Midnight Sex Shop (6 page)

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Authors: T. A. Grey

BOOK: Midnight Sex Shop
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"Oh, God!" she
cried out as he hit spots inside her she never knew she had. He wrapped her
hair in a fist and pulled a thigh over his arm. The position left her open and
he reached just another inch inside her. "Cade!"

"God, you're tight.
Fuck." His words were short, harsh grunts against her ear. He moved
faster, harder, his body hitting her clit with each downward stroke.

He dropped her thigh to curl
his hand around her shoulder, holding her still. In place. He went so much
harder then, his rhythm wild and deep.

"Feels so fucking good,
Lina," he said between breaths.

His words pushed her over.
She kicked her head back as far as she could with his hand there and came hard,
violently. Her pussy clamped and shuddered on his cock as her orgasm rippled
and rolled through her, bursting out from her tight skin and pussy.

"Ahh, fuuuuck." He
lost it then. He hammered into her climaxing, milking pussy and came. She felt
his load spurting deep inside her. It went on and on until she was sure a man
had never come so much in his life. Breathing hard, he collapsed on top of her.

She had to fight to keep her
eyes open. When he finally got a hold of himself and pulled out of her, he
looked amazed and absolutely possessive. Like he'd just found a rare jewel and
wasn't going to let it go.

That look had Lina scrambling
to get dressed and running out of the room. She didn't stop running until she
was home. Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest it scared her. She turned
the deadbolt, then closed the chain lock. For good measure she put a chair under
the doorknob and backed away from it.

Oh God, what had she just
done? She'd fucked him. Well, he'd fucked her. She could feel their creamy
juices spilling out from her. How was she supposed to face him tomorrow? Or for
the rest of the investigation?

Lina didn't know but was
terrified and excited to find out.




Lina told herself she wasn't scared to see Cade Vanderoth again.
Yeah, that's why she purposely steered clear of his office and went to the
break room instead the following night.

She ground her teeth
together, hating her weakness. He was damned intense and exciting. Most men
stayed clear of her. They were either intimidated or turned off by the fact
that she had a tougher job than they did, or they figured her to be some
naughty freak in bed always using handcuffs and a baton.

The last date she'd been on
was seven months ago. Gerry got the boot when on their first date he suggested
she cuff him to her bed and spank him. She threw him the bird and told him to get
the fuck out of her house.

She just needed to keep her
mind on work. Though she still wasn't sure which angle she was going to play
with Cade. Pretend it didn't happen or shrug it off and act like it wasn't a
big deal? Like it wasn't the most intense pleasure she'd ever felt in her whole
life. She felt so pathetic in his sex club. Inadequate too. She could never measure
up to the kind of women he'd had. Hell, she’d never even had an orgasm from
oral sex before.

But none of her inexperience
explained why he seemed so interested in her. It had to be for the fun of it. He
wasn't the first guy who wanted to fuck her because of her badge.

She walked into break room
and found a group of employees. She questioned all of them and found no signs
of lying, discomfort, or deceit. God dammit. She sighed and rolled her neck to
relieve the stiffness in her muscles. She just wanted to get out of here.

So far it was looking like the
child prostitution rumor was fake. Plus, none of it made since. In a club like
this surely someone would have seen something. None of the employees had seen
any kids running around the place; they even looked surprised when she asked.

She left the employees to
their late night lunch and made some rounds around the club. The anonymous call
could have come from some Christian who didn't like the club and wanted to see
it shut down. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d seen that.

But then again, maybe someone
saw or overheard something that made them nervous enough to call the police.
Really the tip could be anything and nothing. Could be a client had just asked
about underage girls but then they would have been blacklisted, and the last
client to get blacklisted was for trying to have sex without a condom a year

She rubbed her temples and
turned right to the private rooms. The walls were painted a dark cherry red, a
stark contrast to the white doors. She could almost picture this place being a
modern hotel—almost. One doesn't see a man jerking off on two women's faces in
the main lobby of the Ritz or even a Holiday Inn. At least not any in which
she’s been.

A door opened down the hall
and a man was leaving after being “serviced.” She figured he was a client based
off his slightly out of shape body and the amount of hair he was missing on the
top of his head. He saw her, rocked back on his feet, then turned and walked in
the other direction. Lina followed Mr. Suspicious and caught up with him at the
end of the next corridor.

"Hey, hold up."
The man stopped, his shoulders were pulled back sharply like he was standing at
attention. When he turned to her though he was smiling.


"What's the rush?"
Lina rested a hand on her hip. The move made her look more threatening and kept
her near her weapon just in case.

He looked down at her hand
and licked his lips. A sweat broke out on his brow. "I just need to get
home to my wife. She doesn't know I come here, you know?"

Lina nodded. "May I ask
what kind of services you receive here?"

His cheeks turned pink and
he shook his head. "I don't have to tell you that."

"Fair enough." She
took out her black notepad and flipped it open. "I'll need your name
before you go."

His thumb twitched.
"Darrel Krentsky." He turned to leave.

"Wait. One more thing,
Mr. Krentsky. Have you heard anything among the employees or other clients you
may know about child prostitution."

"That's disgusting and
no I haven't. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go." She took in his
widened eyes, it was only a fraction, but it was something.

Lina made a note and
pocketed her pad. She found as she made her way up the stairs to the control
room that she was really dreading this. She stopped just outside the door,
door, and rested her forehead on the cool wall. A part of her just wanted to
call her Captain and tell him to send someone else but that would mean she was
giving up. She really didn't like the sound of that. After a minute, she
finally grabbed the knob and turned it.

That control room did have a
man in it, just not the one she'd been expecting. The man lifted his head from
the monitors to look at her. He had bronzed skin with dark hair and lashes that
spoke of Spanish heritage.

"Are you Carlos?"

His eyes narrowed and cut
through her. Whoa, not the friendly type.

"Maybe. Who are

"I'm Detective Lina Blackmore.
I'm here investigating a rumor. I'd like to ask you a few questions if you have

His jaw tightened and he
looked back at the monitor. "Well I don't. I'm working."

Well wasn’t this place just
loaded with dicks? She almost snickered. "What's your last name
Carlos?" she asked pulling out her notepad. For a minute she didn't think
he was going to answer. Just when she was about to cop an attitude or flash her
gun he spoke up.


"Now, Mr. Rodriguez
have you seen anything unusual in the last few months?"

"Yes, in fact. Just
yesterday my neighbor's dog tried to hump a cat."

Lina closed her mouth and
stifled a grin. She understood the attitude. Some people just didn't deal well
with cops. "How about at the club then?"

He drummed his fingers on
the keyboard in front of him. "Nope."

"Have you seen or heard
of any suspicious behavior involving either an employee or a client?" He
cracked his neck.


"Have you seen or heard
anything about child prostitution?"

Now she had his attention.
He looked sharply at her, his eyes intense. "Here at the club?" Lina
nodded. "No, no. We don't even have anyone under twenty. Vanderoth won't
allow it."

Lina sighed. "Yeah, so
I've heard. Well listen if you see or hear anything, give me a call all
right?" She handed him her business card but when he didn't reach to take
it she just set it on his desk. Before she left, she turned back to him.
"I get it. You don't like me. Just don't let that interfere with what
might be a real bad situation." He didn't look at her, just stared at the

Rolling her eyes, Lina shut
the door behind her. Her gaze fell down the hall to where Cade's office was. A
spark of anger hit her just thinking about it. He hadn't even sought her out
since she got here.

Figures, he fucks me then
doesn't want me anymore.

God, it was petty and stupid,
but it still hurt. She stood up straighter and marched to his office. One thing
her mother always said was that you can't help how you feel. And she couldn't.
Or else she wouldn't let something like this bother her. But the closer she got
to his big wooden door, the madder she got. If he just thinks he can seduce me,
give me the best orgasms of my life, then strut around about it, then he had
another think coming. She grabbed the door handle and threw open the door.


* *


In all of her angry
ramblings to his office, she honestly hadn't envisioned this. Though now she
knew better and realized it should have been something like this that she
pictured. Perfect blonde Sara was wrapped around him like she was trying to
meld with him. Her lips were on his, her hands in his hair, his at her hips.
She wore some half an outfit that made her look like a German beerstein

They tore apart when the
door she flung open swung and slammed against the wall. Sara looked back at her
and smiled. The look was pure evil bitch. Make that Barbie Bitch. Lina had
never had or felt female competition about anything aside from target shooting
at work, but she had a feeling this was what it was like. It made her want to
punch Sara’s pretty pink mouth until it didn't look so nice anymore. Then call
her a bitch for good measure.

She didn't do any of those
things though. Instead she said, "Sorry for interrupting," and turned

"God dammit wait."
Cade was already up and pushing away from Sara. It was only after he stood that
she saw his pants still buttoned. So they weren't having sex...yet. Sara
trailed after him. He didn't stop until Lina could feel the heat of his body
through the grey suit he wore today. His eyes never left hers. "Leave now,

She pouted and scoffed.
"But baby, I wanted to—”

"I said out,

Lina watched as Sara's face
contorted into a mask of pure hatred. She focused that look on her and Cade.
Lina swore she actually felt the heat of her gaze burning her as she left.

After the door closed, Lina
didn't know what to do or say. She wrapped her arms around her stomach.
"Listen, sorry for interrupting your nooner. Or would that be a
midnighter? I'm gonna go now."

Cade caught her by the
shoulders. "You're not going anywhere." Her eyes widened and she
laughed in his face.

"Really? Do you think
you can keep me here?" He looked so dark, almost angry. She was dying to
know what he was thinking about them, her, Sara. She could never ask that
though. She wasn’t some girl that talked about feelings. Blech, even thinking
about it made her want to scratch her skin off.

"I know I can."

She stifled a sigh, barely.
"Whatever, Conan. I'm leaving. I suggest you remove your hands before I do
it for you."

His eyes fell to his hands resting
on her shoulders. He squeezed her then with a very possessive touch that she
might have liked if he hadn't just had Ms. Perfect in his lap. His eyes
narrowed on hers.

"I wasn't going to fuck
her. She came on to me, Lina."

"Yeah, well good for
you." He pushed away from her to walk around her in a tight circle,
running his hand through his hair. When he looked back at her, there was still
anger in his eyes.

"I don't make a point
to fuck my employees, Lina." She rolled her eyes and snorted. One second she
stood alone and the next she was pressed up hard against the door, her heart beating
so damned fast she was sure he could hear it if he tried.

"I don't. Why did you
run away last night?" Her breaths came a little bit faster.
It's only
because I'm angry.

"I didn't run."
She sounded petulant and she knew it. He grinned down at her and she had the
sudden feeling that she was caught by a predator baring its teeth. Oh God, she
could still remember what he felt like driving inside her. So hard and full.
She stifled a shudder.

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