Read Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series) Online
Authors: Joyce Jordan
“Earth to
Conrad! Earth to Conrad!”
“Sorry. Did you say something?” Amazing how he had zoned out.
“Your last letter just pinged on your phone,” Lucas said laughing at him.
“What? Fuck,” he said tapping the buttons to read what it said.
“What the fuck? This is promising. Part spells s-e-x,”
Conrad said as Lucas wrote the word down.
Forgotten was the fact that he wasn’t supposed to be cheating. “So would that be the beginnin, middle or end of the word,” Lucas replied.
The two men put their two billionaire heads together but couldn’t figure out what it could be. “Oh fuck! It’s two words,” Conrad said shouting in excitement. “Give me the pen,” he told him and wrote the two words down.
Bare sex
Lucas opened and shut his mouth several times with notning coming out. He swallowed then asked, “You mean, no condom?”
Long story, for another day, but for now, goodbye my friend. I only have until midnight,” Conrad grabbed his phone and took a long swallow of beer then ran out.
Lucas caught him by the door. “Wait. You don’t know where you are supposed to be going. You need to text her the words then get
instructions on where to go.”
“Damn, you are right,” he agreed then took out his phone and sent the text.
Both men stood at the door watching the phone as if it were a bomb waiting to explode.
A message came through and the phone dropped as they both tried to read the message in excitement. Smiley face, but no address. “This is torture. She is going to pay for this,”
Conrad growled. “You think I should call?” he asked.
“I doubt it’s part of the game. But let me call and see what her game plan is,” Lucas replied. Lucas pulled his phone from his pocke
t and dialed Moira. He pulled his friend back inside his office then shut the door and put the call on speaker.
“Lucas, how is your Valentine’s going?”
Moira asked as she answered the call.
It’s going. How about yours?” he asked.
“It’s been an interesting day, and hopefully a more interesting night,” she replied.
“You don’t say. What are your plans?”
Conrad groaned and Lucas elbowed him. “Ah! What was that?”
“You heard me. How is your friend doing?”
“Which one? I have a number of friends,” he replied looking at Conrad with a puzzled expression. He put the call on mute and asked, “Do you think she is in the hotel?”
“The one right next to you,” she said and hung up.
“She hung up. I can’t fucking believe she hung up,” Conrad paced like a caged tiger.
“Maybe that was a bad move. Your window is closing in. Granted you still have a full five hours and some change. What do we do now? She definitely isn’t at her home, and neither would she come here for fear of running into Sam. So which hotels do you think she would have booked,” Lucas asked.
“I don’t have a fucking clue. Probably something close to where she lives,” Conrad replied.
“Okay, that’s a start
. Let’s see which hotels are in that neighborhood,” Lucas said walking to his desk.
He took out a map and both men viewed the map for possible choices
Moira would make. They found six and when they were trying to decide on what to do with them, a message came through.
read the address and groaned. “She is at the penthouse,” he said shaking his head.
“What? And how did she get in?”
“I gave her a key,” Conrad said as he walked back to the elevator. “I’ll talk to you later,” he told Lucas as the door closed.
Moira made sure she put the food she had brought in the warmer. As she sent Conrad the last text of his penthouse address she switched off the lights and went into his bedroom. She carried a paper plate full of strawberries which she ate waiting for Conrad. She undressed and settled in the center of his bed. When she heard the ping of the elevator, she switched off the TV and took the last white chocolate covered strawberry and placed it on her belly button. Because she hadn’t closed the drapes, the room was bathed in moonlight.
saw him come in and see her naked on his bed. His step increased until he was beside the bed. Neither said anything as he quickly undressed and then joined her. He took the strawberry offering then moved up and took her lips. The kiss told of his frustration in waiting while she tormented with him earlier. Moira smiled, bit his bottom lip then pulled it into her mouth, and then pushed her tongue into his mouth. Conrad groaned and pulled her tight against his torso.
The first round was going to be fast, but he needed to make sure she was ready. He moved one hand to her mound and opened her lips then dipped one finger inside.
When Conrad found her already oozing cream, he switched positions and knelt in front of her pussy. He lifted both legs over his shoulders and took a long swipe. That mini orgasm just showed him how close she was. He tempered it down for a bit until she was frustrated, then he took it up several notches. He ate her up and when he lightly pinched the nub, she spiralled out of control.
He sat on his
heels and pulled her pussy to nudge the tip of his cock. “Open your legs, baby,” he told her as he took both breasts in his hands. “Raise your hands and lay them above you.” He kneaded each breast with each hand. “You have beautiful breasts,” he told her. Conrad placed his hands on her hips and pulled her further onto his cock, then went back to knead her breasts. He brought one hand down to caress her stomach, then as he leaned down to kiss her belly button as he grabbed her hips again and pulled her further up his cock. Moira moaned and Conrad granted. He moved his lips up her torso and suckled one breast then the other. He lightly bit her nipple and as she cried out, he pushed deeper inside her. “Ah! Baby. You have such a tight cunt.” When he repeated with the second nipple he sank home and cried out.
He kissed
Moira who was shivering underneath him. He made two light strokes and she splintered. “That was just the beginning, baby,” he told her and pulled out then slammed back in. It was a repeat of their first sexual encounter except that this time with no condom, the intensity was exponential. Conrad came after his third slam. After they both came to, Conrad started moving again. He made fast meassured strokes that had Moira orgasming again as he repeatedly hit her g-spot.
pulled out and turned Moira around. He placed her chest on the bed and her ass high in the air. He spread her legs and entered her in one long stroke. “Oh Baby, you are going to be the death of me.” He held her hips and moved fast, in and out, in and out. Moira cried out and went limp. Conrad held her hips tight and gritted his teeth. “Ah! Coming baby. Shit.” One, two, three and he came hard and fast inside her sweet pussy. He turned her around and struck home again and slammed her again three times and shot up again. He collapsed and rolled with her.
“Thank you for that gift,” he said and kissed her full on the mouth.
Moira granted and fell asleep.
An hour later she woke up to kisses raining all over her body.
She found herself on her back and her pussy filled up with a hungry cock.
“Wrap your legs around me baby.”
Conrad started moving as soon as Moira had complied. He pumped as he kissed her. He went harder, he went deeper with Moira crying for more. He changed angles and didn’t let up and as Moira shuddered and cried with an unending orgasm, Conrad opened her legs wider and increased his pace. When she squeezed his cock a third time he lost the battle and came furiously shooting straight into her womb. Sweat dripped from both of them. The bed was wet and Conrad chuckled.
He carried her to the shower and they washed each other. What should have been a quick ten minute shower turned into thirty minutes when
Moira found herself facing the wall and Conrad seeking entrance from behind. “Raise your hands and let them lay flat against the wall.” He widened her stance and lunged hard and deep inside. “Ah!,” he groaned and pulled out. Moira whimpered. “I’m here baby,” then lunged back in. At Moira’s cries, Conrad repeated the process until they both came and shook with the intensity. He held Moira against the wall, until the were both strong enough to move. He gently washed her cunt then swaddled her in a bathtowel.
“Let’s order something to eat,” he said to her as he dried her hair with a towel.
took the towel and tied it to her hair. “I have some food I brought. I didn’t eat either,” she replied.
“You did?” he asked grinning. “You were that sure I would get it right.”
“If you didn’t you would have walked back to an apartment smelling of me and food.” Moira walked into the kitchen ahead of Conrad. She had taken the shirt he had worn to work which was still smelling of him. He took a bathrobe and didn’t bother with underwear or shorts. Moira took the food out of the warmer while Conrad brought plates to the kitchen island. “I hope you don’t mind pasta. It’s the easiest food to keep warm without drying up,” she told him.
“I am not picky. Anything that will keep me going until midnight will work,” he told her with a wink.
“You realise that it only a little after nine?”
“It’s not my fault I was given an expiration time,” he told her.
Moira laughed, “Okay. Well just don’t wear me out. I need to go to work tomorrow.”
“Same here,” he told her.
“Yeah, maybe. But not all of us have the option to work from home.”
“Maybe. But what fun is it when you are not here with me,” he said as he dropped his fork and leaned over to kiss her.
After that they finished their meal and he told her how they had scratched their heads with Lucas trying to figure out the anagram even before she had sent the last letter. She laughed when he told her how he hadn’t expected to enjoy the prize. Conrad laughed when Moira told him that she had just guessed they were together. The coincidence of Lucas calling while he had been sweating waiting for the rendezvous place had just been too much not to suspect anything.
“Which reminds me,”
Conrad said standing up. He grabbed Moira on the waist and sat her on the other end of the island.
“The plates. We need to clean up,” she said.
“They’ll keep,” he replied and pulled his shirt open and buttons popped all over the kitchen. With no care for his shirt, he went on to say, “You made me wait and sweat after I had sent you the correct answer.”
’s lips twitched. “Baby, you don’t seem to understand that was a huge error on your part.”
She giggled again. “Ever heard of foreplay?”
“That was your version of foreplay?” he asked.
Conrad suckled a nipple. “And what would you call that comment you made when you served tea and coffee today?”
“Oh that!”
“Yes that!” he took the second nipple and suckled.
“That was just…”
He pulled her to the end of the table and dipped one finger into her cunt. “Yes?”
“Ahhhh! Just a tease.”
He entered a second finger. “And for who was the short dress for?” he asked then took her lips in a fiery kiss. He kissed her right cheek and moved to her right ear. “I’m waiting, baby.” He took her earlobe and she moaned. He increased the pressure of his two fingers.
“Ahhh! More,” she cried out.
“How about you try and answer my question first?”
“What question? Oh, the dress. Did you like it?”
“Yes, very much. But I didn’t like the other losers looking at you like that.” What? When did this turn into him answering her questions?
“That’s okay,” she told him.
Conrad pulled her head and got in her face. “Care to explain that comment.”
swallowed and gave him a saucy grin. His cock throbbed. She licked both lips, and took her time with her answer. Conrad growled. “They can look, but not touch. But you get to do both,” she explained.
“That’s not the point,” he growled at her. He took her hands and pushed them behind her then opened the shirt until it fell away from her body. He licked her body from bo
ttom to top until she couldn’t hold herself up anymore. He lay her down and knelt on the floor to feast on her cunt. He lapped at the cream that had pooled as he had finger fucked her. Then was merciless as he fucked her with his tongue and lips. Moira screamed and gushed a torrent of cum and Conrad drank it up. “Again,” he told her and they repeated the process. When he flicked her nub a third orgasm hit her. He stood and pushed his cock inside and pushed her legs wide apart. He moved slowly watching his cock enter and retreat. Seeing that was just enough to make him harder and he swelled inside her. When she whimpered he knew she had felt it. He didn’t stop watching himself slide in and out of her. One of the sexiest things he had ever seen. He opened her pussy lips and shuddered at how rosy they looked, grabbing hold of his thick cock. Moira spasmed and squeezed and Conrad lost it. He increased speed as he came and spilled his hot seed into her womb. When he looked down, her sides were dripping with a mixture of both their sexual juices. Conrad grabbed the roll of papertowel close by and pulled out carefully, holding a few sheets of papertowel below their joining. He cleaned them both then pulled her a little higher on the table.