Merger (3 page)

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Authors: Heather Miles

BOOK: Merger
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I stepped onto the jet and took my seat. The cockpit opened and Mike, our corporate pilot, glanced back to inform me we were ready for takeoff. I threw him a thumbs
-up and I skimmed my hand over the seatbelt to make sure it was secure. Closing my eyes, I prepared for the initial butterflies that came with the climb.


Chapter 2



“Park and Fifty-seventh,” I said to the chauffeur as the car pulled away from the curb

I sat in the limo smiling like a kid on Christmas Day. I was fighting the urge to turn around in my seat for one more glimpse of her, but I didn’t want to be the movie cliché
—the sappy guy pining away for the beautiful girl, and man was she beautiful.

I couldn’t believe she was standing at my car when I walked out of the building
. Every curve of her locked in my mind: her silky brown hair, her lean stature, and the nape of her neck.

If I didn’t know better I would have thought it was a prank, but she obviously didn’t realize it wasn’t her car.
What good fortune.
I should have thought better of it, but I couldn’t resist the closeness, the smell of her. Her dress perfectly accentuated by the dip of her waist, the curve of her ass, her lean legs, and her shoes—expensive with shiny red soles; not an afterthought. She was tightly put together; no detail went unnoticed.

When I opened the door, I knew I’d captured, if for even a brief moment, something rare and beautiful
. It took a few minutes for her to realize her error, but she’d already laid out the details of her trip to Los Angeles. I almost felt bad when I spoke out about accompanying her to L.A., but I wanted to feel her eyes and attention shift to me. I was mesmerized and slid into the limo with the intention of entrapping her. Forcing the closeness I desired.

Caught off guard and unprepared for my singular focus, she looked away from me and down to her lap
. I caressed her chin and brought her eyes back to mine. They were as blue as the sea, sparkling and deep. She didn’t have much makeup on which only enhanced her beauty. She was stunning in every way imaginable. It was only a moment, but I’d never felt so drawn to any woman.
I’d known and been around some of the most beautiful women in the country, but something was different about her. She was gorgeous and sexy as hell, without any self-awareness. I didn’t know her, but I was as enamored as I had ever been.

I wanted to laugh
as she fumbled her amazing body across my legs to get out of the car. I should have moved to make it easier, but the closer she got, the more I remained fixed to the seat. The scent and sight of her tortured me. I was tempted to pull her down on my lap and eagerly thrust my mouth onto her supple lips, but for now I had to concede that it was time to release her. To her driver, to L.A., and whatever it held for her.

As she stepped out onto the sidewalk, I found myself reaching for her. I wanted to see her again and didn’t intend to take no for an answer, so I asked her for a date

She stood silently contemplating her answer. I obviously caught her completely off guard, but loved that I had some bewildering effect on her, and the little “Mexican standoff” only made her more interesting

I would have given her my number but I wanted her to submit. I wasn’t used to begging and didn’t intend to now. She didn’t have to give me her number
; her driver broke the deadlock with her name and a clear reminder that she had a plane to catch. I know she was taken aback by the turn of events, and my newfound knowledge of her full name—Kasey Blakely. I could see her recovery when she grinned and agreed to Saturday night.

The name Blakely should have registered with me instantly, but I was so lost in her that it didn’t. It wouldn’t be long in the day before I found out who she was and what she’d mean to me, but in the end
, it didn’t matter. All I could think was how I could make her


Chapter 3



I could feel the heat of the sun when I stepped off the jet. We’d finally arrived in L.A. The things that made it L.A. were always the same
: the marine layer that crept out just as the morning made its way from dawn, and the smell of the pacific intermixed with concrete that made for an interesting mix of work and vacation all wrapped into one.

I was greeted by a driver and
a sleek black limo from Crawford Enterprises. The driver was a tall, gangly man with piercing brown eyes, whose expression read “all business.” I didn’t know if he was naturally stoic, but greeted him in my usual upbeat demeanor.

“Good morning,” I said
. I’d been long trained by my mother that a simple smile could put anyone at ease. I’d practiced for years at being sincere, but found myself not discriminating and smiled even when better emotions escaped me.

“Good morning, Ms. Blakely
. I was instructed to take you to your hotel and then on to the office.”

“That would be great,” I said. “I’m staying at the Four Seasons. I’d love to freshen up a bit, and please call me Kasey. What’s your name?

“I’m David. I’ll be your driver while you’re here, so if there’s anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ve taken the liberty of stocking the car with San Pellegrino. I understand you like sparkling water, opposed to still. I hope I got my information correct?”

“Your information is correct. I am a big fan of the sparkle.” I tapped him on the shoulder hoping to create some levity. “I see you are a thorough man, and I for one appreciate the thoughtfulness. We’ll get along just fine.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, and opened the car door
. I slid across the sun-warmed seat, set my purse and computer bag next to me, than reached into my purse to retrieve my sunglasses. The door closed to my right and suddenly we were off. I looked out the window and watched the scenery change as we moved through the city towards my hotel.

The flight was long and even though I remained stagnant for most of the trip, my hair had lost a bit of its luster, my skin felt dry from the recycled air
, and my dress was wrinkled. I needed to do a quick once over and make the most of my post travel look.

We pulled up to the hotel and David moved around the car to open my door. I stepped onto the sidewalk and felt the instant rush of heat from the sun on my back
. I turned to follow David, but was halted in my tracks when he held up his palm. “I’ve got everything Ms. Blakely. You go on ahead and get checked in.”

“Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” he said, but still no smile. I surmised in that moment that my driver was going to be a tough nut to crack.

I entered the grand lobby of the Four Seasons and took in the beautiful furnishings
. My father was a Ritz and Four Seasons fan and while I liked the luxury they both presented, I had always found them to be a little stogy and old school. I wanted to be pampered, but I was also only twenty-six and liked hotels with a bit more edge.

I checked in and had just entered my suite when the door chimed and a young bellman stood eager to deliver my bags

“Good morning
, ma’am. I’ve got your luggage. Where shall I put it?”

“Valet stand for the big suitcase and the other bag beside it. Please.”

He walked past me and assembled my bags as I had requested. I looked him over and while he was nice looking and clean cut, I noticed both his ears were pierced. He wasn’t wearing earrings, but it made me smirk to think even the Four Seasons had succumbed to the current climate where piercing and tattoos were more of a norm than one wanted to admit and hiring meant relaxing old policies. He walked past me towards the open door.

“Thank you.” I said, handing him a twenty
-dollar bill. If I was nothing, I was an exceptional tipper. I understood what many didn’t…people were easily bought. Even the simplest of monetary gestures never went unnoticed and people became endeared quickly. Money was equal to loyalty in many ways, and I aligned myself with allies no matter where I was.

“You’re welcome,” he said, his voice an octave higher. “Anything you need at all, do not hesitate to ask
. I’m Casey.”

“Thanks Casey,
I appreciate it.” I smiled wider having heard his name and liking him even more for it.

As soon as the door closed behind him,
I quickly unbound my tired hair, tousled it liberally with both of my hands, and pinned it loosely on top of my head. A light application of powder and blush as well as the reapplication of lipstick and I was ready to head back out for my meeting. I wanted to stop by the coffee shop in the lobby to refuel. I probably needed to eat, but I was too anxious and decided against it.

I paid for
a coffee and made my way to the beautifully polished brass doors. I walked outside and David stood ready at the back door of the limo. He broke into a slight grin on my appearance and I knew I’d started to chip away at his tough façade—one smile at a time.

, Ms. Blakely?”

, sir!” I said, juggling my coffee and briefcase as I maneuvered to get into the car.

The car came to a stop, and I looked out the window. It was around
12:45 when we arrived at Crawford Enterprises. My meeting was scheduled for 1:00, but I wanted to arrive early. Punctuality was a pet peeve of mine.

The building stood glistening in the sun, mirrored and substantial. I thought it was a bit glossy, but it was L
.A.—big and glamorous. I had to admit, it was impressive.

David opened the door and I exited gracefully while trying to collect my things.

“Twenty-first floor, right?” I questioned.

“All the way to the top, Ms. Blakely.” He pointed his long finger to the sky and I followed it with my eyes

“Great. Thank you.”

I walked through the spinning doors to close the biggest deal of my life. I approached the security desk and gazed up into the eyes of a very large uniformed black man. He was bald, brooding, and about to bust the buttons on his shirt. He was a tall Mr. T., minus the ten gold rope chains and oversized pendants. I quickly shrunk under his commanding voice.


“Kasey Blakely, Crawford Enterprises.”

He scanned the list and crossed through my name. “Ms. Blakely, here’s your pass
. Please return it on your way out. The elevators are to my immediate right. Twenty-first floor.”

“Thank you.” I
grabbed the pass and headed towards the elevator.

After several stops on various floors, the elevator doors opened and I followed two fully suited men onto the executive floor of Crawford Enterprises. It was well appointed with rich leather seating, wall-to-wall windows and marble floors
. A stunning blonde at the receptionist desk greeted me warmly by name.

“Good afternoon
, Ms. Blakely. Mr. Crawford is expecting you.”

I smiled back and tried to hide my surprise at her knowledge of my name. Had everyone been briefed on me?
“That’s great!” I replied. “Thank you.”

She gestured with her hand and a slight tilt of her head to follow, so I stepped forward and we walked side-by-side down the long hall. The walls were lined with great oil paintings of various sizes and different scenes
, each one with an attached frame light at the top. I could picture in my head how incredible the hall would look completely dark with only the art lit. I admired my surroundings and knew that someone had put a lot of thought into every detail. I assumed that we were headed to the boardroom, but was surprised when we stopped at the open door of Mr. Crawford’s personal and very large office.

“Is there anything that I can get you Ms. Blakely?” she
asked softly under her breath.

, thank you.” I walked gingerly ahead and saw Mr. Crawford behind a massive mahogany desk. He was on the phone and I felt like an instant intruder. I didn’t know quite what to do with myself. I took a step back trying to exit into the hall, but he motioned with the wave of his large hand for me to sit in one of the chairs across from him. I didn’t want to disrespect his first gesture of me, but the view behind him was incredible. I pointed to the floor to ceiling windows that comprised an entire wall of his office. He nodded his head up and down and continued his conversation.

“I’ll see you at Mastro’s at seven for drinks, then dinner. Please be prompt.

There was a gap in his conversation, and whoever was coming to dinner, was now replying to his invitation
. “That’s great, son. I’ll see you at seven.” He hung up the phone and turned his attention to me.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. The receptionist brought me to your office.”

“As instructed,” he replied. “I thought it would be better to meet here; less formal. I’ve been anticipating your arrival. I hope the flight wasn’t too long?”

“Not at all
,” I reassured him. “I’m glad to be here.”

He spun around in his oversized leather chair, but remained still. I could feel the weight of his stare, like a heavy coat. He was sizing me up and I turned to meet his stare head-on. I started to walk back to the chair, across from his desk when he lifted his palm
, halting me mid-stride.

“Incredible view, huh?” He
gazed out the window. He rose from the chair and I was able to take in his height and stature. He had always been a challenging and lethal competitor, but if I didn’t know just how brilliant he was, I’d imagine the sheer presence of him would be enough to stifle the strongest challenger. He stood next to me and we both looked out to the cityscape below.

“Yes, it is.” I raised my hands to the warm glass

“Your father talks about you with great pride
, Kasey. He has every confidence in you.” I could feel his gaze upon me. “He never mentioned how beautiful you are?”

I felt a sudden flush of heat on my cheeks and struggled to control my blush
. “That’s very sweet. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I was talking to my son, Jake on the phone. He’s my youngest and most trying. If you know what I mean?” He smirked and shook his head. I knew instantly that Jake was the son
I’d read about and the one I’d be meeting for dinner. Thank God it included drinks, was my first thought. I’d known my share of arrogant assholes and wasn’t looking forward to meeting the youngest Crawford.

“We all have our challenges
,” I said, cheerily trying to hide my judgment.

“He’s great, but his priorities aren’t always where they should be
. He is one of my two sons, but it’s my oldest son Josh that’s going to help you run this corporation. Jake’s in marketing and it’s probably the best place for him. He’s quite the charmer.” He said, staring out at the Los Angeles landscape.

I knew he had two sons, but hadn’t put much energy into either of them
. I had spent so much time looking at Crawford Enterprises as a corporation and Mr. Crawford as the CEO, but I hadn’t given his sons much consideration.

“Well, I look forward to meeting them both.” I looked up at him with all sincerity
. If they played as big a role in Crawford as I did in Blakely, I’d have to invest the effort to know everything about both of them.

“Tonight you’ll meet Jake, but Josh is out of town
. I hoped he would return before you went back to New York, but I’m not sure he’ll be back before then.”

He turned towards me and placed his warm hand against my shoulder
. “Walk with me, Kasey.” He motioned for the door and we walked out of his office for what I assumed was a full tour of his corporation and life’s work. By the end, I wasn’t just enamored by the corporation, but by this giant of business…James Crawford.

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