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Authors: Diana Duncan

Midnight Hero (28 page)

BOOK: Midnight Hero
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Laughing, he brushed bubbles off her nose. “Aphrodite, my goddess, rising from the foamy sea. You were right. You are like water.”

She paused. She hadn't exactly been flattering herself with that description. Hesitantly she asked, “I am?”

“You bet. Water is one of the most powerful forces in nature. Ask anyone who has ever experienced a tsunami. But it can also quench thirst. Grow living things.” He scooped up a handful of hot water and poured it over her shoulders. “Water cleanses, refreshes and restores.”

She smiled into his dancing eyes, reflecting the golden firelight. Her joy was boundless. Her happiness complete. “I was
also right about you. You are fire. Fire that warms, that banishes darkness with energy and light. Fire that sustains life.”

He kissed her, long and deep, then drew back. Misty white vapor curled around them, enveloping them in a cozy, rose-scented cocoon. He stroked a wet finger down her cheek. “And together, they make…”

Grinning at each other, they spoke as one.


ISBN: 978-1-4268-7112-2


Copyright © 2005 by Diana Ball

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BOOK: Midnight Hero
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