Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)
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He heard Moira in the background…”I’m telling you this as a friend, not as…”

“I know,
Moira. I just happen to be able to do something about it,” he told her. “Conrad. You there?”

“Yes, dad.”

“What’s this I hear about you putting restrictions on Moira’s Valentine suggestion?”

He chuckled when he heard
Moira groan in the background.

“It’s a frivolous idea. She is lucky I even agreed to entertain the idea.”

“Nonsense, give her what she needs. Valentine is a time for lovers, especially the young ones like you. Maybe you will learn a thing or two about it this year.”

heard another groan coming through the call. He chuckled again.

“Okay dad. Whatever you say.” At least now he
could blame his dad for the astronomical bill when it came. Conrad signed off and saw the huge smile that came on her face. Clearly his dad was her hero. She stood and kissed his cheek. Conrad would swear for the next century if he ever lived that long that he saw his dad blush. Yeah, the old man did blush.

went to the kitchen then came back carrying two cake boxes which she handed over to his dad. He took them and after what looked like a thank you, he left. Conrad watched her the rest of the morning, and when he saw her leave at noon, he switched off the live feed.


was nervous Saturday morning as she prepared to go and see Conrad. He had invited her over for breakfast. At first she had thought a public place would have been ideal, but him being a Miami playboy, they would have been easily noticed and the next thing she would be in the papers. So that was scratched out. Her apartment would have been ideal except that she feared Sam could pop in anytime. So that left his penthouse apartment. When he had texted her the address she had googled the place and almost dropped out of her chair. It was a place that catered to the rich and famous, the celebrities and the who is who type of people. This didn’t look good except that her friend Sere’s voice kept reminding her that it was reverse snobbing (was that even a word?) to avoid the rich because of what they had, just like some people avoid the poor because of what they don’t have.

Sere was good at this guilt psychology thing. And so because of h
er she stuck to her guns and made her way to his place. She left early and drove slowly, admiring some of the hotels and high rise apartments. Although she had lived in Miami all her life, some buildings seemed to be new to her, but then, sometimes others got grazed and new ones popped up. Life in Miami was always changing and interesting.

She followed her GPS directions and had the valet park her car as
Conrad had directed. Apparently he had a few garage spaces, one of which her car was being parked in. Moira got the vibe that her arrival had been expected, and as soon as she got to the concierge desk and gave her name, she was ushered to an express elevator which deposited her on the penthouse floor. She found Conrad waiting for her by the elevator door.

“You are here,” he said as he stole a kiss from her.

If she didn’t know better, she would have thought he had been tense. He linked their fingers and pulled her inside his apartment. He closed the door and pulled her against it.

“You look great,” he said as he leaned into her.

Moira didn’t finish saying, “Thank you,” before he swooped down and kissed her hungrily. He was like a man about to die. He took, and took and took from her. When Moira moaned, this seemed to just inflame him and he moved even closer until their bodies were flush and there was no mistaking his arousal. He moved deeper into her mouth and his tongue danced with hers. Moira could’t take it anymore, the burning need in her was getting to be too much. She needed him to quench the burning fire.

slowed the kiss then moved to tug on her ear lobe. “I am slowly going insane. I need to get inside you soon.” Moira whimpered and Conrad chuckled then he moved away. “Come, let me take your jacket. I’ll give you a tour, then make us breakfast, then we can talk.”

He took her jacket and put it in his bedroom. It was huge, and despite the King sized bed, there was still lots of space. The closet space was a woman’s dream.
Moira liked his gigantic tub. Both the tub and separate shower seemed to be big enough for four people. There were three other bedrooms and the fifth which he had converted into and office. The living room, dining room and kitchen combo was one beautiful space that was just made for great parties. Entertaining in this space would be no hardship at all. Moira wondered how often Conrad entertained a large group of people.

“Do you entertain often?” she asked him. “This space is great for that.”

“No, I don’t. Contrary to popular belief, I like my privacy,” he stole another kiss then linked their fingers and walked her outside.

“Is that a pool? What about the one
I saw downstairs when I arrived?” she asked both questions, one after the other.

“Yes. The penthouse has it’s own pool. The one downstairs is for everyone else. And we are close enough to the ocean,” he pointed for her, “if we wanted to go and swim or just enjoy the beach.”

“Wow, this is nice. Very nice. How do you get to ever leave and get to work?”

He shrugged. “Don’t know, guess I am kind of used to it now.”

“Well, I don’t think I could ever get used to this. I would probably make my desserts then have people come and collect them from here. And after that I would be in the pool.”

looked at the rapture on her face and enjoyed her enthusiasm. He felt guilty pulling her indoors, but it was a bit windy and he wasn’t taking any chances with her health. He shuddered thinking of the previous weekend. They walked back to the kitchen and sat her down on a stool and brought her some orange juice. “Lot’s of fluids,” he said by way of explanation. “Did you get lost?” he asked her.

“No, I had a general idea. But I still used my GPS.”

They seemed to pick up their conversation from their dinner date and talked about everything and nothing. In no time at all, Conrad was placing a plate with an omelette, sausages and bacon in front of her. He placed a cup of coffee next to her, then took the seat beside her. After the meals he had made her last weekend, Moira knew what a good cook he was. She ate everything on her plate and accepted a second cup of coffee.

“You are my guest,” he told her when she offered to clean up.

Moira rolled her eyes, thinking it was more like, ‘you are still recovering and need your strength’.

“And don’t roll your eyes at me.”

Moira was just about to roll her eyes again when he turned and looked at her. She gave him the sweetest smile she could muster. She didn’t break eye contact as she lifted her cup of coffee and drank slowly from it.

shook his head and went back to clearing the dirty utensils. She finished her coffee and took her cup to the sink where he stood. It was taken from her fingers before she could be trusted to wash a simple thing like a cup.

didn’t say anything, she just relinquished it and went back to her seat. A few minutes later she heard the dishwasher start then saw him walk to her. He lifted her from the stool, then carried her to the living room where he deposited her on one of the sofa’s. He sat on the opposite end and lifted her legs, then placed them in his lap.

“So how about we just dive right in?”
Conrad said and looked at Moira. At her shrug, he continued, “I hope you had a chance to look at my medical report which I e-mailed you yesterday.”

blushed and nodded her head. “And I’m gathering that you want me to show you mine?”

“For the sake of full disclosure that would be best. Although I trust you,” he added.

“No, that’s fine. I’ll do it. I just need to log in and I can e-mail it to you,” Moira said as she took her phone and logged into to the website the doctor used to store her medical information. “There, done.”

“Are you using any contraception?” he asked her.

“Isn’t that getting a little too personal?” Moira asked.

“Me eating your pussy is getting personal. And I want to do that all day today,” he told her as she s

“Okay, yes. But I still don’t see what difference it makes. Won’t you be using condoms?”

“I have never had bare sex, but I was hoping you would agree to it. If you are not comfortable, that’s okay.” Conrad looked at her and squeezed her feet. “You don’t have to say anything right now. We can re-visit the issue later. No pressure.”

was glad of the respite. “Okay, thanks.”

“Now we already discussed the issue of fidelity. It goes both ways,” he said.
Conrad chuckled when he heard her response.

“Well obviously, especially if I agree to the bare sex.”

“Anything else important?” he asked her.

“No,” she told him.

“Except the little matter of telling Sam.”

“Can we shelve that for a while? It’s not a conversation that I want to have anytime soon.”

“You can’t avoid it forever. Besides, I am not comfortable with playing hide and seek about it. I understand your reluctance with everybody else. But at least those close to you need to know,” he pressed her.

“Okay, but give me a week. Let’s see how things go for a week and I promise I will tell him.”

“Are you doubting my prowess?” he asked her as he pulled her closer to him.

laughed and tried to get away. “Well, you never know. It could all be just empty words with no action.” She shrieked when he tickled her.

“Take that back.”


“Take that back.”

“No,” she said on a laugh.

“Third time. Take that back.”

“No,” she said defiantly.

found herself in his arms and after a few long strides she was being tossed on the bed. She tried to jump out of his reach, but he was too fast for her. He pulled her tights off, together with her panties. Before Moira could breathe Conrad’s mouth was on her pussy. “Oh, oh, oh!” she cried out.

He pulled her skirt up and widened her legs then licked from the bottom to the top in one long swipe. The orgasm came out of nowhere, attacking
Moira violently. Conrad sucked and swallowed every last drop. “That was fast baby.” He knelt and removed her skirt then her t-shirt and bra. “Ready to take that back yet?”

“In your dreams.”

“You seem to have a death wish,” he told her. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Conrad took his earlier position and took another go at her pussy. He tickled her nub with his teeth then shoved his tongue inside her. He went as deep as he could and it wasn’t enough. Only his cock would be able to go the furthest, but in the meantime he entered her with two fingers and she writhed and cried for mercy. Conrad kept up a fast pace until she came a second time. He cleaned her up real nice with his mouth and tongue then went up her body inch by inch, kissing every available space.

took special care and attention on her little globes. He pulled, suckled and laved with his tongue, mouth and teeth, and used his hand on the other breast to knead, pull and twist. He switched and took care of the other breast, then kissed in between them and continued going up her body. Finally he reached her lips. He teased her lips, stroking with his tongue and biting both upper and lower lips with his teeth.

When she sighed in frustration,
Conrad chuckled and took a deep kiss that had her tasting herself. Conrad shuddered when he felt her little hands under his t-shirt. She pulled the t-shirt up and they had to break the kiss to take it off.

“Why are you still dressed?” she asked.

“I needed to take care of you first,” he answered her as he moved off the bed. Moira watched him as he pulled his jeans down his legs. His boxer briefs could hardly contain his erection. She scrambled over to him, “Let me,” she said as she placed her hands on the waistband. She sat on the edge and slowly pulled it down.

“Is there a reason you are going slowly, other than to kill me?”

Moira chuckled then grabbed hold of his erection and licked the tip.

“Fuck! I am not going to last.”
Conrad grimaced trying to reign in his impending climax. He pulled her away from his cock and stepped out of his jeans and boxer briefs then grabbed a condom from the bedside table.

held her breath as she watched him pull on the condom. He was so huge she didn’t think the condom would fit, and neither did she think he would fit inside her. She scrambled away when Conrad looked her way. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. It would be highly embarrassing if she had to show up at the hospital needing stitches down there.

“You ready to take it back after all?”
Conrad asked her as he followed her.

laughed and thought this would be a good time as any to surrender. But before she could say a word, he pulled her to the center of the bed, and crushed her mouth with his.

pulled Moira’s legs apart and brought one hand down to check her readiness. He inserted two fingers inside and she moaned into him. He brought the tip of his cock to her entrance and she stilled. “Shhh baby. I’ll take care of you.” He hadn’t missed her fear when she had seen his cock, and he had watched her as he had rolled the condom onto his shaft. He eased an inch in and rolled around, another inch and another roll. He didn’t stop kissing her, but he brought one hand to play with her breast. She loosened up some and he slipped further inside. “Fuck baby. You are so tight and this feels so good.” He pulled out and the pushed back in and slid all the way home. She screamed as she came a third time.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Conrad said as he came fast and furious. He rolled then until he was underneath her. He soothed her until she quieted down. “You okay baby?”

“Yes, I think so.”

He chuckled. Then switched them back again. “Now I need you to hold on,” he said to her then he started to move slowly. She shivered and gripped him hard. “Good?” he asked her.

“Yes, don’t stop.”

He chuckled again and increased his speed. He almost came a second time and had to stop a second as he pulled all the way out, then he slammed all the way in again and started moving furiously. He slammed into her repeatedly and there was no stopping until he came a second time. and even then, he wasn’t done. Conrad went to the bathroom to dispose of his condom, then came to join Moira on the bed. He took a second condom and entered her again. “I’m not nearly done at all. But I’ll try to go slow this time.”

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