Millionaire Wives Club

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Authors: Tu-Shonda Whitaker

BOOK: Millionaire Wives Club
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Praise for
Tu-Shonda L. Whitaker

The Ex Factor

“An arousing story of three sisters hitting the curveballs that love throws their way.”


“Chock-full of raw dialogue, ghetto slang, and enough scintillating sex scenes and bedroom romps to make even a grown man squirm,
The Ex Factor
grabs its readers’ full attention almost immediately.”

Amsterdam News
(New York)

“Tu-Shonda once again proves why she is one of my favorite authors!”

, national bestselling author of
Street Dreams

“Tu-Shonda L. Whitaker’s novel
The Ex Factor
evokes feelings that you never thought you possessed. You will find yourself laughing out loud at times and crying on the inside at others. Whitaker deals with passionate sex, to-die-for love, traitorous adultery, bitter jealousy, and the inability to love one’s self.
The Ex Factor
is a guaranteed classic.”

, author of
Mina’s Joint

The Ex Factor
reads like a movie and will keep you entertained from the first page to the last!”

, co-author of
Success Is the Best Revenge

“The Ex Factor
is a scandalous story of self-discovery and growth, and Tu-Shonda L. Whitaker has a unique talent for combining humor, vivid characters, and a compelling story line.”

, author of
The Criss Cross

“Whitaker has an amazing ability to mix raw emotion with comedic flare.
The Ex Factor
is another hit waiting to explode!”

L. T
bestselling author of
Velvet Rope

Game Over

“Tu-Shonda Whitaker stands and delivers again! Whitaker writes characters that jump off the page and pull you into the story.
Game Over
is realistic and filled with gut-wrenching emotions, drama, and authentic conflict.”

, bestselling author of
Little Ghetto Girl

Flip S
de of the Game

“Tu-Shonda L. Whitaker’s strong imagery of characters from the ghetto is stunning and authentic. There will be more great tales from this gifted writer who has a strong edge on the urban world.”


“Street lit with a romantic twist … raw and uncensored.”

M. G
, author of
Roses Are Thorns, Violets Are True

“From the very first page the author screams a raw, gritty, and moving tale. The voice of her character leaves an eerie echo in your head. You won’t be able to put this book down because it calls you with an alluring ghetto whisper. By far one of the best street tales yet.”

, bestselling author of
Dollar Bill

Also by Tu-Shonda L. Whitaker

The Ex Factor
Game Over
Flip Side of the Game
Writing as Risqué
Red Light Special
The Sweetest Taboo

To you, the reader, for always being there.

What’s love got to do with it?

Tina Turner

Season One
The Club

illions of dollars in premier fashions and champagne diamonds were on display at Manhattan’s 40/40 Club as four ultrarich and ubersuccessful women—America’s newest addition to reality TV—strolled the red carpet and smiled at the flashing lights of the paparazzi. The clicking of their designer stilettos was like exquisite steel-pan beats as they crossed the club’s threshold, and the sultry sounds of Maxwell’s live performance filled the air. Despite their individual insecurities and doubts, at this moment as they sauntered into the sunrise of superstardom, what mattered most was that they’d gotten their own piece of the latest in rich bitch candy.

“Ladies, ladies,” a reporter from
E! News
said, motioning for the four of them to come together and meet him across the room. “Can you all tell us a little about yourselves?” He looked at the woman to his left. “May we start with you?”

“I’m Milan Starks, wife of the great Yusef ‘Da Truef’ Starks, number twenty-three on the New York Knicks.” A lovely mix of her cinnamon brown Dominican father and golden-skinned African American mother, Milan had an effortless beauty that
didn’t require makeup or facials to be perfect. She had a Marilyn Monroe mole on the corner of her top lip, hazel eyes, and her Beyoncé-like hips were a size ten, twelve at most, and she had a true apple bottom.

“Wasn’t he suspended?” Evan Malik said and then quickly covered her mouth. “Oh, my apologies, I didn’t mean to say that.”

“He was suspended,” the reporter said, following up on Evan’s comment. “Do you want to tell us how you feel about that?” he asked Milan.

“My husband is a great man.” Milan smiled. “Sure, he hit a rough patch, but he’s on his way back and will be better than ever.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Starks, now on to you, Mrs. Malik,” he said to Evan. “Is it true that you were the first to be cast for the show?”

Milan shifted her weight from one Christian Louboutin python pump to the other, praying the nausea she felt as she sized up Evan would go away. Evan stood five eleven, fabulously slender, a figure eight shape, and skin the color of butterscotch. Her hair was cut in a short and spiky Halle Berry—inspired ’do with touches of honey blond that glimmered in the spotlights.

Milan hated that she and Evan had ended up in the same circle, because every time she saw Evan, heard Evan’s voice, and was in her presence, Milan was forced to deal with the fact that Evan had won. Evan had ended up with the only man who made Milan feel true love was obtainable: Kendu. But since image was everything in this business, Milan planned to do her damnedest and pretend that they were all friends, even if the knife she had for Evan’s back weighed down her Chloé clutch.

“Why of course, sweetie,” Evan said. “Who wouldn’t want to start with me?” She winked.

“It’s been five minutes,” Chaunci Morgan, Milan’s neighbor and one of the four costars, whispered to Milan while maintaining a smile, “and already I’m sick of this bitch. Did she forget that she was a video ho?”

“Seems so,” Milan whispered back.

“Excuse you.” Jaise Williams, Evan’s friend and their costar, turned toward Milan and then eyed Chaunci. “What did you just say?” she snapped.

“I said that she looks fabulous.” Milan smiled at Evan. “She gives retired video hos, I mean vixens, a good name.”

“Umm-hmm,” Chaunci added, snapping her fingers in a Z motion. “A true fashionista. You better work it, girl.”

“So, Mrs. Malik,” the reporter said, “tell the world who you are and what it means to be on the show.”

Evan paused. The microphone pointed toward her and the spotlights shining in her face caused her to draw a blank. There was no way she could say,
“Millionaire Wives Club
is a last-ditch effort to save my life, something to keep me busy and silence the self-destructive thoughts running through my mind.” And she definitely couldn’t say, “I may be married to Kendu Malik, linebacker for the New York Giants, but it’s an unending struggle holding on to the motherfucker.”

“Mrs. Malik,” the reporter interrupted her thoughts, “is everything okay? Do you want to fill us in?”

Evan blinked and shot him a Barbie-doll smile. “I am a beautiful wife”—she arched her eyebrows—“an outstanding mother, and I have the talent and the foresight to seize the moment. And being on the show will allow all women to see what it takes to be me.”

“And what exactly does that mean?” the reporter probed.

“What she means,” Chaunci mumbled to Milan, “is that she thinks us peons are pissed that we didn’t hit the same groupies party that she did.”

Milan tried not to laugh, but then couldn’t hold it in any longer, and when she looked at Chaunci they both cracked up, neither one of them stopping until they noticed everyone standing around them was silent.

“Oh,” the producer, Bridget, said to them, batting her eyes, “don’t stop on the boom mic’s accord. For ratings’ sake, carry on.”

Milan was embarrassed; the last thing she wanted was for her and Chaunci to be seen as the troublemaking pair. “I’ma ummm”—Milan pointed to the bar—“go and have a drink.”

“I’ll join you,” Chaunci said, as Bridget motioned for the camera guy, Carl, to follow them.

Once they were at the bar and had ordered their drinks, Carl tapped Chaunci on the shoulder. Both she and Milan turned around. “When I cut the camera on, tell us what happened over there. Why’d you say those things?”

He turned the camera on and pointed it at them. “Evan works my nerves,” Chaunci said, popping her lips. “I’ve known her for three days, since we met at the studio, and already she’s been in my life too long.” She shot Milan a high five. “And believe me, as editor in chief of
Nubian Diva
magazine everyone knows that I’m too classy to lose my cool, but trust me, I will not hesitate to tap dat ass.” She pointed toward Evan.

“But since this is a nice place,” Milan interrupted as she sipped her drink, “we’re not gon’ tear it up.”

“So we’re just going to sit here.” Chaunci crossed her legs.

“And enjoy our evening,” Milan added.

“Thanks, ladies.” Carl smiled and turned away.

Jaise stared at the
E! News
reporter, wondering how she should introduce herself to the world. Should she tell people the made-for-TV parts of her life story or should she lower the boom, let ’em know the truth, and maybe, just maybe, some sanity-teetering superwoman somewhere would understand that this single-mother-doing-her-thing bullshit was overrated?

She stood next to Evan and her eyes shifted from the people mingling across the room to the reporter standing before them. Her open-toed pencil heels were aching her feet, and she wondered why she had committed to doing reality TV, especially
when her postdivorce resolution was no drama. Yet here she was drowning in it. All because she and Evan had sworn that cable’s
Millionaire Wives Club
was the new bling they needed to rock.

It was public knowledge that Jaise had married and divorced ex—heavyweight champion Lawrence Williams, but she wondered if anyone knew how much she had suffered in silence during their marriage. She’d been slapped, punched, kicked, and humiliated, almost daily, by her ex. And if people didn’t know it, would revealing it make hers a story of empowerment or weakness?

Then again, maybe she would look like a shero if she revealed how she had walked out on Lawrence by placing a sedative in his nightly shot of Hennessey, waited for him to drift to sleep, grabbed her son, and then escaped to a battered woman’s shelter.

But she had been married to him for seven years and never once publicly complained. There was no way she could now admit before the world that a man with money had clouded her judgment. And since some shit was better left unsaid, Jaise stood there, waited for Evan to finish, and when the reporter turned to her she had her intro down pat.

“Mrs. Williams,” the reporter said, “can you tell us a little about yourself? We hear that you’re superwoman. A single mom, the owner of the online Shabby Chic antique business—you seem to be doing it all.”

“Superwoman,” Jaise responded, laughing, “is a myth.” She flung her emerald-and-rhodium-draped wrist. “But I am handling money and power quite well.” She chuckled a bit. “I’m just so excited to be in the company of some remarkable women.”

Once Jaise was done the reporter shook the ladies’ hands and said, “Good interview, ladies. Now I need to go and speak to your costars.”

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