Midnight Sex Shop (13 page)

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Authors: T. A. Grey

BOOK: Midnight Sex Shop
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"But I don't know what
to do."

"Yeah you do baby.
Mimic what I did to you. Now lick her fucking pussy." His words ended on a
deep growl and she swore his cock thickened inside her. So this was his
fantasy. Taking a woman while she licks another’s pussy. Lina's stomach
tightened in worry, but she leaned down and flicked her tongue out.

Lina tasted Alice’s essence
first, learning it, and then learned the shape of her lips and the soft texture
of her flesh under her tongue and lips. She found that after the first few
licks, she wanted to see Alice fly apart by her tongue. A rush of power floored
through her. She moaned and captured Alice’s hips in her hands then set her
tongue upon her clit with deft licks.

Moaning, Alice cried out and
tightened her hands into the bedsheets. Cade groaned behind her and she yearned
to turn and see what he was watching. Was he watching Alice’s slack expression,
her dusky hard nipples, or was he watching her lick Alice’s pussy?

Lina stopped asking
questions when his hand reached under her to rub her aching clit. She moaned
over Alice’s clit and pulled a hand back to thrust a finger inside Alice’s
little pussy. She marveled at her soft flesh, snug, wet, and so very hot. It
enveloped her little finger as she moved it in and out.

"God, that's it baby.
Fuck her pussy. Lick it good. Make her come. God, you're gonna make me come so
fucking hard." He punctuated his words with savage, pounding thrusts that
sent her closer and closer to an orgasm she wasn't sure she could survive.

She added a second finger
and licked faster making a wet, slapping sound. Alice tossed her head back,
cries coming from her throat. Lina moved her fingers faster, a fiery determination
filling her. She had to see her come. Had to feel her pussy milk her fingers,
flood cream out of her.

Cade's voice coached her on.
"That's so good baby, look at that. You're making her come. Oh fuck, oh

Alice’s hips fought against
Lina's mouth like they were trying to escape but stay in the same place at the
same time. Lina held her down with her arm across her waist and licked faster.
She needed this just as much as Alice did. Then Cade rubbed her pussy faster,
fucked her harder, and she knew she was gone.

Must finish her first.

Stemming off her orgasm, she
fought the thin line of falling over into pleasure in order to see Alice
shudder. Alice screamed and cried out, twisting against the bedsheets, her snug
pussy squeezing her finger in rapid pulses. Lina let out a small cry against
her wet pussy as hot cream flooded her finger and lips.

Her own orgasm couldn't be
stopped any longer.

Hard, rippling waves rushed
through her like a tidal wave crashing against the coast. Her pussy quivered
and squeezed tight onto Cade's cock. Her scream of pleasure could have woken
the dead, and Cade was right there with her. He shoved through her pulsing
muscles quicker, fucking her through the orgasm with relish.

"That it baby, oh God
that's it." Then he was out of her. She had only a moment to be confused
as to why he wasn't coming inside her when he pushed her to the side and was
kneeling before both of them.

He grabbed his hard swollen
cock and pumped on the flesh hard. Long groans came from deep in his throat as
he started coming. Hot, white semen splashed against her breasts, against Alice’s
breasts, and stomach as he jerked off on both of them. His face was a mask of
intense pleasure and pain as he came enough on both of them enough for two men.

"Oh God!" he said
as the last of it was wrung from him. He collapsed next to her fighting to
catch his breath like he'd just run a marathon.

Alice moved first. She
pulled on her nightgown and blew them both a kiss. "Let me know when we
can do this again. I
it." She gave a pinky wave then
fluttered out of the room.

Lina wasn't sure which
amazed her more that Alice wanted to do it again or that she could move after
all that.

"Baby you didn't have
to do that. That was..." he finally gave up on finding the word for it and
just shook his head.

Lina laughed and pressed a
kiss to his cheek. "I'm glad you liked it."

"I think you liked it
too," he sounded immensely pleased.

"I think I did

"Come on, let's get you
cleaned up there's something I need to talk to you about."

Lina's heart turned to ice
in her chest. Talks never were good. No one "had a talk" unless it
was to discuss something the other person didn't want to hear. The pleasure
from their new encounter evaporated like a drop of water on the sun.




She stood still as Cade wiped his cum off her. She'd honestly
never seen or heard of a man who could come so much. Not only was his stamina
impressive but the amount the man came was incredible.

Why the thought turned her
on, she wasn't sure. Perhaps it was just evolution telling her that Cade could
easily knock her up. Thank God for birth control.

She stifled her worry behind
a smile. He kissed her, the touch so soft and gentle she barely felt the press
of his lips. When he pulled back, his lips were pulled tight. So much for
hiding behind a smile.

"Just say it
already." His eyes widened. Well, she hadn't meant to quite snap at him
like that. But damn if that man didn't put her nerves on fire.

His lips relaxed and one
side curled into a smile. "How would you like to come work for me?"

Lina's mouth fell open a
second after her hand shot out and caught his cheek. She was out the door two
seconds later.

She didn't make it far
before he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to a hard stop. "What the hell
is wrong with you?" His eyes glared at her.

"What the hell is wrong
How about I'm not some fucking prostitute for hire. Did your
little fantasy give you this idea because I'm really wishing I hadn't even done
this now?" Her voice cracked and her heart crumbled in her chest.

"What? No, dammit. Stop
struggling and listen to me." His hands curled over her shoulders, his
grip hard. Lina waited for him to say his peace, her eyes trained on the door.
"For one, my employees are not 'fucking prostitutes'. They have family and
loved ones and do not come from abused families or any of that other cliché
shit. Secondly, you've taken this completely wrong. I'm offering you a position
in security. I'd like you to be my new Director of Security. I thought you'd be
a great asset to screen clients and prevent something like this from happening

Lina had trouble making her
mouth close. Her face was on fire but there was nothing to stop that now. An
apology at this point also seemed...inadequate.

Oh, hell, she thought, and
threw her arms around him planting a big kiss on his mouth. He was stiff under
her for about half a second before he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm sorry," she
said, the sound muffled against his lips. He chuckled and pulled her tighter. “I
honestly didn't see that coming."

He smiled down at her.
"I can see that. So what do you say?" The laughter left his eyes and
he turned serious, almost nervous. "Will you stay here and work with me?
Help me to keep this club safe."

Lina's teeth worried her lip
as she contemplated it. She already knew her answer, but something else nagged
at her. "What about us?" Surely that wasn't her meek voice that asked
that question. Shit where had the detective gone? At the office next to her gun
and badge probably.

This time his smile was big.
"Let's do the relationship thing."

She tried to stifle the
quickening of her heart. It was too early to celebrate now, she told it.
"Monogamous relationship?" See, she could do it; her voice was stronger
this time. Not quite enough to stop a criminal by shouting "Freeze!"

"Absolutely, unless you
want to play some more with Alice. I'd be on board." He studied her face
and whatever he saw there made him smile big. "I take it that's a yes

She nodded, unable to form
words over the lump in her throat. He pulled her so close she could feel his
heart beating and she knew he could feel hers. Their lips met and didn't part
for a long time.



on for an excerpt of
Chains of Frost: The Bellum Sisters 1


October 28

The copy of the will crinkled like dried paper in her hands. Chloe
Bellum read over the lines for the eighth time, wondering if she could change
the words on the page with enough passes. When she looked up at her two
sisters, she realized she wasn’t alone in her complete and utter shock.

Her fraternal twin, Willow, wore an angry scowl that Chloe
recognized. She was about to throw something. Leaning away from her twin, Chloe
watched her younger sister’s response. Lily looked confused but not nearly as
outraged as she and her twin felt right now. Maybe the news in her part of the
will was not so...unbelievable.

“Okay, who’s going first?” Chloe spoke at the same time her twin
said, “What the fuck?”

“Lily, what does yours say?” Her eyebrows shot up and she smiled
with a shake of her head.

“No way. You’re the oldest. You go first. I’m not starting this
dig graving festival.”

Chloe looked down at the sheet of yellow parchment in her hands
and winced. Was it too much to hope that it would just disappear from her
hands? First Papa was killed in a terrible accident and now this, and by his
own hand no less! It was insanity.

“Well?” Willow growled impatiently. Her toes tapped an incessant
beat on the carpet floor.

Chloe put on her ‘big sister’ hat. “It says that Papa wants me to
have the house in Colorado since I love the snow.” Her voice thickened with
emotion and immediately her sisters’ eyes mirrored the emotion. “He also has
me to the ownership of Tyrian en Kulev.” Collective gasps and curses sounded.

“The leader of demon slayers? The cold-hearted son of a bitch that
would just as soon eat your heart if he was hungry,” Willow sputtered.

A cold knot was building in Chloe’s stomach. She felt torn between
running to the bathroom to throw up her dinner and falling on the floor in a
fit of hysteria. With her sisters here, she was left with the mature
choice—vomiting. Rubbing a hand over her stomach, she tried to soothe her

“Lily, do you think what they say about him is true? That he
really did kill his wife and children? I heard that even his own army fears

Lily’s big eyes widened. “I’ve heard all the same things as you
two, but I doubt the rumors. What I don’t get is why papa would give you to
him. This is so unlike him that I can’t even believe it. I never saw this

Chloe nodded. Lily sometimes “sensed” things in dreams. Her
visions had about a 50% chance of coming true.

“No shit,” Willow said, her entire foot now bobbing against the
floor. “What’s the point in raising us to overcome the misogynistic,
patriarchal ways of our kind if, when he dies, he literally gives us away to
some random man?”

Chloe shot her a startled look. “He did the same to you?”

A tight nod was her response.


Willow’s hand tightened into a fist, smashing the will in her
hand. “Someone who will never get me.”

“Who is it, Willow?” Lily asked.

“It says Alpha Lyonis Keelan, Leader of the Shapeshifters.”

Chloe gasped. “Let me see that.” She had to pry the crumpled paper
out of her sister’s fist finger by finger, but she finally got it. She read
over the will with wide eyes. “Oh my God. That’s
Alpha. Like the
leader and all-powerful shapeshifter in the world. Can take multiple forms, has
never been bested in a fight.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you like him so much why don’t you take
him,” Willow said.

Chloe understood her sister’s anger and even her reticence. Inside
Chloe felt a deep fear that would have her trembling if not for the company of
her sisters. Willow was untamable—a rebel in every sense of the word. To
partner her with an Alpha shapeshifter, a man bound to be dominating and
controlling, well, Chloe felt for her sister. She also wouldn’t mind being
there to see it happen. Front row tickets, please!

“What does yours say, Lily?” Not only was she dying to know, but
she really wanted to give Willow some breathing room. She was about to tap a
hole through the floor.

Lily cleared her throat, opened her mouth to speak, then blushed.
Chloe nudged Willow who turned to glare at her, but when she nodded towards
Lily, they both broke out into grins.

“Dish now,” Willow commanded. It was good to hear laughter in her
sister’s voice. Since Papa had died, none of them had been laughing. And now
with this...

Lily lifted paper to cover her mouth and muttered something.

“What was that?” Chloe inquired with a grin.

“Speak louder!” Willow said, her lips twitching with a smile.

Lily lowered the paper slowly and visibly swallowed. “He has
ordered that on my 29th birthday, I am to be given to Telal Dumuzi. He is my

Absolute, stone-shocked silence filled the room.

Chloe recognized the name. Who the hell didn’t? But trying to wrap
her mind around it was an entirely different feat. Willow recovered first and
came to a stand.

“A demon!
demon? Papa has given you to a demon. This
is...this is insane. Pure fucking crazy. First the vampire killer, then that
stupid Alpha, and now a demon. I can’t believe any of this. He’s not going to
get me. He’s not going to get any of you. Dammit, think of something you guys.
Are we sure Papa wrote this? This is not the Papa I knew that’s for damn sure.
This can’t be right.” Finally tired of her tirade, she collapsed back onto the

Chloe scooted next to her sister and wrapped an arm around her.
“These came directly from Papa’s lawyer, Frank. We’ve known him since we were
kids and Papa trusted him. Plus this is Papa’s handwriting and the will sounded
just like him.”

“All proper and stiff,” Lily agreed with a sniffle. She stood and
moved to the other side of Willow; each of them put an arm around the other.

“Does anyone here want to abide by the will and do what Papa

Willow scoffed. “And be practically sold to some man we don’t
know? No thanks.”

Chloe grimaced, she never could express her thoughts the way
Willow did—with a punch and a bite, but Willow always said what she was thinking.
Lily simply shrugged, looking contemplative.

Chloe shook her head. “I know this is apparently what Papa wanted,
but I am not just going to give myself to some strange man because he said so
in his will.”

None of this made sense. Throughout history, succubi have been a
patriarchal race. But their father strove to change that. In other succubus
families, it was expected that if the head of the household—always the man—died
then all females in his family were to be given to a man. Sometimes a brother
became head of household, but in some cases where there were no living male
relative, the females were given away to a man through a will. As Papa just

The succubi called it the Protector. A man whom they would use to
feed off of and were supposed to obey in all respects.

Though why
did something like this after all the efforts
he went through to make each of his daughters strong independent women free of
men made zero sense. And he expected them to
with the men they
didn’t know. This was not the Papa Chloe knew and loved.

“Why did Papa have to die now? Why did all of this have to happen
now when our 29th birthday is only two days away? It’s too much. First Papa,
then this. I don’t think I can stand it.” The pain in Lily’s voice brought a heavy
weight to Chloe’s chest. She was right. On the 29th year of a succubus’ life,
everything changed forever. The females peaked into full sexual maturity and
from then on required sex to survive, no longer food.

Chloe had been dreading her 29th birthday her entire life.

“Listen, if we don’t want to go with some men that we don’t know
then I say we don’t. Besides, these men know nothing about us or even about
this situation, probably. So I doubt they’ll be here knocking at our door on
our birthday.”

Lily started pacing while wearing a determined look on her face.
When this woman started planning, great things happened. Suddenly she whirled
towards them and clapped her hands. “I’ve got it. We’ll do a spell.”

“We aren’t strong enough to do the kind of spell it would take to
ward off three powerful men,” Willow said. Succubi had some magical abilities
in the form of spell casting; however, it was rarely good enough to knock a
broom over by staring at it.

Lily’s eyes gleamed. “That’s where you’re wrong, sista. Tomorrow

All Hallow’s Eve—the day on which magic is greater—more powerful
han any other day on earth.
If all three of us perform a spell to keep the men away then we may actually
have a chance.”

The more Chloe thought about it, the greater the idea seemed.
Really, what did any of them stand to lose? Besides her independence to some
horrible, woman-killer man. No, not a man. A vampire! What on earth had her
Papa been thinking when he made that will?

“Lily, is it true that magic is more powerful along the Prime
Meridian?” said Chloe.

“Absolutely! We should go there to perform the spell.” Lily’s eyes
lit up with excitement. She went across the study and grabbed a globe from next
to Papa’s desk. Chloe remembered so many nights seeing her father at his desk
working and writing for hours on end. God, she missed him so much already.

“Here it is,” Lily said excitedly. “The Prime Meridian goes from
the Arctic all way down to Antarctica. Along the way it goes through England,
France, Spain, and several countries in Africa.”

Chloe looked at each of her sisters. They each wore evil, excited
smiles that mirrored hers. Rubbing her hands together she said, “Well ladies,
it looks like we’re headed to Europe. Lily, you gather everything that we’ll
need to do the spell. Willow, you order the plane tickets for…immediately.”

“And what are you going to do?” Willow asked.

“Try to come up with Plan B in case this spell doesn’t work.”

“Don’t worry about it. I already got it figured out.” Willow
shrugged, a cocky grin on her mouth. That grin had taunted and bested many
people in Willow’s life. “We’ll run.”

The thought of running away from Commander Tyrian en Kulev sounded
great. Though, Chloe had a deep feeling that this man would find her easily.
And she definitely didn’t want to be found by a man like him–the leader of the
most vicious and renowned warriors in the world.


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