Merger (7 page)

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Authors: Heather Miles

BOOK: Merger
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Chapter 9



What in the hell was I thinking
? All rationale had just left the room and my head for that matter. I was considering leaving early for a man I barely knew. I had to think and fast. I wasn’t supposed to leave for another day. What on earth was I going to tell my Dad?
There’s this guy I just met yesterday morning and in the last twenty-four hours he’s sent me the most incredible bouquet of flowers, some very salacious texts and being in his presence for a short period of time almost brought me to orgasm.
Lucky for me I didn’t have long to contemplate. My father would be here soon.

The bellman retrieved my luggage and I sat in the lobby drinking my coffee when my phone rang
. I looked down nervously at the screen—Dad.

“Good morning
,” I answered.

, honey.”

“Are you here?” I questioned.

“Just touched down. Where are you?”

“I’m at the hotel
. Listen, I was hoping that I could talk to you about leaving today instead of tomorrow?” I spoke confidently, but was quite unsure of myself.

. Is everything okay?” His voice was filled with concern.

“Everything is great
. I have a few things I wanted to get done and I think it would be nice for you and Mr. Crawford to hammer out the final details alone. Besides I already charmed them into submission and won everyone over.” I beamed proudly at my cavalier response and was happy to regain a little confidence.

, honey. You are sure you don’t want to hang here one more day with your old Dad? I could spoil you rotten on Rodeo Drive.”

“Daddy, you spoil me rotten all the time
. When you return, let’s go to dinner. We have a lot to celebrate.”

“Sounds good
. I’ll make sure the pilot stays on the tarmac and I guess I’ll see you Sunday. I love you, honey.”

“I love you too.”
I felt like I’d just dodged a bullet and was glad to hit the end button on the conversation with my Dad.

Forty-five minutes later, I boarded the plane
, headed back to my ‘Big Apple.’




It was a little after 3:00 when we touched down and Benny was waiting with the car for me as I deplaned. I was thrilled to see his familiar face and was glad to be in the presence of a calming figure.

“Hey kiddo, your
Dad called ahead to make sure I was here to pick you up. You’re looking well.” He gave my shoulder a loving squeeze and reached for my bags.

“Thanks, I’m feeling well.” I replied.

“Let’s get you home.” He opened the door and deposited my luggage in the trunk. I peered out the window in deep thought as we cruised from the airport into the city.

Benny looked back at me in the rearview mirror
. He knew me well and I could tell he wanted to know what was on my mind, but I didn’t know what to say even if he asked. I was nervous about my date with Joshua. I was grateful when he looked back at me, but didn’t speak. I reciprocated the gesture and hoped it would curtail his curiosity. Suddenly, the sound of Super Freak screamed loudly from my purse. I quickly muffled it by hitting answer. I really needed to change that ring tone if I found it that embarrassing—and I did.

,” I answered.

“Good afternoon
. How’s L.A.?” Beth asked.

“I’m actually in New York on the way home, but my trip was very successful.”

“I thought you weren’t coming back until tomorrow?”

“I wasn’t, but I had a change of plans and I’m nervous as hell about it
,” I confessed.

? Do tell?” I could hear the anticipation in her voice. “Tell me involves the hot guy from your building?”

“Yes, it does
. He pushed me to come home early for our date, and I did. I can hardly believe it, but here I am. Can you come over? I think I might need a little pep talk and a glass of wine before he picks me up.”

? You, my friend, are the most self-assured, confident and self-absorbed person I might add…in a good way, of course, that I know.” She added quickly trying not to offend me. “He must be something to get K.K. Blakely’s panties in a wad.”

“Yah, well, if you think I’m confident, you haven’t seen anything yet
. This guy makes me look tame.”

“You know I love you K.K., but you have never taken prisoners and I don’t imagine you’ll be taking one soon
. Maybe he’s the one that should be nervous,” she countered. “Yes to the invite. I’d love to come over. Besides, I need to get in that beautiful penthouse of yours, so I can put some ideas together for turning into the masterpiece it should be and not the sparsely decorated place you call home. I’ll let you supply the wine and conversation, and I will supply the ideas for making your place the hottest penthouse in the city.”

“Great. Come soon, my date is at eight.”

“Where’s he taking you?”

“I’m not sure, which makes me even more nervous because you know how anal I am about my clothes
. Do I go ‘causal’ or ‘dressy’?”

“That’s easy…go sexy
. You’re the hottest chick in this city. Throw that hair up. Slip on something slightly revealing with your best ‘come fuck me pumps’ and be done with it.”

I could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke, and I remembered just why she and I were best friends
. She had an uncanny way of putting me at ease.

“I lov
e you, Beth,” I said. “See you in forty-five minutes or so, okay?”

“Make it an hour
? I have one more client sketch I have to complete and then I’m on the way.”

,” I agreed, ending the call.

Benny pulled up to the building and I gathered my purse
. He followed me into the building with my luggage in tow. I was relieved that I didn’t run into Joshua when I entered the building. I’d never run into him in the past, but I was hyperaware that he occupied a unit somewhere on the eleventh floor. I knew that if I saw him right then, I would combust from sheer nerves.

I was grateful to be home
. Beth thought my place was stark, and she was right, but I loved it regardless. She was the hottest new interior decorator in New York and she’d been asking to transform my penthouse for some time. I’d just been too busy to give her access.

“I’ve left your bags by the door
, K.K. Need anything else?” Benny asked.

. Thanks, Benny.” I walked over and pulled him into a warm hug.

“Everything all right?
You seem preoccupied.”

“Everything’s great
,” I reassured him confidently, trying to ease his concern.

“Good,” h
e said. “So…big date tomorrow.”

, actually.” I raised my eyebrows.

“Ah…that explains why you’ve been so engrossed.”

I slapped him playfully on the arm. “I’m not engrossed.”

“It’s a date
, K.K. Just be yourself,” he said, before walking out.

I put my things away, started some laundry
, and turned on Pandora. I scrolled through my favorite artists and stopped at James Taylor. His soft melodic voice was the perfect calm I needed while I waited for Beth to arrive.

I walked over to the wine refrigerator and looked lovingly at my small, but substantial collection of wines
. I rolled my fingers along the bottles until I rested my hand on a beautiful Pinot Noir.

I pulled out two glasses from the cabinet when my phone rang. “Hello Marcus
,” I answered, wondering why the concierge was calling after I had already notified him of Beth’s arrival.

“Good afternoon again
, Ms. Blakely. I hate to bother you, but I have a beautiful bouquet of flowers here for you. May I send them up?”

“That would be lovely
,” I replied.

“Oh, it appears that Ms. Beth just arrived
. I will send her up as well.”


I had on a pair of sweats and a tank and hadn’t given much thought to my attire
. However, when I looked down at my tank, it clung a bit too tightly to my bare breast. My nipples were protruding out like the thick heads of two erasers, which was less than appropriate for whoever was delivering my flowers. I crossed my arms over my breasts, trying to hide the obvious. Of course my friend had seen my tits a thousand times, but Marcus’s assistant had not. I felt foolish as they both entered my unit. Beth was leading and the assistant was fast on her heels carrying a gorgeous arrangement of orchids, wildflowers, and simple greenery.

“Wow, aren’t we popular these days
?” Beth teased, as she advanced forward wrapping her arms around me. “He must be smitten. Not even a first date and already flowers. No wonder you’re nervous, he’s certainly pulling out all the stops. I’m a little jealous. It’s starting to feel like a complete drought between my legs. If it weren’t for my vibrator, I’d swear I’d grown back my hymen.” I laughed uncontrollably at her hymen suggestion, and then thought to the last time I’d had sex. Wow, I’d been on quite a dry run myself. It took me a moment to place my last sexual encounter and remembered the experience to be quite unremarkable.

I looked to the door at the young man who stood glued to the floor look
ing nervous and out of place, having just listened to our conversation, his face was red and his smile nor more than a crooked grin.

“Come in
. I’m Kasey and this is Beth. Thank you for delivering the flowers.”

“No problem
. I’m Ryan. Where would you like them, Ms. Blakely?”

I motioned my hand to the center island in the middle of the kitchen
. He set them down gently on the granite countertop. He turned and made his way towards the door, then turned back and winked at Beth before walking out the door.

“Looks like I’m not the only one with an admirer this evening
. Maybe Ryan can help you with that hymen issue of yours.” I laughed and bumped my hip into hers, knocking her onto one foot before she could right herself and hip bump me back.

“It’s the red hair and legs
. It gets them every time.” She said, and we both laughed. “I think we can both admit Ryan is probably a little out of his league.”

We continued to laugh, and just like that, my nervousness eased.

“So,” she said looking at the flowers, then back to me.

“Oh yeah
,” I replied, and stepped towards the flowers. I grabbed the card and broke the seal. To my surprise they weren’t from Joshua, they were from Jake.
Hate you left early. Miss your smile. Jake.

, hell.” I placed the card on the counter and walked towards my open wine. I poured two glasses and handed Beth one. “Looks like they’re for you.”

“What are you talking about, mine
? I assure you it’s been some time since I’ve gotten flowers and don’t tell anyone, but I’m sure they were probably from my mom or Dad. So who are they from?”

“Jake Crawford
,” I replied.

“This is getting better by the minute
! Jake Crawford…
Jake Crawford, playboy, stud?”

, ma’am. That’s the one.”

It took about twenty minutes to recount my first encounter with Joshua in the gym
to Beth. The incident in his limo, along with my stupid and ungraceful climb over him to get out. His ability to somehow find out my phone number and the several salacious texts. How I’d come home early for a date with Joshua, and then topped it off with my late night drinking and dancing fest with the playboy son of Crawford Enterprise, Jake Crawford. I barely took a breath until I had it all out. I could tell I’d exhausted Beth with all the details, but she asked and I obliged.

. So, let me get this clear. You told Jake Crawford, one of the most desired men on the west coast that you weren’t interested and then came home early for a guy you barely knew—a guy who asked you out and has gone as far to tell you that you’ll be his and is used to getting what he wants. Ab-so-lute-ly incredible.”

“That does about sum it up
. Thanks for the pep talk. I guess I’ll go get ready now,” I joked.

“Funny, you little shit.” she
laughed. “I know I cut out the gooey stuff, but that does about sum it up. I would suggest you hide the card on the current flowers and lie about them when Joshua asks. He will certainly know you didn’t bring them back from L.A., or just put them somewhere he won’t see them. Like your bedroom perhaps?”

It was more of a question then a suggestion
. I loved my friend, but she knew one thing about me…I wasn’t easy. The chances of a first time date getting a ticket to my bed were slim to none. I erred on the side of just removing the card, but reconsidered because I didn’t want my first night with Joshua tainted with jealously over some flowers and frankly, I wasn’t a very good liar.

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