again kissed the top of her hand.  “Thank you for this meet in the middle date.”

She shyly smiled, “Thank you for suggesting it.”

He threaded his fingers through hers and walked her out to his car, opening the door for her.

arrived back to the Steak & Shake parking lot, he let her out of the car and pinned her to the side, both of his hands framing her.  Her breathing became more erratic and her lips curved into a flirty smile.  “What are you doing?”

“Kissing my girlfriend goodbye.”

“Oh…” and before she could say another word, his lips were on hers in a passionate,
all consuming
He slid his hand behind her curly hair and gripped her neck, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss.  She moaned into his mouth.  Completely lost in him, they forgot they were standing in an empty parking lot.  A beeping horn and someone yelling, “Hey, get a room!” caught their attention.  Bradley pulled back smiling his playful mischievous grin.  “We already did that.” He brushed her hair away from her eyes, leaning his forehead on hers.  “Do you know how much trouble I’m having letting leave?”


He closed his eyes and when he opened them his gorgeous blue eyes were fierce and determined.  “Go. 
  He dropped his arms to his side. 

Gabby reached up and tenderly kissed him one more time.  “Be careful.”

He turned and leaned up against the car where she had been, crossing his legs and his arms. 
“You, too, Gabby Girl.
  Call me when you get back so I know you arrived safely.”

“I will.”

He watched her as she got settled in her car.  She waved as she pulled out of the parking space.  He watched her until she made the turn back onto the interstate and was gone.  He shook his head and then climbed back into his car and headed in the opposite direction
on Interstate 20

One Week Later

Gabby had arrived home safely last Wednesday just in time for her class.  She had texted him to tell him she made it as she rushed into the building.  He had been so sweet since their mid-week meeting.  The weekend had been so special.  He cooked for her, brought her breakfast in bed, and he took her to the lake to meet Joe.  It had been one of the best weekends she had ever had. 

Now, it was time for the first therapy session.  The scheduling desk had called and said there was a cancellation.  Gabby had gone ahead and taken it because she was anxious to start mending the damage that had been done so many years ago.  Sam was stuck in classes and had told Gabby to go ahead and she would do her session later.

Gabby was waiting outside of Palmetto Health Richland Medical Building 3.  She looked around and took a deep breath.  As much as she had wanted to do this, now that she was here, the task of digging this stuff up had her in a near panic attack.  She tried to slow her breathing and her pulse.  She laughed at herself and thought,
we’ll at least we’re close to the hospital if I have a coronary.
  She put her keys in her purse and walked through the automatic doors and found the elevator. 

It took her to the 3
floor and she walked into a serene and peaceful office.  It was decorated in varying shades of sea blues.  There were two matching lush couches for waiting with a rustic white wooden coffee table in the middle.  The office was decorated in a classy beach theme.  There was calming waves crashing over the built in sound system.  Gabby walked up to the young girl, who looked to be a college student of the same age as her and said, “I’m Gabriella
, here to see Dr. Harrison.”

The girl smiled and pulled a clipboard with a stack of papers and a pen attached.  “I just need you to fill these forms out for us.
” She thumbed through the pages giving her instructions on where to sign and as she handed the clip board over to Gabby continued.  “
I don’t need your insurance card as the bill has been pre-paid, but I do need your driver’s license.”

Gabby put the clipboard down as she pulled her leather wallet from her purse and handed over her driver’s license, smiling nervously. 

“Thank you, you can just have a seat and make yourself at home while you fill those out and we’ll be with you shortly.  Can I get you something to drink? 
A water
or a soft drink?”

“Do you have Diet Coke?”

The girl beamed, “We do!  Can I get you one?”

Gabby relaxed slightly, “That would be fantastic.  Thank you.”

She spent the next fifteen minutes filling out the massive amount of paperwork.  She wondered if the doctor would even really read it before she saw her.  She was nervous just writing her history, she could only imagine how hard it was going to be to start actually speaking about it.

Within five minutes of Gabby giving the paperwork back to the receptionist, she was called back to a room.  There were large windows with a view of the courtyard in between the Children’s Hospital and the main hospital. 
The couches matched the couches in the main waiting area and the room was comfortable and calming.  Dr. Harrison was younger than Gabby had expected.  She couldn’t have been older than forty.  She was wearing a khaki pinstripe pants suit.  The jacket only had one button and pleated three quarter length sleeves.  Her auburn hair was cut into layers and was long and straight.  She was very attractive with inviting brown eyes.  She walked over to Gabby and shook her hand, “I’m Dr. Harrison,
must be Gabriella?”

Gabby stood to shake her hand and smiled politely.
“So nice to meet you.
  Please call me Gabby.”

She grabbed her chart and jotted a note.  Gabby was sure it was probably a note about her nickname. 

Dr. Harrison looked up with a pleasant smile.  “Ah, Gabby it is, then.  Have a seat.”
She motioned for the couch as she pulled a winged chair closer to the couch.  “So, let’s talk about why you’re here Gabby.”

“Okay.  My father was an alcoholic for starters.”

Dr. Harrison was steady taking notes on a yellow legal pad.  She looked up to Gabby interrupting her, “Was?”

“I don’t know or really remember him.  My mom left him when I was five years old.”  Gabby paused to see if she would ask another question.  When she didn’t, Gabby kept going.

“I don’t remember anything.  I don’t know why he left.  My sister, Sam, said he did something to me and I don’t know what.”

“And that is why you’re here?” Dr. Harrison empathetically asked quietly.


“What does your mother say about this?  Have you asked her?”

Gabby could feel tears prick the back of her eyes.  She tried to speak, but she knew she couldn’t without full out sobbing and opening flood gates.  She took another moment. 

Dr. Harrison reached and grabbed a box of tissues and put them beside Gabby.  She handed her the one.  “Take your time, Gabby.”

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