Michaels, Skye - Mikaela's Debut [The Black Dahlia Hotel 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Michaels, Skye - Mikaela's Debut [The Black Dahlia Hotel 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“Correct on all counts. The person who did the retrieval checked the location carefully and did not find anything else. That doesn’t mean this still can’t jump up and bite you guys in the ass, but it’s looking better than it did.”

“Great. I’ll tell Mikki. I’ll also call and thank Morgan. His people did a hell of a job without very damn much to go on.”

“They did, and I’m going to have to hear about it.” Dillon could hear the laughter in Jamie’s voice.

“That’s the price of friendship. Thanks for all you guys did for us.”

“Are you going to be able to make it back in time for the cruise?

“The ship leaves on New Year’s Eve right? I’ll talk to Mikki and let you know. I’d sure like to be aboard.”

“Let me know. Depending on when you get back, I can have the ship’s purser, Casey Campbell, arrange to have your things packed and moved aboard if you decide to go. Otherwise, we can ship them back to Connecticut or where ever you want.”


* * * *


Mikaela sat on the edge of the bed and watched as Dillon checked his phone. He turned away and looked out the window as he made a couple of calls. He was so handsome, and she loved him so much. She really wished he had let her do this for him. Stubborn Irishman! But she could understand his point of view. She wouldn’t like him making unilateral decisions either. She hoped he was going to forget about the punishment tonight. She really just wanted to curl up and snuggle in his arms.

“Hey, baby. We have to talk. I just spoke to Jamie Devereau and Morgan Court. You are going to have a hard time with this, but it’s something you need to hear.” He plunged right in. “Court sent someone into Maggie’s apartment when she wasn’t there. This person found her laptop with copies of the video sent to YouTube as well as the other one which shows your face. So that threat was definitely credible. There were also drafts of the blackmail texts. Morgan’s person crashed her computer. She also found the original video and a DVD duplicate, which she removed. Morgan has them. She searched the apartment and didn’t find anything else. That is no guarantee that Maggie doesn’t have copies stored elsewhere.”

“Dillon,” she gasped. “It really was Maggie? How could she do that to me? Why would she do that?” She felt the tears welling up in her eyes and then they were rolling freely down her cheeks.

Dillon walked over to the bed and pulled her up into his arms. It felt so good to just be nestled against his chest. Dillon didn’t say anything—just held her as the tears continued to leak onto his shirt. After a few minutes, he said, “Honey, I guess she’s just jealous. Morgan says she lives in a small apartment in Brooklyn and works at the perfume counter at Macy’s, not that there is anything wrong with that. But with her degree from Columbia…”

“Paid for by my parents, by the way. The ungrateful bitch. I know when we were growing up they frequently helped her parents out. I wasn’t supposed to know that, but you know how kids are always listening to what the grown-ups are talking about.”

“So you were always a nosey little thing?” He was obviously trying to lighten the mood, so she let him.

“Yes. None of your secrets are safe.”

“I’ll be on the lookout.”

“You’d better be.”

He sat down on the bed and pulled her onto his lap. “Speaking of punishments…”

“But we weren’t speaking of them, Dillon.” She hesitated a moment. Maybe she could forestall this. “I’m sorry, baby. I was just doing what I thought was best.”

“Without talking to me about it first. That is not acceptable. We talk about things. I’m going to have to reinforce that concept with a spanking.” That stern look on his handsome face always got to her. She could feel herself dampening.

“Wait, Dill…can’t we make love instead?”

“Afterward.” He pulled her over his lap, pushed her slacks and bikini underwear down around her knees, and proceeded to spank her butt.
Oh, no. It’s going to be one of those ‘no counting’ spankings
. Those always hurt the most because he didn’t stop until her butt was good and red. She didn’t even try to keep count. His hand came down on her bottom with a vengeance, his palm landing with stinging strikes on her upraised butt. She could feel the skin heating up. She began to struggle, but he put his leg over hers and held her tight while he continued to put a fine polish on her cheeks. She knew his hand must hurt as well when he finally stopped. He shook it out. “Damn, that stings. If I’d had a paddle you would have gotten more.” He still sounded angry. Usually after a spanking, he wasn’t mad at her anymore. He reached down and lightly kissed the rose-heart tattoo on her butt. “What do you have to say, sub?”

“I’m sorry, Master. I won’t leave you again without talking about it first.”

“Wrong, subbie. You won’t be leaving me again at all.”

“Yes, Master.” The tears were still streaming down her cheeks when he pulled her up into his arms and held her against his solid chest.

After a few minutes of cuddling, he said, “What do you want to do about your cousin?” He looked concerned while he waited for her answer. “Morgan said the original video is in one of those old-style big rectangular video cassettes marked ‘Mikaela New Year’s Eve 1999.’ I thought your body looked much less mature in the video. Does that ring a bell?”

“I remember that I went to a New Year’s Eve party at Maggie’s apartment in Brooklyn that year. It was Y2K, the turning of the millennium. It was a big-deal New Year’s. She was still at Columbia, and she was living with a boyfriend in Brooklyn. I don’t remember his name. I think he was a film student at Pratt Institute. I was so excited and felt so grown up going down to the city for a party. I was a sophomore at Wellesley, and nothing very exciting went on there. I remember I got a new red dress for the party.”

“Do you remember anything else?”

“I remember the party. I had a martini, but I didn’t really like the taste and it was so strong.”

“So, you would have been nineteen?”


“The legal drinking age in New York was twenty-one, but still…”

“Oh, come on, Dillon. It was college. It was a party and I only had one drink in my cousin’s apartment.”

“Mikaela, the fact that you don’t remember the incident that was filmed indicates to Morgan Court that you were under the influence of a date-rape drug. They frequently have the effect of blanking out peoples’ memories.”

“Do you think Maggie and her boyfriend drugged me and made that video?”

“That’s the likely scenario. You were there at that time. There was a big drinking party under way. She had the videotape on her computer. Sounds logical to me.”

“What should I do now? If I confront her, will Morgan Court’s person get in trouble? She might know someone went into her apartment.”

“She’s going to figure that out eventually when she realizes the original video and the DVD are gone.”

Mikaela laughed for the first time. “Well, a blackmailer can’t exactly go to the police and say ‘someone stole my blackmail video.’ I wish she’d try that one.”

Dillon brushed the wetness from her cheeks before he kissed each of them and then her mouth. The kiss was sweet and comforting before it turned hot and demanding. “We can discuss strategy later. Right now I want to make love to my sub—while her ass is as hot as a firecracker.” She knew her cheeks were blushing. A spanking always turned her on, but it also made her feel vulnerable and embarrassed. The feelings were complex and she really didn’t understand them. A spanking was something she should hate and resent, but she had to admit, at least to herself, that she loved the hot sting on her ass.

“Kneel on the edge of the bed, butt to me. I want to see that gorgeous pink color while I fuck you.”

“It feels more like red than pink.” She knew she was pouting.

“Are you complaining, sub? You deserved every bit of that spanking. Now, take your clothes off and get in position.” She loved that deep, commanding voice.

“Yes, Master.” She did as he ordered. She quickly kicked her slacks and panties to the floor and stripped out of the rest of her clothes, and then she scrambled up on the edge of the bed on her hands and knees. She thought she had a big butt despite what Dillon wisely said. No matter how many squats and clenches she did, it didn’t make any difference in the size of her booty. Thank goodness he loved it.

She could feel her pulse quickening and knew her pussy was slick. He stepped up behind her, and she could hear him dropping his jeans to the floor and kicking free of his moccasins. He ran his big hands over her hot ass, gave it another little smack, and nudged her legs apart. She gritted her teeth. Her pussy was open and available to her Master. She could feel it pulsing with excitement. She wasn’t going to say anything and invite another smack. Her butt was sore as it was. She knew he loved the jiggle when he smacked her ass. They were so perfectly matched that it was amazing.
Yin and yang

His fingers moved over her pussy and clit with exquisite expertise, and she found herself stretching toward him with her butt up and her back arched like a cat begging to be scratched. She definitely had an itch that needed to be scratched, and Dillon was just the man for the job. She knew he was going to tease her until she couldn’t stand it another minute. That was part of the game, part of the fun, part of their love. How had she ever thought she could leave him—even for his own good?

Dillon grabbed her hips and lined his cock up for a fast and sure entry. She felt herself straining to take him in. She wanted to absorb him. Ahhh. He slid his hard cock in and rubbed his fingers over her clit. It was amazing. Just as she was beginning to savor the feeling, he pulled out almost to the tip and held his position. So that was how it was going to be. She jammed herself back against his groin and squeezed her vaginal muscles. She could play dirty as well as he could. She felt the quick, hot slap on her ass. “Behave, sub. Or else.”

“Or else what, Master?” She knew he wouldn’t spank her again so soon. She had a safety window of immunity. She giggled to herself. Dillon thought he was in charge. Poor man. She adored him, but like most men he usually had no clue. Then there were the times when he read her like a book. Like now. He reached down and tickled her rib cage. She laughed as she jerked and released her hold on his cock. The devil. He knew that was her most ticklish spot. Dillon took advantage of his opportunity and slid out again. “Don’t play with me, subbie—especially when you’re in this tempting position. Be patient.” He slid home again with agonizing slowness. It was so delicious she could hardly complain, but she wanted more. She wanted it hard and fast this first time.

He slowly pushed in to the hilt again and held as she relished the feeling of fullness, and her tight pussy muscles stretching to accommodate his length and girth. He was built like a bull down there, and while it was initially a little uncomfortable, it was also completely satisfying. She wiggled her butt and got the expected light smack. It was a good thing her face was hidden in the bedspread or she would be getting another harder one when he realized she was playing with him.

After he had tortured them both to the edge with slow advances and withdrawals, he finally picked up the pace and got serious. He began to stroke harder and faster until his balls were slapping up against her pussy. She loved this pounding rhythm, like the beating of the drums of sex. Her vulnerable position with her ass up in the air pulled her pussy lips tight around his cock and only intensified the sensations. She knew he was watching himself slam into her greedy pussy. She couldn’t help herself where he was concerned. She wanted every ounce, every drop, of Dillon Cavanaugh.

“Dilly, please. Make me come.” He pistoned his cock into her tight center, finally her pulse quickened, and she blasted over the edge into oblivion. She held her position with difficulty while Dillon pumped his seed into her waiting womb. He came down on her back, and they both collapsed into the bed, their bodies sprawled helplessly while they regained their breath.

She would gladly put up with the occasional hot butt for sex like this. It was incredible. She loved the feel of his heavy body pinning her to the bed. She loved everything about him.

“Are you okay, baby? Am I too heavy?”

“I’m exceptional, Dilly. You are exceptional.”

As they lay there breathing heavily, she had an errant thought. She had never been this open and uninhibited with another man…except once…there was something in the back of her mind and it refused to come forward.

What was that other time? There was something she needed to remember. Was it New Year’s Eve 1999? “Dillon, don’t move. Just let me think for a minute.”


* * * *


“Think? Who can think at a time like this?” Dillon was bemused. This woman never failed to surprise and delight him.

“I’m trying…A memory is trying to break through. I can’t quite grasp it.”

“Something about that tape?”

“Maybe.” He knew she was struggling so he just lay still with his arms around her. This was no hardship, but he wished he could help her remember. He could feel the tension build up in her body as she struggled to recall the lost memory.

“I’m seeing a dark room with a mess on the floor. Coats and handbags I think. There was a guy, a stranger, passed out on the bed. Someone helped me out of my clothes and arranged me on top of the guy. She positioned me on top of his cock and told me to ride him like a pony.” She hesitated as she struggled to remember it all. “Oh, God. It was Maggie. And her boyfriend, I think his name was Jim. Jim Mariano, and he was filming the whole thing.”

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