Michaels, Skye - Mikaela's Debut [The Black Dahlia Hotel 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (12 page)

BOOK: Michaels, Skye - Mikaela's Debut [The Black Dahlia Hotel 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“I know that’s the first thing I would check.”

“That’s what I told Mikki. Anyway, we don’t know what to do from here. Just wait the week and see if she posts anything? Confront her and let her know we’re on to her scam? Have a press conference and disclose that we’re being blackmailed and withdraw from the race?”

“No, don’t do that—if she doesn’t have another copy of the tape you don’t want to do her work for her. I’d wait and see if she posts anything. I’m sure there will be another text demanding payment even if she doesn’t have the goods to back it up. I think you should wait until Brown gets back and then you can all have a sit-down before you make any decisions.”

“That’s a good idea. I don’t want us to go off half-cocked. I’ll tell you—I’d like to rattle that bitch’s cage.”

“We’ll think of something. I’ll meet you for a beer later, but right now I have a meeting with the event planner.”

“I’ve seen her. Don’t act like it’s a trip to the dentist, man.”

“It’s a trip to the dentist. Believe me.” Dillon shot his brows at that cryptic remark. There was something going on with Dane. He wondered what.


* * * *


Katina knocked on Dane’s door and waited for him to look up. She didn’t want to be presumptuous and just walk in. When he looked up their eyes met, and she felt that old sizzle right down to her pussy. She’d bet her panties were wet. Why did she have to react that way to the one man who didn’t want her? It wasn’t fair. And why did he have to be so damn gorgeous? That wasn’t fair either.

It had taken her a long time to get over his rejection of her, and she didn’t plan to go back for another dose of pain and humiliation. After an intense and very intimate D/s relationship that had lasted over six months, it had been painful to have her Dom tell her that he wasn’t ready to get serious. It had been pretty damn serious to her. She didn’t want to admit it, but she knew she had been in love with Dane. His careless words when he had broken up with her had crushed her. She had walked away with her head held high, but it had cost her a lot to do it.

“Kat, I have to say you did an excellent job on the Brown wedding. I know Jack and Kaylin were very pleased.”

“Thank you.” She wanted to say
What exactly did you expect? That I would do a substandard job?
But she held her tongue. This man was her immediate supervisor, after all.

“That was meant as a compliment, Katina. Can’t we put our past behind us and just have a pleasant working relationship?”

“Certainly, Mr. Dunross.” She watched as the expression on his face hardened.
Oh no. That had been a mistake
. She should have just accepted his overture for what it was worth—not much—and left it at that. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

“Yes, you did, but you have a right to your private feelings as long as they don’t bleed over into the job.”

“They won’t. I need this job.”

“Why? What’s going on with you?” Suddenly the angry expression on his face had been replaced with one of concern. Really? Where was that concern two years ago?

She was tempted to blow him off, but maybe she shouldn’t. “I have a lot of bills to pay. My sister was very sick recently, and we have medical bills. I’ve been helping her out because she didn’t have any insurance.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I just want you to know that I won’t be giving you a hard time unless you earn it. I want us to have a good working relationship, and I don’t want you to flinch every time you see me. I’m really not a monster.”

That was debatable. As far as she was concerned, she wanted as little to do with him as possible. If she could go the other way when she saw him, she would. “I’d like that as well. Thank you.”

“What events do you have coming up? Do you need anything from management right now?” So, he was going to turn the conversation back to business. That was fine with her.

“I have the BDSM event for the Savannah Le Club that began the day after Christmas and runs until the second. There are between 75 and 100 attendees. Some additional guests are scheduled to arrive in a day or two. That includes dungeon facilities, meeting rooms, hotel rooms, and some catering. I also have a wedding in February—Valentine’s day. I’ve had a few other inquiries for spring wedding packages that look promising as well.”

“That’s not bad for startup. How do you plan to promote?”

“I’ve got feelers out to some friends in clubs around the country. That will help to get our name out there in the BDSM communities. I’m also preparing a brochure to send to the Le Club facilities.”

“Good. Let me see it before it goes out.” He looked at her. “Katina, if I can help in any way, let me know.”

“Thank you. I’ll be sure you see the brochure when it’s finished.” She felt the tingle of tears starting to back up in her throat. Shit. She didn’t need that right now. She fought them down. His display of concern had gotten to her. “Thank you. I’ll let you get back to work.” She knew she should have let him dismiss her, but she had to get out of here and now.

Chapter Eleven


Port Everglades, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on board the
Golden Dolphin
, Thursday afternoon, December 31, 2015, New Year’s Eve


Dillon and Mikaela were amazed. From the Chihuly handcrafted light fixture in the lounge to the Botero sculpture in the central lobby, the ship was magnificent. They’d had no idea just how enormous the
Golden Dolphin
actually was—three hundred feet was the length of a football field, but the true dimensions had to be appreciated in person. Their suite was huge and elegant. The décor was traditional and done in navy blue and gold, and they had a private sitting room and deck as well. Their steward had already unpacked their bags.

“This is fantastic. When Jamie told me he bought a big boat, I thought he was talking about a big boat—not practically an ocean liner. Come on, Mikki. Let’s go out and check everything out.”

“Did you notice the helicopter up top when we came aboard? Wow. And there are two tenders. The man definitely thinks big.”

The ship had five decks with accommodations for thirty-six passengers and a crew of twenty-one. It was the ultimate in luxury. Dillon was anxious to see the BDSM facilities and how they had been set up aboard. They climbed the central staircase that bisected the ship and were able to check out the elaborate foyers on each of the upper decks as they rose. The crew’s deck including the galley and crew quarters as well as the engineering deck that housed the mechanical plant and tender garages was below. The dungeon facilities and theme rooms were located on the third deck. When they came out on the top deck—where the master suite, the pool deck and lounge area, as well as the formal dining room and library were located—there really wasn’t anything more to say. Words were inadequate.

Mikaela joined the ladies sitting by the infinity lap pool enjoying tropical drinks that were being passed around by uniformed stewards. Dillon went into the dining room that had been transformed into a billiards parlor where the men were smoking Jamie Devereau’s excellent Cuban cigars. He took a scotch on the rocks from a passing steward.

Jamie said, “So, how’s it going? Is Mikaela settling down?”

“I can feel the nerves buzzing under her skin. I wish I could do something for her, and we could just end this.”

Jack Brown, tan and relaxed from several days in Bermuda, said, “Jamie told me what’s happened since we’ve been away. So, Morgan Court has the originals, and you don’t know if there are any more copies.”

“Yes. Mikaela managed to negotiate a few more days’ leeway to get the five million dollars together. At this point, I don’t think she should pay.”

“I agree,” Jamie said. “I’d bet that Maggie Sexton doesn’t have a backup. If it were me, I’d call her bluff and let the chips fall. But I’m not running for election to Congress. A sex scandal involving a congressional candidate would make a lot bigger story than some money guy getting in trouble again.”

“If it were only my rep on the line, I’d agree. But Mikaela has had a really hard year, and she was just starting to come back to herself when this shit hit. At this point I’d just as soon drop out of the race. It’s not worth all of this turmoil to me. Now, my father is another story. He’d have a cow if I dropped out.”

Jack said, “I get that. I’ve had my issues with my dad over the BDSM thing. Thank goodness he’s crazy about Kaylin. I thought his face was going to split from grinning at the wedding.”

“That was a great wedding, by the way. I’m hoping to have one of my own soon. I was planning to propose on New Year’s Day. I thought Mikki was finally ready, and then all this shit came up.”


* * * *


Mikaela smiled when Kaylin sat down beside her. “Hey, girl! How’s married life?”

“Great. Just great. We had a wonderful time on the cruise to Bermuda. But I’m really looking forward to the party tonight. We have a couple of days to relax on the way to Cozumel, then a couple of days to dive and sightsee, and then back home again. Tell me what’s been happening with your situation.”

Mikaela filled Kaylin and Anne Sutton in on the most recent developments. “I’m tempted to tell her to just post the damn video, but I have Dillon’s election to consider.”

Kaylin said, “Does she know you know who’s responsible for the blackmail threats and the posting on YouTube?”

“I don’t think so. She may be suspicious if she’s discovered her originals are gone. She sounded upset when I called her yesterday to say happy New Year.”

“I bet she is. If that was her only copy, she has no alternative now but to bluff. I wonder what she would do if you told her to go ahead and post the other video. I wish Chloe was here. She and J.J. are meeting us in Key West tomorrow. You met Chloe—she was my maid of honor. She’s in the Strategic Investigation Division that handles narcotics and vice and is more versed in situations like this. I’m just homicide.”

Anne looked puzzled. “So this Maggie had no idea anyone had entered her apartment, and now went back in again and planted bugs? Maybe you should wait and see what the bugs reveal.”

“I don’t know if Maggie’s taken up talking to herself, but that’s probably a good idea. I’m not ready to make any decisions yet.”


* * * *


Maggie Sexton was tearing everything out of her closet, pulling storage boxes out from under the bed, and emptying the kitchen cabinets and living room shelves. She didn’t remember moving the original tape and DVD to another hiding place, but who knew? That made as much sense as someone coming in and taking them. No one knew they existed. She had even gone as far as checking that Jim Mariano was indeed still in Los Angeles. He was. She had called his studio saying she was a reporter and wanted an interview, and they had confirmed he was in town and available. She just bet he was. She sat on the edge of the bed, lay back, and screamed, “Where the fuck are they? Shit. Shit. Shit.”

The apartment was a mess. Clothes, CDs, and DVDs were strewn everywhere. “Now I have to clean this mess up and get to work.” Tomorrow was New Year’s Day and she was off, although the store was open. She had given Mikaela until Friday, January 5, to come up with the money. Maybe she should put on a little more pressure. She sure wasn’t going to give up on the one plan that could get her out of this dive and into the life she deserved.

Maggie began to compose another text in her head. She might send it on her way in to work.


* * * *


Morgan Court picked up his cell phone when John McGregor texted.
Heard Maggie grumbling as she tore apartment apart looking for tape/DVD. Apparently no backup copies
. Morgan called John just to confirm.

“She was cursing up a storm, and we could hear stuff being thrown around. She sounded desperate.”

“Good job. I think Cassandra deserves a bonus for this. I’ll take care of it.”

“Thanks, boss. She did a good job. I think she almost got caught leaving the apartment this time. It was close.”

Morgan smiled and dialed Dillon Cavanaugh. When he answered his cell, he said, “My security guy just texted me that Maggie Sexton is tearing her apartment apart looking for the missing tape and DVD. John said she was cursing like a sailor. If she had backups she wouldn’t be doing that. I think you guys are in the clear on that score anyway.”

“Thanks, Morgan. I’ll tell Mikaela. That is going to make our New Year’s perfect.”


* * * *


Dillon rushed out onto the deck and pulled Mikaela up into his arms for a hot kiss, much to the apparent delight of Kaylin and Anne. “Mikki, Morgan Court just called. He said Maggie is tearing her apartment apart looking for the tape and DVD. She wouldn’t be bothering with that if she had a backup. I think we’re in the clear.”

“Oh, Dillon. Do you really think so? That would be such a relief.”

“I’d be willing to bet on it at this point. If she had a backup she wouldn’t be so upset.” He sat down and pulled Mikaela into his lap. “I think we can relax and just enjoy this cruise.” He sighed as she relaxed into his arms. It felt so good to be holding a relaxed Mikaela instead of the tightly wrapped bundle of nerves she had been since the first text had binged onto her cell phone.

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